Did someone kill Bill Maher?
If not, why does he rant like a dead man walking?

When some people think their death is imminent, whether voluntary or involuntary, they begin to say dumb things, do dumb things, etc. Perhaps, sixty-eight-(68) year old Bill Maher, born January 20, 1956 no longer desires or is incapable of conducting "critical thinking" and due diligence before he opens his "elite," politically powerful and affluent White man's mouth. And no, I'm not playing the race card, that's exactly what Bill Maher ever so effortlessly has always done and continues to do, but more frequently with reckless abandonment. Therefore, surely Maher must be:

a. suicidal; or

b. has a terminal mental or physical illness; or

c. has a death wish from far-right wing political zealots and/or far-left wing political zealots; or

d. given his age and demographic (Top 10 causes of death for White males over 65 years of age): #4 Cerebrovascular disease (stroke); #7 Alzheimer’s Disease; and #9 Parkinson disease), he's suffering from a collective form of "dementia" which has skewed the validity of his pontifications; or

e. suffering from obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) specific to:

1. anything involving his overtly maniacal fascination of Donald Trump;

2. anything involving smoking marijuana or cannabis; or

3. being an "elite," politically powerful White man while concurrently and deceitfully ignoring or being in denial about the perpetual character and scope of socio-economic and political hardships endured by women and minorities, while doing nothing of any real substance except to pander pseudo-empathy.

f. or, worse, just like the overwhelming majority of "elite," politically powerful and affluent White men, Maher is yet another sexist, racist, and narcissistic f**k. Proof?


Bill Maher really has a "hard on" for Trump

What did Maher say to question his mental acuity?

Maher stupidly, callously said this about slavery
  Maher intentionally ignored the blatant hypocrisy of how "elite," politically powerful and affluent White men of his "peer group," INTENTIONALLY created and sustain the United States of America

"Those people" said this: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The problem? They lied!

Their "Declaration" of pseudo-equality was written and approved while "elite," politically powerful and affluent White men were actively: committing genocide against Native Americans; actively enslaving (killing, raping, etc.) Black people; actively oppressing and denying human rights to Asians and Latinos; actively oppressing and engaging in sexist acts against women; and actively committing other heinous acts, including against poor White men. 

Absent any facts to support his blatantly erroneous assertion, Maher stupidly and callously challenged Stephen A. Smith to accept his belief that the socio-economic status of Black people has improved.
  Click image below to watch video!  


Did the income gap between White people and Black people decrease? NO

Did the wealth gap between White people and Black people decrease? NO

Did the rate of Black home ownership
increase? NO


Did the rate of incarceration for Black males decrease? NO

Did the number of
Black-owned and controlled broadcast media increase? NO

Since the overwhelming majority of athletes in the NBA and NFL are Black, are the majority
of NBA and NFL teams Black-owned? NO

Stephen A. Smith's response: "I don't know? I don't know? I don't know?"

Really? He doesn't know?

Is Stephen A. Smith really that stupid, or conveying a blind indifference to facts, or just pandering
coon-like ignorance to yet another "elite," politically powerful and affluent White man, Bill Maher?

Enslavement & Death, Lynching & Death, Incarceration & Death, Perpetual poverty & Death

Improvement? What improvement?


What improvement?

Whether Republican
or Democrat it makes
absolutely no
Nothing changes.

The perpetual absence
of improvement in the socio-economic status
of Black people is validated



Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America

What, do you really
think "things" improved under Job Biden's tutelage?

What improvement?

The perpetual absence
of improvement in the socio-economic status
of Black people is validated


What improvement?

The perpetual absence
of improvement in the socio-economic status
of Black people is validated


What improvement?

The perpetual absence
of improvement in the socio-economic status
of Black people is validated


What improvement?

The perpetual absence
of improvement in the socio-economic status
of Black people is validated




What improvement?

The perpetual absence
of improvement in the socio-economic status
of Black people is validated

As researched by Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Kuhn, and Schularick in their March 8, 2021 report, “The Racial Wealth Gap, 1860 - 2020,” the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites has never been abated, has only increased significantly; and if present trends in the data continue, the racial wealth gap is headed to a steady state with average White wealth at least five times greater than average Black wealth - even through 2260! Click the image below to read the full report.

What improvement?

The perpetual absence
of improvement in the socio-economic status
of Black people is validated

Consistent with "elite," politically powerful and affluent White men of his "peer group," Maher intentionally uses the bully pulpit of his celebrity to blatantly cherry-pick his "fact finding," which only validates he's incapable of conducting "critical thinking" and "due diligence" before he opens his "elite," politically powerful and affluent White man's mouth. To compare the existence of slavery in the United States to other nations and civiliations ignores the defining "words" that established the Declaration of Independence, and ignores the failure and deceit of "elite," politically powerful and affluent White men, like Maher, to actually practice the egalitarian principles they preach(ed).

Black people were NOT allowed to vote, or own property (because they were, in fact, "property"), etc.
Women were NOT allowed to vote, or own property (for the most part), except as provided by their husband, family hierarchy, etc.
These "elite," politically powerful and affluent, well-educated, slave-owning, genocide-warmongering, pseudo-God-fearing "Founding Father" White men made "the rules" and defined all exceptions to "the rules," and it was not "self-evident" that all "people" are created equal, OR THEY WOULD HAVE SAID SO. As validated by the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, these White men knew the value of words, and how to carefully craft sentences, paragraphs, and documents. Evidence of their intent to sustain their "privilege" is validated by the absence of any timetable to establish that "all people are created equal."
These "elite," politically powerful and affluent, well-educated, slave-owning, genocide-warmongering, pseudo-God-fearing "Founding Father" White men made "the rules" and defined all exceptions to "the rules," and it was not "self-evident" that all "people" are created equal, or they would not continue to incarcerate Native Americans and mandate their perpetual poverty.


To escape the tyranny of the Kingdom of Great Britian, the "Founding Fathers," who wrote the Declaration of Independence and formed thirteen-(13) independent sovereign states to escape the tyranny of the Kingdom of Great Britian, were also "elite," politically powerful and affluent White men, and with blatant hypocrisy they also used the Doctrine of Discovery as the template to continue White ethnocentrism and ultimate ownership, control and enforcement, and privilege in pursuit of their “Manifest Destiny."

Centries later, the legacy of White ethnocentrism born from Eurpoean aristocracy contines to oppress people of color. Nothing changes.
As validated by the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, these "Founding Fathers" knew the value of words, and how to carefully craft sentences, paragraphs, and documents. Evidence of their intent to sustain their "privilege" is validated by the absence of any timetable to establish that "all people are created equal."
Keep in mind, these elite, well-educated, slave-owning, God-fearing "Founding Fathers" had absolutely no problem executing contracts or agreements between themselves (i.e., Hudson Bay Company), France, Spain, or deceitfully with Native Americans.
If slavery had no impact, why don't, why haven't White people switched places with Black people?

Keep in mind, these elite, well-educated, slave-owning, God-fearing "Founding Father" White men had no problem executing contracts or agreements between themselves, or Native Americans, and with England, France, Spain, etc.

Or, are "we" supposed to believe these elite, well-educated, slave-owning, God-fearing "Founding Father" White men, who used the same colonization tactics as their British peers, were not as smart as Chinese men who established, with Britain, a 99-year (timetable) lease for Hong Kong in 1898?


Where was (where is) the 99-year (timetable) lease to return to the Republic of Lakotah to Native Americans? Where?

So, did someone kill Bill Maher? If not, why does he rant like a dead man walking . . . by continuing to espouse the tirades of "elite," politically powerful and affluent, well-educated, slave-owning, genocide-warmongering, pseudo-God-fearing "Founding Father" White men who made "the rules" and continue to define all exceptions to "the rules," why?

By the way, please keep in mind, Bill Maher is "just a comedian" who uses politics as his muse, as his "brand." Most importantly, in the wake of Mort Sahl, Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Dick Gregory, and many other comedians who used a similar comedic paradigm, Maher's antics don't establish him as original or particularly inventive or insightful. Clearly, in the face of facts, it's Maher's practice to sit their with a dumb look on his face.

Bill Maher
about Hamas
Bill Maher
about illegal immigration
Bill Maher
about election results
Again, Bill Maher
about slavery in the U.S.

However, unlike his predecessors, Maher has successfully used the bully pulpit of his long-running television broadcast to sustain and propel his celebrity, which says less about Maher being a "social and political activist," but more about his primary focus to make fun of others through ridicule and sarcasm as an "entertainer.'


I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds


Reynolds' Rap
May 25, 2024
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