Are most Black attorneys scared, or indifferent, or lazy?

An Open Letter to:

National Bar Association

Black Men Lawyers' Association
National Conference of Black Lawyers
The National Top 100 Black Lawyers
Black Lawyers for Justice

QUESTION: Why send an "Open Letter to the largest associations of Black attorneys?"

ANSWER: Because . . . you're in the arena!

1. You're supposed to possess legal acumen, business acumen, and since many of you are elected officials, you're supposed to possess political acumen.

2. You're supposed to be aware of the extremely robust history of Black people being falsely charged, wrongly incarcerated, and publicly flogged, beaten, maimed, lynched, shot and otherwise murdered throughout U.S. history to this very day, and Black attorneys as supposed to "know" justice" frequently has very little or nothing to do with civil law and criminal law as validated by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White men; White men who unilaterally dictate law enforcement; White attorneys who prosecute bereft of any commitment to justice; White judiciary who determine law based on political bias, racial bias, sexual bias, and crony capitalism in support of White businessmen; and White politicians who perpetually ignore or "re-interpret, and re-write and re-legislate" civil and criminal law to achieve their desired outcomes.

3. You're supposed to be aware of how "elite," politically powerful and affluent White men, primarily White attorneys and White politicians engage in "revisionist history" to "re-imagine" the atrocities and lasting impact of slavery, genocide, discrimination, and oppression of Black people - especially in Florida, a state that now MANDATES teaching Black people their "enslavement" was a benefit, a good thing, a state as detailed in the graphic below, with an extremely robust history of hatred against niggers, coons, colored people, Negroes, Black people, and African-Americans.

Racial terror lynching was and is a tool to enforce Jim Crow laws and racial segregation - a tactic for maintaining racial control by victimizing the entire Black community, not merely punishment of an alleged perpetrator for a crime. These same controlling "tactics" are employed by police, the judiciary, and all aspects of law enforcement today! Source: Lynching In America - Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror.

As reported by Politico, "Florida sticks by social studies standard teaching ‘benefit’ of slavery."

But, instead of combining your legal acumen and initiating some "creative" legal actions against the State of Florida and especially White-owned/controlled businesses operating in Florida such as Disney, the collective body of Black attorneys did . . . nothing?

I'm not an attorney, but let me explain the "Big Picture" of how "case law" actually works. It remains the well-documented practice of "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, especially elite White men, to perpetually, strategically cherry-pick and orchestrate the removal or redefinition of every law they unilaterally deem unnecessary, problematic, or an annoyance to their desired outcomes. For instance, integration is a problem for the overwhelming majority of "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people; therefore, their solutions include, but are not limited to:

1. "Redline" urban neighborhoods to establish and perpetually sustain segregation, which includes unilaterally initiating "eminent domain" to remove people of color, and destroy "generational wealth" within the Black community.;

National Public Radio presents Housing Segregation and Redlining in America: A Short History

Vox presents
American segregation, mapped at day and night

2. Perpetually gerrymander voting districts to restrict or eliminate representation with large populations of Black people;

Best places to perpetually target and successfully restrict voting rights? Of course, where most Black people live!

For more information, go to:

3. Create and/or sustain multiple segregated school districts within city limits;

The perpetual existence of White flight and government sanctioned segregation is extremely well-documented. Therefore, to appease, placate, and pander to Black people and other minorities, "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men disingenuously conceived "integration," while continuing to own and/or control all aspects of U.S. government, education, politics, and business; and "integration" was re-branded into the Johnny-come-lately politically correct term of endearment, "inclusion," to continue to deceitfully suggest a commitment to equality.

4. Black people foolishly and perpetually attempting to find "freedom and justice" by asking for such from former oppressors, current oppressors, non-oppressors, and future oppressors.


Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), originally formed in 1969, is a group of Black members of the United States Congress, which includes several Black attorneys.

Given that the wage and income gap between Black and White people existed before, during, and after President Obama's (another Black attorney) two-(2) terms as President of the United States, without a doubt, the CBC hasn't done a damn thing to improve the socio-economic status for the overwhelming majority of Black people.

They never make any noise.

Whether Democrat or Republican, at all levels (local, county, state, and federal), the perpetual failure of all Black elected officials to improve the socio-economic status of Black people is validated here.


QUESTION: Why don't Black attorneys collectively use their legal acumen, business acumen, and since many Black attorneys are elected officials, why don't they use their political acumen and savvy (JUST LIKE "ELITE" WHITE MEN DO) to strategically cherry-pick and orchestrate the removal or redefinition of every law offensive, restrictive, or "problematic" to Black people? Why don't Black attorneys re-write the rules too?

RESPONSE: The overwhelming majority of Black attorneys are unable or unwilling to think outside-of-the-box to coalesce their initiative and creatively and strategically cherry-pick and orchestrate the removal or redefinition of every law offensive, restrictive, or "problematic" to Black people. Why don't Black attorneys re-write the rules too?

Frankly, as with the intentional "gerrymandering" of state and federal laws to strategically and aggressively attack Donald Trump since he became POTUS, an individual's race or sex doesn't matter to "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, because they do whatever they want. However, a double-standard frequently exists when Black people are involved in any aspect of civil litigation or criminal prosecution. For example:

Oh, the hyprocrisy!


If Prosecutors Represent America, Why Are 95% of Them White? | The Amber Ruffin Show



Where, where, where was (is) the national media relations campaign from "elite," politically powerful and affluent Black people, strategically lead by a consolidation of legal acumen from Black attorneys, to legally empower Black people to boycott all businesses and schools in Florida or to spur an aggressive migration of Black people to leave Florida for "educating" students that "slavery" was a benefit to Black people? Are Black attorneys unable or unwilling to "think" outside-of-the-box (like White attorneys) for the actual benefit of Black people?

In Florida, at the whim of the slave owner, three-hundred-and-nineteen-(319) Black people who were "physically and/or mentally unable or unwilling" to perform whatever "benefit" was bestowed upon them by the slave master were LYNCHED; while those who were not lynched, at the whim of the slave owner, were flogged, beaten, maimed, raped, castrated, tarred and feathered, shot or became the recipient of other atrocities - as a "benefit" to being enslaved. Notably absent from the FLORIDA ACADEMIC STANDARDS (FAS)-6-4 SS.68.AA.2.3 is curriculum detailing the atrocities enacted upon slaves who were "physically and/or mentally unable or unwilling" to perform whatever "benefit" was bestowed upon them by the slave master. As I've proposed below, the consequences of "failure to perform" are included in FAS SS.68.AA.2.3. Why haven't Black attorneys pursued litigation to force such an update to the FAS?

Is "genocide" also a benefit to Indigenous tribes in Florida and throughout the United States?

Is "rape" also a benefit to virginal, pre-teen females in Florida to "properly" shape their first-hand knowledge of the male penis?

In response to the State of Florida telling Black people their "enslavement" was a benefit, a good thing, "elite," politically powerful and affluent Black people should have: (1) formed a consortium; and (2) saturate all print, broadcast radio and television, and relevant social media with the following key points in a press release:

A. Slavery was not a good thing, or a benefit to Black people who were taught "White Christain skills" of how to rape, beat, castrate, shoot, LYNCH, and kill.

B. Immediately rescind this asinine and racist educational mandate, and issue a public apology.

C. Your asinine and racist educational mandate will be litigated by the federal Justice Department as: (1) a hate crime for supporting criminal acts against Black people, including creating "hostile" environments for both work and education; (2) the pursuit of fines and penalities against the State of Florida and the individual prosecution and incarceration of all individuals who initiated and approved this asinine and racist educational mandate to support criminal activity against Black people; and (3) the robust investigation of Florida's extremely robust history of hate crimes against Black people (see chart below).

D. Our consortium will fund the relocation, employment, and housing of all 3,843,823 Black people from the State of Florida to U.S. states and territories that do not support such asinine and racist educational mandates. This is NOT a boycott, but a permanent removal of Black people from a state that retains a SLAVE MASTER mentality, and the ban of all economic activity, including college and professional sports and entertainment, that involve the recruitment or participation of Black people.

FACT: Research confirms many victims of terror lynchings were murdered (frequently in Florida) without being accused of any crime; they were killed for minor social transgressions or for demanding basic rights and fair treatment. However . . .

"When the Israeli’s pick up guns, or the Pols, or the Irish, or any White man in the world, and says, “Give me liberty or give me death,” the entire White world applauds; but when a Black man says EXACTLY THE SAME THING, word for word, he is judged a criminal and treated like one, and everything possible is done to make an example of this bad nigger so there won’t be anymore like him."

James Baldwin
On the Dick Cavett Show

Yes, there are some excellent Black attorneys such as Johnnie Cochran, Thurgood Marshall, Constance Motley, and many more. As always, White-owned and controlled mainstream media frequently give national prominence to one Black attorney over another by unilaterally "showcasing" whomever they deem worthy; for several years that's been Ben Crump, an excellent attorney.

However, Florida's contempt of Black people is not unique . . .

What about the challenges faced by local Black attorneys?

CASE STUDY: Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska is one of the most perpetually racist cities in the United States.

How bad is "it" in Nebraska? If every U.S. State were a country Nebraska (population of 1.9 million) is ranked #33 in the world (below) and incarcerates more people per 100,000 than Florida (population of 22.6 million), which is ranked #39 in the world (below)!




An excellent attorney in Nebraska, Timothy Ashford has frequently encountered the well-documented practice of "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, especially White men, strategically cherry-picking and orchestrating the removal or redefinition of every law they unilaterally deem unnecessary, problematic, or an annoyance to their desired outcomes - the conviction of Black defendants and without regard to "case law" or evidence or common sense.

In summary, the State of Nebraska's lily-White-owned and lily-White-controlled judiciary has established:

1. Qualified Black attorneys cannot, will not be appointed in Douglas County to represent poor people, especially Black people, in murder cases; and

2. An objective and independent third-party review of Douglas County law enforcement and judiciary cannot, will not occur despite the well-documented bias perpetually demonstrated against people of color and poor people by Douglas County's judiciary and law enforcement.

A statute was created by former Nebraska State Senator Sen. Ernie Chambers to appoint a special prosecutor whenever "anyone," not just Black people, but when "anyone" dies in police custody.

When Sen. Chambers was forced out of the Nebraska Legislature due to term limits, Douglas County District Attorney, Don Kleine had the statute changed to appoint his office instead of an outside special prosecutor.

Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine changed the language from statute created by Sen. Chambers:

(b) Except as provided in subdivision (d) of this subsection, as soon as practicable, the court shall appoint a special prosecutor who has had at least five years experience criminal litigation, including felony litigation. The special prosecutor shall select a team of three peace officers, trained to investigate homicides, from jurisdictions outside the jurisdiction where the death occurred. The team shall examine all evidence concerning the cause of death and present the findings of its investigation to the special prosecutor; Kleine changed it to this language: (b) The county attorney or a member of his or her staff shall be the prosecuting attorney. Except as provided in subdivision (d) of this subsection, the prosecuting attorney shall, as soon as practicable, select a team of three peace officers trained to investigate homicides. At least two of such investigators shall be from agencies other than the agency under which the death occurred. The team shall examine all evidence concerning the cause of death and present the findings of its investigation to the prosecuting attorney.

Bottom line, district attorneys, who are overwhemingly White and male, "know" they essentially operate with impunity, because they unilaterally define if, and who, what, when, and where to charge a defendant. District attorneys "know" the overwhelming majority of defendants lack the financial resources, expertise, or time to establish a proper defense; and they "know" the appeals process is even more expensive, and alarmingly, appeals might take years even decades to even secure a review, not necessarily a trial before a judge and/or jury. Again, district attorneys, who are overwhemingly White and male, "know" they essentially operate with impunity.

In Nebraska, the "legal atmosphere" where Attorney Timothy Ashford practices law was solidly established back in 1919! "Elite," politically powerful and affluent White people in Nebraska are so brazen in their blatant indifference, contempt, and condescending attitude toward Black people that they "allowed" the beating, stabbing, shooting, hanging, burning and murder of Will Brown on September 28, 1919. In the wake of the "benefits" of slavery, how exactly did the event pictured below "benefit" Black people living in Omaha, Nebraska?

This is "case law" for how to get away with murder in Nebraska!

"Elite," politically powerful and affluent citizens of Omaha
and their subordinate lackeys literally dragged Will Brown's
body all over downtown Omaha as they beat, stabbed, shot,
hung, burned . . . murdered Will Brown!

Henry Fonda watched the murder of Will Brown.

Let’s not forget that, prior to becoming a legendary, Academy Award® winning actor, 14-year old Henry Fonda (father of Jane Fonda and Peter Fonda) watched as a Black man, Will Brown, was beaten, then lynched, then shot, and then burned to death in the center of downtown Omaha, Nebraska on September 28, 1919.

After supper, [my dad] put me in the car with him and we drove back downtown [to the printing office]. And it was very unusual for me — for my dad to be taking me at my age and turning lights on and unlocking doors and going up the stairs. It’s not like doing it in the daytime. I remember those physical things, and walking across this empty office to a window that overlooked the courthouse square. This was where the riot was happening. My father never talked about it. He never preached about it. We both just were observers. […] It was the most horrendous sight I’d ever seen. […] My hands were wet and there were tears in my eyes. All I could think of was that young black man dangling at the end of a rope. Henry Fonda

Henry Fonda

May 16, 1905
August 12, 1982

Click poster above to watch movie

Three men wrongly acused of stealing cattle are lynched in
"The Ox-Bow Incident." Henry Fonda cited his performance in the film was heavily influenced by his first-hand account from having watched the "live" hanging of
Will Brown.



Keep in mind, in Florida, Nebraska, and throughout the history of the United States, it's always been "open season" to beat and kill Black people!

Obviously, many photos were taken of this . . . atrocity, but although 120 or more White people were indicted for involvement in the beating, stabbing, shooting, hanging, burning and murder of Will Brown, not one person was successfully prosecuted, and all White people were eventually released after serving no term of imprisonment.

There's no statute of limitations on murder. Facial recognition technology can be reconciled with school yearbooks and photographs from other sources, plus the original investigative records, to identify many of the White people in these photographs, and subsequently validate involvement in the murder of Will Brown. But such "justice" has NEVER been on the overtly discretionary agenda of any prosecutors in Omaha's Douglas County - all have been White and male. Why hasn't a coalition of Black attorneys scared the sh** out of White-controlled law enforcement and judiciary with a plethora of law suits and by digging up archival dirt on the murder of Will Brown - just like they did to Donald Trump, Bill Cosby, etc.?

Again, I'm not an attorney, but let me explain the "Big Picture" of how "case law" actually works: you can either "react" to case law, or establish "case law."

Are Black attorneys too scared, or too indifferent, or too lazy or lack ingenuity to successfully poke the bear (social injustice and inequality)?

What is the "legacy" of Will Brown in Omaha, Nebraska?

1867 - Present "Elite," politically powerful and affluent White people have consistently been in complete control of the formal education of Black students in Nebraska since statehood was granted on March 1, 1867, but under their rule the educational performance of Black students has never equaled the performance of White students. Over 50% of Black males fail to graduate from high school, while White controlled public and private colleges and universities generate revenue through "slave labor" scholarship recruitment of Black male students to carry a football or shoot a basketball. Black students should go play and actually get an education somewhere else.

In Omaha, Nebraska nothing changes the status quo of "White flight," as White teachers and White students are constantly leaving Omaha Public Schools to escape the burden of "integrating" with people of color." By the way, Black teachers are leaving too!

In Omaha, Nebraska nothing changes the status quo of "White flight" of both White students leaving Omaha Public Schools; and the elimination of Black students due to the perpetual "gentrification" of historically Black neighborhoods, high Black unemployment, and perpetually high rates of incarceration of Black males.

On April 25, 2005, Senator Ernie Chambers who holds a "Juris Doctorate" but never aspired to become an attorney, was the only Black member of the Nebraska Legislature for over three-(3) decades, became Nebraska's longest-serving state senator, having served for more than 35 years, but he was deemed too controversial by White powerbrokers, so in 2000 "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people in Nebraska passed a term limits law specifically targeted to successfully remove Senator Chambers from the Nebraska Legislature. Equal, fair political representation is not available to Black people in Nebraska.

2011 Of course, not all White people are racist, but . . . Omaha Police beat the crap out of unarmed Robert Wagner. As captured in a video on May 29, 2011 and broadcast on Channel 22 (CTI22) and all local commercial television stations, Robert Wagner, a Black man, was beaten, stomped, kicked, and repeatedly tasered by Omaha Police Officers in the parking lot at Creighton University Medical Center. Robert Wagner beaten by Omaha Police in 2011, City of Omaha paid Wagner $32,000 in damages and an additional $68,000 for attorney fees, expenses and costs.


2013 Of course, not all White people are racist, but . . . as usual, Omaha Police beat the crap out of unarmed Octavious Johnson. Beaten by Omaha Police in 2013, City of Omaha paid Johnson $30,000 in damages and an additional $60,000 for attorney fees, expenses and costs.

2014 White people in Nebraska are so brazen in their blatant indifference, contempt, and condescending attitude toward Black people that any post-murder "justice" for Will Brown is unnecessary and unwarranted.

In June 2014, I asked to be discharged as a juror for a murder trial involving a Black man (Avery Tyler) being held in District Court of Nebraska at 1701 Farnam Street in Omaha, Nebraska.  As I mentioned during the voir dire, I refused "to participate in a system that both encouraged and allowed hundreds of White people in 1919 to publicly beat, stab, shoot, hang, and burn a Black man, Will Brown, from the same building where YOU expected me to determine the fate of another Black person." I don't ignore or forgive criminal acts caused by anyone, however, I do acknowledge that in order to survive, the absence of educational and vocational opportunities, and the planned destruction of the traditional Black family structure has propelled many Black people, especially Black men, into criminal acts involving theft, drugs, guns, assault, and murder.

Of course, Avery Tyler was convicted and sentenced in the same building that facilitated Will Brown's murder.  

Again, after twenty-six-(26) children and adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, the residents of Newtown, Connecticut voted to demolish the murder site - but such "sensitivity" to Black and other people of color is NOT welcomed in Nebraska. 

2019 Even though 95% to 67% of all state, county and local government (public sector) jobs in Nebraska that pay over $70,000 a year are held by White people, on November 4, 2008, (thanks to Ward Connerly) White people in Nebraska passed ballot Initiative 424, which eliminated the application of Affirmative Action for all state, county, and local government jobs in Nebraska. In 2019 for Nebraska, for all "New Hire Employment" at city, county, and state public sector jobs, forty-six-(46) people were hired into the top level of Officials, Administrators, Senior Managers, etc., and all 46 were White; no Blacks, no Hispanics, no Asians, no Native Americans, etc.

As validated by Nebraska's private sector EEO-1 reports that captured data from 1,822 employers with 389,620 employees, over the past 20+ years in Nebraska, the number of Black men and Black women in "Executive/Senior Level Officials & Managers" positions has always averaged under 30.

Nothing changes.



In Nebraska and throughout the United States of America, the average White wealth will ALWAYS be at least five times greater than average Black wealth!

As researched by Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Kuhn, and Schularick in their March 8, 2021 report, “The Racial Wealth Gap, 1860 - 2020,” the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites has never been abated, has only increased significantly; and if present trends in the data continue, the racial wealth gap is headed to a steady state with average White wealth at least five times greater than average Black wealth - even through 2260!

Clearly, "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men, defined and established restrictions that have always and will perpetually define "Being Black."


In Omaha's Douglas County, 80% of Douglas County residents are White, but 80% of incarcerated youth are minorities.

In addition to incarcerating more and more Black adults and Black juveniles, the City of Omaha, like many "urban" areas, is actively engaged in the gentrification of North Omaha to eventually remove (displace) Black homeowners (via high unemployment, high incarcerations, etc.).


In 2023, a 14-year-old Black youth accused of manslaughter states self defense and defense of others (his father!) in his deposition, but contrary to practice, Omaha Police elected not to testify in a preliminary hearing.

Attorney Timothy Ashford observed the reason the state did not subpoena a police officer to testify in the preliminary hearing on March 13, 2023 is the police would have to admit the 14-year-old youth acted in self-defense of his father.

According to Ashford, a defendant's use of deadly force in self-defense is justified if a reasonable ground existed under the circumstances for the defendant's belief that he or she was threatened with death or serious bodily harm, even if the defendant was actually mistaken about the extent of the danger [State v. Miller, 281 Neb. 343, 798 N.W.2d 827 (2011)], and as established by relevant case law [(State v. Graham, 234 Neb. 275, 450 N.W.2d 673 (1990). Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-1409. Use of force in self-protection. Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-1410)], in order for the self-defense justification to be applicable:

(1) the belief that force is necessary must be reasonable and in good faith;

(2) the force must be immediately necessary; and

(3) the force used must be justified under the circumstances.

Instead of seeking justice, Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine unilaterally redefined charges to railroad and "brand" a fourteen-(14) year old Black youth as a felon, and a criminal history for the rest of his life.


CASE STUDY: Omaha, Nebraska

CONCLUSION: Omaha is an example of the failure of Black attorneys to coalesce their legal acumen and resources to secure and sustain freedom and justice for Black people.



Again, I'm not an attorney, but I know this . . .

Black attorneys are clearly and perpetually underrepresented, which means "we," Black people must literally "hope" for freedom and justice by asking for such from former oppressors, current oppressors, non-oppressors, and future oppressors.


What exactly does the past, present, and future of "hope" from former oppressors, current oppressors, non-oppressors, and future oppressors look like? Here, take a good look.

The System? Where were, where are the Black attorneys?

The Problem? Where were, where are the Black attorneys?

Most importantly, the "judicial playing field" looks like this . . .

Again, Black attorneys are clearly and perpetually underrepresented.
Lawyers by Race and Ethnicity: 2024 Partners of Color by Race and Ethnicity: 2023

So, given the perpetual underrepresentation of Black attorneys throughout U.S. history, why don't you consolidate your legal acumen and business resources for the mutual benefit of your careers, and equally important, to protect and sustain the freedoms of and acquire justice for Black people?


Frankly, you should not be bothered by the recent U.S. Supreme Court "opinion" of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organizaiton that reversed an earlier U.S. Supreme Court "opinion" of Roe v. Wade that "allowed" women the right of abortion. In these United States of America . . . whenever the need presents itself, "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men, have always "controlled" justice, or "purchased" justice, or "manipulated" justice, which includes brainwashing their rank and file to deliver "justice" in compliance with their own selfish interests or needs or "opinions." No, I'm not being negative, or apathetic, on the contrary, here are the facts:

The overwhelming majority of laws have always been written by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men; and the overwhelming majority of police, attorneys, and judges who enforce and prosecute laws have always been men, primarily White men. Accordingly, the judicial "opinions" that matters most, are those of affluent and powerful White men.

Unfortunately, some Black attorneys, particularly in the public sector, often appear to get the "big head" thinking they can do exactly like their White peers, which is just stupid.

We've seen it before . . .

In 1991, Anita Hill accused U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, her supervisor at the United States Department of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, of sexual harassment.

We've seen it before . . .

White-owned media branded it, "The Trial of the Century," involving O.J. Simpson, and an unknown, aspiring, and supposedly competent Black attorney is thrust into the spotlight of national media attention and what happens . . .

. . . he is literally screwing (having intimate sex with) his co-counsel.


Again, I'm not an attorney, but I know this . . .

Instead of Fani Willis learning from a well-documented history that "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men - are probably watching you, trying to uncover a mistake you've been hidding and/or waiting for you to make a big mistake . . . nevertheless . . .

Willis wrecklessly pursued criminal charges against an extremely prominent member of the White-male oligarchy while ignoring the public and judicial impact of commingling with her co-counsel.

Well, golly gee whiz, did Willis write "stupid" on her forehead?

Again, Kamala Harris was criticized in 2010 for withholding information about a police laboratory technician who had been accused of “intentionally sabotaging” her work and stealing drugs from the lab. After a memo surfaced showing that Ms. Harris’s deputies knew about the technician’s wrongdoing and recent conviction, but failed to alert defense lawyers, a judge condemned Ms. Harris’s indifference to the systemic violation of the defendants’ constitutional rights. Ms. Harris contested the ruling by arguing that the judge, whose husband was a defense attorney and had spoken publicly about the importance of disclosing evidence, had a conflict of interest. Ms. Harris lost. More than 600 cases handled by the corrupt technician were dismissed.

Between 1877 and 1950 five-hundred-and-ninety-five-(595) Black men and women were lynched in Georgia; and who knows how many Black men and women were wrongly convicted in Georgia between 1877 and 2024. Wrongly convicted Black men throughout the U.S. (pictured below) and in Georgia likely feel neglected by Fani Willis and her Black attorney peers.


$6.5 Million settlement

Sheldon Thomas, 35, had listened as a prosecutor with the district attorney’s office outlined the lies, misdirections and dismissals by those in power that persuaded a jury to put him behind bars for the past 18 years! He had been charged and sentenced to 25 years to life for a murder of a 14-year-old boy that prosecutors now say he did not commit. New York Times, March 9, 2023




$1.9 Million settlement

Maurice Hastings, who spent more than 38 years behind bars for a 1983 murder he did not commit, appears at a court in Los Angeles where a judge officially found him to be factually innocent on Wednesday, March 1, 2023. (J. Emilio Flores/Cal State LA News Service via AP, Pool)





$25 Million settlement

Ronnie Long, sentenced to 80 years in prison for rape and burglary, was released last week after spending 44 years behind bars. A federal appeals court determined that Ronnie Long, who has always maintained his innocence, had been a victim of "extreme and continuous police misconduct." August 31, 2020 / 10:13 AM / CBS News





No settlement. No Pardon.
Innocent but executed.

In 1931, Alexander McClay Williams became the youngest person to be executed in Pennsylvania, when his death sentence was carried out by electric chair at the age of 16.

In October 2022 – more than 90 years after he was sentenced to death – Alexander was exonerated by then-Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf, as reported in the Philadelphia Inquirer as, “an acknowledgement that the charges against him should never have been brought,” according to a statement from the Delaware County District Attorney’s office in 2022.

More than 150 people were exonerated in the US in 2023. Of those, nearly 84% were people of color, nearly 61% of the exonerees were Black
and the most frequent factor in the exonerations was official misconduct, according to data from The National Registry of Exonerations. May 26, 2024 / 11:26 AM / CNN

More than 150 people were exonerated in the US in 2023. Of those, nearly 84% were people of color, nearly 61% of the exonerees were Black and the most frequent factor in the exonerations was official misconduct, according to data from The National Registry of Exonerations. Source: CNN, May 26, 2024 / 11:25 AM

However, even a "token" Black District Attorney of New York County, Alvin Bragg, "knew" he could selectively "re-interpret" law to pursue the criminal conviction of Donald Trump. Even a supposedly half-Black district attorney, Kamala Harris, "knew" she could ignore defendants' constitution rights and operate with impunity. Far too often "elite," politically powerful and affluent Black prosecutors function more as Uncle Tom's than as public servants actually seeking justice. Consider Kamala Harris' record.

As reported in the New York Times article, "Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor," by Lara Bazelon (law professor and the former director of the Loyola Law School Project for the Innocent in Los Angeles), let's not ignore Harris' well-documented and perpetual indifference to the wrongful prosecution of innocent men, especially Black men and Black women.

"My message
to all Americans,
especially to Black Americans,
DO NOT trust
Kamala Harris!"

Cheree Peoples

Harris, as San Francisco’s district attorney from 2004 to 2011, was criticized in 2010 for withholding information about a police laboratory technician who had been accused of “intentionally sabotaging” her work and stealing drugs from the lab.

After a memo surfaced showing that Ms. Harris’s deputies knew about the technician’s wrongdoing and recent conviction, but failed to alert defense lawyers, a judge condemned Ms. Harris’s indifference to the systemic violation of the defendants’ constitutional rights.

Harris contested the ruling by arguing that the judge, whose husband was a defense attorney and had spoken publicly about the importance of disclosing evidence, had a conflict of interest. Harris lost. More than 600 cases handled by the corrupt technician were dismissed.

Harris left her position as Attorney General of California in 2017 to become a U.S. Senator from California. However, if she had remained California's top AG in 2020, and given her well-documented alignment to "identity politics and prosecutorial discretion" would she have allowed Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's son to stab his San Clemente neighbor seven-(7) times and only be sentenced to six months in jail, but not charged for attempted murder? Do the math!
For a change, why don't "elite," politically powerful and affluent Black prosecutors "re-interpret" laws for the immediate benefit of Black people?

The overwhelming majority of laws have always been written by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men; which includes the overwhelming majority of police, attorneys, and judges who enforce and prosecute laws, and according to the U.S. Sentencing Commission, statistically Black men have always received harsher prison sentences than White men who commit the same crimes. Accordingly, the judicial "opinions" that matters most, are those of affluent and powerful White men.

The overwhelming majority of laws have always been written by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men; and the overwhelming majority of police, attorneys, and judges who enforce and prosecute laws have always been men, primarily White men; conversely, nine-(9) of every ten-(10) victims of rape are female, and 975 perpetrators out of every of 1,000 sexual assaults walk away "free," according to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network); but the the judicial "opinions" that matters most, are those of affluent and powerful White men.

The overwhelming majority of laws have always been written by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men; and the overwhelming majority of police, attorneys, and judges who enforce and prosecute laws have always been men, primarily White men; which is why White male Wall Street executives and the "elected officials" they partner with are typically treated with "kid gloves" for their perceived financial irregularities, but Martha Stewart was not, and incarcerated.

The overwhelming majority of laws have always been written by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men, especially by members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a nonprofit organization of conservative state legislators and private sector representatives who draft, distribute, and panhandle "proprietary" legislation to be implemented at all fifty-(50) state governments for the strategic and immediate benefit of lobbyists, politicians, and major corporations.

As reported by the CDC in 2019, in the District of Columbia and 29 states that reported racial and ethnic data on abortion to the CDC, 38% of all women who had abortions in 2019 were non-Hispanic Black, while 33% were non-Hispanic White, 21% were Hispanic, and 7% were of other races or ethnicities. Notably, absolutely no men reported having an abortion. Although the overwhelming majority of people who have abortions are women of color, nevertheless, when it comes to abortion, the judicial "opinion" that matters most, are those of affluent and powerful White men, and their subordinate and dutifully brainwashed White women. What? You disagree? Consider the following:

"Justice" is not a science; "justice" is not mathematic; or empirical, or even logical, or despite the pretense, "justice" is not even fair. "Justice" exists at the whim of whomever (an individual) or whatever (corporate entity, political party, etc.) takes and/or maintains control. Just like those overtly "opinionated" religious fanatics who flip-flop and pick-and-choose the relevance of Biblical scriptures regarding homosexuality, a judicial ruling is nothing more than an "opinion," and as such, it ebbs and flows as often or as infrequently as the powers-that-be say so.

"Justice" has never represented the "will of the people," or as established in 1868 "justice" has never been administered in compliance with the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause that established it's illegal to "deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," because the judicial "treatment" of women (and minorities) has always been defined by the authoritarian rule of men, men who are primarily rich, powerful, and White. When compared to men, especially White men, women have NEVER shared an "equal seat at the table of justice."


What should you do?

Given the overtly arbitrary and subjective application of "justice" throughout U.S. history, I'm asking the National Bar Association, Black Men Lawyers' Association, National Conference of Black Lawyers, The National Top 100 Black Lawyers, and Black Lawyers for Justice to consolidate your legal acumen to . . .

1. Be as creative, litigious, and protective of Black people as the Jewish-owned-and-controlled Anti-Defamation League;

2. Be as self-serving, conniving and litigiously opportunist as the American Legislative Exchange Council;

3. Be as "Black and Proud" as the Nation of Islam, and pursue creative, robust, multi-dimensional litigation to protect, secure, and sustain freedom and justice for Black people.

4. Don't make excuses about not having the money to pursue litigation, or not having the time, or not having the resources; it's called "pro bono," so collectively figure it out; jointly create a 501(c)(3), or LLC, or whatever, but figure it out.

5. As represented by Attorney Timothy Ashford in Omaha, Nebraska - the real "fight" is at the local level, and Black attorneys should suspend their territorial differences to support each other; again, figure it out.

Bottom line . . .

Your failure to eliminate the State of Florida's educational mandate that established slavery as a "benefit" to Black people will prompt other states and municipalities to surely launch that crap throughout the U.S. Wake up, that's what "those people" have always done and do!



"We have the power of numbers, the power of organization, and the power of spirit. Let me explain what I mean. Sixteen million people are a force to be reckoned with, and indeed there are many nations in the U.N. whose numbers are less."
Paul Robeson
Source: "Here I Stand" © 1958 by Paul Robeson
(Legendary Black American athlete, bass baritone concert artist,
stage and film actor, and political activist), page 92, fifth paragraph


"How long are you gonna sit around begging White people to do for us when we have the power to do for ourselves?"
Minister Louis Farrakhan

Integration doesn't mean a
damn thing unless you OWN it!™

Trip Reynolds


I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
September 24, 2024
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First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.