Can Black Women Get Out of Their Own Way? An open letter to Black women:
Don't Blame White women for the failures of Black women!
I watched a video editorial posted on posted by a human resources professional, and therefore, this individual should be, must be well aware of AA/EEO and that words have meaning. Unfortunately, I'm not playing the race or sex card - it is what it is; the video was posted by a stereotypical 59-year old obese Black woman. Here's exactly what she said word-for-word:
White Women are not for us . . .
Hey guys, happy a . . . Wednesday, day after Election Day. Um, at first I posted that 52% of White women um . . . voted for Trump and I corrected it with 69%, thank you, Michelle.
Black women . . . White women have shown us time and time again that they are not for us; and I didn’t say all White women, but so if it doesn’t apply let it fly. White womenhave been the major contributors for upholding racism. Entire communities of Black people have died, lost everything due to White women’s lies. Baby Emmitt Till . . . White woman’s lies. Lake Lanier . . . White woman’s lies. Tulsa, Oklahoma . . . White woman’s lies. Rosewood . . . um . . . White woman’s lies . . . and I can go on and on and on and on and on.
Even today . . . corporate America . . . a ha . . . White women . . . they are the biggest abusers; and then they start their White woman tears, and they are victims; but when Black women, when our tears, or Black men, we don’t have the emotional intelligence – make it make sense . . . a ha. But White women showed us yesterday that they don’t give two “F’s” about Black women. They used us in the feminist movement to get what they want and continue to discriminate against us.
Black folks, let me tell you something, let me tell you now. We got to stand together and stop adding people to our fight, or fighting for other people, because nobody is fighting for us, we saw that yesterday!
Even our own kind don’t fight for us, but you know that’s another thing, “everybody that’s skin folk ain’t kin folk.”
So when they finish using you up, and throw you away, stay over there with them, because you wanted to be so close to Whiteness, and to White privilege that you would harm your own people even more so than White people or other non-Black people.
So today I see, which I’ve always known, that White women– they don’t give a damn about Black women . . . and it seems like other minorities don’t either.
I said what I said. I don’t care who likes it or not. The proof is in the pudding. Your actions showed it. Your actions showed it.
And Black women, because we supported them, and you’re getting ready to get pissed at me and I don’t care. Un-follow me. I don’t care about likes, comments, and shares; I really don’t, I’m gonna say what I'm gonna say. We should have stayed out of the feminist movement, because if we had Black people would be much further than we are if we had of stuck together like our ancestors did, but so many of you want to be close to Whiteness and greed and classism that you harm your own people. I have no respect for you. I have no respect for anyone that puts harm on Black people.
See, we have to sit and take our feelings, our emotions . . . if we say something that offends us, and that’s discriminatory we can get over it, but it’s another community who’s genocide didn’t happen here in the United States . . . but say something about them . . . or even you look like you’re gonna say something about them you lose your bank accounts, your careers, your homes, your livelihoods . . . so, does America care about Black people or not.
You answer the question.
Be blessed.
Of course, I can immediately validate the source and accuracy of the above audio and transcription.
Would the aforementioned statement be "acceptable" if a Korean woman said similar comments about Black women they frequently encounter while servicing the fingernails, toenails, wigs, hair weaves and extensions of Black women? Would the aforementioned statement be "acceptable" if a White woman said similar comments about Black women they frequently perceive as aggressive, temperamental, and obese? Well???
Again, the "human resource professional" who wrote the above diatribe said, "I don’t care about likes, comments, and shares; I really don’t, I’m gonna say what I'm gonna say." However, after she reviewed my original editorial which included her video and identity, on December 20, 2024 around 3:30 PM CST, she contacted me and expressed her "displeasure" for referencing her "publicly posted video," as the initial source for this editorial. Oh, the hypocrisy. Clearly, despite her statement to the contrary, she did care how people responded to her video declaration, which like the transcription above was not edited by me or taken out of context. I conveyed during our telephone conversation her "public" video did not address the "bigger picture" clearly addressed in this editorial. In fact, as posted in this editorial and literally dozens of editorials posted on this website over the past three-(3) decades, I agree with many of the points she raised. Of course, I offered her an opportunity to post a response, or even better, to provide me with another video and to comment specifically on the key points detailed in this video. She informed me should would NOT do so, and then hung-up on me.
So, why did I remove "her" unedited video and identity from the "intro" of this updated editorial? To be clear, this update was not based on any real or imagined threat of legal action.
FACT: "Truth" is an absolute defense to claims of libel, slander, defamation, etc., because one of the elements that must be proven in a defamation suit is falsity of the statement; if a statement is true, it cannot be false, and therefore, there is no prima facie case of defamation.
Again, she said: "I said what I said. I don’t care who likes it or not. I don’t care about likes, comments, and shares; I really don’t, I’m gonna say what I'm gonna say."
Ninety-one percent (91%) of Black women voted for Kamala Harris, and pseudo-journalist Joy Reid (in the video at right), who as a journalist is supposed to be impartical and objective in her reporting and commentary rants against White Women too . . .
Joe Reid is . . . inspirational? To whom???
However, in my role as a seasoned human resource professional with robust subject matter expertise in all HR disciplines, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), in hindsight, during our telephone conversation "she" told me "she" experienced a "mental breakdown" earlier in 2024, which allegedly had something to do with White women. Perhaps, her video should be perceived as an emotional rant due to severe mental trauma and related debilitating psychosis. Accordingly, given her "mental issues," and
although the ADA doesn't actually apply in this instance, nevertheless, this empathic HR professional removed "her" unedited video and identity from the "intro" of this updated editorial; but it still remains particularly inappropriate for any competent human resource professional to intentionally categorize and assail any race, ethnic group, or gender with language that is clearly offensive, racist, and discriminatory.
Statements have authenticity and greater value when presented with FACTS to validate such "opinions." The "Big Picture" of what "Being Black" actually means has very little to do with White women. Given the aforementioned, as you continue to read my editorials, please keep in mind, my "opinions" are not based on emotion or conspiracy theories or whatever, but anchored on readily available FACTS from both public and private sector organizations, owned and/or controlled by both White and Black people. Simply put, I don't search for facts to support my beliefs, I capture facts independent of my real or imagined biases. Get it?
For Black men AND Black women to exercise blind, obedient, and perpetual political patronage to either the Democratic or Republican parties is just STUPID! Where's the Black Political Party (BPP) designed to achieve political objectives specifically designed to improve the socio-economic status of Black people? Please read this:
(of "Being Black")! #1 - Make Black People Black Again (MBPBA)
I've been monitoring the perpetual decline of Black people over the past 50+ years, and I've actively conveyed such to Black and White "key decision makers" without any success. Statistically, the greatest period of economic success and unity for the traditional Black family happened between 1950 to 1960 - while Black people were physically and culturally segregated from White people!
But, as Black people fell prey to White-engineered welfare, legalized abortion (which has always killed more Black male infants than any other racial or ethnic group), high unemployment, high crime, highest rates of divorce, and especially the folly of integration, Black people were no longer "Black and Proud." Instead, Black people just got stupid and cowardly . . . stupid and cowardly . . . while embracing Uncle Tom's, entertainers, and sports personalities as "leaders."
"Being Black" has absolutely nothing to do with being a Republican or Democrat, because these White-owned and White-controlled political organizations have NEVER improved the socio-economic status for the overwhelming majority of Black people. Wake up!
As sustained by both political parties, are Black people really too stupid to grasp the "Bigger Picture"?
Given the FACTof perpetually high rates of unemployment (see chart below) endured by Black people, and especially upon Black men, happened while a Democrat was President of the United States, why would any intelligent Black woman support the failed administration of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden? Since 91% of all Black women voted for Kamala Harris, perhaps they are not that intelligent, or psychotic, or otherwise "emotionally disturbed," or just racist?
Given the FACT that "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, which includes White women, created and sustain the racist, discriminatory, and oppressive socio-economic status perpetually endured by the overwhelming majority of Black people, it's stupid for Black people to look to Republicans and Democrats as "saviors."
"How long are you gonna sit around begging White people to do for us when we have the power to do for ourselves?" Minister Louis Farrakhan Tavis Smiley's 2010 Black leadership conference, "The Black Agenda."
When "Elite," politically powerful and affluent White people make Black people as rich as Oprah Winfrey, or Michael Jordan, or Berry Gordy, or Robert Johnson and so many others, and these rich Black people fail to align themselves to create dynamic business enterprises to uniquely advance the socio-economic status of other Black people and create generational wealth, then yes, these Black people, Black women, are not just Uncle Tom's, egotistical, stingy, and narcissistic, they are also stupid . . . and weak . . . cowards . . . and not deserving of any respect or idolatry.
Statistically, even before the far-left-leaning cultural shift of this country as represented by the pseudo-Blackness of Kamala Harris, the Black race was and is a doomed race! Frankly, it was just stupid for the overwhelming majority of Black women to support and vote for the extremely well-documented hypocrisy, deceitfulness and incompetence represented by Kamala Harris! An "objective assessment facts" easily predicted Donald Trump's landside victory!
CHANGE BLACK MEN recognized Harris' deceitfulness and incompetence
NO CHANGE BLACK WOMEN accepted Harris' deceitfulness and incompetence
The good news . . . a few Black women were actually "objective" and embraced "critical thinking."
There's some smart folks
out there with darker skin, like me!
"My message to all Americans,
especially to Black Americans,
DO NOT trust Kamala Harris!" Cheree Peoples
"Black people (for Harris)
are voting to abort our bloodlines!" Angie Stanton
Think, wouldn't Black men, in particular, be less likely to engage in criminal activity if "elite, politically powerful and affluent" Black men and Black women BUILT Black-owned and controlled companies specific to Black people, for Black people, in Black neighborhoods, etc.?
But "Uncle Tom's like President Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Berry Gordy, Robert Johnson, Jay-Z and other "Black elites" refuse to do that.
Indisputable: Fewer and fewer and fewer Black men 18-to-44 vote Democratic!
Indisputable: Why Trump is the Best Ever President for Black Americans!
THE BIG PICTURE (of "Being Black")! #2 - "Identity Politics" versus "Black and Proud"
For nearly fifty-(50) years, I've captured and I've conveyed FACTUAL data on the perpetual demise of Black people, and it's been very easy because "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people constantly track, publish and report all aspects of "Being Black" in order to succesfully control and sustain the "status quo." Keep in mind, the overwhelming majority of graphic images, illustrations, photos, audio, videos, films, etc., of Black people are owned and/or controlled by "elite" politically powerful and affluent White people. Why would politics be any different?
QUESTION: If you don't own and/or control the print, photo, audio, and video images of yourself and your race how can you possibly control the character, scope, and accuracy of the "narrative" of what you say, and what people say about YOU, which includes your "political identity"?
What if Cameroon (it’s in western Africa) and other African nations had conquered and colonialized the world, including the United States, and made White people slaves.
Realizing that the dominate ethnic group defines cultural standards, imagine that the majority of White women in the U.S. have their hair processed/curled in order to look acceptable to the ruling class of Black people!
Now, flip back to reality: The overwhelming majority of Black women straighten their hair, or wear wigs, or wear extensions, or dye their hair to be more "White-like," not to be more "Black-like."
Black men and women share the same genetic code. Of course, there are always exceptions, but unlike the Jet Magazine cover at right, for the most part Black women have hair just like Black men. It ain’t straight. It ain’t blonde. And no matter how many times you see Oprah do her white-girl-hair-flip, realize, it ain’t natural, it's a chemical process that came out of a box, or hair straighten with a hot comb. Unfortunately, in an attempt to acquire and maintain “White looking "GOOD HAIR,” for many Black women, if not most, one often wonders what the hell happened with the touch-up?
In 1966, Donyale Luna became the first black model to appear on the cover of Vogue. When Luna was asked whether or not her appearances in Hollywood films would benefit the cause of black actresses, Luna answered, "If it brings about more jobs for Mexicans, Asians, Native Americans, Africans, groovy. It could be good, it could be bad. I couldn't care less."
While researching the evolving state of Black hair care where better to look than, of course, the legendary icon for Black identity, Jet Magazine. Frankly, it makes sense to review the February 21, 2000 issue of Jet Magazine because the feature story is “The Hottest Females In Rap Music.” Rap, as I’m sure you’re aware, is yet another branch in the evolution of Black music and, given the backdrop of 1960s “Black Is Beautiful” movement, just how far have Black women come to embrace their ethnicity? The cover featured (at right):
• Eve, her hair is dyed platinum blonde;
• Lil’ Kim, appears to be wearing a platinum blonde wig;
• Foxy Brown, has her hair processed and it looks greasy; and
• Solé, with her bi-racial half-Indian origins (like Kamala Harris) has her "stringy" split-ends hair processed or, perhaps she has “good hair!”
If Jet Magazine is a mirror of Black society, then surely it must be publishing a fair representation of contemporary Black America. Therefore, looking even closer at this issue, page by page, every article, every advertisement, should provide a snap shot to how we look and how Black people define themselves. Unfortunately, the images of Black women as presented by Jet magazine bear little resemblance to the prideful “Black Is Beautiful” spirit of the 1960s.
White women let Black women down by voting for Donald Trump, really?
Clearly, the greater desire, the greater commitment for many Black women and Black men is to be more "White-like," not to be more "Black-like." Consider the evolution ofMichael Jackson . . .
Psst! As validated in Chris Rock's 2009 documentary,
"Good Hair," here's a Black cultural fact and warning: Never, never ever try to run your fingers through a Black woman's hair!
“Natural Hair” was recognized and accepted as “The New Symbol of Race Pride!” Notably, no women were featured - intentionally! As stated in the article, the (civil rights) phenomenon that caught on with thousands of Black men was not duplicated by Black women who have, “...not been free to doubt the pervasiveness of the blond-haired, blue-eyed White woman as a sex symbol.”
As robustly documented in the book, "A Separate Cinema: Fifty Years of Black-Cast Posters," concurrent with the dawn of the White film industry, Black people also produced original films, which were produced, directed, edited, distributed by and starring Black people. These Black produced films with all-Black casts included silent films, talkies, and color films. Just like White films, the genres included westerns, mysteries, dramas, romance, action, comedies, etc. Unlike White films that intentionally limited Black actors and actresses to menial service-oriented roles such as laborers, servants, maids, etc., the stories and roles in Black films mirrorred the self-sufficiency of the Black "segregated" community, which ranged from service to professional, including doctors, lawyers, pilots, newspapermen, politicians, business owners, and civic leaders. So, why are successful Black stage and film directors, producers, actors, musicians, and music executives unable or unwilling to "pool" their collective creative and financial resources to create a Black owned and controlled theatrical enterprise comparable to Disney, Warner Bros., Columbia Pictures, MGM, etc.?
In "Hollywood" ultimate control has been and continues to be primarily dictated by White Jewish men. As published in the LA Times article, How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? C'mon - "When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the (Jewish) Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah." Source: Los Angeles Times, December 19, 2008, by JOEL STEIN
Neal Gabler's book, "An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood," details how Harry Cohn, William Fox, Carl Laemmle, Louis B. Mayer, Jack and Harry Warner, and Adolph Zucker created Hollywood, and how even to this day, their "Jewish" assessment of "American values" greatly influenced and dictated social policy and politics . . . which includes how "elite," politically powerful and affluent Jewish men intentionally used blackface to popularize extremely horrendous, overtly derogatory characterizations and caricatures of Black people.
In response, Black people have Black women like Caryn Elaine "(wanna-be-Jew) Whoopi Goldberg"Johnson, who uses a Jewish surname "Goldberg," to consistently bend over backwards, with or without a big smile on her face, to acquiesce to the dictates of "elite," politically powerful and affluent White men, especially Jewish men.
Why is Caryn Elaine "(wanna-be-Jew) Whoopi Goldberg"Johnson, and her skewed left-leaning political views a lousy "role model" for supporting Kamala (married to a White Jewish man) Harris for President of the United States? You do see the problem? Here's what happens when people "own" you!
Whoopi Goldberg
disciplined by White Owned media for her comments about Jewish people
Ye (Kanye West)
disciplined by White Owned media for his comments about Jewish people
Kyrie Irving
disciplined by White Owned media for his comments about Jewish people
Although hosted by Black folks (DJ Envy, Charlamagne tha God and Jess Hilarious), White-owned and controlled iHeartMedia, Inc. does not broadcast The Breakfast Club to make money for Black people, or to promote an exclusive "pro-Black" agenda, but to make money to sustain White-ownership and control.
The newly established philanthropic business model for White-owned and controlled States Newsroom was not created to focus on the socio-economic status of Black people, but to focus solely on the "generic" status of state politics and policy, which was abandoned due to severe staffing cuts and business closures by traditional mainstream newspapers and broadcast media.
I can "name drop" many Black people I've contacted in politics, entertainment, sports, and business about building Black businesses, but "those people" are often worse than White people. Yes, worse!
In 2024, Forbes published its assessment of the richest Black and African (yes, there's a big difference) people in the world.
Of course, it's smart for "elite," politically powerful and affluent Black people to "diversify" their financial portfolio via investments, including real estate, but . . . where's evidence of "elite," politically powerfjul and affluent Black People partnering with each other to create and grow Black neighborhoods and Black businesses, and to establish and sustain generational wealth within the Black community?
But "some" Black women want to blame White women for the failure of "elite," politically powerful and affluent Black men and Black women to "coalesce their business and economic might" to improve the socio-economic status of Black people? Well, isn't that a rather arrogant and deceitful tactic to avoid holding Black people responsible for the own failures and indifference?
(AGAIN) QUESTION: If you don't own and/or control the print, photo, audio, and video images of yourself and your race how can you possibly control the character, scope, and accuracy of the "narrative" of what you say, and what people say about YOU, which includes your "political identity"?
ANSWER:You don't.
Equally . . . disappointing, when some Black men achieve great success, they ultimately provide the absolute worst possible examples of "Being Black." Instead of using their creative and business acumen for the benefit of others, especially to improve the socio-economic status of Black people, all Black narcissists have the same "look and feel," because they value: wealth; self-indulgence; sexual perversion; fidelity (as Uncle Tom's) to "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people; and dictating their power and vindictiveness over the helpless, especially over Black people they deem inferior.
Everyone pictured above has committed adultery, or physical abuse upon women or men or children, or engaged in illegal acts of sexual perversion, or worse!
The overwhelming majority of laws have always been written by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarilyWhite men; and the overwhelming majority of police, attorneys, and judges who enforce and prosecute laws have always been men, primarily White men. Accordingly,the judicial "opinions" that matters most, are those of affluent and powerful White men.
Unfortunately, some Black attorneys, particularly in the public sector, often appear to get the "big head" thinking they can do exactly like their White peers, which is just stupid.
We've seen it before . . .
In 1991, Anita Hill accused U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, her supervisor at the United States Department of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, of sexual harassment.
We've seen it before . . .
White-owned media branded it, "The Trial of the Century," involving O.J. Simpson, and an unknown, aspiring, and supposedly competent Black attorney is thrust into the spotlight of national media attention and what happens . . .
. . . he is literally screwing (having intimate sex with) his co-counsel.
I'm not an attorney, but I know this . . .
Instead of Fani Willis learning from a well-documented history that "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarilyWhite men - are probably watching you, trying to uncover a mistake you've been hidding and/or waiting for you to make a big mistake . . . nevertheless . . .
Willis wrecklessly pursued criminal charges against an extremely prominent member of the White-male oligarchy while ignoring the public and judicial impact of commingling with her co-counsel.
Well, golly gee whiz, did Willis write "stupid" on her forehead?
Again, Kamala Harris was criticized in 2010 for withholding information about a police laboratory technician who had been accused of “intentionally sabotaging” her work and stealing drugs from the lab. After a memo surfaced showing that Ms. Harris’s deputies knew about the technician’s wrongdoing and recent conviction, but failed to alert defense lawyers, a judge condemned Ms. Harris’s indifference to the systemic violation of the defendants’ constitutional rights. Ms. Harris contested the ruling by arguing that the judge, whose husband was a defense attorney and had spoken publicly about the importance of disclosing evidence, had a conflict of interest. Ms. Harris lost. More than 600 cases handled by the corrupt technician were dismissed.
Between 1877 and 1950 five-hundred-and-ninety-five-(595) Black men and women were lynched in Georgia; and who knows how many Black men and women were wrongly convicted in Georgia between 1877 and 2024. Wrongly convicted Black men and Black women throughout the U.S. (pictured below) and in Georgia likely feel neglected by Fani Willis and her Black attorney peers.
$6.5 Million settlement
Sheldon Thomas, 35, had listened as a prosecutor with the district attorney’s office outlined the lies, misdirections and dismissals by those in power that persuaded a jury to put him behind bars for the past 18 years! He had been charged and sentenced to 25 years to life for a murder of a 14-year-old boy that prosecutors now say he did not commit. New York Times, March 9, 2023
$1.9 Million settlement
Maurice Hastings, who spent more than 38 years behind bars for a 1983 murder he did not commit, appears at a court in Los Angeles where a judge officially found him to be factually innocent on Wednesday, March 1, 2023. (J. Emilio Flores/Cal State LA News Service via AP, Pool)
$25 Million settlement
Ronnie Long, sentenced to 80 years in prison for rape and burglary, was released last week after spending 44 years behind bars. A federal appeals court determined that Ronnie Long, who has always maintained his innocence, had been a victim of "extreme and continuous police misconduct." August 31, 2020 / 10:13 AM / CBS News
In 1931, Alexander McClay Williams became the youngest person to be executed in Pennsylvania, when his death sentence was carried out by electric chair at the age of 16.
In October 2022 – more than 90 years after he was sentenced to death – Alexander was exonerated by then-Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf, as reported in the Philadelphia Inquirer as, “an acknowledgement that the charges against him should never have been brought,” according to a statement from the Delaware County District Attorney’s office in 2022.
More than 150 people were exonerated in the US in 2023. Of those, nearly 84% were people of color, nearly 61% of the exonerees were Black and the most frequent factor in the exonerations was official misconduct, according to data from The National Registry of Exonerations. May 26, 2024 / 11:26 AM / CNN
More than 150 people were exonerated in the US in 2023. Of those, nearly 84% were people of color, nearly 61% of the exonerees were Black and the most frequent factor in the exonerations was official misconduct, according to data from The National Registry of Exonerations. Source: CNN, May 26, 2024 / 11:25 AM
Consider Kamala Harris' record as San Francisco’s district attorney from 2004 to 2011.
Harris, "supposedly" a half-Black woman, was criticized in 2010 for withholding information about a police laboratory technician who had been accused of “intentionally sabotaging” her work and stealing drugs from the lab.
After a memo surfaced showing that Ms. Harris’s deputies knew about the technician’s wrongdoing and recent conviction, but failed to alert defense lawyers, a judge condemned Ms. Harris’s indifference to the systemic violation of the defendants’ constitutional rights.
Harris contested the ruling by arguing that the judge, whose husband was a defense attorney and had spoken publicly about the importance of disclosing evidence, had a conflict of interest. Harris lost. More than 600 cases handled by the corrupt technician were dismissed.
Given the high percentage of wrongly incarcerated Black men during her "regime," Harris clearly demonstrated her:
blatant contempt and indifference to Black men; which is consisent with her
blatant contempt and indifference to Black women as validated by her very public adulteress affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown; and her
blatant contempt and indifference to Black people by her public refusal to support reparations and her subsequent marriage a White man.
When making decisions its always been my practice to embrace FACTS, to value intellect over emotion, and I realize many people have great difficulty with such thinking. My mother and father taught me to engage "critical thinking" and they appreciated my insightful assessments. For example, prior to the deaths of Michael Jackson and Prince I told my father that, based on the lifestyles and deaths of entertainers of similar wealth and popularity, both Michal Jackson and Prince would not live past 50-years-of-age. Yep, I was right, because when you see a train coming down the tracks (full of drugs, lousy personal relationships, religious fanaticism, etc.), and you refuse to get out of the way, the train will kill you! Yes, race is important, but "common sense" is equally if not more important. Although those White-owned and White-controlled Republican and Democratic "political trains" have NEVER improved the socio-economic status for the overwhelming majority of Black people, NEVERTHELESS, most Black people, and especially Black women continue to blindly ride in Republican and Democratic "political trains" that have NEVER arrived to the depot of "Social and Economic Justice."
THE BIG PICTURE (of "Being Black")! #3 - Black women and Black men are no longer on the same page.
With regard to "common sense," as a healthy heterosexual Black man I'm "statistically" (intellectually, physically, sexually) far more likely to desire and to have a relationship with a Black woman than a woman of another race, but alas, at best, that's a ridiculous pipe dream. I'm not being negative; just conveying a factual assessment of the current and future status of Black heterosexual relationships.
As a career athlete in track and field, it's disappointing the overwhelming majority of Black women I encounter, even those who are younger or older than my age demographic are morbidly overweight or obese. As validated by the CDC, 82.1% of all Black women over 30 years of age are morbidly overweight or obese. For decades the life expectancy of Black women (currently 74.8 years) and Black men (currently 66.7 years) has continued to drop; and in some cities there are 6-to-10 single and available Black women for every single and available Black man. These "thick," morbidly overweight, BBW, and obese Black women consistently attack and ridicule me for having disciple and commitment to maintain my personal fitness (
FACTS I've experienced:
1. Throughout the past 45 years, I've consistently trained every week on Mondays, Wednesday, and Saturdays on a 400 meter track at a local high school or college in metro Chicago, Dallas, Denver, or Omaha OR I've competed during the indoor or outdoor season at local, state, or national track and field championships, and I've NEVER seen or met an "eligible" Black woman of my age "demographic" walking, running, or competing. Conversely, except at track meets, I've only seen 2 or 3 Black men at locations where I consistently train.
2. Throughout the past 30 years, as a single Black man, I've roller-skated typically at Midnight Rambles or on Sunday nights in metro Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Detroit, Atlanta, San Diego, and only TWICE did I encounter a BLACK woman of my age "demographic" who was fit, able to actually skate, and NOT obese. Conversely, the few Black men in my demographic who come out to roll are not obese.
3. Throughout the past 30 years, as a single Black man, I've cycled during the spring, summer and fall in metro Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Omaha and other cities, and I've NEVER encountered a BLACK woman or Black man of my age "demographic" cycling on a bike path.
The overwhelming majority of Black women have made themselves "unattractive, undesirable, and unavailable" to Black men who value being "fit and healthy" and "Black and Proud" and "common sense!"
If Black people truly resent the constant decline in the health of the Black race, then it’s incumbent upon “responsible Black men and women” to lead by example.
IF BLACK PEOPLE CONTINUE TO ALLOW THE CONSTANT PROMOTION OF NEGATIVE IMAGES OF BLACK PEOPLE, then they have no one to blame but themselves for the decline of the Black race. It’s incumbent upon “responsible Black men and women” to identify the hypocrisy of so-called Black intellectuals, athletes, politicians, entertainers, etc. (the Oprah Winfrey paradox), who allow themselves to be perpetually "branded" as negative examples of Blackness:
1. as the morbidly overweight and obese, big titty, loud-mouth whining and complaining “Aunt Jemima-esque,” gold-digger Black woman with an overt prostitute mentality (i.e., 82.1% of adult Black women will see this reflection when they look in a mirror);
2. as the wig-wearing, extension-wearing, receding hairline, hair-falling-out, wanna-have-that-White-girl-hair-flip clone, instead of being Black and proud and wearing her hair naturally;
3. as the lazy, uneducated, unemployed, incarcerated, and drug-using Black man;
4. as the overtly religious Black woman and/or Black man;
5. as the unmarried Black woman with at least 3 or more children from two or more fathers, and a perennial "gold digger";
6. as the big dick, unemployed Black man living-off of an employed Black woman or employed White woman; and
7. as the uneducated, overweight, unhealthy, poorly-speaking Black man or Black woman.
Do you get it?
Black people were the fattest
and most unhealthy
Black people remain the fattest
and most unhealthy
Don't forget, historically, during and after slavery, Black people have always had the worst health and fitness, because they ate the scraps of the White slave owner (pig feet, chitterlings, fish heads, chicken feet, etc.), consumed food cooked in grease, and by law, policy, or cultural convention were prohibited access to health care, and much of these conditions remain in effect today! Equally disappointing, many Black women make "excuses" for their obesity, and trivialize their obesity, and arrogantly assail men as misogynistic for refusing to "celebrate" their obesity. As consistently validated by both the CDC and private sector research, "thick" Black women exist only as a "preview" to diabetes, breast cancer, heart disease and perpetually increasing cost of health care.
Do you really, really think men, without regard to race, are supposed to be
attracted to and "celebrate" this . . . evolution . . . of Black femininity, really?
The average NFL offensive linemen weighs 300+ pounds, and are typically 6′4′' tall.
Whoopi Goldberg carried 300 pounds on her 5'5" body until recently; click here.
Should Black women continue to accept being "BRANDED" in the status quo of perpetual obesity, and linger in a constant state of declining mediocrity?
All public and private sector research studies reveal the same fact-based conclusions - the overwhelming majority of Black women are morbidly overweight or "thick," obese, BBW, FAT, etc. Excluding Oprah Winfrey, there are many Black women in the public media who consistently maintain a healthy and fit physique. Plus, as they gotten older, the absence of wrinkles makes them look ever youthful. As the saying goes . . .
Given that 82.1% of adult Black women are morbidly overweight or obese, why would an eligible, attractive, educated, physically fit, and employed Black man find a Black woman desirable?? Why??? That’s right they don’t, because 82.1% of Black women (the overwhelming majority) have made themselves unattractive, undesirable. Likewise, the same can be said, but to a lesser degree of “eligible” Black men (if you can find one due to the extremely high rates of state-sanctioned unemployment, incarceration, suicide, homicide, etc.).
IN SUMMARY, WITHOUT REGARD TO RACE OR ETHNICITY, AN ENLIGHTENED, HEALTH CONSCIOUS MAN WILL LIKELY RESENT AND WILL NOT ACCEPT AS DESIRABLE THE IMAGES OF MORBIDLY OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE BLACK WOMEN. Accordingly, eligible Black men, the few that do exist, typically do not prioritize their search for a lover or wife to be a Black woman, because it doesn't make sense to do so.Why are so many, many Black women so, so . . .
Don't be "delusional."
White-owned media perpetually and primarily profile Black women as big-breasted, big lips, morbidly obese, loud-mouth "mammies," or an Aunt Jemima, or sluts. As represented by the following forty-two-(42) images of Black actresses, of course, there are millions of smart, physically fit, and beautiful Black women throughout the United States and around the world. However, Black women have "allowed" themselves to primarily be "branded" by both White people and Black people as morbidly overweight or "thick," obese, BBW, FAT, etc. Just look at how Disney "brands" Black women!
CLICK ABOVE PHOTO TO ENLARGE. Click the following links to read film reviews of Disney's racist films, "Soul" and "Black Panther."
That right, the overwhelming majority of Black men are just as unhealthy and undesirable. As reported by the CDC, age-adjusted data captured from 2015 to 2018 for persons 20 years of age and over with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 or greater revealed 70.9 percent of Black men as morbidly overweight or obese, compared to 76 percent of non-Hispanic White men.
Cedric the Entertainer
Conversely, we don’t see nearly as many “promotional spots” celebrating the “beauty” of morbidly overweight and obese Black men . . . because it’s NOT beautiful, DAH!
OBSERVATION:If a man is unable to look down and see his penis, because his stomach is blocking his view, he's OBESE!
If a woman, who's not pregnant, looks down between your breasts and she's unable to see her pubic hair because her gut is blocking her view - she's OBESE.
"The best way to hate a nigger . . .
is to hate him before he was born."MAAFA 21
OBSERVATION: With 82.1% of all adult Black women being morbidly overweight or obese, clearly, Black women will continue to take a “leadership role” not only in the demise of Black health, but leading the nation into an overall malaise of incessant obesity. Plus, the paucity of ad hoc health or fitness-based cluster groups, vegan or otherwise, do not align with traditional male-oriented activities, which can make it more difficult to find a suitable partner.
Blame White women for the failures of Black women?
What is the ideal "role model" for the . . . personification . . . of this tactic?
Frankly, I literally don't care if a woman runs, skates, or cycles, but only that Black women care enough about their own health and fitness to VALIDATE she is intellectually, physically, and sexually competent, proficient, and desirable. Yes, as a healthy heterosexual Black man I'm "programmed" to be attracted to a woman's "sexuality," but a "thick" Black woman does not represent a healthy mind and body. As again consistently validated by both the CDC and private sector research, "thick," morbidly overweight, BBW, and obese Black women exist only as a "preview" to diabetes, breast cancer, heart disease and perpetually increasing cost of health care, and such women, especially single Black women with children from multiple fathers and with or without the debt burden of a college education and employed, are NOT particularly desirable as "marriage material."
Black women have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States. About 4 out of 5 Black women are morbidly overweight or obese.
In 2018, non-Hispanic Blacks were 1.3 times more likely to be obese as compared to non-Hispanic whites.
In 2018, Black women were 50 percent more likely to be obese than non-Hispanic white women.
From 2015-2018, non-Hispanic Black females were 2.3 times more likely to be overweight as compared to non-Hispanic white females.
People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, high levels of blood fats, diabetes and LDL cholesterol – all risk factors for heart disease and stroke.
In 2018, Black people were 20 percent less likely to engage in active physical activity as compared to non-Hispanic whites.
. . . and where do the majority of Black people still live?
Plus, it's damn arrogant for Black women to considerable themselves "desirable," when they lack the discipline and commitment and self-respect to maintain their own health and fitness. Given that many if not most Black women rant about their "personal relationship with God," these morbidly overweight and obese Black women are blatant hypocrites for their FAILURE to adhere to the inspired words of God as defined in scripture:
19Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
20For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.
Robust research from the CDC and private sector organizations consistently validates obese people not only move slower, but they actually "think and reason" slower than people who are not obese. The majority of Black women do not marry men of other races and most Black women tend to marry later in life, but by then the availability of "eligible" Black men is rather paltry due to high mortality of Black infants and men, failure to graduate from high school and college, extremely high rates of incarceration, high rates of unemployment, etc. That's right, many Black men, but not nearly as many as Black women, have made themselves "undesirable" too!
Again, Black women and Black men are no longer on
the same page, and millions don't even live together.
QUESTION:Where can you very easily find Black men who are NOT missing?
ANSWER:Dead, or in prison, or cut-up by a medical examiner.
DEAD? As reported by FBI and the Violence Policy Center, Black men consistently and perpetually have the highest rates of homicide.
IMPRISONMENT? As reported by,, and hundreds of law enforcement agencies,the single biggest driver behind the absence of many Black men is mass incarceration.
As reported by, the single biggest driver behind the absence of many black men is mass incarceration. A few academics have held up ratios of Black men to women as a proxy for incarceration. Despite recent declines in prison populations, disparities remain massive. Black males are imprisoned in state and federal facilities at six times the rate of white men, and about 25 times that of black women, according to figures from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Black men, underrepresented in the overwhelming majority of neighborhoods, are instead heavily concentrated in relatively few places, and those tend to be home to prisons. Research identified 79 such Census tracts with more than twice as many Black men as women.
Black men are further subject to high mortality. Homicides drive up rates, along with higher risks of dying from diabetes, kidney disease and sepsis than other men. In all, the latest average life expectancy at birth for black men, 71.5 years, reduced in 2021 to 66.7 years, as measured by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, trails the expectancy for white men by nearly five years and for black women by more than six years.
DALLAS — Long before his bleak final years, when he struggled with mental illness and lived mostly on the streets, Victor Carl Honeyjoined the Army, serving honorably for nearly a decade. And so, when his heart gave out and he died alone 30 years later, he was entitled to a burial with military honors. Instead, without his consent or his family’s knowledge, the Dallas County Medical Examiner’s Office gave his body to a state medical school, where it was frozen, cut into pieces and leased out across the country.
A Swedish medical device maker paid $341 for access to Honey’s severed right leg to train clinicians to harvest veins using its surgical tool.
A medical education company spent $900 to send his torso to Pittsburgh so trainees could practice implanting a spine stimulator.
And the U.S. Army paid $210 to use a pair of bones from his skull to educate military medical personnel at a hospital near San Antonio. In the name of scientific advancement, clinical education and fiscal expediency, the bodies of the destitute in the Dallas-Fort Worth region have been routinely collected from hospital beds, nursing homes and homeless encampments and used for training or research without their consent — and often without the approval of any survivors, an NBC News investigation found.
Honey, who died in September 2022, is one of about 2,350 people whose unclaimed bodies have been given to the Fort Worth-based University of North Texas Health Science Center since 2019 under agreements with Dallas and Tarrant counties.
QUESTION: Do masses of single Black women have children to "compensate" for the lack of available and eligible Black men?
The extremely high rates of Black male incarceration also directly correlates to:
1. Huge numbers of Black women with ties to incarcerated family members: One in every 2.5 black women has a family member in prison, more than three times the number for white women, according to a Scholars Strategy Network report; and
2. Lousy parenting by Black women and Black men. In 2011, it was reported that 72% of Black babies were born to unmarried mothers. As of 2015, at 77.3%, Black Americans have the highest rate of non-marital births among native-born Americans. In 2016, 29% of African Americans were married, while 48% of all Americans were.
Black women are least likely to marry; and if divorced, they are most likely to NEVER marry again.
Many of the few remaining
eligible and available Black men are pursuing other options.
Many of the few remaining
eligible and available Black men are pursuing other options.
Many Black women
are actively
pursuing other options.
Many Black women
are actively
pursuing other options.
Get Yourself A Black Woman, due to a lack of "desirability," plenty are available!
It's worth saying again and again and again, women (especially about Black women) who constantly run
their mouths and nag, nag, nag, complain, and whine are "available," but are not "desirable."
For better, for worse? Not with Black women.
For better, for worse? Not with Black women.
Get Yourself A Black Man,
Get One While You Can
Here ye, hear ye!
Get one while you can,
Get yourself a Black man
The most virile in the land!
Known throughout the world
For his strength and his speed,
And his fabled sexual organ
That nearly hangs to his knees!
Here ye, hear ye
Get one while you can,
Get yourself a Black man
Before he’s less
than a grain of sand.
Watch him continue to evolve,
And disappear right before your eyes.
See the world’s greatest
disappearing act
Along with the Black race’s demise.
Here ye, hear ye
You shoulda got one when
you could,
‘Cause the humongous
Mandingo warrior
Is nearly gone for good!
As reported by Pew Research, among all newlyweds, 18.0% of Black Americans in 2015 married non-black spouses.
24% of all Black male newlyweds in 2015 married outside their race, compared with 12% of Black female newlyweds.
5.5% of Black males married white women in 1990.
For the past 20 years or more, no less than 25% of all Black marriages were to a partner of another race, and since Black men and women are not collectively making themselves more desirable to each other, there’s absolutely no reason for the increase of interracial marriages to diminish. Get it?
The following equation represents the stochastic extinction model, it predicts species extinction rates that depend on the distribution of species and rates of habitat conversion:
E = number of extinct species;
a = total number of species that occurs in the area being considered;
bn = endemics (prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people) known to exist in multiple sites [a.k.a., the “distribution profile”];
C = land conversion factor (can either be the total proportion of land converted or a conversion rate per unit time); and
y = maximum number of categories considered
It's basic math.
Instead of applying this equation to floral and other species, why not adapt it to predict the evolution of the Black population? To do so, we need two important pieces of information:
Question 1: Do we know the total number of species (distribution of species) that occurs in the area (The United States of America) being considered?
Answer: Yes! This information is already available through the U.S. Census Bureau!
In 1910, 90 percent of Blacks lived in the South. By 1940, Black migration to other parts of the U.S. reduced the percent of Blacks living in the South to 77 percent. By 1980, the percent of Blacks living in the South was reduced to 53 percent. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, 54 percent of the Black population lived in the South, 19 percent lived in the Midwest, 18 percent lived in the Northeast, and 10 percent lived in the West. In 2000, the ten largest places (cities) in total Black population were: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego, Dallas, San Antonio, Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, Washington, DC, and New Orleans; and
Question 2: Do we know the rate of conversion (loss or gain) in total habitat (rates of habitat conversion)?
Answer: Kinda! Before anyone, especially the U.S. Census Bureau, can determine total habitat conversion (loss or gain in population) the following problems must be eliminated from the current data collection methodology:
1. Base data from April 1, 1990 through January 1, 1999 cannot be used;
2. Projections must include the FACT that beginning with the 2000 census, U.S. citizens have the option of marking one or more of 14 boxes representing six races and subcategories or “some other race” for as many as 63 racial combinations [systems must first be established to measure expanded racial diversity before enabling];
3. The prevailing methodology cannot categorize any racial “mixture” containing “Black” as “Black” because, well, it’s RACIST. The “once a nigger...always always a nigger,” and “any part of nigger makes you a nigger” racist methodology isn’t applied universally by the U.S. government. What is the joining of a Asian and Native American? Once a chink, always a chink? Or, once a savage redskin, always a savage redskin?
Even the U.S. Food and Drug administration recognizes that after Dole mixes orange juice, with bananas, and pineapples
it’s no longer orange juice, and
it’s not banana juice, and
it’s not pineapple juice and,
most importantly, Dole can’t market and sell its combo drink as orange juice because IT AIN’T ORANGE JUICE; and
4. The discrepancy between how data is collected and reported must be corrected.
So, yes, in the absence of any changes to the above “Gloom and Doom” or other contributing factors, it’s possible to actually project either the extinction or near extinction of the Black race. The Black fertility rate is dropping, miscegenation can’t be ignored, and the African “feeder” group is dying-off in great numbers due to disease, starvation, war, etc. Plus, as well-documented by the perpetually high incarceration, death rate, and "disappearance" of Black men, there's considerably less interest by White-owned and controlled law enforcement, judiciary, and mainstream White-owned and controlled media to prioritize the welfare of Black people.
In 2018, the Total Fertility Rate for the entire U.S. was only 1.765.5 - and the TFR for White people was only 1.640, which is the next to the lowest racial group TFR in the U.S. of Asians at 1.525. Like it or not, as White people become more "affluent" they have less children. The intentional genocide of Native Americans prohibits their consideration as a "fruitful" source. Equally important, as well-documented in the impeccably researched, “MAAFA 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America 2nd Edition (2011), the intentional bias against Black people, and Black men in particular, is not ancient history, as the TFR for Black people has consistently declined since the end of slavery, coupled with more Black children being aborted (38.4%) than any other ethic group, and the perpetual decline of the traditional Black family unit from 1620 to Present: 250 years of slavery, 90 years of Jim Crow (lynching, racism, discrimination, incarceration, etc.), 60 years of separate but equal, 35 years of state-sanctioned red-lining.
Therefore, to be "competitive" with the demographic changes in TFR worldwide, the United State of America must "replinish" its population from "fruitful" and logistically available external sources. Over the past 33 years, Canada's TFR average is 1.60, much less the the US average of 1.95 and therefore, not a "fruitful" source. China's TFR average is 1.65 but with historical birth controls to limit overpopulation. However, Mexico's TFR average is 2.55 and clearly, very fruitful!
Clearly, in order to "replinish" its population and workforce the United State of America is going to become "darker," but with a noticeable reduction of Black people, spurred by: (1) perpetually decreasing fertility; (2) non-existence of the traditional heterosexual Black marriage; and (3) increased incarceration of Black men and Black women!
Black heterosexual relationships are not only nearly non-existent, but doomed!
There will come a point in time when the failure of the Black race to re-populate itself results in the end of the Black race as we've known, and as we know it now. So, as illustrated below:
if Black fertility and Black marriages continue to decrease;
and if miscegenation (interracial marriages) and Black male mortality and high rates of incarceration continues to increase;
eventually the Black population will decrease. It's basic math.
The demise of the traditional Black family functions as protracted genocide for future generations!
THE BIG PICTURE (of "Being Black")! #4 - Stop "pointing fingers" at White women.
As "she" stated in her video, not all White women are against Black women.
QUESTION: Do I personally excuse, forgive, or forget the horrendous things "some" White women have done to Black people, especially to Black men, throughout the entire history of the United States of America?
To be clear, throughout my editorials, as consistently as possible, when I identify people immediately responsible for the enslavement, lynching, murder and perpetual oppression and discrimination of Black people and other minorities I use the following stock phrase, "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men," which is validated with the following exhibit I produced:
Keep in mind, as "minority populations" evolve to become the "majority population," the increased appearance of more Black people in front of television cameras, advertising, and film and video productions means absolutely nothing. As with the well-documented failures of both "integration" and "inclusion," the ownership and control of all aspects of business and government - where true power exists - has never changed and will not change; because "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men, have never and will never "relinquish" or "share" ownership and control over the intellectual and physical properties they own, and for which they established "generational wealth" for their families and successors. And frankly, why should they, after all, many of them seriously believe they worked hard for their wealth, even when doing so required the perpetual oppression, discrimination, and exploitation of Black people. Because Black people have refused to seize control of their destiny, here's what continuess to happen.
Nothing changes the status quo of "White flight" from Black people, and not even deceitful crap like . . . Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Despite the existence of Affirmative Action off-and-on in one form or another for 160 years, nevertheless, public sector EEO-4 demographics and private sector EEO-1 demographics have not significantly changed, and DEI programs, frequently launched in response to an erroneous application of "White Guilt," have primarily functioned as a fad, and currently are being abandoned or reduced throughout public and private sector employers:
(November 4, 2008) (as lead by Ward Connerly and his visit to UNO) White people, who perpetually exist as the the overwhelming majority population in Nebraska, passed ballot Initiative 424, which eliminated the application of Affirmative Action for all state, county, and local government jobs in Nebraska, including public sector education at UNO, UNL, etc. So, it's ridiculous to expect educational institutions to hire minority staff and increase enrollment of minority students.
(December 29, 2023) Diversity, equity and inclusion programs took a hit in 2023. According to data provided by job site Indeed, DEI-related job postings in 2023 have declined 44%. In November 2023, the last full month for which data was available, DEI job postings dropped 23% year over year.
OBSERVATION: Given the extremely well-documented absence of "egalitarian" principles at public sector K-12 schools (especially in racially segregated Omaha, Nebraska), colleges, and universities, it's ridiculous to expect or demand public sector educational institutions in Nebraska to hire minority staff and increase enrollment of minority students.
(January 8, 2024) Kentucky Bill Targets DEI and ‘Divisive Concepts’ in Higher Ed - In 2023, Republican lawmakers introduced more than 40 bills targeting DEI efforts on college campuses, and two states, Florida and Texas, have effectively eliminated these initiatives at public higher education institutions.
Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of Black people, especially "elite," politically powerful and affluent Black people, are too stupid or indifferent to recognize the obvious need to create and sustain "generational wealth" for themselves, their families, and for Black people.
Throughout U.S. history, thousands . . . even millions of White women have supported, championed civil rights for Black people. You know the phrase, "One bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch," is also true of anyone from any racial group or gender or sexual preference or educational status or athleticism or whatever. Blanket "generalities" do not apply when assessing people, because "we" humans, including Black people, are not monolithic. You do remember, don't you, Betty White, Petula Clark, Marilyn Monroe, etc.?
Arthur Duncan on The Betty White Show (1954) | Tap Dance
"[Marilyn] contacted the owners of the Mocambo, a top Sunset Strip nightclub, and persuaded them to hire Fitzgerald for a week," Banner wrote. "Marilyn promised to be in the front row every night and to take friends with her.
According to Dorothy Dandridge, however, the real problem with Fitzgerald at that time was not that she was African-American but that she was overweight, without much sex appeal. "Singing at the Mocambo was a turning point in Fitzgerald's career. With a major nightclub on her resume, she was no longer relegated to small clubs."
Before her own death in 1996, Fitzgerald credited Monroe for helping boost her career. "I owe Marilyn Monroe a real debt… she personally called the owner of the Mocambo, and told him she wanted me booked immediately, and if he would do it, she would take a front table every night," she once told reporters. Monroe did indeed sit front row at Mocambo for every night Fitzgerald performed that week in 1955.
Her star power attracted a frenzy of people to the club, the jazz singer recalled. "She told him – and it was true, due to Marilyn's superstar status – that the press would go wild," she continued. "After that, I never had to play a small jazz club again. She was an unusual woman – a little ahead of her times. And she didn't know it."
Ella Fitzgerald: I Can't Give You Anything But Love (Live)
During this historic performance, Petula Clark held onto Harry Belafonte's arm. However, the director requested them to redo the scene by standing apart after a representative from the sponsor witnessed the original take and demanded it to be reshot due to concerns that showing a white woman touching a black man could negatively impact car sales in the South, where the company sold cars. Clark and her husband, Claude Wolff, the show's executive producer, were outraged by this request and instructed the director to erase all the retakes except for the original one, ensuring that it would be the only version broadcast.
Harry Belafonte & Petula Clark - On The Path of Glory (Live)
Clearly, White women have supported, championed civil rights for Black people, but most importantly, there's absolulely nothing wrong with "women" supporting men of their own race or ethnicity. Which prompts the question, why do so many Black women have hatred toward Black men?
THE BIG PICTURE (of "Being Black")! #5 - Love yourself and love "Being Black."
Published in 1994, “Do Black Women Hate Black Men” is the controversial and intriguing title of A.L. Reynolds’ assessment of contemporary relationships between Black men and women. While thumbing through a February 21, 2000 issue of Jet Magazine, the answer to Reynolds’ question is blatantly evident. No, Black women don’t hate Black men. More accurately, Black women - who may not realize it - hate themselves, and this self-hatred is killing the Black race; and Black men who refuse to hold themselves and Black women mutually responsible only permeate dysfunctional relationships.
My cousin, A.L. Reynolds, III held extremely diverse professional experience as an educator, psychologist, author, entrepreneur, former campaign specialist for Chicago's Mayor Richard J. Daley. A.L. was a resident of Chicago, Illinois and possessed robust U.S. domestic and international business experience. A financially successful Black man who “retired” in his early forties; author; self-employed psychologist; business management and political consultant; and entrepreneur. As with many Black men, A.L.'s rather "pragmatic" death by suicide mirrored other Black men in our family, but his death simply reflects the other side of the same coin. Here's the other side.
What I wrote
when I was 9,
in 1963
What I wrote when I was 19, in 1973
What I wrote when I was 64, in 2017
Fighting for the sovereignty and respect of Black men is the other side of the same coin that flips to suicide!
1. Suicide is the #3 cause of death for Black males between 1 and 19, homicide is #1;
2. Suicide is the #4 cause of death for Black males between 20 and 44, and homicide is #1.
THE BIG PICTURE (of "Being Black")! #6 - Black women and Black men must stop being "delusional!"
Don't ignore the past, present, and the foreseeable future!
As researched by Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Kuhn, and Schularick in their March 8, 2021 report, “The Racial Wealth Gap, 1860 - 2020,” the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites has never been abated, has only increased significantly.
Most importantly, if present trends in the data continue, the racial wealth gap is headed to a steady state with average White wealth at least five times greater than average Black wealth - even through 2260!
Click the image at right to download the full report.
Click the image above to download the full report.
Click the image above to download the full report.
As established by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people before, during and after slavery, many Black men fail to graduate from high school and/or college, become incarcerated, or unemployed, or drug users, or commit suicide. Conversely, at the expense of the traditional heterosexual Black family relationship, the dual-whammy of a Black woman's sex and race is intentionally exploited for the benefit of White-owned and White-controlled colleges and businesses to pad their AA/EEO and DEI reporting via EEO-1s and EEO-4s. Unfortunately, the average net worth of a single Black woman with a bachelor’s degree is $-11,000 and the median wealth of a single Black woman without a bachelor’s degree is $0 according to a research brief entitled “Women, Race, and Wealth” by Khaing Zaw, Jhumpa Bhattacharya, Anne Price, Darrick Hamilton, and William Darity, Jr. Here, read it and weep.
This underscores the sad reality that getting a college degree may actually be a hindrance in some cases to a person’s wealth position because of the frequent need to go into large amounts of debt in order to obtain higher education. Again, Black women who do NOT go to college have a greater net worth (of $0.00) than Black women who go to college ($-11,000). Do you really, really think men, without regard to race, are supposed to be attracted to and "celebrate" this . . . evolution . . . of intellectualism represented by Black women?
Stop being "Delusional?" It does more harm than good to value a Black woman's "obesity," lack of fitness, and unhealthiness as sexually desirable. "Thick" Black women exist only as a "preview" to diabetes, breast cancer, heart disease and the perpetually increasing cost of health care.
Listen up BM, Becky, Maria, And Ling Ling are always available!@TheTruthHurtsAPTTMH
What did Katt Williams say?
Ladies, you gotta start taking some responsibility for your own miserable life.
If you’re over 25 years old and you still walking around here talking about, “Niggers ain’t shit,” bitch you need to grow the fuck up with your irresponsible ass.
What you meant to say was all the niggers YOU fuck with ain’t shit. That’s right!
You need to figure out what is it about your pussy that keeps attracting “ain’t shit niggers?”
Might be ain’t shit pussy?
FACT: As reported by the National Institute of Health (NIH) in 2013, Black females are 8.7 times more likely to contract chlamydia and 20.5 times more likely to contract gonorrhea than are White females. The rate of STIs in the Hispanic population is also high, with Hispanics twice as likely to acquire chlamydia and gonorrhea as Whites. As published by, in 2022, the highest rates of chlamydia in the U.S. were reported for the Black population with men having a rate of 922 per 100,000 population and women a rate of 1,288 per 100,000 population. For the latest data on trends for the top three-(3) nationally notifiable sexually transmitted infections (STIs - chlamydia,? gonorrhea, and syphilis, including congenital syphilis), read the CDC's 2023 Sexually Transmitted Infections Surveillance report, click here. Given this data (see charts below), why would any healthy and fit man or woman of any race or ethnic group "desire sexual intimacy" with Black men and Black women who clearly represent a well-documented and perennial risk to their health?
Stop being "Delusional?"
Nothing changes the status quo of "White flight" from "people of color."
Nothing changes the status quo of "White flight" from "people of color."
The perpetual existence of White flight and government sanctioned segregation is extremely well-documented. Therefore, to appease, placate, and pander to Black people and other minorities, "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men disingenuously conceived "integration," while continuing to own and/or control all aspects of U.S. government, education, politics, and business; and "integration" was re-branded into the Johnny-come-lately politically correct term of endearment, "inclusion," to continue to deceitfully suggest a commitment to equality.
So, when you talk about Black women, please convey the "Big Picture," because the election results had less to do with White women, but everything to do with:
> 96% of Black women voted for Barack Obamas in 2008 and 2012; then
> 94% of Black women voted for Hilary Clinton in 2016; then
> 90% of Black women voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2020.
So, when it came to voting for the lessor of two evils, of course, President Trump won, because many Black women (and Black men) value "common sense" over useless political patronage.
In summary, there's absolulely nothing wrong with "women" supporting men of their own race or ethnicity, which is exactly what millions of Black women did by casting their votes for Barack Obama! Unfortunately, President Obama did absolutely nothing to reduce the overt socio-economic inequities perpetually endured by the overwhelming majority of Black people; and neither did or has pseudo-Black Vice President Kamala Harris. The truth will set you free!
Awhite woman was making a chocolate cake.
She turned her back, her little boy took the chocolate and rubbed it all over his face and said,
"Look mommy, I'm black!" She slapped the shit out of him and said, "Go tell your father what you did."
He goes to his father and said, "Look daddy I'm black!"
He took his belt and beat his ass." Now, go tell your grandfather."
"Look grandpa I'm black!"
He took a switch out and beat his ass. "Go back to your mama."
His mother said, "What did you learn today?"
"I learned that I've been black for five minutes and already hate you white motherfuckers!
Paul Mooney
In the wake of your laughter, please be very serious about this:
"How long are you gonna sit around begging White people to do for us when we have the power to do for ourselves?" Minister Louis Farrakhan
Integration doesn't mean a
damn thing unless you OWN it!™ Trip Reynolds
Integration into White society has NOT and will NOT end the perpetual racism and oppression used by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people against Black people.
Muhammad Ali intervied by David Frost in 1974
Blame White women for . . . whatever? Nope. No way.
Instead, blame Black women, your peers, for refusing to objectively evolve their thinking, for refusing to grasp the "Big Picture" of what "Being Black" means. Our "Blackness" has absolutely nothing to do with being a Republican or Democrat, because these White-owned and White-controlled political organizations have NEVER improved the socio-economic status for the overwhelming majority of Black people. Wake up!
Let's face it, for hundreds of years the legendary stereotype that "brands" most Black women as loud mouth, argumentative and belligerent, narrowminded, unhealthy, and exceedingly obese must be true!
Albert Einstein said it so clearly, “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Black women and Black men keep doing the same things over and over again, generation after generation. When you see a train (Black people) coming down the tracks constantly characterized by ineptness, division, self-hatred, failed personal relationships, religious fanaticism, etc., and you refuse to get out of the way, to adopt a new paradigm - the train will kill you!
Black people will never find true freedom and justice by asking for such from former oppressors, current oppressors, non-oppressors, and future oppressors.
"How long are you gonna sit around begging White people
to do for us when we have the power to do for ourselves?" Minister Louis Farrakhan
Again, if any Black women or Black men would like to respond to this or any editorial, as always . . . I welcome your feedback.
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.