Top 10 Worst Uncle Tom's in Black History!

An "Uncle Tom" is a Black person who, like a dog, is blatantly obedient to his White master, and will consistently give fealty to his or her White master instead of protecting his own spouse, children, even innocent animals and people. An "Uncle Tom" actively practices and gives meaning to the statements:

"White is right, Black get back."

"The only good nigger is a dead nigger."

"The only GOOD hair is White hair."


Given the aforementioned, here are the Top 10 Worst Uncle Tom's in Black history.


Madam C. J. Walker

plus . . .

Ebony, for 80 years
of perpetually
White standards
of beauty to make
Black women look
more White-like.

, for 55 years
of perpetually
White standards
of beauty to make
Black women look
more White-like.

How Black Women
Are Killing the
Black Race
(with their hair,
and why Black men
can't do a damn thing
about it!)!

For developing and marketing a line of cosmetics and hair care products to chemically straighten or "process" the hair of Black women and Black men to appear more "White-like."

Being Black Ain't Beautiful.


THE STORY: Keyana sits patiently as her mother gently begins combing her hair. She's uncomfortable when her mother reaches tangled places, but her mother explains why Keyana is so lucky to have her kind of hair.

Text © 1998 by
Natasha Anastasia Tarpley; Illustrations © 1998 by
E.B. Lewis



Whoopi Goldberg

Caryn Elaine "(wanna-be-Jew) Whoopi Goldberg" Johnson, who uses a Jewish surname "Goldberg," to consistently bend over backwards, with or without a big smile on her face, to acquiesce to the dictates of "elite," politically powerful and affluent White men, especially Jewish men.







Stepin Fetchit

Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry (May 30, 1902 – November 19, 1985), better known by the stage name "Stepin Fetchit," was the first Black actor to have a successful film career who earned millions by playing stereotypical racist roles. His highest profile was during the 1930s in films and on stage, often without billing, or if billed, his persona of "Stepin Fetchit" was credited as, "The Laziest Man in the World." His popular films include "The Ghost Talks," "Big Timers," and "36 Hours to Kill," which are no longer in print or generally unavailable.



Michael Jackson


As constantly promoted by Michael Jackson, the highly "evolved" Black "identity" requires Black people to look as White as possible!

The Evolution of Michael "White Boy" Jackson


Oprah Winfrey

SUPPORT OF WHITE MEN - Winfrey launched the television success of two White men, Dr. Phil McGraw via the "Dr. Phil" program, and Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Öz via the "Dr. Oz" program, but Winfrey has not "anointed" a Black male, or other Black women, with the opportunity for such financial success.

NO SUPPORT OF BLACK MEN, OR BLACK FAMILY, OR BLACK HEALTH - Winfrey considers her family experience dsyfunctional, and although she recognizes many Black girls and Black women aspire to be like her, nevertheless, she does not consider herself a role model, as validated by her failure to maintain her health and fitness. Winfrey solidly embraces the stereotype that "brands" the overwhelming majority of Black women as obese, extremely verbose and highly opinionated, and in alignment to socio-economic standards established by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people.


Likewise, Winfrey does not believe in marrige, and Stedman Graham has been Winfrey's "plus one" since 1986 - for 39 years. Given the ongoing destruction of the Black family as engineered by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people and well-documented in MAAFA-21 and research conducted and validated by thousands of public and independent organizations, Winfrey's negative assessment of Black marriages and Black families also mirrors her overt allegiance to "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people.

MAINTAINING THE STATUS QUO - Winfrey supported the election of Barak Obama as a "change agent" for the presidency of the U.S., but the overall social and economic status for the overwhelming majority of Black people did not change, has not changed. In fact, as reported by the Chicago Tribune, Black people are the only U.S. racial group earning less in 2017 than in 2000. Black people are the only racial group the Census Bureau identifies that has been left behind. Black people held, have, and will continue to hold the lowest earnings of any racial group by far, and if present trends in the data continue, the racial wealth gap is headed to a steady state with average White wealth at least five times greater than average Black wealth - even through 2260! While median household income for Black people was just over $39,000, it was over $47,000 for Latinos, over $65,000 for Whites and over $81,000 for Asian households. As with Barack Obama and other "Uncle Tom's," Winfrey's income has continued to prosper while the overwhelming majority of Black people perpetually exist with the lowest income.



President Barack Obama

For not doing a damn thing to elevate the socio-economic status of Black people during eight-(8) years of his presidency. President Trump, a White man frequently "branded" as a racist by both Black and White media accomplished more for Black people during the four-(4) years of his first time in office, and in less time.

Indisputable: Why Trump is the Best Ever President for Black Americans!


4. All Black Women
who value "Whiteness" over "Blackness"

Let's face it, for hundreds of years the legendary stereotype that "brands" most Black women as loud mouth, argumentative and belligerent, narrowminded, unhealthy, and exceedingly obese must be true!

“When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”
From the 1962 film, “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”  

Albert Einstein said it so clearly, “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Black women and Black men keep doing the same things over and over again, generation after generation. When you see a train (Black people) coming down the tracks constantly characterized by ineptness, division, self-hatred, failed personal relationships, religious fanaticism, etc., and you refuse to get out of the way, to adopt a new paradigm - the train will kill you!

Black people will never find true freedom and justice by asking for such from former oppressors, current oppressors, non-oppressors, and future oppressors.

"How long are you gonna sit around begging White people
to do for us when we have the power to do for ourselves?"
Minister Louis Farrakhan

3. All Black Men
who value "Whiteness" over "Blackness"

Let's face it, for hundreds of years the legendary stereotype that "brands" most Black men as uneducated and stupid, lazy, dangerous and belligerent, untrustworthy, narrowminded, unhealthy, and exceedingly obese must be true!

“When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”
From the 1962 film, “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”

Albert Einstein said it so clearly, “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Black women and Black men keep doing the same things over and over again, generation after generation. When you see a train (Black people) coming down the tracks constantly characterized by ineptness, division, self-hatred, failed personal relationships, religious fanaticism, etc., and you refuse to get out of the way, to adopt a new paradigm - the train will kill you!

Black people will never find true freedom and justice by asking for such from former oppressors, current oppressors, non-oppressors, and future oppressors.

"How long are you gonna sit around begging White people
to do for us when we have the power to do for ourselves?"
Minister Louis Farrakhan


2. Black-owned Businesses

Black-owned Businesses

As documented throughout U.S. history, Black businesses become extremely successful from revenue streams primarily targeting Black people. Then, in compliance with the principles of Willie Lynch-inspired brainwashing, eventually "affluent" Black people (Berry Gordy, Robert Johnson, etc.) frequently and voluntarily transfer "generational wealth" over to White people, or go out-of-business and succumb to White-ownership and control due to their failure to evolve Black-owned businesses. They function as either sell-outs, or as with and Black Enterprise, they only function to sustain the status quo.

Berry Gordy John H. Johnson George E. Johnson Robert L. Johnson Earl G.
Graves Sr.
Motown Johnson Publishing Johnson Products Company Black Entertainment Television Black



1. Black Billionaires

Black Billionaires

These "elite," politically powerful and affluent Black people, many acquired and sustain their wealth from White-owned and controlled businesses, but who are too stupid or narcissistic or "too sexually obsessed," or who lack business acumen or peer support or political savvy or "whatever" to work together for the "collective" benefit of each other and to improve the socio-economic status and "generational wealth" of Black people.

In 2024, Forbes published its assessment of the richest Black and African (yes, there's a big difference) people in the world.


Aliko Dangote

Sugar, Cement, Flour



Robert Smith

Venture Capitalist



David Steward

IT Provider 7.6



Mike Adenuga

Oil, Telecoms, Real Estate, Banking



Absul Samad Rabiu

Refining, Real Estate, Steel, oil, gas, etc. 5.9

Michael Jordan

Product endorsements, Hanes, Gatorade 3.2

Oprah Winfrey

Television, Media



Patrice Motsepe

Mineral processing 2.7
South Africa


Music, Entertainment, etc. 2.5

Strive Masiyiwa

Mobile Phone, Telecom Technologies 1.9

Alex Karp

IT Software 1.9

Michael Lee-Chin

Banking, Investments, etc. 1.4


Music, sleepwear, lingerie, etc. 1.4

Tyler Perry

Actor, director, producer, media mogul 1.4

Tiger Woods

Product endorsements, Nike, Rolex, etc. 1.3

LeBron James

Product endorsements, Nike, Rolex, etc. 1.2

Of course, it's smart for "elite," politically powerful and affluent Black people to "diversify" their financial portfolio via investments, including real estate, but . . . where's evidence of "elite," politically powerfjul and affluent Black People partnering with each other, to coalese their business acumen and financial resources to create and grow Black neighborhoods and Black businesses, and to establish and sustain generational wealth within the Black community?

Again, Black people held, have, and will continue to hold the lowest earnings of any racial group by far, and if present trends in the data continue, the racial wealth gap is headed to a steady state with average White wealth at least five times greater than average Black wealth - even through 2260!


Ignore the facade represented by their pseudo-Blackness, Uncle Tom's don't give a damn about Black people.

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
January 2, 2025
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