Educator Jane Elliott

In June 2014, I asked to be discharged as a juror for a murder trial involving a Black man being held in District Court of Nebraska at 1701 Farnam Street in Omaha, Nebraska.  As I mentioned during the voir dire, I refused "to participate in a system that both encouraged and allowed hundreds of White people in 1919 to publicly beat, stab, shoot, hang, and burn a Black man, Will Brown, from the same building where YOU expected me to determine the fate of another Black person." Although 120 or more White people were indicted for involvement in the beating, stabbing, shooting, hanging, burning and murder of Will Brown, not one person was successfully prosecuted, and all White people were eventually released after serving no term of imprisonment. What? I’m supposed to forget about an ongoing, perpetual system of injustice against Black people, like the recent beatings of Robert Wagner in 2011 and Octavious Johnson in 2013 by Omaha Police? I’m supposed to ignore the fact that, with few exceptions, White people continue to slot most Black people into the Eugenics-based cycle of poor education, no jobs, and high crime, which frequently requires many Black people to literally fight amongst themselves to survive. Albert Einstein said it so clearly, “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

I was discharged after briefly conveying to the judge and the prosecuting and defense attorneys an oral statement that contained only a small portion of the information contained below. I SUBSEQUENTLY SUBMITTED A DOCUMENT TO THE JUDGE, PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, AND DEFENSE ATTORNEY; here's an excerpt:

"Thank you, your honor, for discharging me as a juror on Thursday, June 12, 2014.  It was necessary for me to be intentionally abrupt during the voir dire, because the unnecessarily protracted nature of the “process” did not afford me my legal exemption from jury service as provided by Nebraska law.  For clarity, please note the following:

As clearly documented by the U.S. Department of Justice, Nebraska EEOC, the 2013 Sentencing Project, the June 2014 issue of “The Atlantic” magazine, “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander," and dozens of other sources of empirical veracity, there is an overwhelming bias against Black people in every aspect of the judicial system. This inequity is particularly true in Nebraska, and especially Omaha.

As I spoke about the racial bias during the voir dire, I watched as most of the White people in the conference room lowered their heads to avoid making eye contact with me. The truth hurts? Why is it so common for White people (and some Black people) to bury their heads in the sand whenever the blatant realities of racism are thrust into open discussion? You’re naïve if you think a murder trial involving a Black man is not about race. As usual, White people will determine the ultimate fate of a Black man, and this does not bode well for any Black person, especially in Omaha, Nebraska or anywhere else in the United States."

After June 2014 I created this separate page on my website to chronicle, to document how the socio-economic status of Black people has not changed.  As I conveyed to the judge, prosecuting attorney, and defense attorney, this "data" does not represent my opinion, but facts about being a Black person. Presented below are "the facts," which are overwhelmingly compiled, published, reported, and broadcast by White people (so they must be correct, because White is Right). Be sure to click and read every link. Nothing changes.

Of course, Avery Tyler was convicted and sentenced in the same building that facilitated Will Brown's murder.  



If "systemic racism and sexism" did not or does not exist, to whom exactly were laws to prohibit racial and sexual discrimination directed? Click here.







To become "enlightened" about "Being Black," please scroll down. For the Table of Contents, click here!



Even considering the size of Omaha's Black population, the percentage of Blacks who work in managment positions is the eighth-lowest in the country,
and while the number of Black managers has been on the rise nationally, Omaha's figures dropped 25% between 2000 and 2005.
Source: Omaha World Herald, May 2007

There is absolutely no correlation between "equal employment opportunity" and "Black people" in Omaha, Nebraska!

Black median household income in Omaha as a percentage of U.S. Black income has been falling for decades [currently below the U.S. average]. Source: Omaha World Herald, May 2007



FACT: As historically and consistently validated by both
independent and government research studies, the
typical Black household has NEVER and will NEVER
make as much as the typical White household.

The typical Black household had just $5,677 in wealth (assets minus debts) in 2009; the typical Hispanic household had $6,325 in wealth; and the typical white household had $113,149. Plus, about a third of Black (35%) and Hispanic (31%) households had zero or negative net worth in 2009, compared with 15% of white households. In 2005, the comparable shares had been 29% for Blacks, 23% for Hispanics and 11% for whites.

As documented by Duke University's Social Science Research Institute Center for Global Policy Solutions, "Beyond Broke: Why Closing the Racial Wealth Gap is a Priority for National Economic Security," the Black “experience” in America is not getting better, it’s getting worse. As documented by the U.S. Census Bureau, the income gap between Black people and White people is getting worse. As documented by the Pew Research Center, "Wealth Gaps Rise to Record Highs Between White, Blacks, Hispanics," the income gap between Black people and Whlite people is getting worse (Source: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2011/07/26/wealth-gaps-rise-to-record-highs-between-whites-blacks-hispanics/). As documented by Brandeis University's Institute on Assets and Social Policy, "The Roots of the Widening Racial Wealth Gap: Explaining the Black-White Economic Divide," the income gap between Black people and Whlite people is getting worse.

As researched and published by the Brookings Institution, no matter how you look at it, half of Black Americans Born Poor Stay Poor:

Upward mobility from the bottom of the income distribution is much less likely for black than white Americans: 51% of the black Americans born into the lowest fifth of the earnings distribution remain there at age 40:

As researched and published by the Brookings Institution, no matter how you look at it, most Black Middle Class Kids Are Downwardly Mobile:

Downward intergenerational social mobility from the middle to the bottom is much more common among Black Americans. Seven out of ten black Americans born into the middle quintile fall into one of the two quintiles below as adults. In some ways, this is an even more depressing fact than the poor rates of upward mobility. Even black Americans who make it to the middle class are likely to see their kids fall down the ladder:
As researched and published by the Brookings Institution, no matter how you look at it, Black Wealth Barely Exists:

Race gaps in wealth – already wide – widened further during the Great Recession. The median wealth of white households is now 13 times greater than for Black households –the largest gap in a quarter century, according to analysis by the Pew Research Center. Black median wealth almost halved during the recession, falling from $19,200 in 2007 to $11,000 in 2013:

In Nebraska, Black or African American households (27 percent) were less likely than non-Hispanic White households (54 percent) to be married couple households.

To download the "Socioeconomic Status of Nebraska Black
or African Americans" report, click here.

In Nebraska, Black or African American households consisted of 2.5 people on average, compared with 2.4 people on average for non-Hispanic White households.

To download the "Socioeconomic Status of Nebraska Black
or African Americans" report, click here.

In Nebraska, a larger proportion of Black or African American households were maintained by women. About 30 percent of Black households were families maintained by a woman with no husband present, compared with about eight percent of non-Hispanic White households.

To download the "Socioeconomic Status of Nebraska Black
or African Americans" report, click here.


Disappointing fact?
Nothing changes.

Disappointing fact?
Nothing changes.

Disappointing fact?
Nothing changes.

Nothing changes.
Nothing changes.
Nothing changes.

1 in 7 White families are now millionaires. For Black families, it’s 1 in 50.

The percentage of Black and Hispanic households worth more than $1 million has remained around or below 2 percent since 1992.
Nothing changes.


. . . and Black households have ALWAYS had lower incomes and higher rates of poverty than White households.

Nothing changes.

Nothing changes.Nothing changes.

Nothing changes: The Racial Wealth Gap, 1860 - 2020

As researched by Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Kuhn, and Schularick in their March 8, 2021 report, “The Racial Wealth Gap, 1860 - 2020,” the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites has never been abated, has only increased significantly; and if present trends in the data continue, the racial wealth gap is headed to a steady state with average White wealth at least five times greater than average Black wealth - even through 2260! Click the image below to read the full report.


The Black unemployment rate has consistently been twice as high OR HIGHER than the white unemployment rate for 50 years! As reported by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) this gap hasn't closed at all since 1963. Back then, the unemployment rate was 5 percent for whites and 10.9 percent for blacks. Today, it's 6.6 percent for whites and 12.6 percent for blacks. Without regard to the amount of education or experience, for Black men in particular, it's even worse; throughout the U.S. Black male unemployment for working age Black men (16 to 64 years of age) consistently ranges from 40% to over 65%, and consequently, there's a direct correlation between cities with the highest crime rate and cities with the highest levels of Black male unemployment.

QUESTION: For decades, its been the practice of many U.S. companies to outsource both skilled and unskilled manufacturing and IT jobs to India, China, Mexico, and to many third-world countries; however, given that (1) unemployment rates for skilled and unskilled Black men* between 16 and 64 years of age ranges from 42% to 67% throughout the U.S., and (2) unemployment rates for Native Americans ranges from 85% to 95% at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and other reservations,** and (3) the extremely high rates of unemployment for convicted but released felons who are prohibited from traditional employment, why don't U.S. companies capture a greater ROI by strategically designing training paradigms, jobs, work locations, and business outcomes to exploit the aforementioned available but untapped demographics?

* Black Male (Un)Employment Rates in the Nation's Largest Metro Areaa 2010.pdf

* Black Male (Un)Employment Rates in the Nation's Largest Metro Areaa 2020.pdf

** America's Native Prisoners of War (Video)


As with Affirmative Action, the greatest beneficiaries of the LGBT movement are and will always be White women and White men.
Before granting so-called "equal rights" to sub-cultures within sub-cultures, why not give equal rights to the most oppressed and enslaved people in the U.S., Native Americans and Black people? FACT: As validated by the ongoing existence of the “Glass Ceiling” and other measures of social, political and economic equality, LGBTs practice and enforce the same racist and sexist White-privilege-based economics and politics used by their non-LGBT peers. For example, Apple’s President/CEO Tim Cook is gay, but as usual, the clear majority of Apple’s employees and management team are White (see graph below). White men and White women already have "White privilege," and the LGBT movement does NOT correct the everlasting racial inequity between White people and racial minorities. And as clearly validated throughout U.S. history, it’s perfectly okay for White people to do whatever the hell they want! Just ask Native Americans!

Source: Ebony Magazine / Ebony.com [Click either image or page to enlarge.]

According to Apple, "In the past year we hired over 11,000 women globally, which is 65 percent more than in the previous year. In the United States, we hired more than 2,200 Black employees — a 50 percent increase over last year — and 2,700 Hispanic employees, a 66 percent increase. In total, this represents the largest group of employees we’ve ever hired from underrepresented groups in a single year."

In summary, it wasn't until last year that Apple finally decided to actually, seriously commit to hire Black people. What the hell has Apple been waiting for?
Apple states, "The EEO-1 has not kept pace with changes in industry or the American workforce over the past half century." To be more truthful and accurate, it's Apple's EEO-1 (and the EEO-1's of nearly all Fortune 500 companies) that have failed to kept pace with changes in industry or the American workforce over the past half century; and Apple is attempting to "update" its White-privilege based workforce in anticipation of the upcoming major changes to population demographics in the U.S. As documented by Time Magazine in 1993 (below), population demographics will change dramatically during the next thirty-(30) years. Based on research (download) and related projections produced by the Pew Research Center, the non-Hispanic White population will increase more slowly than other racial and ethnic groups; Whites will become a minority (47%) by 2050. What will happen to White-privilege when the majority of U.S. citizens are not White? Based on human history, civil wars typically result when the blatantly inequitable practices of the smaller numbered "haves" come face-to-face with the greater numbered "have nots."


Omaha’s percentage of Black children in poverty
ranks No. 1 in the nation, with nearly six of 10
Black kids living below the poverty line

Source: Omaha World Herald, May 2007


The traditional Black family no longer exists, and it's
nearly hopeless for any adult Black woman to find an
eligible Black male.

As reported in the Savvy Magazine article from Februrary 1980, "Where Are the Men for the Women at the Top?" sociologist Robert Staples of the University of California stated "Single Black women have even more dramatic problems; there are five-(5) eligible Black women for every Black man." That was 1980, and the disparity has continued to grow, and the disparity will continue to worsen.

As documented in a survey of nearly 11,000 women from July 24, 2002 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and reported by Laura Meckler of The Associated Press: Black women are least likely to marry and most likely to divorce, with more than half splitting within 15 years. Black women are significantly less likely to marry than White women. By age 30, 81 percent of White women have been married, whereas only 52 percent of Black women. The report notes one explanation, that there are fewer Black men considered marriage material, given their high rates of unemployment. When it comes to marriage, Black relationships have been the exception, not the norm.

The traditional Black family no longer exists,
and was destroyed in part by a so-called "war on drugs" that remains skewed to target, arrest, convict, and incarcerate more Black men than another other ethnic or racial group. "Marriage rates have fallen for all groups since the 1960s, but more sharply for blacks than for whites. In 1960, 74% of white adults were married, as were 61% of black adults. By 2011, the black marriage rate had fallen to 56% that of the white rate: 55% of whites were married, compared with 31% of blacks." Source: Pew Research at http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2013/08/22/race-demographics/

BLACK MARRIAGE IS DOOMED TO GET WORSE, JUST LIKE THE WEALTH GAP - As researched by Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Kuhn, and Schularick in their March 8, 2021 report, “The Racial Wealth Gap, 1860 - 2020,” the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites has never been abated, has only increased significantly; and if present trends in the data continue, the racial wealth gap is headed to a steady state with average White wealth at least five times greater than average Black wealth - even through 2260!


As researched and published by the Brookings Institution, no matter how you look at it, most Black Families are Headed by a Single Parent:

Black children are much more likely to be raised in a single-parent household, and consistent with overwhelming research, family structure can play a large role in a child’s chance of success in all stages of life:


To download the "Socioeconomic Status of Nebraska Black
or African Americans" report, click here.

Single Parent Black Families is the standard, because Black Men are missing!

As published by the New York Times on April 20, 2015 in the "Upshot" article "1.5 Million Missing Black Men" by JUSTIN WOLFERS, DAVID LEONHARDT and KEVIN QUEALY:

Incarceration and early deaths are the overwhelming drivers of the gap. Of the 1.5 million missing black men from 25 to 54 — which demographers call the prime-age years — higher imprisonment rates account for almost 600,000. Almost 1 in 12 black men in this age group are behind bars, compared with 1 in 60 nonblack men in the age group, 1 in 200 black women and 1 in 500 nonblack women.

The black women left behind find that potential partners of the same race are scarce, while men, who face an abundant supply of potential mates, don’t need to compete as hard to find one. As a result, Mr. Charles said, “men seem less likely to commit to romantic relationships, or to work hard to maintain them.”

The imbalance has also forced women to rely on themselves — often alone — to support a household. In those states hit hardest by the high incarceration rates, African-American women have become more likely to work and more likely to pursue their education further than they are elsewhere.

The missing-men phenomenon began growing in the middle decades of the 20th century, and each government census over the past 50 years has recorded at least 120 prime-age black women outside of jail for every 100 black men. But the nature of the gap has changed in recent years.

Again, each government census over the past 50 years has recorded at least 120 prime-age black women outside of jail
for every 100 black men. Nothing changes.
Nothing changes.Nothing changes as "Being Black" is worse and worse.


By the way, for all of the trips, fancy purses, and Jordan-brand shoes the truth is that the vast majority of us are barely scraping by. Credit, celebrities, and trinkets have given many the illusion that Black people are doing much better economically than they actually are. Black people have been bamboozled by Facebook likes, hoodwinked by Instagram comments, and led astray by Twitter retweets. Social media has a tendency to tell you a lot of things that aren’t true.

The data suggest that the majority of Black people are not in a great place financially. A prime example of this is a finding from the “The Color of Wealth in Boston” report that found that the median net worth of White households in Boston is $247,500 while the median net worth of Black households is $8.

The average net worth of a single Black woman with a bachelor’s degree is $-11,000 and the median wealth of a single Black woman without a bachelor’s degree is $0 according to a research brief entitled “Women, Race, and Wealth” by Khaing Zaw, Jhumpa Bhattacharya, Anne Price, Darrick Hamilton, and William Darity, Jr. This underscores the sad reality that getting a college degree may actually be a hindrance in some cases to a person’s wealth position because of the frequent need to go into large amounts of debt in order to obtain higher education.



Yes, Black women who do NOT go to college have a greater net worth (of $0.00) than Black women who go to college ($-11,000).

Nothing changes. Nothing changes. Nothing changes as "Being Black" is worse and worse.







Blacks are 12% of drug users but nearly 50% of all drug arrests

As estimated by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, 12 percent of drug users are Black - but Blacks make up nearly 50% of all drug possession arrests. [The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128]. Background: As reported on CNN in 1996, more than 90 percent of all federal prosecutions for crack cocaine in 1995 were of African-American defendants.


Omaha has the third-highest Black poverty rate in the United States!

Among America's 100 largest metro areas, Omaha has the third-highest Black poverty rate in the United States. Source: Omaha World Herald, 2011; United Way of the Midlands, “Poverty in the Omaha Metro, September 2012,” and The Women’s Fund of Omaha’s report, “How Are Women Doing in Omaha 2013?”


Blacks comprise 4% of Nebraska's population but 35% of all HIV/AIDS cases!

Blacks comprise 4% of Nebraska’s population, but are 35% of all the HIV/AIDS cases. Blacks in Nebraska have the highest rate for HIV/AIDS at 59.3 per 100,000 vs. 5.3 per 100,000 for white males. Black females in Nebraska have the majority of HIV/AIDS cases at 54%. STD/HIV/AIDS and obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and other diseases at epidemic levels throughout Nebraska’s Black community, but Whites have closed public access to health care facilities in the minority community. Source: 2007 Nebraska HIV/AIDS Epidemiological Profile by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (2009-2013 Report)

Fast Facts

African Americans are the racial/ethnic group most affected by HIV in the United States. Gay and bisexual men account for more than half of estimated new HIV diagnoses among African Americans. The number of HIV diagnoses among African American women has declined, though it is still high compared to women of other races/ethnicities.

Blacks/African Americansa have the most severe burden of HIV of all racial/ethnic groups in the United States. Compared with other races and ethnicities, African Americans account for a higher proportion of new HIV diagnoses, those living with HIV, and those ever diagnosed with AIDS.

The Numbers: HIV and AIDS Diagnoses

  1. In 2014, 44% (19,540) of estimated new HIV diagnoses in the United States were among African Americans, who comprise 12% of the US population.
  2. Among all African Americans diagnosed with HIV in 2014, an estimated 73% (14,305) were men and 26% (5,128) were women.
  3. Among all African Americans diagnosed with HIV in 2014, an estimated 57% (11,201) were gay or bisexual men. Of those gay and bisexual men, 39% (4,321) were young men aged 13 to 24.
  4. From 2005 to 2014, the number of new HIV diagnoses among African American women fell 42%, though it is still high compared to women of other races/ethnicities. In 2014, an estimated 1,350 Hispanic/Latino women and 1,483 white women were diagnosed with HIV, compared to 5,128 African American women.
  5. From 2005 to 2014, the number of new HIV diagnoses among African American gay and bisexual men increased 22%. But that number stabilized in recent years, increasing less than 1% since 2010.
  6. From 2005 to 2014, the number of new HIV diagnoses among young African American gay and bisexual men (aged 13 to 24) increased 87%. But that trend has leveled off recently, with the number declining 2% since 2010.
  7. In 2014, an estimated 48% (10,045) of those diagnosed with AIDS in the United States were African Americans. By the end of 2014, 42% (504,354) of those ever diagnosed with AIDS were African Americans.

Source: http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/group/racialethnic/africanamericans/


FACT: As reported by the National Institute of Health (NIH) in 2013, Black females are 8.7 times more likely to contract chlamydia and 20.5 times more likely to contract gonorrhea than are White females. The rate of STIs in the Hispanic population is also high, with Hispanics twice as likely to acquire chlamydia and gonorrhea as Whites. As published by Statista.com, in 2022, the highest rates of chlamydia in the U.S. were reported for the Black population with men having a rate of 922 per 100,000 population and women a rate of 1,288 per 100,000 population. For the latest data on trends for the top three-(3) nationally notifiable sexually transmitted infections (STIs - chlamydia,? gonorrhea, and syphilis, including congenital syphilis), read the 2023 Sexually Transmitted Infections Surveillance report, click here. Given this data (see chart below), why would any healthy and fit man or woman of any race or ethnic group "desire sexual intimacy" with Black men and Black women who clearly represent a well-documented and perennial risk to their health?


Black males have the highest death rate in the U.S.
Source: 2010 U.S. Census, CDC

"The best way to hate a nigger . . .
is to hate him before he was born."

To watch the entire film, click here.


Expectancy of Black men has gone from the worst to the 2nd worst;
for Native American men there's no end to the genocide!


Abernathy, Rev. Ralph Minister, civil rights activist
Adderley, Cannonball Musician
Adderley, Nat Jazz Musician, Cornet
Aikens, Charles Tap Dancer, Choreographer
Ailey, Jr., Alvin Choreographer, Dancer
Alphonso, Roland Ska & Reggae Musician
Ammons, Gene Jazz Musician
Anderson, Eddie "Rochester" Actor, singer, on TV's Jack Benny Show
Armstrong, Louis Musician
Ashe, Arthur Tennis player
Atwater, Lee Politician
Baldwin, James Writer, Playwright
Banneker, Benjamin Mathematician, astronomer
Basie, Count Musician, Composer
Basquiat, Jean-Michel Artist
Benton, Brook R & B singer, musician
Blackwell, Otis (a.k.a., John Davenport) R & B, R & Roll Musician, composer
Blake, Eubie Musician, Composer
Bland, Milton (Monk Higgins) Musician, Saxophonist
Blakey, Art Jazz Musician
Bowles, Thomas "Bean" R & B musician, composer
Bradley, Tom Mayor of Los Angeles
Broadus, Bruce "Damian Dame" Edward R & B Musician
Brown, Charles Blues Musician, Pianist
Brown, Ray Jazz Musician, Bass
Brown, Ron Secretary of Commerce, Civil Rights
Bunche, Ralph J. Civil Rights, Politics
Caldwell, Ronnie R & B musician, The Bar Kays
Calloway, Cab Big Band, Jazz musician-composer
Cambridge, Godfrey Comedian, Actor
Campanella, Roy Baseball player
Canegata, Leonard Lionel Cornelius (a.k.a. "Canada Lee") Boxer, Actor
Carey, Zeke The Flamingos
Carmichael, Stokely (Kwame Ture) Political Activist, Black Panther
Carr, James R & B Musician, "Dark End of the Street"
Carver, George Washington Scientist, Educator
Chamberlain, Wilt Basketball player
Chambers, III, Roland L. R & B Musician, composer, arranger
Cherry, Don Jazz Musician
Clark, Sonny Jazz Musician, Pianist
Clarke, John Henrik Civil Rights Historian
Clayton, Harold Lee Musician, Composer
Cleaver, Eldridge Political Activist, Black Panther
Cleveland, Rev. James Minister, gospel musician, composer
Cole, Nat King Musician
Coltrane, John Musician
Connor, Dino Lead singer of R & B group, "H-Town"
Cooke, Sam R & B singer, musician
Cosby, Henry "Hank" R & B musician, composer, Motown
Cosby, Henry "Hank" R. Legendary Motown writer, producer, etc.
Crocker, Frankie Legendary New York Radio DJ
Crothers, Scatman Actor, Musician
Cunningham, Carl R & B musician, The Bar Kays
Curtis, King R & B musician
Daniels, Billy Singer
Davenport, Willie 1968 Olympic Track Champion, Hurdles
Davis, Jr., Sammy World's Greatest Entertainer
Davis, Miles Jazz Musician
Davis, Sr., Benjamin 1st Black U.S. Army General
DeBarge, Bobby R & B singer, musician
DJ E-Z Rock (Rodney Bryce) Hip-hop producer, "It Takes Two"
DJ Dr. Rock Background, sound, "Force MDs"
Doggett, Bill Musician, member of "Ink Spots"
Dorham, Kenny Jazz Musician, Trumpeter
Douglas, Frederick (Augustus Washington Bailey) Civil Rights
Draffen, Jr., Willis Lewis Bloodstone, lead singer
Draper, Wylle Actor who portrayed Michael Jackson in "The Jacksons: An American Dream (1992)"
Drew, Charles Surgeon
Drew, Charles Richard Surgeon, Educator, Scientist
Du Sable, Jean Baptiste Pointe Explorer, Founded Chicago, Illinois
DuBois, William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B.) Civil Rights
Dunbar, Paul Laurence Poet, Novelist
Eckstine, Billy Big Band Singer
Edison, Harry "Sweets" Jazz Musician, Trumpeter
Edwards, Bernard "Chic" R & B Musician, member of "Chic"
Ellington, Duke Musician, Composer
Ellison, Ralph Waldo Author, Novelist, Editor
Evers, Medgar Civil Rights
Farmer, Art Jazz Musician, Trumpeter
Fields, Richard "Dimples" R & B singer, musician
Foxx, Charles R & B musician, "Inez & Charles Foxx"
Foxx, Red Comedian, Actor
Franklin, Melvin The Temptations, bass singer, lead
Funches, Johnny Lead singer, The Dells
Gaye, Frankie Marvin Gaye's younger brother, singer
Gaye, Marvin R & B Singer, musician, composer
Gillespie, Dizzy Jazz Musician
Glenn, Sr., Roy E. Actor, "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner"
Gordon, Dexter Jazz Musician
Grant, Earl Jazz Musician
Green, Grant Jazz Musician, Guitarist
Haley, Alex Arthor, "Roots"
Hamilton, Roy Singer
Hampton, Fred Civil Rights, Black Panther
Hampton, Lionel Jazz Musician, Vibraphone
Handy, William Christopher "W.C." Musician, Composer
Harris, Eddie Jazz Musician
Hartman, Johnny Singer
Hathaway, Donny R & B singer, musician
Hawkins, Coleman Jazz Musician, Tenor Saxophonist
Hawkins, Jay "Screamin'" R & B singer, musician
Hayes, Bob Track star
Henderson, Fletcher Jazz Musician
Henderson, Horace Jazz Musician
Henderson, Joe Jazz Musician, Saxophonist
Hendrix, Jimi Rock Musician
Hines, Earl Jazz, Big Band Musician
Homer, LeRoy Pilot, Flight 93 on 9/11/01 in Pennsylvania
Hooker, John Lee Blues Musician
Howard, George Jazz Musician
Hunter, Ivory Joe Blues musician
Hutton, Bobby Civil Rights, Black Panther
Ingram, Rex Actor
Isley, 0' Kelly Singer, Isley Brothers
Jackson, George Civil & Political Activist, Writer, Convicted Felon
Jackson, George Record Executive, Motown
Jackson, Milt Jazz Musician, Vibraphonist
Jackson, Walter R & B Singer, musician, composer
Jacobs, Marion "Little" Walter Blues musician
James, "Sylvester" Singer
Johnson, Noble Actor
Jones, Phalin R & B musician, The Bar Kays
Julian, Don R & B Musician, "The Meadow Larks"
Kador, Jr., Ernest "Ernie K-Doe" R & B Musician, "Mother-In-Law"
Kendrick, Eddie The Temptations, falsetto, lead
King, Jimmy R & B musician, The Bar Kays
King, Jr., Martin Luther Minister, civil rights activist
Kirby, George Comedian, Actor, Impressionist
Kirk, Roland "Rahsaan" Jazz Musician
Kirkland, Kenny Jazz Musician, Pianist
Lampkin, Charles Actor, 1st Black in SciFi film
Lance, Major R & B Musician
Lewis, Reginald Businessman, LBO of TLC Beatrice
Long, Shorty Musician
Louis, Joe Boxer
Lovejoy, Ronnie R & B Musician, singer, composer
Lunceford, Jimmie Big Band Musician
Lundy, Stevie D. Singer, "Force MDs"
Lymon, Frankie of "The Teenagers"
Lynch, David singer, "The Platters"
Marshall, Thurgood Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
Mayfield, Curtis R & B singer, musician
Mayfield, Percy Blues musician
Mayo, Whitman Actor, "Grady" on TV's "Sanford and Son"
McCoy, Van Musician, Artist, Composer, Producer
McDuff, Jack Jazz Musician
McNair, Ronald E. Astronaut, Physicist
McPhatter, Clyde The Drifters, lead singer
McPherson, Don The Main Ingredient, lead singer
McRae, Teddy Jazz Musician, Tenor Saxophonist
Melvin, Harold of "The Blue Notes," lead singer
Micheaux, Oscar Producer, Director, Actor
Middlebrooks, Ralph "Pee Wee" R & B musician-singer, Ohio Players
Mills, Donald The Mills Brothers
Mills, Harry The Mills Brothers
Mills, Herbert The Mills Brothers
Mills, Jr., John The Mills Brothers
Mobley, Hank Jazz Musician, Tenor Saxophonist
Monk, Thelonious Jazz Musician
Montgomery, Wes Jazz Musician
Moore, Johnny The Drifters, lead singer
Morgan, Lee Jazz Musician, Trumpeter
Morris, Greg Actor, "Barney" on TV's "Mission Impossible"
Morton, Jelly Roll Musician, Composer
Moses, Jr., Pirkle Lee Lead singer, The El Dorados
Muhammad, Elijah Religious Leader
Navarro, Fats Jazz Musician
Nelson, Charles "Mercury" Singer, "Force MDs"
Newman, James "Jimmy" Son and Manager of Gladys Knight
Newton, Huey P. Political Activist, Black Panther
Nicholas, Harold Lloyd Legendary Tap Dancer, brother of Fayard
Notorious, B.I.G. Rapper
Oliver, Sy Big Band, Jazz musician-composer
Owens, Jesse Track star
Paige, Satchel Baseball player
Parker, Charlie Yardbird Jazz Musician
Payton, Jr., Lawrence The Four Tops, composer, lead singer
Payton, Walter Football player
Pepper, Art Jazz Musician
Perry, Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew a.k.a. "Stepin' Fetchit," Actor
Pitchford, Lonnie Blues Musician, Diddley Bow
Porter, Art Jazz Musician
Powell, Adam Clayton Minister, civil rights activist
Powell, Bud Jazz Musician
Prysock, Arthur Big Band, R & B Singer
Rasulala, Thalmus (Jack Crowder) Actor
Ray, Harry The Moments, lead singer
Redding, Otis R & B Singer, musician, composer
Reynolds, Teddy "Cry Cry" Blues Musician, Pianist
Robeson, Paul Singer/Actor
Robi, Paul singer, "The Platters"
Robinson, Bill "Bojangles" Tap Dancer, Actor, Singer
Robinson, Jackie Baseball player
Robinson, Max 1st Black new anchor (ABC-TV)
Robinson, Sugar Ray Boxer
Rollins, Howard Actor, TV's "In The Heat Of The Night"
Rowan, Carl T. Syndicated Journalist
Ruffin, David The Temptations, tenor, lead singer
Satchell, Clarence "Satch" AR & B musician-singer, Ohio Players
Schomburg, Arthur A. Civil Rights, Historian
Scott, Dred Civil Rights, Lost to U.S. Supreme Court
Shaw, Woody Jazz Musician, Trumpeter
Sheen, Bobby R & B Musician
Silas, Louil "Silas Records president" produced New Edition, Jody Watley, etc.
Smith, Ocie Lee "O.C." R & B Musician, composer
Staples, Roebuck "Pops" R & B, Gospel, "The Staple Singers"
Stewart, Billy Jazz Musician, Vocalist
Stewart, Jermaine R & B singer, musician
Stitt, Sonny Jazz Musician
Strayhorn, Billy Musician, Composer
Strode, Woody Actor
Sylvers, Edmund Lead singer of R & B group, "The Sylvers"
Tachie-Menson, Michael R & B Musician, "Double Trouble"
Tatum, Art Jazz Musician, Pianist
Taylor, Johnnie R & B Singer, musician, composer
Tex, Joe R & B singer, musician
Thomas, Rufus R & B Musician
Thomas, Tommy Actor, Musician, Saxaphonist
Thomas, William "Buckwheat" Little Rascals child star
Til, Sonny (Erlington Carl Tilghman) The Orioles
Townson, Ron The 5th Dimension, member
Troutman, Larry Zap
Troutman, Roger Zap
Tupac Shakur Rapper/Actor
Turner, Nathaniel "Nat" Lead America's greatest slave revolt
Turrentine, Stanley Jazz Musician
Turrentine, Tommy Jazz Musician
Walker, Aaron Thibeaux "T-Bone" Blues Musician, Guitarist
Walker, Junior (Autry De Walt Mixon) Jr. Walker & The All-Stars
Washington, Albert Blues musician
Washington, Booker T. Civil Rights
Washington, Harold 1st Black mayor of Chicago, Illinois
Washington, Jr., Grover Jazz Musician, Tenor Saxophonist
Watson, Johnny Guitar Musician
Webb, William Henry "Chick" Jazz Musician
Wells, Junior Blues, Jazz Musician
White, Ron The Miracles
White, Slappy Comedian
Williams, Joe Jazz Musician
Williams, Paul The Temptations, baritone, lead singer
Williams, Tony Jazz Musician, Drummer
Williams, Tony Lead singer, "The Platters"
Williamson, Sonny Boy Blues musician
Wilson, Dooley Actor, Musician
Wilson, Flip Comedian
Wilson, Jackie Singer, musician
Witherspoon, Jimmy Blues musician
Wright, Eric "Eazy E" Rapper, NWA
Wynne, Phillippe The Spinners, lead singer
Young, Coleman Mayor of Detroit
Young, Jr., Whitney Moore Civil Rights activist
Young, Lester Jazz Musician
Young, Mighty Joe Blues Musician, Guitarist

Black Male Public Figures (above list only)
CAUSE OF DEATH for < 40 to 100 Years of Age

Rank Cause
Percent (%)
1 Heart Attack
2 Disease
3 Homicide
4 Accidents
5 Drugs
6 Stroke
8 Suicide

Black Male Public Figures (above list only)
CAUSE OF DEATH Black Males Under 40 Only

Rank Cause
Percent (%)
1 Homicide
2 Accidents
3 Disease
4 Heart Attack
5 Drugs
6 Suicide
8 Stroke



* Randomly Selected


Having been brainwashed by White people to have contempt for their own race, the need to be and look White is ingrained into the Black psyche . . . even Black people who prefer to look White!

The Evolution of Michael "White Boy" Jackson
August 29, 1958 to June 25, 2009 (aged 50)

Yet, another Black man with an early death.


Nationally, only 52% of Black males graduate from high school
As published by American Medical News (amednews.com), nationally, only 52% of male African-Americans earn high school diplomas, compared with 58% of male Hispanics and 78% of male non-Hispanic Whites, said a September 2012 report published by the nonprofit Schott Foundation for Public Education. According to a 2009 U.S. Justice Department study, for every Black male physician, there are about 50 Black men incarcerated at the federal, state or local levels, and as validated by the chart below, this disparity is getting worse. The proportion of Black men in medical schools has fallen since 2002, while a rising share of medical students come from Asian and Hispanic backgrounds.


2002 Applicants (%)

2011 Applicants (%)

2002 Matriculants (%)

2011 Matriculants (%)


10,483 (31.2%)

13,506 (30.8%)



White Women











Asian women










Hispanic Women





Black Men

874 (2.6%)

1,107 (2.5%)

391 (2.4%)

445 (2.3%)

Black Women










Individuals who did not mark a race or ethnicity, or who identified as multiracial, foreigners, Native Americans, Alaskans, Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders are not included in this chart. Source: "Diversity in Medical Education: Facts & Figures 2012," Assn. of American Medical Colleges, November 2012; "Minorities in Medical Education: Facts & Figures 2005," AAMC


The Constant Assault of White Privilege
Against Senator Ernie Chambers
BUSINESS AS USUAL - ALL CIVIL AND POLITICAL UNREST FROM BLACK PEOPLE MUST BE SUPPRESSED - On April 25, 2005, Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers, the only Black member of the Nebraska Legislature (self-described as a "Defender of the Downtrodden"), became Nebraska's longest-serving state senator, having served for more than 35 years (elected in 1970; re-elected 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2004; 2012), but he was deemed "too controversial" by White powerbrokers. To silence Senator Chambers, in 2000 White people in Nebraska successfully passed a term limits law primarily targeted to remove Senator Chambers from office. The amendment required legislators sit out one term, after which time they could run for election. On November 6, 2012, Chambers took 67% of the vote in a "landside" victory over incumbent Brenda Council (33% of the vote) to again represent north Omaha's 11th district. Source: Wikipedia.

YOUR ENEMY IS NOT MY ENEMY - On March 20, 2015, during a Judiciary Committee Hearing on Allowing Guns in Bars (LB 635), as part of the vetting process, Senator Chambers said:
My ISIS is the police. And you know what the county attorney said, Don Kleine: If the officer makes a mistake, if he's wrong but he had reason to think that he was right, then he's clear. I cannot get away with that and shoot you and say, well, I thought he was going to do something. They say, uh-uh, buddy, that doesn't work. Well, now we presume that these officers are trained. To show how little their training means and how they hide behind it, some guy out east was fired because he was dealing with a guy who had a mental problem and wound up...he was on duty, shot the guy 14 times, and he was fired. Now he's trying to get his job back. And you know what the lawyer is arguing? And he's justified in view of the not finding any fault in what these cops are doing. He said, yes, he shot the man 14 times, but it was within his training. So now, if the police are trained to shoot somebody in the back, then the cop who shoots in the back says, it was pursuant to my training, and he's home free. That's what's happening.

I would tell young people: If you tell somebody to go across the world to fight for ISIS, they can put you in jail if you just talk about it. If you want to fight injustice, don't...you don't have to go around the world to find the ISIS mentality. Your ISIS is in America and you're likely to die over there, one way or the other. So if you're going to die, die making your home safe.My home is not threatened by ISIS. Mine is threatened by the police. The police are licensed to kill us, children, old people. They showed a guy on a highway. The highway trooper, he had this elderly black woman down on the ground, just beating the stew out of her, and nothing was done to him. That's what I see. Now suppose somebody told me somebody from ISIS did that. Then everybody is up in arms: See what cowards they are? They beat women in broad daylight. But when a cop does it, it's all right. I don't feel that way. And if I were going to do something--but I'm not a man of violence--I wouldn't go to Syria, I wouldn't go to Iraq, I wouldn't go to Afghanistan, I wouldn't go to Yemen, I wouldn't go to Tunisia, I wouldn't go to Lebanon, I wouldn't go to Jordan. I would do it right here. Nobody from ISIS ever terrorized us as a people, as the police do daily. And they get away with it and they've been given the license now. And people don't like me to say this. Then you rein in your cops.
A few days later, as expected, White state senators used the White-owned and controlled local media to flood public opinion and demand an apology from Senator Chambers; as expected, the blatant and unabated beating and killing of unarmed Black people by police in Nebraska and throughout the U.S., as referenced by Senator Chambers was ignored, because the true power of White privilege is the ability to beat or kill Black people with absolutely no expectation of prosecution or conviction. When it comes to justice, why do so many White people consistently demonstrate a selective memory? In 1967 legendary boxer Muhammad Ali refused to fight the Viet Cong for the same reason. Here’s what Ali said:
“Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? No I’m not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of White slave masters of the darker people the world over. This is the day when such evils must come to an end. I have been warned that to take such a stand would cost me millions of dollars. But I have said it once and I will say it again. The real enemy of my people is here. I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality. If I thought the war was going to bring freedom and equality to 22 million of my people they wouldn’t have to draft me, I’d join tomorrow. I have nothing to lose by standing up for my beliefs. So I’ll go to jail, so what? We’ve been in jail for 400 years.”
- Muhammad Ali, 1967

Forty-eight (48) years later, YOUR ENEMY IS STILL NOT MY ENEMY.

Nothing changes.

Separate and Not Equal Works for the Majority of White People.

Home ownership for the majority of Black people is a joke. Even after holding constant all variables, including credit history, White men were denied credit 26% of the time compared with 68% of Black men and 52% of Black women. Source: The Wall Street Journal, November 23, 1999 by Josha Harris Prager and Paulette Thomas; Professor Ken Cavalluzzo, Ph.D, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

As documented in "The Story of the Contract Buyers League," (below) discrimination against Black people and other minorities is not just history but it remains the practice of White people to openly discriminate against Black people and other minorities in home ownership.
The Amber Ruffin Show presents
Beyond Tulsa:
The Secret History of Flooding Black Towns to Make Lakes
National Public Radio presents
Housing Segregation and Redlining in America: A Short History
The Union for Contemporary Art in Omaha, NE presents
How redlining and interstate highways intentionally wrecked Black communities in Omaha, Nebraska
Vox presents
The lost neighborhood under New York's Central Park
Vox presents
American segregation, mapped at day and night

As documented in, “The Persistence of Segregation in the Metropolis: New Findings from the 2010 Census” prepared for Project US2010 (Brown University and Florida State University):


The average White person in metropolitan American lives in a neighborhood that is 75% white. Despite a substantial shift of minorities from cities to suburbs, minorities have often not gained access to largely white neighborhoods. For example a typical Black person lives in a neighborhood that is only 35% white (not much different from 1940) and as much as 45% black. Diversity is experienced very differently in the daily lives of Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians.

In 367 metropolitan areas across the U.S., the typical White person lives in a neighborhood that is 75% White, 8% Black, 11% Hispanic, and 5% Asian. This represents a notable change since 1980, when the average Whites’ neighborhood was 88% white, but it is very different from the makeup of the metropolis as a whole.

The experience of minorities is very different. For example, the typical Black lives in a neighborhood that is 45% Black, 35% White, 15% Hispanic, and 4% Asian. The typical Hispanic lives in a neighborhood that is 46% Hispanic, 35% White, 11% Black and 7% Asian. The typical Asian lives in a neighborhood that is 22% Asian, 49% White, 9% Black, and 19% Hispanic.

As documented by Brookings and Gallup in their 2018 report, "The Devaluation of Assets in Black Neighborhoods," in U.S. metropolitan areas, 10 percent of neighborhoods are majority Black, and they are home to 41 percent of the Black population living in metropolitan areas and 37 percent of the U.S. Black population. Property valuations and appraisals are overwhelmingly defined by White-controlled political, public, and commercial entities, and throughout the U.S., homes in neighborhoods where the share of the population is 50 percent Black are valued at roughly half the price as homes in neighborhoods with no Black residents. Metropolitan areas with greater devaluation of Black neighborhoods are more segregated (like Omaha) and produce less upward mobility for the Black children who grow up in those communities.



The message here, which is also validated in the book, "Searching for Whitopia: An Improbable Journey to the Heart of White America (2009, Rich Benjamin)" is very simple; unlike other "people" White people, especially affluent White people and their brainwashed lackeys, intentionally chose to live in and restrict the establishment of businesses in neighborhoods with decidedly low minority representation; and the majority of White people, especially affluent White people and their brainwashed lackeys, will leave, typically called "White Flight," rather than interact with minorities. For the most part, White people are not as likely to "accept" minorities living in their neighborhoods; conversely, minorities are more likely to "accept" White people living in their neighborhoods.

Cracking the Codes: Joy DeGruy,
"A Trip to the Grocery Store"


Black and Latinos live in neighborhoods with high minority representation, and relatively few White neighbors. Asians have much smaller populations in most metropolitan areas, and consequently, live in neighborhoods where they are dispropotionately represented. On the other hand, reflecting the continued rapid growth of Hispanic and Asian populations through immigration and increasing numbers born in the U.S., having learned first-hand from the separatist and racist tactics of their White peers and oppressors, these groups have also become on average more isolated.


As respresented in the graph below, and just like St. Louis, Missouri, Omaha is one of the most racist cities in the United States.

To learn how the City of Omaha and Cox Communications openly discriminated against both White people and minorities in the delivery of and access to community public-access television, click here.

If hospitalized, Black patients were less likely than their White counterparts to received major therapeutic procedures for 37 of 77 conditions (48 percent).

Source: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.

What US News' equity analysis reveals about racial gaps
in hospital care: 5 takeaways

Analysis of Racial Gaps in Hospital Care
New measures of health equity reveal disparities in who gets hospitalized – and why.
By Ben Harder, Ronan Corgel, and Tavia Binger | July 27, 2021

About 80 percent of U.S. hospitals serve a smaller proportion of patients in racial and ethnic minority groups relative to their representation in the surrounding community, according to an analysis U.S. News & World Report released July 27 alongside its 2021-22 best hospitals rankings. U.S. News used 2015-19 Medicare data to examine the representation of local patients who received elective care at 1,400 hospitals between 2015-19, relative to the demographics of the surrounding community. U.S. News shared hospital-specific findings from the analysis as new healthcare equity measures on each facility's online profile. To search for a hospital, click here. The equity measures did not factor into this year's best hospitals ratings. U.S. News said it plans to add more measures in the coming years as part of its ongoing health equity initiative. Five takeaways from the analysis:

1. Only 29 percent of hospitals treated a proportion of Black patients comparable to or higher than their community's Black population. This figure sat at 18 percent for Hispanic patients and 5 percent for Asian/Pacific Islander patients.

2. Black patients had more hospitalizations that may have been avoided with access to better preventive care compared to Medicare patients of other races.

3. A minority of hospitals served a patient population that reflected local demographics or represented a larger share of people from minority groups compared to their surrounding communities. In some cases, hospitals in the latter category were near other hospitals that disproportionately treated white patients, which suggests that community members of different races tend to receive care at different hospitals, according to U.S. News.

4. Ben Harder, managing editor and chief of health analysis at U.S. News, spoke with Becker's about the new equity ratings earlier this month and said the measures are descriptive data only — not judgments.

"We are not saying that every hospital should have exactly the same proportion of patients in their hospital as their community," he said of the analysis. "There are various reasons it might be different, and there may not be anything wrong with it, and there may not be anything possible to do about it."

5. That said, research shows patients from minority backgrounds tend to be treated at lower quality hospitals. If patients are being segregated to different hospitals or care, hospital leaders can't expect to achieve equitable outcomes, according to Mr. Harder. "It's just descriptive, but it does paint a very informative picture about the patchwork of how different populations are cared for in this country and where they are cared for," he said. "That is critical information for us and healthcare leaders to have as we try to understand how we can address disparities in this country." To view the full analysis, click here.

One of every four drivers pulled over by Omaha police officers in 2010 was black.
Omaha Police Department stops and arrests Black drivers at rates higher than their proportion of the population. Source: Martha Stoddard, Omaha World Herald, April 6, 2010. Plus, as documented in the report, "Anatomy of Traffic Stops," by former City of Omaha Public Safety Auditor Tristan Bonn, Omaha Police are decidedly adversarial toward Blacks.

Education Indoctrinates and Enforces White privilege:
Part 2 - Put Down That Book Nigger; Run, Nigger, Run!!

Even before admission to the Union in 1867, White people, and only White people have consistently been in complete control of the formal education of Black students in Nebraska for more than 147 years, but the educational performance of Black students has never equaled or surpassed the performance of White students. As reported by Omaha Public Schools, over 50% of Black males fail to graduate from Omaha high schools, while White controlled public and private colleges and universities generate revenue through "slave labor" scholarship recruitment of Black male students to carry a football or shoot a basketball. CRT (critical race theory) is a blatant distraction to the actual facts, the perpetual "truth" of being Black.


1. The enslavement and perpetual acts of genocide, murder, lynching, oppression, and race-based discrimination against Black people by White people is not "theory," but exist as critically documented, well-recorded, and filmed history.

2. At 21 flagship institutions, more than one out of every Black men on campus was a student-athlete in 2004. At 42 institutions, more than one of every three football players was black. Fifty percent or more of the basketball teams were comprised of black men at 38 public flagship institutions. Only at three universities did Black male student-athletes comprise less than 20 percent of the men’s basketball teams.

3. At 43 public agship universities, six-year graduation rates were higher for White male student-athletes than for their Black male teammates. The average gap was 18.9 percentage points.

4. Only 12 flagship universities graduated more than half of their Black male student-athletes within six years; 13 institutions graduated less than one-third of these students.

5. As reported by Shaun R. Harper in the 2006 study, "Black Male Students at Public Flagship Universities in the U.S. - Status, Trends, and Implications for Policy and Practice," the Schott Foundation for Public Education notes that on average, 58 percent of Black male high school students do not graduate in four years. Reportedly, New York, South Dakota, and Wisconsin graduated less than one-third of their black male high school students on schedule in 2002. In ten other states—Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, and South Carolina—fewer than 58 percent of black male students graduated from high school with peers in their cohort.



Education Indoctrinates and Enforces White Privilege:
Part 1 - Brainwash, Divide and Conquer!

A. Once a "nigger" always a nigger."

1. Although eventually condemned by the Omaha Board of Education, nevertheless, initially use of the word “NIGGA” was considered “acceptable” for White and Black students as approved for publication by school administrators at Omaha’s Benson High School newspaper in 2007.

2. One might wonder if events in Omaha prompted the use of “NIGGER” as the pre-game chant for the girl’s varsity basketball team in Buffalo, NY in 2011.

3. In March 2015, a video showed Sigma Alpha Epsilon members vibrantly chanting and singing "nigger" and the value of lynching to dissuade Black people from becoming members.

4. At the University of Missouri, in September 2015, Peyton Head, a senior and the president of Missouri Students Association, said he was called racial slurs as he walked toward campus. Later, on October 5, 2015 members of the Legion of Black Collegians were called "Nigger" while rehearsing for homecoming festivities. Then, on October 24, 2015 a swastika was drawn with human feces specifically targeting Black studentsat a university residence hall. President Tim Wolfe and Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin ignored protests from Black and other students. However, when the predominately Black "money making" U of M football team conveyed they would boycott the rest of the U of M football season, which had an immediate loss of over $2,000,000 per game to the university, the President Tim Wolfe and Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin "decided" to resign.

Nothing changes the status quo of "White flight" from "people of color."
Nothing changes the status quo of "White flight" from "people of color."
LB 1024 – The Nebraska Legislature created permanent boundaries for school districts in metro Omaha who, prior to this law, would have been absorbed by OPS as the city itself grew. The law guarantees that all the districts in the fastest growing and wealthiest parts of Omaha have permanent boundaries. These districts are over 90% White, as compared to the whole district of Omaha, which is over 50% minority. LB 1024 created racially isolated districts throughout the city - minority districts in the former OPS and White districts everywhere else. Source: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, September 8, 2006. Although LB 1024 was eventually repealed and superseded by LB 641, nevertheless, the "elephant" of racially-defined school districts for metro Omaha remains intact.
In Omaha, Nebraska nothing changes the status quo of "White flight" of both White students leaving Omaha Public Schools; and the elimination of Black students due to the perpetual "gentrification" of historically Black neighborhoods, high Black unemployment, and perpetually high rates of incarceration of Black males.

In Omaha, Nebraska nothing changes the status quo of "White flight" of teachers leaving Omaha Public Schools and the burden of teaching "people of color."

By the way, Black teachers are leaving too!

Since 1867, White people - and only White people - have consistently been in complete control of all aspects of the public education of Black students (location of schools, funding, curriculum, instruction and staffing, etc.) in Nebraska for 152 years, but at absolutely no point in the history of Nebraska has the educational performance of Black students equaled or been greater than the performance of White students. Albert Einstein said it so clearly, "Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." In Nebraska, this "insanity" must be called "racism."
B. As detailed in #3 above, and as historically and consistently validated by both independent and government research studies, even with an "education" the typical Black household has NEVER and will NEVER make as much as the typical White household, and the gap continues to increase.

Black Americans may have lost between 1/2 trillion and one trillion dollars in wealth between 1992 and 2013 with no help from the government on recovery. If you are Black, have a college degree and are reading this, chances are, you are poorer now than in 1992. In 2013, the net worth of Whites with no colleges was three times more than net worth of Blacks who have graduated from college.

Research from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has found that, between 1992 and 2013, college-educated whites saw their wealth soar by 86 percent while college-educated blacks saw theirs plummet by 55 percent. Losing wealth means losing a cushion against hard times and a springboard for better times; it also means losing a chance to endow the next generation with the wealth we've accumulated over our lives. Source: Ray Boshara, April 16, 2017 Chicago Tribune


Median Family Net Worth in 2013



All Families

Source: Survey of Consumer Finances


c. Students of color consistently face harsher punishments in school than their white peers, leading to a higher number of youth of color incarcerated. Black and Hispanic students represent more than 70 percent of those involved in school-related arrests or referrals to law enforcement. Currently, African Americans make up two-fifths and Hispanics one-fifth of confined youth today. Source: Education Week, March 6, 2012.

In 2007, of twenty-two-(22) colleges and universities in Illinois, the overall average for Black males attending is only 3.75% of students. Conversely, Black men are 60% or more of every men's prison in Illinois! For example:

Illinois College or University

% of Black Male

% of Black Males

Loyola University Chicago
Bradley University
University of Chicago
Illinois Institute of Technology
University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
Northwestern University
DePaul University
University of Illinois Chicago
Illinois State University
Lewis University

To read the full report, click here.


In 2014, the National Women's Law Center (NWLC) and NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund released a report that shared details on how often Black girls were punished in school, and why. "African-American girls often encounter deeply embedded stereotypes that reinforce racial and gender biases in the classroom," the report says. Because of this, in the 2011-2012 school year, "twelve percent of all African-American pre-K-12 female students were suspended." This was six times as many suspensions as those doled out to white girls. It was higher than all groups of girls in general, and higher than suspensions given to white, Asian, and Latino boys.

Black girls accounted for 31 percent of all girls referred to law enforcement and almost half the number of girls who experienced a school-related arrest. "Although African-American students are punished more frequently than their white peers," the report says, "they are not engaged in more frequent or serious misbehavior." Worse still, African-American students are given harsher disciplinary measures than white students for the same behavior. Remember the South Carolina student who was thrown to the ground by an in-school police officer for having her cell phone out? That's one type of disciplinary action that the NWLC would like schools to begin combating.
















To read the full report, click here.


D. As validated by past and current data, and in the absence of major changes to both public and private education, K-12 and higher education, Black and Latino students will never equal the educational performance of White students; plus, Black and Latino students will continue to reflect a disproportionate number of students who will be retained, fail to promote, quit, or be permanently suspended from all aspects of education. Why? Both public and private education are intentionally designed for people of color to fail.


E. Since over 50% of Black males do not graduate from high school, with so many Black males retained (held-back) from promotion or graduation, with more Black males being suspended from school or placed in "special education programs, and with so many Black males becoming incarcerated, the educational opportunities for Black males has been "inhospitable," as stated by Christina Hoff Sommers, author of "The War Against Boys" (2000, Simon & Schuster). So, in the early 1990s, to help Black boys, Prince George County (a area of several poor, mostly Black public schools just outside Washington, D.C.) organized a "Black Male Acievement Initiative." The program, which used professional men for tutoring and mentoring was very effective. But in 1996, the program was radically restructured by order of the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, which found that it discriminated against girls. The woman who chaired the Prince George's County School Board was pleased: "The point here is that we are shortchanging (Black) female students, and we're not going to do that anymore." In reality, the "facts" as validated by the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (April 30, 1998, page 34) reveal that Black female students are NOT being "shortchanged," and the division between Black males and Black females continues to widen:

1. Black women in the United States account for nearly all of the gains in Black enrollment in higher education over the past 15 years.
2. In 1994, for example, of all degrees awarded to all Black people, Black women earned 63% of bachelor's degrees and 66% of master's degrees.
3. At historically Black colleges, Black women comprise 60% of enrollments, and comprise 80% of the honor roll.

F.The Debt Divide - The Racial and Class Bias Behind the “New Normal” of Student Borrowing

1. Black and low-income students borrow more, and more often, to receive a bachelor’s degree, even at public institutions. A full 84 percent of graduates who received Pell Grants graduate with debt, compared to less than half (46%) of non-Pell recipients. While less than two-thirds (63%) of white graduates from public schools borrow, four-in-five (81%) of Black graduates do so. Latino graduates borrow at similar rates and slightly lower amounts than white students.


2. Associate’s degree borrowing has spiked particularly among Black students over the past decade. At public institutions, well over half (57%) of Black associate’s degree recipients borrow (compared to 43% of white students), and borrow nearly $2,000 more than white students. A decade ago, 38% of Black associate’s degree recipients borrowed (compared to 32% of white students). In other words, a six-point gap in borrowing between white and Black associate’s degree holders has turned into a 14-point gap.


3. Students at for-profit institutions face the highest debt burdens. Associate’s degree recipients at for-profit schools borrow almost the same amount (only $956 less) than bachelor’s degree recipients at public colleges.


4. Black and Latino students are dropping out with debt at higher rates than white students. At all schools, nearly 4-in- 10 (39%) of Black borrowers drop out of college, compared to 29% of white borrowers. Around the same number (38%) of low-income borrowers1 drop out compared to less than a quarter of their higher-income peers. Nearly two-thirds of Black and Latino student borrowers at for-profit four-year schools drop out (65% and 67% respectively). Nearly half (47%) of Black student borrowers drop out with debt at for- profit 2, and less-than-2-,year institutions.

Source: demos.org or contact egray@demos.org / To read the full report, please click here.

G. As researched and published by the Brookings Institution, no matter how you look at it, Black Students Attend Worse Schools:

The school system remains highly segregated by race and economic status: Black students make up 16 percent of the public school population, but the average black student attends a school that’s 50 percent Black. As reported by Jonathan Rothwell, the average Black student also attends a school at the 37th percentile for test score results whereas the average white student attends a school in the 60th percentile:


As researched and published by the Brookings Institution, there are significant race gaps in nearly every conceivable social and economic dimension, including: incarceration, early learning, parenting, schooling, attitudinal racism, employment – and more! At best, progress has been extremely limited or non-existent.

The Willie Lynch-based disparities are worsening, especially in Nebraska, which as presented below, is ranked 49th of 50 states for the lowest Black male graduation rate.


Source: Schott Foundation for Public Education http://blackboysreport.org/national-summary/state-graduation-data/

H. As researched and published by the Albert Shanker Institute, Black teachers are disappearing:

To download report, click graphic images below.

Black Teachers - 02

Minority Teachers - 01

Minority Teachers - 02


Black Teachers - 01

In summary, again, since 1867, White people - and only White people - have consistently been in complete control of all aspects of the public education of Black students (location of schools, funding, curriculum, instruction and staffing, etc.) in Nebraska for 152 years, but at absolutely no point in the history of Nebraska has the educational performance of Black students equaled or been greater than the performance of White students.
Albert Einstein said it so clearly, "Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." In Nebraska, this "insanity" must be called "racism."




Henry Fonda watched the murder of Will Brown.

Let’s not forget that, prior to becoming a legendary, Academy Award® winning actor, 14-year old Henry Fonda (father of Jane Fonda and Peter Fonda) watched as a Black man, Will Brown, was beaten, then lynched, then shot, and then burned to death in the center of downtown Omaha, Nebraska on September 28, 1919.

After supper, [my dad] put me in the car with him and we drove back downtown [to the printing office]. And it was very unusual for me — for my dad to be taking me at my age and turning lights on and unlocking doors and going up the stairs. It’s not like doing it in the daytime. I remember those physical things, and walking across this empty office to a window that overlooked the courthouse square. This was where the riot was happening. My father never talked about it. He never preached about it. We both just were observers. […] It was the most horrendous sight I’d ever seen. […] My hands were wet and there were tears in my eyes. All I could think of was that young black man dangling at the end of a rope. Henry Fonda

Henry Fonda

May 16, 1905
August 12, 1982

Source: https://www.rogerebert.com/features/turning-on-the-light-henry-fonda-and-will-brown

Source: http://www.nebraskastudies.org/1900-1924/racial-tensions/a-horrible-lynching/

White citizens of Omaha literally dragged Will Brown's body all over downtown Omaha as they beat, stabbed, shot, hung, burned - murdered Will Brown


Since 2007, Nebraska has held the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th highest Black homicide rate in the U.S.
Nationally, one-(1) in twelve-(12) working-age Black men are in prison or jail, compared to only 1 in 87 White men, and 1 in 36 Hispanic men. Source: Michelle Alexander, “Yes! Magazine” 2011 Summer; U.S. Department of Justice. Locally, as published in the Omaha World Herald newspaper on February 21, 2010 (see graph below/click to enlarge), Omaha held the 3rd highest Black homicide rate in the U.S., and Omaha's constant "high Black male unemployment" and "poor educational achievement for Black males" continues to foster an enviroment of Black-on-Black crime that leads to incarceration.

Number of Homicides in Omaha
Number (%) of Black Homicides
5 (14.71%)
0 (0.0%)
17 (56.67%)
2010 34 26 (73.47%)
2011 43 30 (69.77%)
2012 41 31 (75.61%)
2013 42 25 (59.52%)
2014 32 26 (81.25%)
2015 50 27 (54.00%)
2016 29 14 (48.28%)
2017 30 15 (50.00%)
2018 22 15 (68.18%)
2019 23 17 (73.91%)
2020 37 28 (75.68%)
2021 32 TBD
2022 30 TBD
2023 TBD TBD
In 2011, the national black homicide victimization rate was 17.51 per 100,000. For that year, Nebraska ranked first as the state with the highest black homicide victimization rate. Its rate of 34.43 per 100,000 was nearly double the national average for black homicide victims.
Number of Homicides
Homicide Rate per 100,000
Number of Homicides
Homicide Rate per 100,000
Number of Homicides
Homicide Rate per 100,000
  1 Indiana 213
  2 Missouri 216
  3 Michigan 428
  4 Nebraska 25
  5 Oklahoma 81
  6 Pennsylvania 384
  7 Wisconsin 93
  8 Louisiana 350
West Virginia
  9 California 549
North Dakota
  10 New Jersey 268
To download 2011 report, click here.
  To download 2012 report, click here.   To download 2013 report, click here.
To download 2014 report, click here.
  To download 2015 report, click here.   To download 2016 report, click here.
To download 2017 report, click here.
To download 2018 report, click here.
To download 2019 report, click here.
To download 2020 report, click here.
2021 report, Not published.
To download 2022 report, click here.
Source: Violence Policy Center Report; FBI; Department of Justice.
QUESTION: What did Nebraskan do to significant reduce the number of Black homicides?
ANSWER: Simple. Incarcerate more Black men per 100,000 than the United Kingdom, Portugal, Canada, France, Belgium, Italy . . .







DATA FROM THE POLICY PRISION INITIATIVE - https://www.prisonpolicy.org/profiles/NE.html

That's right, you can very easily find Black men in jail or prison, especially in Nebraska.







Black people:




SOURCE: https://vpc.org/black-homicide-victimization-in-the-united-states-national/

Black people:



SOURCE: https://vpc.org/black-homicide-victimization-in-the-united-states-national/

Black people,
did you
get the



SOURCE: https://vpc.org/black-homicide-victimization-in-the-united-states-national/

Let's recap:

Black people, especially Black men, kill Black people.

White people especially White men, kill Black people.

Its always been "open season" to kill Black men

In summary, in Nebraska, from 1880 to 2025, that's 145 years, its been the demonstrated practice of "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men, to mandate Black people:

> attend the worst public schools;

> get the worst education with the highest dropout rates;

> to perennially pseudo-exist with the highest levels of unemployment; and

> to live in the poorest neighborhoods, and like rats in a cage, kill each other in order to survive.


People of color only account for about 30 percent of the United States’ population, but they account for 60 percent of those imprisoned.

However, as validated in the book and documentary, "Slavery By Another Name," even with the so-called end of slavery, it remains (as documented in "The New Jim Crow," by Michelle Alexander) the continuing practice of White-controlled government and White owned and controlled corporations to retain the full scope of their White privilege by incarcerating people of color.


The prison population grew by 700 percent from 1970 to 2005, a rate that is outpacing crime and population rates. The incarceration rates disproportionately impact men of color: 1 in every 15 African American men and 1 in every 36 Hispanic men are incarcerated in comparison to 1 in every 106 white men. SOURCE: Center for American Progress and Prison Policy Initiative at http://www.prisonpolicy.org/profiles/NE.html

On November 16, 2017, Amy Miller, Staff Attorney of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Nebraska spoke about ACLU’s lawsuit against the State of Nebraska Department of Corrections. The Nebraska Department of Correction was at 155.70% of Design Capacity in 2017. The Diagnostic and Evaluation Center was at 305% of Design Capacity in 2017. Nebraska houses 5,228 people in a prison meant for 3,275. Nebraska Department of Corrections is utilizing solitary confinement more to deal with overcrowding. National statistics indicate that 30-40% of incarcerated individuals have a serious mental health diagnosis. The Nebraska State Legislature, Judges, and Prosecutors have contributed to the issue by creating more criminal offenses, giving maximum sentences, and overzealous prosecution. Source: NAACP-Lincoln Branch, Minutes from November 16, 2017 Membership Meeting

Of course, not all White people are racist, but . . . Omaha Police beat the crap out of unarmed Robert Wagner
As captured in a video on May 29, 2011 and broadcast on Channel 22 (CTI22) and all local commercial television stations, Robert Wagner, a Black man,
was beaten, stomped, kicked, and repeatedly tasered by Omaha Police Officers in the parking lot at Creighton University Medical Center. Robert Wagner beaten by Omaha Police in 2011, City of Omaha paid Wagner $32,000 in damages and an additional $68,000 for attorney fees, expenses and costs.

Source: https://youtu.be/sRrIXoOGSPw

Of course, not all White people are racist, but . . . as usual, Omaha Police beat the crap out of unarmed Octavious Johnson
Beaten by Omaha Police in 2013, City of Omaha paid Johnson $30,000 in damages and an additional $60,000 for attorney fees, expenses and costs.

Of course, not all White people are racist, but . . . White controlled Omaha Public Schools has always been racist
As you know, retiring Penn State football coach Joe Paterno and the President of Penn State were fired because they knew about a coach engaged in child abuse and they didn’t report it to legal authorities as required by state law. However, in Omaha, retiring Omaha Public School Superintendent John Mackiel and the President of the OPS Board of Education knew, for more than three years, about a teacher, Brad Knutson who, based on seven felony charges, engaged in child abuse with five-(5) victims (13 to 14 year-old predominately Black females) and they didn’t report it to legal authorities as required by state law. Machiel was not fired or faced with criminal charges, and the OPS board president was not removed. Source: Omaha World Herald, Thursday, October 27, 2011 and Watchdog.com

Of course, not all White people are racist, but . . . in Omaha . . .
On December 28, 2011 vandals painted, “I HATE NIGGERS . . . FUCK YOU” on external brick walls facing the children’s playground at Adams Elementary School, 78th and Pinkney Street, in Omaha, Nebraska. Source: http://www.kmtv.com/news/local/136351358.html

Of course, not all White people are racist, but . . . Cox Communications has always played the "race card."
CTI22 repeatedly asked Cox via face-to-face meetings (December 29, 2009), emails (throughout 2010), and written correspondence (April 21, 2010) for nearly a year, that all references [http://ww2.cox.com/residential/omaha/tv/channel-lineup.cox] to CTI22 as “Cox’s” minority affairs channel be deleted; and in compliance with Cox's existing template for “branding” the clear majority of its channel roster, that only the CTI22 logo and the printed name of the station (with a link to our web site) be presented. Instead, Cox continued to promote misleading information about CTI22 for nearly a year until CTI22 threatened to go “public” and raise awareness of Cox’s business practices beyond its comfort zone. Cox finally made the change via email of July 21, 2010. Given that the clear majority of citizens in Nebraska (who are White) voted to eliminate the existence of Affirmative Action in the state in 2008, instead of posting only our logo and name, Cox intentionally continued to “black list” CTI22 as the n _ _ _ _ _ channel, which is how some non-minorities refer to CTI22. Source: http://www.cti22.org/FRANCHISE/LETTER-MAYOR%20SUTTLE-FRANCHISE.pdf

Of course, not all White people are racist, but . . .

it’s just as easy to detail an extremely lengthy history of racist atrocities against Native Americans, especially Nebraska's Ponca Tribe (Chief Standing Bear). Learn more about how the U.S. "humanely" treats sovereign Native People by watching this "TED" talks video (below).


The Doctrine of Discovery was promulgated by European monarchies in order to arrogantly legitimize the ethnocentric colonization of lands outside of Europe. Between the mid-fifteenth century and the mid-twentieth century, this idea allowed European entities, such as the Hudson Bay Company, to seize lands inhabited by indigenous peoples under the guise of discovery. In 1494, the Treaty of Todesillas declared that only non-Christian lands could be colonized under the Discovery Doctrine.

In 1792, U.S. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson declared that the Doctrine of the Discovery would extend from Europe to the infant U.S. government. The Doctrine and its legacy continue to influence American imperialism and treatment of conquered indigenous peoples. SOURCE: Wikipedia.com

To maintain White Privilege, the Doctrine of Discovery also mandates racist actions against Latinos in Fremont, Nebraska.

As represented by the letter (below) to President Omaha, not only did President Obama fail to improve the socio-economic status for the overwhelming majority of Black people, he also did nothing to improve the socio-economic status of Native American people. Again, in Nebraska, it’s not just racism against Black people . . .

By the way, I did not receive a response from President Obama.


In Nebraska, White people hold 92% to 97% of all public sector jobs that pay over $70,000
As validated by EEO-4 reports compiled in 2007, 2009, and again in 2011 by the EEOC, even though 97% of all state, county and local government jobs in Nebraska that pay over $70,000 a year are held by White people, on November 4, 2008, (thanks to Ward Connerly) White people in Nebraska passed ballot Initiative 424, which eliminated the application of Affirmative Action for all state, county, and local government jobs in Nebraska.  White people clearly want to hold the remaining 3% of all state, county and local government jobs in Nebraska that pay over $70,000

Simply put:

1. Even White women have a better chance of breaking into the “Glass Ceiling” in the private sector than trying to get a job in "senior management" with Governor "Racist" Ricketts.

2. White people in "authority" in Nebraska, especially White men, have absolutely no problem hiring themselves at levels nearly 20% greater than their actual representation in state population demographics, but for some reason they are perpetually unable or unwilling to hire Black people, other minorities, and women at levels that mirror their actual population demographics. Is Pete Ricketts a racist, which includes the systematic lily-White cronyism that envelopes every aspect of his life?  If it walks like a duck . . .

Again, not all White people are racist, but . . .


As reported in the June 2014 issue of “The Atlantic” magazine (see #b below) the clear majority of White people continue to embrace, promote, and actively sustain their supremacy over Black people and other people of color, and they have absolutely no interest or intent to relinquish their White supremacy and actively embrace egalitarian principles, which is necessary to secure true equality for all people.







For more information on systemic racism, click here.

Am I playing the “race card”?  Nope. As validated with the June 2014 issue of “The Atlantic” magazine (at left), the race card has been played on me and my “forefathers” during 250 years of slavery, 90 years of Jim Crow, 60 years of separate but equal, 35 years of state-sanctioned redlining.

Post Traumatic Slave Disorder by Dr Joy de Gruy Leary

As “impeccably researched” in the DVD documentary (above), “MAAFA 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America 2nd Edition (2011), the intentional bias against Black people, and Black men in particular, is not ancient history, because the intentional murders and planned extinction of the Black race via the Eugenics Movement is ongoing.

The clear majority of people who control the criminal justice system are White - except for the prisoners.
Surely you've heard Paul Mooney's old joke by now: “You won’t find much justice in the criminal justice system - JUST US!”
% White
% Black
% Latino
Police Detectives
Correctional Officers
State Prisoners

Source: Newsweek magazine, March 25, 1996; original data 1995 Bureau of Labor Statistics and Department of Justice

At right, “I don’t think we’re free in America,” says attorney Bryan Stevenson, who sees an unwillingness to talk about the terrors of slavery and other racial-based violence as a continuing burden. But he also sees strength -- in the descendants of those who endured slavery. Stevenson, executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, offers his Brief but Spectacular take on race and justice in America.

That's right, White men, who represent a
shrinking population of 30% or less,
have always dictated every law, every rule,
every policy. This "systemic privilege" is not
evidence of a democratic republic, but validates
the perpetual existence of
crony capitalism.




SOURCE: https://www.gavelgap.org

Again, while people of color make up about 38 percent of the United States’ population, they account for 60 percent of those imprisoned. The prison population grew by 700 percent from 1970 to 2005, a rate that is outpacing crime and population rates. The incarceration rates disproportionately impact men of color: 1 in every 15 African American men and 1 in every 36 Hispanic men are incarcerated in comparison to 1 in every 106 white men. SOURCE: Center for merican Progress and Prison Policy Initiative at http://www.prisonpolicy.org/profiles/NE.html



If they’re Black Shoot them

Incarceration rate of Black males in South Africa under apartheid (1993): 851 per 100,000 Black males

FACT 2: Incarceration rate of Black males in the United States during President George Bush's administration (2003): 4,919 per 100,000 Black males

QUESTION: What does it mean that the leader of the "free world" locks up its Black males at a rate 5.8 times higher than the (formerly) most openly racist country in the world? Source: Prison Policy Initiative / http://www.prisonpolicy.org


Forefathers? My forefathers were NOT White, but Black and Native American (and you know what happened to them, don't you?)!

The “Juror’s Creed” I received states, “My forefathers wrested from tyrants my right to serve as a juror.” That statement does not apply to me. FACT: My paternal forefathers were slaves on the R.J. Reynolds tobacco plantation, and my maternal forefathers were indigenous Blackfoot and Cherokee Indians, and the White master “tyrants” did not give my ancestors a damn dime, not even the right to vote, or to be jurors. When it comes to generic statements of hyperbole about the "great White father," clearly, one size does not fit all.

FACT: Using their own rules such as the Doctrine of Discovery, White people stole lands inhabited by indigenous people, like the Lakotah, under the guise of discovery.

These are facts, not opinions.


As defined by the United Nations, which is used in international law, genocide is: "...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

  1. Killing members of the group;
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

Numerous treaties between the US and Sioux Nation, all of which have been violated by the US.

Keep in mind, "elite," well-educated, slave-owning, God-fearing "Founding Father" White men had no problem executing contracts or agreements between themselves, or Native Americans, and with England, France, Spain, etc.

Or, are "we" supposed to believe these "elite," well-educated, slave-owning, God-fearing "Founding Father" White men, who used the same colonization tactics as their British peers, were not as smart as Chinese men who established, with Britain, a 99-year (timetable) lease for Hong Kong in 1898?


"It's their land. Give it back!"
The Republic of Lakotah

Where was (where is) the 99-year (timetable) lease to return to the Republic of Lakotah to Native Americans? Where?



Forefathers?? No Forty Acres, No Mule!
"Whenever three respectable negroes, heads of families, shall desire to settle on land . . . the inspector of settlements and plantations will... afford them such assistance as he can to enable them to establish a peaceable agricultural settlement... so that each family shall have a plot of not more than forty acres of tillable ground..." Special Field Orders, No. 15, General William Tecumseh Sherman.

This was the promise of emancipation toward the end of the Civil War.

The failure to fulfill that promise has implications to the present day. In the 1860s, the “respectable negroes” did not get the 40 acres of land along the Georgia and South Carolina coast, on Hilton Head and other islands, where land now goes for half a million dollars an acre. Nor did they get a mule.

Neither were their descendants three or four generations later eligible for federally guaranteed mortgages under the National Housing Act of 1934, the “underwriting manual” of which required redlining: The Valuator should investigate areas surrounding the location to determine whether or not incompatible racial [i.e. Black] and social groups are present, to the end that an intelligent prediction may be made regarding the possibility or probability of the location being invaded by such groups.

Having made that investigation, the “valuator” would turn down the loan application. Nor did they receive federally guaranteed mortgages under the World War II GI Bill. As a consequence, while nearly 70% of White families own their own homes, just 41% of Black families do so (down from 46% in 2000). And as a consequence of that, of generations of housing discrimination and redlining, while the median net worth of White households in 2013 was $192,500; the median net worth of Black households was $11,000. The former has increased by over $50,000 since the Great Recession, while that of the Black households has decreased by $5,600—34%.

Because of the curious system of school funding in the United States, home ownership and household wealth are crucial to the quality of education provided to children. School districts, in general, are funded by means of property tax and income tax, state and federal. Nearly uniquely to the United States, compared to the rest of the developed world, the overwhelming share of that funding is local, from property tax. Districts where property is expensive receive more in taxes than districts in which property is less expensive. The wealthy districts are able to provide the children of their wealthy property owners with better educations than those provided to the children of districts where households have lower incomes and live in less valuable housing. Source: Michael Holzman, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eric-cooper/no-forty-acres-no-mule_b_11981246.html

In addition to escalating genocide upon Native Americans, the Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854 (10 Stat. 277) created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opening new lands for settlement, and had the effect of repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820 by ONLY allowing White male settlers in those territories to determine through popular sovereignty whether they would allow slavery within each territory. The act was designed by Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois. The initial purpose of the Kansas–Nebraska Act was to open up many thousands of new farms and make feasible a Midwestern Transcontinental Railroad. It became a problem when popular sovereignty was written into the proposal so that the voters of the moment would decide whether slavery would be allowed or not. The result was that pro- and anti-slavery elements flooded into Kansas with the goal of voting slavery up or down, leading to Bleeding Kansas, and the Civil War. Source: Wikipedia

It is estimated that of the 10-12 million Africans brought to the new world as slaves, approximately 500,000-700,000 of them came to the United States. This was only about 4.4%-5.4% of all who were shipped to the Americas. The majority, about 35% were sent to Brazil and the remainder to other South American and Caribbean colonies. The largest ports of entry for American slaves were Baltimore, Savannah, Charleston and New Orleans. According to the first United States census count 92% of the 757,208 African Americans were slaves. The last census count during slavery in 1860 counted 4,441,830 African Americans of which 89% were slaves. By the turn of the century (1900) the Black population grew to more than 8 million and more than doubled every 50 year period since reaching 42 million by 2010.

Source: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database http://slavevoyages.org, Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_slave_trade, BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6445941.stm



Black people are "strategically" more likely than Whites to be gun homicide victims!

The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." According to some reports, there are more guns per resident in the United States, nearly 90 guns per 100 residents, than any other nation in the world. White men represent just a third of the U.S. population, but about 60 percent of adults with guns in America today are white men.

However, while Blacks are significantly more likely than Whites to be gun homicide victims, Blacks are only about half as likely as Whites to have a firearm in their home (41% vs. 19%). Hispanics are less likely than Blacks to be gun homicide victims and half as likely as Whites to have a gun at home (20%). Source: American Trends Panel, April 29-May 27, 2014, Pew Research Center.

Unlike Black men,
White men don't
commit crime?
Really? Click here.


Step 1: Keep Black people poor and uneducated [which maintains "White privilege"];

Step 2: Create and sustain an environment where Black people must fight amongst themselves to survive [this tactic will "thin the herd" and functions as genocide];

Step 3:
Put guns in the hands of Black people to enable Blacks to kill each other, while simultaneously providing police with a flimsy excuse to arrest, beat, and kill Black people [again, this tactic will "thin the herd" and functions as genocide];

Step 4:
Prosecute and incarcerate Black people, especially Black men, to destroy the Black family structure;

Step 5:
Start the cycle all over again.

Equally important, given that a typical Black household (see #3 above) has significantly less wealth ($5,677 assets minus debts) than a typical White household ($113,149 assets minus debts), the clear majority of Black people don't have the economic might to purchase or acquire anywhere as many guns as White people. In an effort to reduce or eliminate the illegal use and acquisition of firearms, common sense dictates law enforcement (which is White-owned and controlled - see #27 above) should direct their focus at persons [predominately White people] who have both the financial means (wealth) and opportunity (ownership of and access to companies, shipping and transportation outlets, etc.) to acquire firearms, which is clearly atypical of and well beyond the resources of the majority of Black people. Most importantly, since Black people don't own any of the companies that manufacture firearms or the ships, trains, and planes that distribute firearms, where and how do Black people get guns? Ultimately, all guns are placed into play by White people, of course (duh!).

QUESTION: Given all of the resources, technology, and "privilege" to do whatever they want and whenever they want, do you really, really believe White people in law enforcement and the judiciary (see #27 above) are too dumb, too stupid, and too inept to find out who is selling guns to Black people?

In summary, in compliance with key concepts of the Eugenics movement, the mandate of White privilege is to keep the majority of Black people poor and uneducated, which will prompt Black people to fight amongst themselves for the few resources available to them (i.e., basic Willie Lynch brainwashing Course 1 and Course 2); and to impose control over Black people by using law enforcement and the judiciary to consistently skew their so-called "war on crime" (see #6 above) to focus primarily on the incarceration of Black people, especially Black men. White people made the KKK obsolete by manipulating Black people to kill each other.

RESPONSE: No, White people are not too dumb, too stupid, or too inept to find out who is selling guns to Black people, because White people know, ultimately, "they" are selling guns to Black people!

White people are not stupid. However, the same is not true for brainwashed Black people.



It's always been "open season" to beat and kill Black people.
Even military service did not, does not exempt Black people from the blatant, systemic, and perpetual indifference, contempt, and condescending attitude many White people continue to hold toward Black people. The single largest murder trial in the history of the United States of America, of course, involved Black men.

The Camp Logan Mutiny (also called the Houston Riot of 1917) occurred on 23 August 1917. It was an uprising by 156 soldiers of the Third Battalion of the all-black Twenty-fourth United States Infantry Regiment and has long been labeled a riot. The events of the riot occurred within a climate of overt hostility perpetuated by members of the Houston Police Department against members of the local black community, and the black soldiers who attempted to intervene to address the treatment of the black citizenry, which included the unprovoked beating of Black women, the unprovoked pistol-whipping of Black men and Black military officers. The black soldiers mutinied and marched to Houston, where they opened fire in the aftermath of a particularly brutal, racially charged interaction. The events took place over a single night, and resulted in the deaths of 11 civilians and five policemen. Four soldiers were also killed and Sergeant Vida Henry, who led the mutineers, died by suicide. In accordance with policies of the time, the soldiers were tried at three courts-martial for mutiny. Nineteen were executed, and 41 were sentenced to life imprisonment. Source: Wikipedia

Conversely, in Nebraska, I’m expected to ignore that 120 or more White people were indicted for involvement in the beating, stabbing, shooting, hanging, burning and murder of Will Brown on September 28, 1919. I'm expected to ignore not one White person was successfully prosecuted, and all White people were eventually released after serving no term of imprisonment - and the City of Omaha expected me to be a juror in a murder trial of a Black man that will take place in the very same building where your predecessors failed to provide justice to Will Brown. Really? 

For the most part, White people in Nebraska are so brazen in their blatant indifference, contempt, and condescending attitude toward Black people that my participation as a juror is both unnecessary and unwarranted.   For example, after twenty-six-(26) children and adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, the residents of Newtown, Connecticut voted to demolish the murder site. 

In the photo below, just look at the triumphant, the celebratory smiles on the faces of the White men and White children! Talk about insensitive.

Talk about insensitive.


Keep in mind, it's always been "open season" to beat and kill Black people!

Obviously, many photos were taken of this . . . atrocity. Here's another photo of close-up images, but although 120 or more White people were indicted for involvement in the beating, stabbing, shooting, hanging, burning and murder of Will Brown, not one person was successfully prosecuted, and all White people were eventually released after serving no term of imprisonment.

This "historical footnote" is just one well-documented example of the perpetual meaning of "Being Black," especially in Omaha, Nebraska.

More than 20 race riots occurred in major industrial cities of the U.S. during the Red Summer of 1919. In Omaha, White people killed Will Brown, and consistent with the mandate of White privilege, not one person was successfully prosecuted, and all White people were eventually released after serving no term of imprisonment. Lynching is NOT ancient U.S. history; on the contrary, it's been the ongoing practice of White people to lynch Black people before, during and after the Civil War, continuing even after WWII and beyond. Note the graph below.

Black people live in a police state, and it's open
season to kill Black men, and other people of color.

In 1918, when Elton Mitchell of Earle, Arkansas, refused to work on a White-owned farm without pay, "prominent" White citizens of the city cut him into pieces with butcher knives and hung his remains from a tree.

In 1940, Jesse Thornton was lynched in Luverne, Alabama, for referring to a White police officer by his name without the title of "mister."

Research confirms many victims of terror lynchings were murdered without being accused of any crime; they were killed for minor social transgressions or for demanding basic rights and fair treatment. Racial terror lynching was and is a tool to enforce Jim Crow laws and racial segregation - a tactic for maintaining racial control by victimizing the entire Black community, not merely punishment of an alleged perpetrator for a crime. These same controlling "tactics" are employed by police, the judiciary, and all aspects of law enforcement today!

Source: Lynching In America - Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror

Talk about insensitive.
Talk about it!

It's the history and practice of White people in Nebraska to kill and steal the land of Native Americans (Ponca Tribe), to lynch Black people, and to enact legislation against Latinos.

Of course, not all White people have a predilection to kill, incarcerate, or steal land from people of color; neverthless, it's the history and on-going practice for the clear majority of so-called "innocent" White people to do nothing but bury their heads in the sand whenever the blatant realities of their past and current acts of racism are thrust into open discussion.

What about now? On average, an "unarmed black man" was fatally shot by police every nine days in the first seven months of 2015!!! That's right, every 9 days an "unarmed Black man" is killed by police. Again, every 9 days an unarmed Black man is killed by police! Tick toc. Tick toc. Tick toc. Bang!

Source: The Washington Post / http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/national/2015/08/08/black-and-unarmed/


And the future for being "Black" looks no better, because many White people, especially White people in power, continue to actively demonstrate an alarming "propensity" to oppress, malign, beat, kill, and discriminate against Black people and other people of color!

05-26-20 / White Minneapolis police officer keeps his knee
on the neck of a motionless, moaning, unarmed Black man.

05-26-20 / White Woman Who Called Cops on Black Man
in Central Park Issues Apology | NBC New York

05-20-20 / 68-year-old Black woman and her son
beaten and arrested for legally returning a television

05-13-20 / 26-year-old Black woman killed by
White police officers during "botched" execution of warrant

05-07-20 / Father, son charged with killing unarmed
Black jogger, Ahmaud Arbery, in Georgia

2014 racist comments by Donald Sterling, former owner of the NBA Los Angeles Clippers

August 9, 2014 fatal shooting of unarmed Michael Brown by a White policeman in Ferguson, Missouri

November 22, 2014 fatal shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice by a White policeman in Cleveland, Ohio.

December 2, 2014 fatal shooting of unarmed Rumain Brisbon by a White policeman in Phoenix, Arizona.

March 2015 video showing Sigma Alpha Epsilon members vibrantly chanting and singing "nigger" and lynching to promote anti-Black membership.

March 6, 2015 fatal shooting of unarmed Tony Robinson by a White policemen in Madison, Wisconsin.

March 12, 2015 a White sports commentator employed by Wahoo Sports calls the victory by a Native American Winnebago high school basketball team a “Firewater Win.”

On Saturday, April 4, 2015, North Charleston Police Officer Michael Slager repeatedly shot an unarmed 50-year-old, overweight Black man, Walter Scott, in the back.

Immediately upon being taken into custody by Baltimore Police on Sunday, April 12, 2015, Freddie Gray suffered a coma, injured larynx, a severed spinal cord, and then he died on April 19, 2015.

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 nine-(9) Black people (Rev. Clementa Pinckney, Cynthia Hurd, Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, Tywanza Sanders, Ethel Lance, Susie Jackson, Depayne Middleton Doctor, Rev. Daniel Simmons, and Myra Thompson) were reportedly killed at Emanuel A.M.E. Church by Dylann Roof.
Dylann Roof
As reported on November 12, 2015, a video captured South Boston, Virginia police who repeatedly tased a handcuffed Black man with at least twenty-(20) blasts of 50,000 volts in May 2013. He was not armed and not accused of any crime. Less than two hours later, 46-year-old Linwood Lambert Jr. was dead. Business as usual.
As reported in January 2016, a Donald Trump supporter in Omaha, Nebraska who displayed a sign describing President Barack Obama as a “nigger” was confronted by an Black reporter and agreed to remove the sign after admitting it might be “a little” racist.
As reported on January 22, 2016, a group of high school seniors, who were taking part in a Senior Picture Day at the Desert Vista High School in Phoenix, Arizona, were reportedly placed on suspension when they were seen in a photo spelling out "N-I-*(G)-*(G)-E-R. The racial slur against Black people was posted on the popular social media app Snapchat as well as on Twitter.

On July 5, 2016 Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old black man, was standing in the parking lot selling CDs as he had for years when two white cops arrived on Tuesday night. By Wednesday morning he was dead and protesters were in the city’s streets.

African Americans make up a disproportionate and overwhelming majority of the dead. We are disproportionately stopped, subjected to search and arrest—disportionately the victims of police violence. If we dare question that level of violence, we are immediately accused of “playing the race card.” If we dare point to the statistics or call for transparent investigations, we are accused of failing to police morality in our own communities. When we weep and shout the names of our dead, we caution that the victim was “no angel.” Source: Goldie Taylor, thedailybeast.com

On July 6, 2016 Philando Castile, 32, was shot at point-blank range during a traffic stop Wednesday night as he followed an officer’s command to take out his driver’s license.

Source: nydailynews.com

On Saturday, July 30, 2016 Karlie Hay, 18, was crowned Miss Teen USA. As usual, the epitome of so-called “beauty” in the U.S. is only or best represented by White women with blonde hair and blue eyes, with the 2016 Miss Teen USA crown awarded to Miss Teen Texas, Karlie Hay, who takes great pleasure in openly using “nigger” to communicate her values.

Click photo to enlarge for additonal content.

An overview of racist acts between September 2017 and January 2018 include:

September 22, 2017 - A black student at Cornell University returned home to find a group of White students, apparently from the Psi Upsilon fraternity, arguing with his housemate; when he tried to intervene, most of the students in the group began punching him and using a racial slur.

Racist language and symbols were posted at least twice on the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville campus, including a note on the door of a student’s on-campus apartment that read “filthy nigger.”

A swastika was carved into a campus elevator, and the N-word was written on the whiteboard belonging to a black student at Drake University.

At Cabrini University, a racial slur was written on the door of a first-year student Saturday, and two additional sightings were later reported in residence halls.

Lewd language and the N-word were scrawled on door name tags of black students at the University of Michigan. Later, protests and a fight broke out over the university’s response to this and other incidents.

“Nigger lives here” was written on a name tag of a student at Westfield State University.

Fliers encouraging students to join a white nationalist group were posted around the University of Louisville campus.

White nationalist fliers were also distributed around Stockton University advertising the “alt-right” movement, characterized by its white supremacist and racist views.

At Purdue University, fliers were posted by a group called Identity Evropa, a white supremacist group that bragged about the posters on Twitter. The group also mentioned other colleges where it hung fliers recently, including Stockton, Simpson University, Shasta College and Millersville University.

April 20, 2018 - Syracuse University suspends Theta Tau fraternity for racist, homophobic, misogynist, and sexist remarks captured in a frat initiation video.

Given the blatant and unabated killing of unarmed Black people (or download), the true power of White privilege is the ability to beat or kill Black men with absolutely no expectation of prosecution or conviction. Nothing changes. It's naive to think White people, especially White men who own and control the justice system, have any intention to change anything.

Police officers, security guards, or self-appointed vigilantes extrajudicially killed at least 313 Black people in 2012 according to a recent study. This means a Black person was killed by a security officer every 28 hours. The report notes that it's possible that the real number could be much higher.

While Black men have always faced extremely high rates of incarceration and death, Black women have been brainwashed to have extremely high
rates of unwed pregnancies

Century after century, decade after decade,
year after year, month after month, day after day,
hour after hour . . . nothing changes.
Black people are constantly reminded it's always
open season to oppress, beat, lynch, and
murder Black people.

Instead of printing
the truth, the Omaha
World-Herald hides
the truth .

What the hell is wrong with you racist
White people at the Omaha World-Herald?

Todd Sears, President and Publisher
Omaha World-Herald
1314 Douglas Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
Mary E. Junck, Chairman
Lee Enterprises, Inc.
4600 E 53rd Street
Davenport, Iowa 52807
No, I’m NOT referring to “all” White people – that’s ridiculous, but only to you racist, stupid-ass White people at the Omaha World Herald.  I’ll be very specific.

1.     The Sunday World-Herald for September 22, 2019 lead with the "above the headline" front page photo of three-(3) stereotypical Black athletes playing football; of course, Black men at their best are only good at sports, singing, dancing, etc.

2.     Below the headline is the intentionally cropped black-and-white photo of White people,  including children, laughing and smiling at the beating, stabbing, shooting, hanging, burning and murder of a Black man, Will Brown.

Do you really think Black people need your White owned and White controlled print and broadcast media to continually, to perpetually remind us (me) of your racism and oppression of Black people?  Do you?  Even worse, do you really think White people need to be reminded of or celebrated for their perpetual racism and oppression of Black people, the perpetual incarceration of Native Americans on Indian Reservations, etc.?  Do you?  

After twenty-six-(26) children and adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, the residents of Newtown, Connecticut voted to demolish the murder site.  However, in Nebraska, Black people are expected to ignore that 120 or more White people were indicted for involvement in the beating, stabbing, shooting, hanging, burning and murder of Will Brown, but not one person was successfully prosecuted, and all White people were eventually released after serving no term of imprisonment – but Black people (and White people) are required to conduct “judicial business” in the very same building where your predecessors failed to provide justice to Will Brown.   Talk about insensitive.  

You perpetuate racism and oppression while offering absolutely nothing to eliminate the injustice. It's an historical fact that many Blacks fought back and actually killed White people to regain their freedom - where's that story?  Instead, as usual, the OWH has again confined its show-and-tell to “showcase” Black people (correction . . . to showcase “niggers”) playing football (above the title) while being beaten, shot, burned to death, and killed (below the title).  Oops!  Your tag line below the title is: “Real. Fair. Accurate.”  That’s a total lie, since you clearly refused to print the entire, unedited “real” photo of Will Brown’s murder, which means the OWH is not fair, and the edited photo validates your total absence of accuracy.  What, you’re too scared and with a conveniently acquired “politically correctness” to print the unedited photo above the title on the front page?
“Unreal. Unfair. Inaccurate.”
“Real. Fair. Accurate.”


Of course, as White people, you make the rules, and you define all exceptions to the rules.  Just look at your lily-White executive management team at Lee Enterprises [https://lee.net/about/executive-team/], and the fact that, as reported by Huffpost.com, Berkshire Hathaway, where Warren Buffett is chairman and CEO, ranked dead last among S&P 100 companies in boosting women and minorities.  You may dislike some of the language and tone of this letter, but being eloquent would not change a damn thing.  After all, the token minorities employed by the OWH have absolutely final authority over the editorial practices of the OWH and they NEVER will.     

OWH constantly reports on the on-going success of White (typically male) racism and oppression.  Case in point, the “Money & Jobs” section constantly and predominately showcases the hiring and promotion of White men, but 51% of Omaha’s working adults are women! OWH is brazen with its blatant indifference, contempt, and condescending attitude toward Black people, other people of color, and women.  “Real. Fair. Accurate.”  Fake news.

Indiana also openly lynched
Black people

Sophie Kloppenburg

After a rape allegation, on October 10th, October 11th, and October 12th of 1878, seven Black men were lynched and four of them were hanged directly outside the county courthouse - all without trial. It was the largest lynching in state history.

The whole incident had been ignored and largely forgotten for 144 years — until a 17-year-old Black woman Sophie Kloppenburg heard about it.

As posted at the University of Southern Indiana's David L. Rice Library, in October 1878, a vigilante mob of several hundred white citizens of Posey County killed seven African American men over the span of three days. These killings are the largest recorded lynching of African Americans in Indiana history.

On October 10, the mob chased two brothers from their homes. When a portion of the mob caught Daniel Harrison Jr., they burned him to death in the firebox of a steam locomotive. On October 11, they caught his brother John, shot him, and stuffed his body into the hollow trunk of a tree. On October 12, their father, Daniel Harrison Sr., was arrested for harboring his two sons. He shot the deputy attempting to arrest him. Taken from the jail, the mob mutilated Harrison Sr. with a Civil War-era saber and dumped his remains in the jail house privy. The mob then took four other African American prisoners - Jim Good, William Chambers, Edward Warner, and Jeff Hopkins -from the jail and hung them on the Posey County Courthouse grounds. They had been in jail on suspicion of raping three white prostitutes. According to the Indianapolis News, after the lynching the mob removed their masks and blended in with bystanders, reporting that, "Nobody seems to think that there is the slightest possibility of the law's vengeance reaching one of the assassins, or even that anybody will be indicted, arrested or disturbed for it.”

No one within the mob ever faced prosecution. A grand jury was called to investigate the event; however, no one was ever indicted. In 2008, following years of research, Posey County judge Jim Redwine wrote the historical novel Judge Lynch! based on the events. In more recent years, the University of Southern Indiana College of Liberal Arts began to gather research on racial violence in the history of the Tristate and partnered with an initiative for this memorial in 2021 when Sophie Kloppenburg, a senior at Mount Vernon High School began to connect with Posey County community members, Judge James M. Redwine, and the College of Liberal Arts Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Committee at USI. There will be a continued partnership with the Posey County Commissioners office, the University of Southern Indiana History Department, and the Rice Library to maintain the marker QR code and website with extensive information to assist us in learning the history and supporting this work.

Here's another ignored and largely forgotten event for 93 years!

Patrick Huber, professor of history at Missouri University of Science and Technology, presents his work on the Ste. Genevieve Race Riot of 1930. The riot was a four day disturbance, long shrouded in secrecy, during which vigilantes drove away most of the town’s black residents, many of whom were recent arrivals recruited to work in local lime kilns and stone quarries.

The inherent pejorative bias of both law enforcement
and the judiciary against Black people.

Again, I’ve never heard of the defendant, and I know nothing about the circumstances of this case, and I don’t want to know anything.  I cannot willingly particiate in a “process” that is clearly documented to have an adverse impact on me and to all people who share my demographic; and given that such bias is consistently validated to be ongoing and overt, no matter how you instruct or admonish jurors, the inherent pejorative bias of both law enforcement and the judiciary in the interpretation and enforcement of the law will consistently be against Black men.  I am unable to participate in any inherently skewed process that places even more Black men in prison – period.  Plus, given that the enduring legacy of Willie Lynch continues to successfully pit Black people against Black people, the identification and selection of alternate (house negro) Black jurors is, well, an effortless endeavor.

As documented in the June 2014 issue of “The Atlantic” magazine, very little if anything has changed for the overwhelming majority of Black people in the U.S., and as represented by the plight of Mondo we Langa and Edward Poindexter, there’s no evidence of any effort to change the status quo of the judicial system in Nebraska, or anywhere in the U.S. anytime soon.    FACT: The racial disparity in incarceration rates is bigger now than it was in the 1960s:

As of January 1, 2013, more than 3,100 prisoners awaited execution on death row in the U.S. Of those, 42% were black. Black defendants are more likely to be sentenced to death regardless of the race of their victims. As confirmed by the federal Government Accountability Office, 75% of the 28 studies it surveyed in 1990 found that black defendants were more likely to receive the death penalty than white defendants.  At minimum, Blacks received 23% longer sentences than Whites. At the state level, 43.2% indicated harsher sentences for blacks, and 27.6% indicated harsher sentences for Latinos.  At the federal level, Blacks are 68.2% more likely to receive harsher sentences, and Latino are 47.6% more likely to receive harsher sentences.  Source: The Sentencing Project 2005 and 2013, Starr & Rehavi, Mandatory Sentencing and Racial Disparity, 2013.

Again, the true power of White privilege is the ability to beat or kill Black men with absolutely no expectation of prosecution or conviction. Nothing changes. As with so many Black men like Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. who was arrested at his Cambridge, Massachusetts home by an over-zealous police officer, or Amadou Diallo shot nineteen-(19) times and killed by New York City police - being innocent doesn't matter, because most Black people live in a "police state" and are subject to being beat or killed by the police at any time.

Clearly, many White people have a predilection to control and re-write historical facts, and/or kill or incarcerate people of color.

George Hosato Takei (born April 20, 1937) is an American actor, director, author, and activist. Takei is most widely known for his role as Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the USS Enterprise in the television series Star Trek. He also portrayed the character in six Star Trek feature films and in an episode of Star Trek: Voyager.

In 1942, the Takei family was forced to live in the converted horse stables of Santa Anita Park before being sent to the Rohwer War Relocation Center for internment in Rohwer, Arkansas. The family was later transferred to the Tule Lake War Relocation Center in California. He and his family returned to Los Angeles at the end of World War II.

Source: Wikipedia


In 2012, Takei starred in the musical Allegiance, which Takei described as his legacy project. The show is based on Takei's own experiences and research into the Japanese American internment of World War II and premiered at the Old Globe Theatre in Balboa Park in San Diego, California.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776


"Elite," politically powerful and affluent White men, primarily Jewish, actively "Whitewashed"
Asian culture!


White people enacted genocide upon Native Americans and confined them (men, women and children!) to reservations (i.e., prisons, concentration camps, etc.) to this very day; White people enslaved Black people and confined them to plantations, robbed them of their culture, started the Eugenics Movement to prompt the genocide of Black people, and confined Black people to ghettoes to this very day; White people robbed Latinos (i.e., Native Americans) of their culture and confined them to barrios to this very day; White people robbed Asians of their culture and confined them to concentration camps during World War II, and then re-cast them as “acceptable” minorities [probably because China is a "sleeping giant" (with a current population of 1,355,692,576 - July 2014 est., CIA.gov) and an ultimate force to reckon with], but given that White people use incarceration to acquire, maintain and expand their White privilege, at their discretion, White people can and will continue to increase their incarceration of Black men anytime they want to do so. How have and do the clear majority of White people manage diversity? Note the following table below:


Ninety-three-(93) year-old Actor James Hong on his amazing longevity
(and Hollywood's overtly racist casting practices)


Slavery, Racism, and Oppression - 1620 to Present: 250 years of slavery, 90 years of Jim Crow (lynching, racism, discrimination, incarceration, etc.), 60 years of separate but equal, 35 years of state-sanctioned red-lining. – Total so far: 395 Years and counting.

Source: “The Atlantic” Magazine, June 2014





More Black men are incarcerated than are in college; which represents no change since before, during or upon ending state-sanctioned slavery.
Most Black Middle Class Kids Are Downwardly Mobile - 7 out of 10 Black Americans born into the middle quintile fall into one of the two quintiles below as adults; even Black Americans who make it to the middle class are likely to see their kids fall down the ladder. Source: Brookings Institution
The rate has consistently been twice as high OR HIGHER than the white unemployment rate for 50 years! Source: Marc V. Levine University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for Economic Development, January 2012

Many U.S. school systems remain highly segregated by race and economic status: Black students make up 16 percent of the public school population, but the average Black student attends a school that’s 50 percent Black. As reported by Jonathan Rothwell, the average Black student also attends a school at the 37th percentile for test score results whereas the average white student attends a school in the 60th percentile. Nebraska is ranked 49th of 50 states for the lowest Black male graduation rate. Source: Brookings Institution

"White Privilege" is the power to do this . . .

TCM Original Production:
Blackface and Hollywood - African American Film History - Documentary

Asians React to Blackface for the First Time

Unfortunately, these Korean men believed "blackface" was necessary because: (1) Black people were prohibited from appearing in films, thereby requiring White people to substitute themselves; and (2) that blackface ended after the U.S. Civil War. Clearly, both observations are incorrect.

"White Privilege" and indifference is the lingering power to do this . . .

1492 to PresentIt’s difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus, estimates range from a low of 2.1 million (Ubelaker 1976) to 7 million people (Russell Thornton) to a high of 18 million (Dobyns 1983). Source: Wikipedia


Each of the 326 Indian reservations in the U.S. are associated with a particular Nation. The U.S. has only recognized 567 tribes (there are more) and not all tribes have a reservation - some tribes have more than one reservation, some share reservations. Consider the status of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation within the Legendary Republic of Lakotah below.


On 8 September 2000, the head of the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) formally apologized for the agency's participation in the "ethnic cleansing" of Western tribes. Now, 523 later, Native population in the U.S. as of 2010 is only 2.9 million. Source: Wikipedia

Native Americans have also been subjected to the blatantly distorted narrative of White-man as savior, "White Savior" and White-man's version of history, "White Washing" in stories and roles in Hollywood films, with their historic leaders and warriors portrayed by whites. Source: Wikipedia

Click photo to enlarge

Click photo to enlarge

The "real" Geronimo was not White, he did not have blue-eyes, he was not 6'5" tall.


In the 1962 film, "Geronimo," was portrayed by a White, blue-eyed, 6'5" tall, actor, Chuck Connors



1776 to Present - After the Mexican-American War (1846–1848), the U.S. annexed much of the current Southwestern region from Mexico, and Mexicans who remained were subject to discrimination.

During the Great Depression (1929 and 1939) over 1,000,000 Mexicans were deported, including U.S. citizens. Between 1954 and 1962 “
Operation Wetback” deported over a million more.



At least 597 Mexicans were lynched between 1848 and 1928 (conservative estimate dues to lack of records for many reported lynchings). Mexicans were lynched at a rate of 27.4 per 100,000 of population between 1880 and 1930, second only to the lynchings of Black people during that period of 37.1 per 100,000 population. Between 1848 to 1879, Mexicans were lynched at an unprecedented rate of 473 per 100,000 of population. Source: Wikipedia.com

Voters of Fremont, Nebraska (pop. 25,000) passed an ordinance (06/23/2010) to prevent illegal immigrants from renting property or getting a job in the community. The measure requires businesses to verify citizenship of all workers, and renters to obtain a license from the local police department. Source: theweek.com 7/8/14


February 19, 1942 to April 1946 – 4 Years


Click the graph above to enlarge.

Between 110,000 and 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry were forcibly relocated and incarcerated during World War II. Sixty-two percent of the internees were United States citizens. President Roosevelt ordered the Incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, shortly after Imperial Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.


In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act, which apologized for the internment on behalf of the U.S. government paid $20,000 to each individual camp survivor. The legislation admitted that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership." The U.S. government eventually disbursed more than $1.6 billion in reparations to 82,219 Japanese Americans who had been interned and their heirs.

George Hosato Takei (born April 20, 1937) is an American actor, director, author, and activist. Takei is most widely known for his role as Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the USS Enterprise in the television series Star Trek. He also portrayed the character in six Star Trek feature films and in an episode of Star Trek: Voyager.

In 1942, the Takei family was forced to live in the converted horse stables of Santa Anita Park before being sent to the Rohwer War Relocation Center for internment in Rohwer, Arkansas. The family was later transferred to the Tule Lake War Relocation Center in California. He and his family returned to Los Angeles at the end of World War II.

Source: Wikipedia



Monday, December 7, 2015

Republican POTUS presidential candidate Donald Trump called for barring all Muslims WHO ARE NOT U.S. citizens from entering the U.S. until “our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said. Source: CNN.com

HISTORY REPEATS - Trump previously called for surveillance against mosques and establishing a database for all Muslims living in the U.S. Plus, in the wake of a deadly mass shooting in San Bernardino, California by ISIS sympathizers, presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush said they’d prohibit Muslim refugees, but allow Christians; and Marco Rubio would close all places where Muslims meet. Source: Democratic National Committee 12/08/15



Based on past practices, the (inevitable) planned and forced relocation and incarceration of Muslims.



Again, it’s the well-documented history and on-going practice of White people in the U.S. to openly or clandestinely, legally or illegally, intentionally or unintentionally to discriminate against Black people and other people of color.  Most importantly, the overall plight of Black people has NEVER improved to a point of economic, social, or educational parity with White people under any President of the U.S.  So, why expect anything different from President Donald Trump?  The “business as usual” practice of White privilege only means “more excuses and more promises” and the mediocrity of the status quo.

People of color did NOT conceive, engineer, and execute the above acts of "inhumanity" to themselves, because people of color were not and have never held the power, control, or "privilege" to do so. Clearly, only White people, primarily "elite," politically powerful and affluent White men, held and continue to hold exclusive "privilege" to unilaterally determine the fate of people of color. Some people believe "White Privilege" does not exist, and that most Black people, Native Americans, Latinos, and Asians have as much opportunity and power, in the past or now, to be as successful as most White people. However, "facts consistently, perpetually, and overwhelmingly validate not only the errors such belief, but the stupidity of any such belief.

Top 10 Reasons Why Black People Should Get Out and Stay Out of Nebraska
Given all of the aforementioned, Nebraska is not a good place for Black people to live. In fact, here are the "Top 10 Reasons Why Black People Should Get Out and Stay Out of Nebraska."

Black people are primarily marketed as clowns, buffoons, or minstrels, and that's how "Hollywood" markets "those people" to the world.

For Proof of Sytemic Racism, All You Have To Do Is Look at Disney/Pixar!


And you really think there's a difference?

NOTHING CHANGES - As with Disney's 2020 film, "Soul," it's the demonstrated practice of Disney, throughout its history, to animate Black characters with extremely big noses, big lips, pertruding "bug-like" eyes, distorted ears, and protruding jaws. Plus, except for Denzel Washington's appearance in "Remember the Titians," and the animated 2009 film "Princess and the Frog" it's rare or impossible for an "attractive" Black man or an attractive Black woman to be cast in leading role in a Disney film; and images of a loving Black family structure are rarely or never in the script.

"Soul" (2020)

From the "Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia"


Nearly 50% to 60% of total film revenue comes for foreign markets, but featuring Black people in leading roles for "major" theatrically released films does not occur unless: (a) the film prominently features major White stars in co-starring "buddy" roles ("Men in Black" with Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith; "Rush Hour" with Jackie Chan (to capture the Asian markets) and Chris Tucker; "48 Hours" with Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy; "Silver Streak" with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor; and on and on; or (b) it's a "period" film that showcases how White people successfully enslaved and continue to oppress and discriminate against Black people as with the recent slate of blatantly pretentious "never-forget-they-were-slaves-flims" like Steven Spielberg's 2012 "Lincoln," and Quentin Tarantino's 2012 "Django Unchained," and Steve McQueen's 2013 "12 Years A Slave."

George Lucas (creator of the "Star Wars" film franchise) spent 23 years trying to get "Hollywood" to finance and produce "Red Tails," finally released in 2012, a World War II movie about the legendary Tuskegee Airmen, but unfortunately, it featured an all-Black cast. "Hollywood" refused to finance the film, so Lucas used his own money ($58 million) to finance the film. Given the lack of support from the "Hollywood" industrial complex (writing, production, distribution, exhibition, and promotion) "Red Tails" lost money. Keep in mind, the rest of the world is keenly aware the United States openly engaged in genocide, slavery, oppression, discrimination, and the continuing skewed incarceration of Black people; plus, propaganda from the U.S. continues to fuel the flame that Black people have no value in the U.S. or anywhere else in the world. Black people are primarily marketed as clowns, buffoons, or minstrels, and that's how "Hollywood" markets "those people" to the world. What, you don't agree? Take a look at the following list of the largest grossing films with Black people in leading roles
with a predominately Black cast.


RESPONSE: Whitewashing in film and White-man as savior in film was, is, and will remain the practice of White-owned and White-controlled print, broadcast, and film to cast White people as ultimate conquerors over people of color, and White-people cast as actors in the roles of minorities.

For example, the real "Lone Ranger," was a Black man named
Bass Reeves. White people wore Black face makeup to present themselves as Black people, White people used buck teeth and yellow makeup to present negative images of themselves as Asians, White people used red makeup to present themselves as Native Americans, and White people continue to make these kinds of films to routinely showcase their successful enslavement, genocide, oppression, and acts of discrimination against people of color.

Guy Aoki said African Americans "have long felt the full brunt of the 'whitewashing' of roles" and that Asians have experienced it as well. Native Americans have also been subjected to this, seeing their historic leaders and warriors portrayed by whites. Source: Wikipedia

Click photo to enlarge

Click photo to enlarge

The "real" Geronimo was not White, he did not have blue-eyes, he was not 6'5" tall.


In the 1962 film, "Geronimo," was portrayed by a White, blue-eyed, 6'5" tall, actor, Chuck Connors

TOP 10


Coming To America
Eddie Murphy
$128,152,301 (44.4%)
$160,600,000 (55.6%)
Bad Boys II
Will Smith & Martin Lawrence
$138,608,444 (50.7%)
$134,731,112 (49.3%)
Big Momma's House
Martin Lawrence
$117,559,438 (67.6%)
$56,400,000 (32.4%)
Beyoncé Knowles, Jamie Foxx, & Eddie Murphy
$103,365,956 (66.7%)
$51,571,724 (33.3%)
Bad Boys
Will Smith & Martin Lawrence
$65,807,024 (46.5%)
$75,600,000 (53.5%)
Big Momma's House 2
Martin Lawrence
$70,165,972 (50.7%)
$68,093,090 (49.3%)
Eddie Murphy
$70,052,444 (53.5%)
$61,000,000 (46.5%)
Jamie Fox
$75,331,600 (60.4%)
$49,399,934 (39.6%)
Little Man
Shawn Wayans & Marlon Wayans
$58,645,052 (57.7%)
$42,950,069 (42.3%)
Are We There Yet
Ice Cube & Mia Long
$82,674,398 (84.4%)
$15,244,265 (15.6%)

Sources: Box Offie Mojo

Now, you might think (erroneously) that surely Denzel Washington and/or Samuel L. Jackson have starred in a "Black film" that's made a bunch of money, right? Wrong. Washington's highest grossing starring role in a theatrically released film, that kinda had a predominately Black cast, is "American Gangster (2007)," which generated $130,164,645. Keep in mind, to attract "White audiences," Washington's co-star in "American Gangster" was Academy Award® winning White actor, Russell Crowe. So, count "American Gangster" as a buddy film. Jackson's highest grossing starring role in a theatrically released film, with a predominately Black cast, is . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . . "Coming to America." Yep, that's right. Given the list above, it makes since for 6'5" producer/director/actor Tyler Perry to dress-up as a woman, after all, making the Black male image effeminate has worked pretty well for 5'8" Martin Lawrence and 5'9" Eddie Murphy. By the way, as of September 1, 2014 the U.S. domestic total for "Get On Up" is only $29,812,100, and the film has not yet been released internationally. Will "Get On Up" generate as much revenue as the biopic "Ray (2004)"? Unlikely.

Nevertheless, to appease Black people and to avoid alienating White audiences a unique phenomenon was devised: for “smaller” films (typically with smaller budgets) that play better domestically [United States] than internationally [world-wide] its okay to feature Black people in leading roles, but for “larger” films (typically with bigger budgets) Blacks must, must be paired with a White actor to give the films better "marketability and credibility." Here, take a look at just a few examples:

White Actor
Black Actor
Film Title
Beau Bridges Bubba Smith The Wild Pair
Jackie Chan Chris Tucker Rush Hour
Jackie Chan Chris Tucker Rush Hour 2
Jackie Chan Chris Tucker Rush Hour 3
Nick Nolte Eddie Murphy 48 Hours
Nick Nolte Eddie Murphy Another 48 Hours
Owen Wilson Eddie Murphy I Spy
Willem Dafoe Gregory Hines Off Limits
James Belushi Gregory Hines Who Killed Atlanta's Children?
Billy Crystal Gregory Hines Running Scared
Vincent D'Onofrio Gregory Hines Good Luck
Mikhail Baryshnikov Gregory Hines White Nights
Owen Wilson Jackie Chan Shanghai Noon
Steven Seagal Keenen Ivory Wayans The Glimmer Man
Gene Wilder Richard Pryor See No Evil, Hear No Evil
Gene Wilder Richard Pryor Another You
Gene Wilder Richard Pryor Silver Streak
Gene Wilder Richard Pryor Stir Crazy
Tommy Lee Jones Will Smith Men In Black
Tommy Lee Jones Will Smith Men In Black 2
Tommy Lee Jones Will Smith Men In Black 3
Kevin Klein Will Smith Wild, Wild West
Will Ferrell Kevin Hart Get Hard

At The Atlantic, we believe it’s never been more important to take on established answers with tough questions. Here, Michael K. Williams, of The Wire and The Night Of, wrestles with one of his own: Is he being typecast?

Notably, in White-produced films where Black people are not performing as slaves, the Black actor typically performs as “second banana” or as the comic "buffoon" or "criminal," but rarely as an equal or superior to the White-male. As established during the 1930s, it’s the job of the White male actor to “carry” the film. Consider the career of comic actor Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry, also known as "Stepin' Fetchit." Although actually never more than a bit player or novelty act, Perry’s characteristic big and bulging eyes, slow talking drool, scared of ghosts mentality, and shuffling and jiving banter was perceived by both White and Black audiences as the ubiquitous image of Black people (and then came Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, etc.) and, sadly, the dominant image seen by most White people. Some sources say Perry was one of the highest paid actors, Black or White, during the 1930s and 1940s. Conversely, Perry, who primarily used his comedic talents in films produced and marketed by White people, was never as popular in the limited number of appearances he made in films featuring all Black casts that were also produced, marketed, and directed by Black people. Second banana, buffoon, or criminal - these are the perfunctory roles of Black men and women in major release theatrical films.


The Black Panther is not relevant to Black people because he failed to address his "Blackness."
Erik Killmonger's father left Wakanda to fight for oppressed Black people in the United States, but T'Challa's father killed him. In summary, the "Black Panther" is an Uncle Tom. An "Uncle Tom" is a Black person who is knowingly and intentionally subservient to, gives preference to, worships, or acknowledges White people as his (or her) superior.

Disney's live action film, "Black Panther" from 2018 did not champion "Blackness," oh no, as usual, it exploited it to the tune of $1,346,913,161 - which went to White-owned and controlled Disney. The film did not feature any "A" level expensive Black talent (Dwayne Johnson, Will Smith, Denzel Washington), so it was cheap to showcase "B" and "C" level and unknown Black talent.

Blackness? Most importantly, the "big elephant in the room" or central "problem" with this film, as with the comic book origin, is we're supposed to believe the world's most highly evolved and scientifically advanced society, a society composed entirely of Black people, did absolutely nothing but to watch or ignore as their Black peers endured 250 years of slavery, 90 years of Jim Crow, 60 years of separate but equal, 35+ years of state-sanctioned redlining! Not until May of 1865 were slaves in Texas told of President Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclamation of September 22, 1862" that freed them nearly three years earlier. But given their knowledge of world affairs, what excuse did Wakandans have to ignore the suffering of their peers through 250 years of slavery, 90 years of Jim Crow, 60 years of separate but equal, 35+ years of state-sanctioned redlining?

Are Black people really that stupid, or brainwashed, or naive, or selfish? Well, are they??? How does an enlightened Wakandan society ignore a world-wide political imperative to kill, kill, kill and continue to kill or enslave or rape or discriminate or oppress Black people and other people of color - and even White people too?

Keep in mind, this film is a White man's idea of what it would be like for a Black man to lead the world's most highly evolved and scientifically advanced society, which again is a major problem for this film. Yes, the film was directed by a Black man, Ryan Coogler, and written by two Black men, Joe Robert Cole and Ryan Coogler. But the "Black Panther" was created in 1966 by two White (Jewish) men, the legendary Marvel Comics writer Stan Lee and equally legendary Marvel Comics artist Jack Kirby. The problem is not with Lee and Kirby, because Marvel Comics has always been a White owned and operated company, and accordingly, as White people, they make the rules, they make all exceptions to the rules, and given their control of all aspects of media, business and society White people have always defined the "images" of Black people they want all people throughout the world to see and digest. Arguably, Lee and Kirby created the Black Panther comic book to intentional exploit and profit from the civil rights movement, or whatever, but the creation of "The Black Panther" in 1966 intentionally omitted the social and political context of "being Black" during the 1960s, such as:

a bomb planted by the Ku Klux Klan killed four-(4) pre-teenage Black girls and injured twenty-two others at the 16th Street Baptist Church on September 15, 1963;

the assassination of Malcolm X on February 21, 1965;

when armed police used billy clubs, tear gas, and dogs and attacked unarmed Black people who for marched on "Bloody Sunday" for their Civil Rights on the Edmund Pettus Bridge to the Alabama state capital in Montgomery;

the U.S. Supreme Court's "Loving Decision" (Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 that finally made it legal for people of different races to marry in ALL 50 states; the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968;

former Governor of Alabama George Wallace, nationally known as a racist and pro-segregationalist, ran a 1968 presidential campaign supporting law and order and states' rights on racial segregation;

Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their gloved fists to protest U.S. racial policies at the 1968 Olympics;

Wyoming football had become a relative powerhouse, finishing 10-1 with a win in the Sun Bowl in 1966 and topping that with a No. 6 finish in the final AP Poll in 1967. Wyoming football head coach Lloyd Eaton kicked 14 Black players off the team because they wanted to wear armbands when they faced BYU, a school operated by the LDS Church, which prohibited African-Americans from most ecclesiastical positions at the time. The move was popular with conservative Wyoming fans, but would cripple Wyoming’s ability to recruit African-Americans for years after; and

Fred Hampton was assassinated on December 4, 1969. Born August 30, 1948, Hampton was a Black activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP.

But the Marvel comic book and Disney's newly created Marvel Cinematic Universe blatantly ignored all of the aforementioned and so much more. Why is the aforementioned important? Simply put, it makes as much sense for the original 1966 "Black Panther" comic book and this 2018 film to ignore the reality of "Being Black" as it would have been for "Born on the Fourth of July (1989)" to ignore the plight of wounded Vietnam war veterans, or for "Schindler's List (1993)" to ignore the Holocaust. It matters. The Black life experience matters. "The Black Panther" intentionally skipped over the inherent social and political context that defines and confines Blackness throughout the world. Again, it matters, and the Black Panther is not relevant to Black people because he failed to address his "Blackness."

In the film, Erik Killmonger's father left Wakanda to fight for oppressed Black people in the United States, but T'Challa's father killed him. In summary, the "Black Panther" is an Uncle Tom. An "Uncle Tom" is a Black person who is knowingly and intentionally subservient to, gives preference to, worships, or acknowledges White people as his (or her) superior. Disney controlled the "narrative." Get it?

Where's the movie about a hidden and technologically superior race of Jewish people living in Jewkanda who had the power to conquer the entire world; and easily free Jewish people from the stench of Hitler's genocide of Jewish people - but they did nothing to prevent the Holocaust? Where's the movie featuring "Jew-Man?"

"The Black Panther" gives us an Obama-esque pacifist leader for the world's most highly evolved and scientifically advanced society who, like his predecessors did absolutely nothing but watch or ignore as their Black peers endured 250 years of slavery, 90 years of Jim Crow, 60 years of separate but equal, 35+ years of state-sanctioned redlining! Instead, the film should have presented a Malcolm-X-esque leader with the intelligence, courage, and commitment to create and effectively manage an elite nation state. This would have made the film much more thought-provoking, and made the film's climax far more worthy than yet another derivative rip-off of the biblical Cain vs. Abel or the classic Roman folklore of Romulus vs. Remus. Unfortunately, absent marytrdom "Hollywood" has absolutely no interest to showcase a Black man who's politically successful, or to showcase a Black man with the mindset to unite Africa and all African people of color. If guided by the nation of Wakanda, imagine the impact and threat of a United States of Africa to Western (The United States of America) and European (The European Union) imperialism. To showcase a Black man with the gravitas to unite Black people; or to showcase why a Black man has a legitmate right to be an ABM (an Angry Black Man) typically results in the death of that Black man (Meager Evers, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, etc.).


Does the "demographic" of the star really matter? According to Jeffrey Hardy, analyst at Film Profit and Baseline Intelligence, “Agents may be selling actors as brands, but there’s not many brands. Johnny Depp has proved four movies in a row that he’s not a brand. Stars are simply part of the right package.” Jeff Forman, Walt Disney Studio’s senior VP of international theatrical sales and distribution, agrees. “It really comes down to having a great story with great talent attached and characters that people care about. No one element defines success. To have a really successful film it has to have a number of elements working together.”

For most Native Americans, films that present "Native Americans as savages who must alway be killed by cowboys and/or the U.S. Army" do not function as entertainment, and these films provide a skewed historical narrative unfair to Native Americans. This White-wash of history is what "Hollywood" continues to export to the world, which represents a perpetual ethnocentric narrative of the White-ruling-class that White-men must consistently be represented as the ultimate conqueror, ultimate warrior, the ultimate "savior" in film.

Likewise, for most Black people, the "Black people were slave films" do not function as entertainment, and they provide absolutely no historical narrative that "we" don't already know, but this is what "Hollywood" continues to export to the world. Keep in mind, the continued racism in "Hollywood" is not an accident, it's intentional and pervasive.


Click photo to enlarge

Click photo to enlarge

The "real" Geronimo was not White, he did not have blue-eyes, he was not 6'5" tall.


In the 1962 film, "Geronimo," was portrayed by a White, blue-eyed, 6'5" tall, actor, Chuck Connors

Bruce Lee, the iconic martial artist and who was also a child film star in Hong Kong prior to coming to the U.S., was not allowed to produce and star in his own television series "Kung Fu," or theatrical U.S. based films; so he went back to Hong Kong and became the standard by which all martial artists are judged. It's 2015 (now 2020), why are there absolutely no Asian actors, male or female, routinely featured in leading roles in any "Hollywood" franchise film? It's 2015 (now 2020), why are there absolutely no Native American actors, male or female, routinely featured in leading roles in any "Hollywood" franchise film? It's 2015 (now 2020), why are there absolutely no Latin/Hispanic actors, male or female, routinely featured in leading roles in any "Hollywood" franchise film? The only reason "people of color" are not major box office draws in foreign markets, and these markets (China, Japan, India, Mexico, Indonesia, Mexico, etc.) are primarily composed of "people of color," is because White people in Hollywood are fearful they would lose their money-making pipeline to "people of color." Note the following fact: India may be number five in international box office rankings, but it’s not number five in terms of U.S. films—far from it. Local product has the strongest foothold in India over any other market. Although U.S. films screen there, new analysis from Media Partners Asia (MPA) shows that they grossed $160 million last year. According to the report, U.S. films have “the opportunity to expand growth beyond the eight metros as more than 20 percent of viewership comes from cities that have populations under one million.” Looking at the top 10 U.S. films in India last year, seven were action films and not one of them was animated. The top film, "Life of Pi," hit home for audiences with its Indian star. Source: StudioSystemNews.com

Given the dramatic increase in the number of screens in China, "Hollywood" wants some of this business, but similar to India, China has its own local product, but unlike India, China has significantly greater financial and political resources to mandate the character and scope of its film industry. Plus, as China has done with the computer industry by purchasing IBM's personal computer and Intel-based server business, and with wireless technologies by becoming the world's largest wireless carrier, China will likely turn the tables on "Hollywood" by purchasing major "Hollywood" studios. Keep in mind, in 1989 Sony (Japan) purchased Columbia Pictures for this very same reason - control. You've been warned.
THE PROBLEM: Clearly, if "we" used "Hollywood's" racially-based system to determine who gets elected to a political office, Barack Obama (a Black man) could NEVER have been elected President of the United States - where the majority of voters are White; Ann Rice (a woman) could not have been elected Governor of (testosterone) Texas; Harvey Milk could never become the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California, and so on. Sadly, Jeff Forman's comments above don't really apply in "Hollywood," because race, and sex, really do matter. If the "Hollywood" industrial complex had written, produced, distributed, exhibited, and promoted films for Bruce Lee, he could and would have been "Hollywood's" first major U.S. produced Asian box-office star in the world, but racist "Hollywood" said no. Instead, after seeing Bruce Lee's cheaply produced Hong Kong films earn more than many U.S. films, "Hollywood" finally decided to feature Lee in his first and only U.S. produced feature film, "Enter the Dragon."
So, to make an "American" movie about Black man, even on legendary recording artist and performer James Brown, is extremely difficult because (1) "Hollywood" has absolutely no financial interest to produce a "major" theatrically released film about a Black person, no matter how famous; and (2) the folly of "non-Hollywood" people, all with good intentions, who either (a) don't know enough about James Brown, or (b) are unable or unwilling to accurately and truthfully tell the James Brown story. Does it really matter that the recent filmed biography of James Brown, "Get On Up!" is not an "American" film? Yes, absolutely, because the biggest problem with "Get On Up!" is that it didn't feel "Black" enough, which is understandable because it wasn't written or produced from a Black perspective, but from the perspective of some White men from Britain, namely Mick Jagger and his production team. No, I'm not being racist, but cultural. If you had the pleasure is seeing James Brown in his prime "live" in the hood, you'd know what I'm talking about.

After being upstaged by Brown on the old Ed Sullivan show back in the early 1960s, Mick Jagger grew to respect Brown's talent, and like so many others (MC Hammer, Big Daddy Kane, but especially Michael Jackson and especially Prince), Jagger elevated his on-stage movements and dancing in the wake of experiencing the explosive force of James Brown. Perhaps, Jagger thought, "Given Brown's iconic stature, where's the bio-pic about Brown?" However, given the race-based "business" practices that prevent "Get On Up!" from being produced and released, thank you, very much, Mick Jagger, for having your production company to produce this tribute to an extremely talented man, James Brown, who just happened to be Black!

Finally, when it comes to critical recognition as represented by the Academy Awards®, how does "Hollywood" judge the cinematic impact of ethnic and cultural atrocities? Does the holocaust ($321.2 million for "Schindler's List") have better "box office" than slavery ($140,160,000 for "12 Years A Slave")? Answer: Yes, it does! Do Jews ("Schindler's List") tell a better story about their "hardships" than Blacks ("12 Years A Slave")? Answer: Yes! Artistically (production values, performances, etc.) "Schindler's List" won seven Academy Awards® demonstrating it is profoundly better than "12 Years A Slave," which won only three. However, director Bernardo Bertolucci's 1987 cultural and political masterpiece "The Last Emperor," about Puyi, the last Emperor of China, set the cinematic bar higher by winning nine Academy Adwards®! Should there be a cultural or political comparison?

Frankly, no, because these are films, and although some educational and entertainment value is provided, ultimately, the primary function of these "products" is to make money - period, and not to change the cultural or political landscape! Bottom line, sadly, except for a few tokens, the ongoing containment or decline in the social, political, and economic success of Black people continues; and when it comes to entertainment, the plight of Black people primarily exists as nothing more than fodder for Black clowns, buffoons, or minstrels, or as criminals, or as victims in films like "12 Years A Slave."

Academy Award®
Schindler's List
Award Receipent

Schindler's List

12 Years
A Slave

12 Years A Slave
The Last Emperor
The Last Emperor
Best Picture
Steven Spielberg
Geral R. Molen
Branko Lustig
Brad Pitt
Dede Gardner
Jeremy Kleiner
Steve McQueen
Anthony Katagas
Jeremy Thomas
Best Director
Steven Spielberg
Steve McQueen
Bernardo Bertolucci
Best Adapted Screenplay
Steven Zailian
John Ridley
Mark Peploe
Bernardo Bertolucci
Best Original Score
John Williams
Ryuichi Sakamoto
David Byrne
Cong Su
Best Film Editing
Michael Kahn
Joe Walker
Gabriella Cristiani
Best Cinematography
Janusz Kaminski
Vittorio Storaro
Best Art Direction
Ewa Braun
Allan Starski
Ferdinando Scarfiotti
Bruno Cesari
Osvaldo Desideri
Best Actor
Liam Neeson
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Best Supporting Actor
Ralph Fiennes
Michael Fassbender
Best Supporting Actress
Lupita Nyong'o
Best Sound
Andy Nelson
Steve Pederson
Scott Millan
Ron Judkins
Bill Rowe
Ivan Sharrock
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Cristina Smith
Matthew Mungle
Judy Alexander Cory
Best Costume Design
Anna B. Sheppard
Patricia Norris
James Acheson
Best Production Design
Production Design, Adam Stockhausen;
Set Decoration,
Alice Baker
12 nominations
7 Awards (58.33%)
9 nominations
3 Awards (33.33%)
9 nominations
9 Awards (100%)


Oh, the hyprocrisy!


Top 10 Things Black people should never do, especially in Omaha, Nebraska!

If you really think the "Black Experience" that began with slavery has significantly improved in the U.S., then take a close look at the following slideshow presentation, "The Top 10 Things Black People Should Never Do - Omaha Edition." Again, Albert Einstein truly said it best, “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1

Consistent with Albert Einstein's assessment, Dr. Claude Anderson (watch the video at right) conveys how the Black experience in the United States has not changed since slavery, "At the end of the Civil War in 1865 Black people had one-half of one-percent of the nation's wealth; and 150 years later Black people have one-half of one-percent of the nation's wealth."

Dr Claude Anderson's Website: http://www.powernomics.com
and http://www.harvestinstitute.org

In conclusion, the aforementioned is not a rant, but a linear, pragmatic, and thorough delineation of facts (facts produced by White people) that detail why I asked to be discharged as a juror.  Of course not all White people are racist. Recently I had the pleasure of meeting a smart and fair-minded twenty-three-(23) year-old White woman who, without any prompting from me, genuinely expressed her concerns regarding the rioting in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Gray and similar events. She profoundly said:

"To do nothing would be a spiritual disservice to myself."





Practice What You Preach!

As represented by the photo (at right), my father, Rev. Dr. Everett S. Reynolds, lead the fight for equality throughout his lifetime, which included Lincoln and Omaha. The overall "status" of "Being Black" did not significantly improve during my father's lifestime. My father died in 2011.

Unfortunately, Rebecca, a 23-year-old White female advocating for civil rights also conveyed her belief that "change" will probably not occur during her lifetime; again, and she's 23! How many lifetimes must "people" wait to be treated as equals???

Rev. Everett Reynolds (right)
leading a NAACP membership
drive (Click photo to enlarge)

The Enlightener Newspaper
Wichita, Kansas
MAY 24-29, 1965


As represented by the newspaper articles at right, and below, my entire family has decades of first-hand experience with events designed to explore and prompt social change. Nevertheless, change is miniscule, or sadly, non-existent.

Rev. Dr. Everett Reynolds (above)
"A Primarily White Church
is a Beacon of Racial Harmony
with 5 Black Pastors Since 1997"
(Click photo to enlarge)

Omaha World Herald Newspaper
Omaha, Nebraska
September 16, 2002


For a 2015 "preacher exchange" update, click here.

Abraham Lincoln
Reynolds, Sr.

1873 - 1965

My father was raised by his grandfather, Rev. Abraham Lincoln Reynolds, Sr., who said the following in his autobiography:

As I sit in my room this 14th day of July 1950, my mind goes racing back over 77 years of strange and varied experiences. My mother told me, when I was but a lad, that our family tree had its roots in the state of North Carolina. The Slave owners of my Mother and Father were John Reynolds, and William Fuell, respectively; their ancesters came over on the Mayflower. In 1620, John Reynolds, an ex-slave of John Reynolds, and Anne Mae Fuell, an ex-slave of William Fuell, were married. As a result of their marriage, there were two children, Harry Reynolds, my brother was born June 2, 1871 and I was born April 9, 1873.

Meanwhile . . .

Lawsuit seeking compensation for slavery is dismissed by Chicago judge
Jul 7, 2005, 12:13pm EDT Updated Jul 7, 2005, 12:13pm EDT

A judge in Chicago has dismissed a lawsuit seeking reparations for slavery from several companies, including some with significant Triad operations, according to Bloomberg. U.S. District Court Judge Charles Norgle wrote in his dismissal order that the plaintiffs in the case failed to show any injury done to them could be traced to the companies that had been sued.

My great-great grandfather, Abraham Lincoln Reynolds, Sr. hated White people, because even though the Civil War ended in 1865, nevertheless, his brothers were sold into slavery; so he never got to know his brothers. So, even though the companies that bought (killed, castrated, raped, etc.) and sold slaves achieved their economic success as a direct result of slavery, the Chicago judge ruled "plaintiffs in the case failed to show any injury done to them could be traced to the companies that had been sued." Failed to show injury? Nothing changes.

History continues to repeat itself. In Omaha, in 1919, White people did more than injure Will Brown, they killed him - and took photos; and consistent with the mandate of White privilege, not one person was successfully prosecuted, and all White people were eventually released after serving no term of imprisonment. Again, fourteen-(14) year old Henry Fonda (father of Jane Fonda and Peter Fonda) watched as a Black man, Will Brown, was beaten, then lynched, then shot, and then burned to death in the center of downtown Omaha, Nebraska on September 28, 1919. As usual the plaintiff failed to show who or what injury happened to Will Brown. Nothing changes.

Organized Religion Indoctrinates and Enforces White Privilege: Organized religion remains one of the most racist institutions in the U.S. and around the world. For example, prior to the organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1784, Black people were primarily related to Methodism, and Black people were immediately responsible for introducing Methodism in the West Indies and throughout the western hemisphere. By 1786, there were 1,569 Methodists in the United States, but only two were White (Source: Commemorative Edition, The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, 1984). However, nearly two-hundred-(200) years ago, thousands of Black people left the Methodist Church in 1816 to create the African Methodist Episcopal Church (A.M.E.), and the exodus of Black people continued in 1870 when more Black people left to escape the blatant racism and hypocrisy of "White-privilege-based-religion" to create the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church in America, which was changed in the 1950s to the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (C.M.E.). Source: Wikipedia. Lessons learned.

You profess to believe “that, of one blood, God made all nations of men to dwell on the face of all the earth,” and hath commanded all men, everywhere to love one another; yet you notoriously hate, (and glory in your hatred), all men whose skins are not colored like your own.

The existence of slavery in this country brands your republicanism as a sham, your humanity as a base pretence, and your Christianity as a lie.

What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?


July 5, 1852

To download the entire speech, click here.

James Baldwin
on the Dick Cavett Show

As documented by "The Reverend Reynolds" exhibit below, from generation to generation laws are repeatedly passed and policies are enacted to supposedly reduce or eliminate racism. The United States was born with hypocrisy, and continues as a nation lead by, managed by, and owned by hypocrites.

“Let me ask, if it be not somewhat singular that, if the Constitution were intended to be, by its framers and adopters, a slave-holding instrument, why neither slavery, slaveholding, nor slave can anywhere be found in it. What would be thought of an instrument, drawn up, legally drawn up, for the purpose of entitling the city of Rochester to a track of land, in which no mention of land was made? Now, take the constitution according to its plain reading, and I defy the presentation of a single pro-slavery clause in it. On the other hand it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery.” Frederick Douglass, July 5, 1852, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?"

Unfortunately, again, as documented in the June 2014 issue of “The Atlantic” magazine and dozens of other sources of empirical veracity, there is an overwhelming bias against Black people in all aspects of American society, and especially the judicial system; and very little if anything has changed for the overwhelming majority of Black people in the United States. The U.S. has a documented history of sporadically passing civil rights laws, and an even greater documented history of not enforcing civil rights laws. Lessons learned.

For more information about the robust religious and social history of the "Reverend Reynolds," go to: reverendreynolds.com





Diversity? Not in Nebraska!

As validated by EEO-1s and EEO-4s and independent research (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/09/09/us/powerful-people-race-us.html), Nebraska employers are not and have never been particularly diverse or receptive to AA/EEO/ADA or the Johnny-come-lately update of DEI:

In the latest public sector EEO-4 report of 2019 for Nebraska, for all "New Hire Employment" at city, county, and state public sector jobs, forty-six-(46) people were hired into the top level of Officials, Administrators, Senior Managers, etc., and all 46 were White; no Blacks, no Hispanics, no Asians, no Native Americans, etc. https://www.eeoc.gov/equal-employment-opportunity-commission-state-and-local-government-information-eeo-4-2019-19

In the latest private sector EEO-1 report of 2018 for Nebraska, for 1,822 employers covering 389,620 employees, only twenty-three-(23) Black men and twenty-five-(25) Black women are employed as "Executive/Senior Level Officials & Managers," and only 490 Black men and 325 Black women are employed as "First/Mid Level Officials & Managers." https://www.eeoc.gov/statistics/employment/jobpatterns/eeo1/2018/states-industries/table?state=28&naics=

In the United States, White privilege defines all rules and all exceptions to the rules. Consequently, it's ridiculous for Black people and other minorities (and women) to expect egalitarian treatment when the concept of " . . . all people are created equal" has never, never ever existed in any aspect of governance of this country. White people tell Black people and other minorities " . . . to be patient . . . change doesn't happen overnight." Given the perpetual state of poverty and oppression shared by the overwhelming majority of Black people and other minorities, change is definitely not on the horizon - just ask the Lakotah Indians.

As reported in the June 2014 issue of “The Atlantic” magazine (see "26.b" above) the clear majority of White people continue to embrace, promote, and actively sustain their supremacy, their "White privilege" over Black people and other people of color; and White people have absolutely no interest or intent to relinquish their White supremacy, which is necessary to secure true equality for all people. Again, what will happen to White-privilege when the majority of U.S. citizens are not White?

Even though White people have successfully maintained and reinforced the status quo of their White supremacy, I’m not upset, mad, disappointed or perturbed by the ongoing bias of White-controlled law enforcement and courts against Black people, and especially against Black men. As referenced by the newspaper articles about my family (above), I wasn't raised to hate anyone, and I've never practiced such. Prior to 1964, the majority of states throughout the United States of America prohibited Black people from attending schools located in predominately White neighborhoods. Black people were also prohibited from renting hotel rooms, purchasing homes, attending colleges, applying for certain kinds of employment and even using public toilets.

In 1964 the U.S. Congress passed the Civil Rights Act that made it illegal to discriminate against Black people - or any person - because of their race. I wrote the following poem as I prepared, as one of a handful of Black students, to attend a previously all White elementary school in Wichita, Kansas. I was nine-(9) years old.

Why in this world of today
Must men fight and kill for play?
Why in this time and place,
Must men hate and destroy grace?
Why do Black and White men fight,
Knowing that its just not right?
Man, who is said to be superior
Compared to animals he's inferior!
Animals of different colors get along,
So why can't man - who's said to be strong?
Is this world such a bad place
That men hate their own race?
Why do teenagers rebel and hate,
Take pot and put their lives at stake?
Why is there a thirst for power...
Black, White, equality shower!
What's the use of cursing names,
Nigger, pecker, they're all the same!
When did the world start this turmoil,
Replacing love with lusts of hate?
Why is sex a desire of play
Practiced by the youth of today?
When will the world get back on its feet,
And replace the hate with a righteous beat?
I ask you...why?

© 1963, 2001, 2015 Trip Reynolds

There is a fair and just solution.
Click the above graphic to download
the brochure and to schedule
a seminar now!

If things have changed, then
why was it necessary for
Lt Gen Silveria to address cadets
on Thursday, September 28, 2017
at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Spings, Colorado about active racism among cadets?

Why? Because nothing changes.


NOTE: This is not a "diversity" seminar. The overall plight of Black people has not improved with Affirmative Action, civil rights laws, or diversity. "Diversity" is just a "politically correct" misdirection to indoctrinate, enforce, and maintain White privilege.™ Albert Einstein said it so clearly, "Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Below, Dr. Umar Johnson details the "big picture" of what "Being Black" means not only in the U.S., but around the world.


Click Graph Below To Enlarg


The "Black Experience" in the United States that began with slavery has not significantly improved. Albert Einstein truly said it best, “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Fifty-one-(51) years later I don't have to ask why because I've acquired an adult understanding to the dynamics of humanity. With this understanding I sincerely believe we have a greater potential to achieve fantastic benefits to humanity than to succumb to the atrocities of racists, terrorists, and fanatics. Perhaps, more importantly, I learned to mirror the same absence of emotion demonstrated by the majority of White people as they enacted genocide upon Native Americans and enacted slavery upon Black people; becoming emotional is counterproductive to dealing effectively with White privilege. Such is the reality of "Being Black."

Harold (Trip) Reynolds
Discharged Juror

c: Defense Attorney
Prosecuting Attorney

Feedback? Click here.




What is the historic, prevailing, and perpetual "narrative" for Being Black?

The following "narrative" is produced by White-owned and controlled research institutions defining the state of Blackness in the United States of America:


Black child poverty rates have ALWAYS been significantly higher than poverty rates for White children.



Black families have ALWAYS earned significantly less than White families.



Black unemployment has ALWAYS been significantly higher than White unemployment.



The racial configuration of the U.S. Congress, which has ALWAYS been controlled by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, has NEVER had any impact to improve the socioeconomic status of Black people.

Political affiliation has never made any difference.

QUESTION: Except for a few tokens, the overall social and economic status (i.e., equal access to education, employment, housing, health care, and the political process) for the overwhelming majority of Black people, and other peole of color, did not change during the 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and the 2010s - and it never will. Where's any evidence to the contrary?

ANSWER: There isn't any.






Throughout Joe Biden's entire political career, the income gap between Black and White people has ALWAYS increased.



With few exceptions, the "narrative" constantly researched and promoted by White-owned and controlled research institutions, businesses and media is Black under-achievement, Black failure, Black crime, etc.

With few exceptions, the "narrative" primarily used by White-owned and controlled K-12 schools, colleges, universities, businesses, and media to promote Black success is confined to sports and entertainment.



Again, with few exceptions, the "narrative" constantly researched and promoted by White-owned and controlled research institutions, businesses and media is Black under-achievement, Black failure, Black crime, etc.

Again, with few exceptions, the "narrative" primarily used by White-owned and controlled K-12 schools, colleges, universities, businesses, and media to promote Black success is confined to sports and entertainment.



To be clear, with few exceptions, the "narrative" constantly researched and promoted by White-owned and controlled research institutions, businesses and media is Black under-achievement, Black failure, Black crime, etc.

To be clear, with few exceptions, the "narrative" primarily used by White-owned and controlled K-12 schools, colleges, universities, businesses, and media to promote Black success is confined to sports and entertainment.



Let's recap, with few exceptions, the "narrative" constantly researched and promoted by White-owned and controlled research institutions, businesses and media is Black under-achievement, Black failure, Black crime, etc.

Let's recap, with few exceptions, the "narrative" primarily used by White-owned and controlled K-12 schools, colleges, universities, businesses, and media to promote Black success is confined to sports and entertainment.



Let's recap, again, with few exceptions, the "narrative" constantly researched and promoted by White-owned and controlled research institutions, businesses and media is Black under-achievement, Black failure, Black crime, etc.

Let's recap, again, with few exceptions, the "narrative" primarily used by White-owned and controlled K-12 schools, colleges, universities, businesses, and media to promote Black success is confined to sports and entertainment.



Maybe . . .
you should just give up?

Black women who do NOT go to college have a greater net worth (of $0.00) than Black women who go to college ($-11,000).



In case you've forgotten, with few exceptions, the "narrative" constantly researched and promoted by White-owned and controlled research institutions, businesses and media is Black under-achievement, Black failure, Black crime, etc.

In case you've forgotten, with few exceptions, the "narrative" primarily used by White-owned and controlled K-12 schools, colleges, universities, businesses, and media to promote Black success is confined to sports and entertainment.



The "value" of a Black man
having a real opportunity to take
care of his family?
"Color Him Father"



Do you get the point?

James Baldwin
on the Dick Cavett Show



Do you get the point?

Educator Jane Elliott



Do you get it?

Well, do you get it?



Have you seen enough?




Again, look at this graph
(at left), are you really so . . .
stupid . . . that you fail to
comprehend the "narrative"
of what being Black actually
means, and has
always meant, in the
United States of America?

I'm not insulting your intellligence; however, Albert Einstein did so when he said: “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

QUESTION: Except for a few tokens, the overall social and economic status (i.e., equal access to education, employment, housing, health care, and the political process) for the overwhelming majority of Black people, and other peole of color, did not change during the 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and the 2010s - and it never will. Where's any evidence to the contrary?

ANSWER: There isn't any.




Why Racial Equality Is A Perpetual Myth
Bill Moyers speaks with Ta-Nehisi Coates, a senior editor for The Atlantic, about his cover story on why America needs to reconcile with its racist past.



Read The Atlantic article by Ta-Nehisi Coates


To download the article, click here.



Nothing ever changes. Nothing ever changes.



Bill and Khalil Gibran Muhammad, head of the New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture and author of The Condemnation of Blackness, discuss the importance of confronting the contradictions of America’s past to better understand the present.


For more information on systemic racism, click here.


As researched and reported in the New York Times, "Faces of Power: 80% Are White, Even as U.S. Becomes More Diverse." So, how do "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people sustain ownership, controll, and privilege? They pass laws to prohibit the teaching of "facts" that detail:

1. how genocide, racism, and oppression of Native Americans intentionally and strategically established and sustains White rule and privilege;

2. how slavery, genocide, racism, and oppression of Black people intentionally and strategically established and sustains White rule and privilege;

3. how racism and oppression of Latino people intentionally and strategically established and sustains White rule and privilege;

4. how sexism and oppression of women intentionally and strategically established and sustains male privilege;





Who held and
continues to
possess ultimate,
unilateral power,
control, and
privilege over all
aspects of U.S.
military, finance,
law enforcement,
business, and

Did or do
Native American Women possess
such control? NO


Did or do
Native American
Men possess such control? NO


Did or do
Black Women
possess such
control? NO


Did or do
Black Men
possess such
control? NO


Did or do
Latino Men
possess such
control? NO


Did or do
Latina Women
possess such
control? NO


Did or do
Asian Men
possess such
control? NO


Did or do
Asian Women
possess such
control? NO


Did or do
poor and middle
class White
women and
White men
possess such
control? NO


Then who held and
continues to possess
ultimate, unilateral power,
control, and privilege over all
aspects of U.S. government,
military, finance, law
enforcement, business,
sports, entertainment,
and education??


"Four-(4) percent of the American people own eighty-five-(85) percent of the wealth of America; and over seventy-(70) percent of the people of America don't own enough to pay the debts they own." Huey Long, December 11, 1935

Huey Pierce Long Jr. (August 30, 1893 – September 10, 1935), self-nicknamed "The Kingfish", was an American politician who served as the 40th governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and was a member of the United States Senate from 1932 until his assassination in 1935. Long denounced the wealthy elites and the banks. Long supported Franklin D. Roosevelt during his first 100 days in office, but eventually found Roosevelt's "New Deal" policies did not do enough to alleviate the issues of the poor. Consequently, Long developed his own solution: the "Share Our Wealth" program, which would establish a net asset tax, the earnings of which would be redistributed so as to curb the poverty and homelessness epidemic nationwide during the Great Depression.


One-(1) percent of Americans hold nearly 50% of the wealth, topping even the levels seen just before the Great Depression in the 1920s (Davies, Sandstrom, Shorrocks, & Wolff, 2009; Keister, 2000; Wolff, 2002). Building a Better America - One Wealth Quintile at a Time, Michael I. Norton and Dan Ariely




Again, nothing changes, 1860 through 2260!
The Racial Wealth Gap, 1860 - 2020

As researched by Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Kuhn, and Schularick in their March 8, 2021 report, “The Racial Wealth Gap, 1860 - 2020,” the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites has never been abated, has only increased significantly; and if present trends in the data continue, the racial wealth gap is headed to a steady state with average White wealth at least five times greater than average Black wealth - even through 2260! Click the image below to read the full report.













To review the 2016 Urban League report, click here.


50 years after the Kerner Commission report Black people are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

Following are some of the key findings: Black people today are much better educated than they were in 1968 but still lag behind whites in overall educational attainment. More than 90 percent of younger Black people (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with just over half in 1968—which means they’ve nearly closed the gap with white high school graduation rates. They are also more than twice as likely to have a college degree as in 1968 but are still half as likely as young whites to have a college degree.

The substantial progress in educational attainment of Black people has been accompanied by significant absolute improvements in wages, incomes, wealth, and health since 1968. But Black workers still make only 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by white workers, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites, and the median white family has almost 10 times as much wealth as the median black family.

With respect to homeownership, unemployment, and incarceration, America has failed to deliver any progress for African Americans over the last five decades. In these areas, their situation has either failed to improve relative to whites or has worsened. In 2017 the black unemployment rate was 7.5 percent, up from 6.7 percent in 1968, and is still roughly twice the white unemployment rate. In 2015, the black homeownership rate was just over 40 percent, virtually unchanged since 1968, and trailing a full 30 points behind the white homeownership rate, which saw modest gains over the same period. And the share of African Americans in prison or jail almost tripled between 1968 and 2016 and is currently more than six times the white incarceration rate.

To review the 2018 Economic Policy Institute report, click here.

P.S. For more information about "Being Black
purchase the following DVDs and learn!



Table of Contents

1. Blacks who work in managment in Omaha
2. Black median household income continues to fall
3. Black household income will never equal White household income
4. Black unemployment rate will always be higher than White unemployment
5. The greatest beneficiaries of AA will always be White women and White men
6. Omaha’s percentage of Black children in poverty ranks No. 1 in the nation
7. The traditional Black family no longer exists
8. Blacks are 12% of drug users but nearly 50% of all drug arrests
9. Omaha has the third-highest Black poverty rate in the United States
10. Blacks comprise 4% of Nebraska's population but 35% of all HIV/AIDS cases
11. Black males have the highest death rate in the U.S.
12. Nationally, only 52% of Black males graduate from high school
13. When is comes to justice, most White people have selective memory
14. Separate and NOT equal works for the majority of White people
15. Black patients are less likely than White people to receive equal health care
16. One of every four drivers pulled over by Omaha police was Black
17. Education indoctrinates and enforces White privilege, Part 2
18. Education indoctrinates and enforces White privilege, Part 1
19. Will Brown was beaten, lynched, shot, and burned to death in Omaha, Nebraska on September 28, 1919. Not much has changed.
20. Nebraska has held the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd highst Black homicide rate in the U.S.
21. Robert Wagner, a Black man, was beaten, stomped, kicked, and repeatedly tasered by Omaha Police Officers
22. OPS did not report sexual abuse of Black female students to law enforcement as required by state law.
23. Vandals painted, “I HATE NIGGERS . . . FUCK YOU” at OPS school
24. Cox Communications intentionally “black listed” CTI22 as the nigger channel
25. Of course, not all White people are racist, but . . .
26. 97% of all state, county and local government jobs in Nebraska that pay over $70,000 a year are held by White people
27. Again, not all White people are racist, but . . .
28. “You won’t find much justice in the criminal justice system - JUST US!”
29. Forefathers? My forefather’s were not White, but slaves on the R.J. Reynolds tobacco plantation
30. Forefathers? No Forty Acres, No mule!
31. Blacks are "strategically" more likely than Whites to be gun homicide victims
32. It's always been "open season" to beat and kill Black people: The blatant and perpetual indifference, contempt, and condescending attitude toward Black people.
33. The inherent pejorative bias of both law enforcement and the judiciary against Black people.
34. Many White people have a predilection to kill or incarcerate people of color.
35. "Top 10 Reasons Why Black People Should Get Out and Stay Out of Nebraska."
36. Black people are primarily marketed as clowns, buffoons, or minstrels, and that's how "Hollywood" markets "those people" to the world.
37. Top 10 Things Black People Should NEVER Do!
38. Practice What You Preach?
39. Diversity: Not in Nebraska!
40. The Perpetual State of Blackness!


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