The Hypocrisy of electing the deceitfulness
and incompetence represented by Joe Biden!


Mainstream print, broadcast, and social media have consistently given Donald Trump negative coverage before, during and after his term as POTUS; and throughout his presidency the local, state and federal law enforcement and judiciary have hounded Donald Trump more than any previous seating POTUS. Why? What's the real agenda, and who's behind it, and why? Of course, Trump was not, is not a "perfect" man, but given what we factually know about his predecessors, like the criminal affiliations of John F. Kennedy, the extremely robust sexual dalliances of Bill Clinton, and the highly privileged and typically racist political shenanigans of George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, why is are the attacks against Donald Trump so unrelenting and vehement?

With the recent reporting of Joe Biden's inappropriate handling of classified documents, which clearly occurred prior to Trump being elected President of the United States, and the nefarious cloak-and-dagger pseudo-political business dealings of his son, Hunter Biden, which also occurred prior to Trump being elected president, but intentionally ignored by left-leaning mainstream media; of course, here's where I say, "I told you so!"

Keep in mind, throughout Joe Biden's entire political career, that's 57 years, Black people have endured the perpetual status of hopelessness, poverty, racism, oppression, and discrimination.

Facts presented in my editorial of June 13, 2020 remain unchanged . . .


Biden's character? Biden has always been a sneaky, conniving, deceitful, liar and opportunist. Here's proof!

Even legendary talk show host Johnny Carson slammed Biden
for his blatant lies.

"Biden ran for president back in 1984. He wasn't good enough then, and isn't good enough now." Jo Ka

"Even back then Biden couldn't think for himself." Uintabri

"Joe Biden the most corrupt politician in history, never told a story he didn’t embellish, never found someone else’s work he didn’t plagiarize, and never passed up an opportunity to take credit for someone else’s accomplishments." knowspin

Change does not occur through the deceitfulness represented by Joe Biden.

Biden's been there, with direct access to the rich, the affluent, and the powerful, to guide and influence them to act "humanely" for the greater benefit of all U.S. citizens - but nothing changed during his watch. Point fingers all you want at President Trump, but during the Great Recession, Biden and President Obama only rescued General Motors, Wall Street executives, banks, and other elite, but did nothing to rescue the overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens (80%) who live paycheck-to-paycheck. Conversely, given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, President Trump spearheaded financial relief for the majority of working-class citizens, without regard to race. So, why the hell would you vote for sweet-talking Joe Biden? Don't do it.

'Nuff said.

On second thought, instead of ending this editorial here, perhaps, I'd better provide even more "clarity" for you political zealots who only see President Donald Trump as the anti-christ, a buffoon, a racist, and the worst POTUS in history. Well, you're wrong. The only "change" realized through reign of President Obama and Joe Biden was . . .


President Obama?
"The public face of poverty now. . . more and more White middle-class!"
Dr. Cornell West

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Biden did nothing when
Rep. Joe Wilson (R) South Carolina, disrespected the Office of the Presidency by publicly calling President Obama a "liar."

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Police are always right, really?

"Qualified immunity" which typically exempts police from prosecution for killing unarmed and innocent people, especially Black people, was unchallenged by President Obama and Joe Biden.

"Getting Real About the Job of Police: A Letter to Barack Obama" by Chenjerai Kumanyika

STATEMENTS LIKE YOURS, about a tough but benign everyday policing meant to protect vulnerable citizens, are severely ahistorical. Your comments refuse to acknowledge a few things that happened under your administration. In the the 23 days between July 17, the date that Eric Garner was killed, and August 9, 2014 — as the Black Lives Matter movement was unfolding, police across the country killed 66 people, according to the Mapping Police Violence database. It was your Justice Department task force that found that Ferguson’s municipal court “primarily uses its judicial authority as the means to compel the payment of fines and fees that advance the City’s financial interests” in a way that violated the Constitution. In a city of 21,000, 16,000 people had outstanding arrest warrants, meaning that they are actively wanted by the police. This has tremendous implications for everyday policing.

Modern police departments were not founded to protect citizens. They were founded to preserve and enforce social order within oppressive social hierarchy. Boston founded what is commonly referred to as the first U.S. police department in 1838 — a year when slavery was still legal in large parts of the country. But this starting point ignores the fact that, in the South, there were already institutions employing hundreds of people to surveil, catch, and punish enslaved black people.

"Police are paid for their capacity to suppress dissent and commit violence." Chenjerai Kumanyika


Ignore Native Americans

As represented by the "TED" talks video (at right), President Obama and Joe Biden did absolutely nothing to address human rights for the sovereign Republic of Lakotah. Racist atrocities against Native Americans, such as Nebraska's Ponca Tribe (Chief Standing Bear) are perpetually ignored by every POTUS.


Celebrate the Confederacy

Although the Confederacy lost the Civil War, nevertheless, statues remain erected that blatantly celebrate the Confederacy, blatantly celebrate military leaders of the Civil War, and celebrate the legacy that Black people should be enslaved. Conversely, given that Germany lost WWII, where are the statues of Adolf Hitler to celebrate the Holocaust, the murder, the genocide of 6 million Jews? Joe Biden has done absolutely nothing to eliminate the horror the lingering memory of the Confederacy represents to Black people.


President Trump asked the question Biden, Obama, and the media refuse to answer.

Unlike President Obama, President Trump is a change agent, because his business and political "persona" causes people to take a stand on civil rights and other issues, one way or another. President Trump does not represent the indecisiveness and ambiguousness of his predecessors, which has always embraced the mediocrity of the status quo. Given the aforementioned, arguably, this makes President Trump the single greatest catalyst to political and social change since the 1960s civil rights movement. President Trump correctly brought attention to the hypocrisy of statues and other tributes to the Confederacy and slavery, and related condemnation of White privilege and White guilt when he correctly asked (watch the video):


Obamacare did NOT reduce the cost of healthcare

Obamacare is a failure.

FACT 1: The cost of health care has not been reduced as a result of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)."

FACT 2: Given that 4 of 5 adults are morbidly overweight or obese, the health of U.S. citizen has not improved as a result of Obamacare.

FACT 3: No health care delivery plans have a primary design imperative to speciically improve user health and reduce benefit costs.

FACT 4: Researchers found no statistically significant differences in concentration between those enrolled in HMOs and other types of gatekeeper plans and those enrolled in indemnity or preferred provider organizations (PPOs). For example, the top 5 percent of spenders accounted for 51 percent of expenses for those enrolled in HMOs, compared with 50 percent of expenses for those in HMOs and other "gatekeeper" managed care combined and 53 percent of expenses for those in indemnity plans and some PPOs.

FACT 5: Half of the population spends little or nothing on health care, while 5 percent of the population spends almost half of the total amount.

FACT 6: The 15 most expensive health conditions account for 44 percent of total health care expenses.


'Nuff said? Not nearly enough.

Unlike President Trump, Joe Biden wants to encourage the growth of China.

Unlike President Trump, Joe Biden wants to completely eliminate the oil industry.

Unlike President Trump, Joe Biden wants to put Americans out of work.

Joe Biden has always,
always, always been a racist!

Why didn't President Obama, President Bush, President Clinton and other U.S. Presidents draw a line in the sand to address the existence of statutes and symbols that celebrate the Confederacy and the enslavement of Black people? Why not?

Have you noticed that Joe Biden, like many of his contemporaries, has a demonstrated practice of aligning his "values" to whatever is politically correct? Keep in mind, he never marched for civil rights back in the 1960s, but he claimed to do so when it was most advantegous for his political aspirations.

Why didn't Vice President Biden address the sovereign rights of the Republic of Lakotah? Why not?

Why didn't Joe Biden do a photo op kneeling with Colin Kaepernick? Why not?

With all the bravado and condescending attitude of an elite White male, Joe Biden aristocratically said, "If you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or Trump then you ain't Black?

Q1. What does a racist look like? A. Joe Biden


That's right, a seventy-eight-(78)
year old White man has unilaterally
defined what it means to be
a Black person.

That's very "White" of him.

Q2. What does a racist look like? A. Joe Biden Q3. What does a racist look like? A. Joe Biden
Q4. What does a racist look like? A. Joe Biden Q5. What does a racist look like? A. Joe Biden
Conversely, it's a blatant lie to
"brand" Donald Trump as racist!

Just like White people, Black people are not "all the same" or monolithic, which is contrary to reporting from mainstream White-owned and controlled, liberal-left-leaning, or conservative-right-leaning media that constantly, falsely label Donald Trump as racist.

  Racist? To whom?  
Donald Trump's "keen understanding"
of the U.S. tax code is unmatched.
    The wealthy do this!  

Yes, President Trump
has said and done things some people consider
"politically incorrect,"
but so what, he's done nothing criminal or illegal except for those who disagree with his "politics."

So, grow up. People knew Donald Trump had a very rich and very lively lifestyle before he decided to run for POTUS. People had the opportunity to pick between
the lessor of two evils!


Consenting adult men and women do a wide variety of things and say a wide variety of things considered "inappropriate" by some, but that's what adults do. Just because President Clinton had oral sex in the Oval Office with Monica Lewinsky didn't make him a bad president, he was an exceptionally brilliant POTUS, but his escalated war on drugs literally killed the existence of the traditional Black family structure. However, "if" we're supposed to be critical of President Clinton's personal life, and given his frequent dalliances with other women throughout his ENTIRE marriage, then why was Hillary Clinton unable to satisfy her husband sexually, or emotionally, or intellectually? There was a time when mainstream print and broadcast media did not report on the "personal" lives of a sitting U.S. president, because it really wasn't news, but only sensationalism. Nowadays, sensationalism of any kind is considered "news worthy." YOU can continue to be manipulated by the media to play these "games" all day long, but for my money, instead of focusing on overtly skewed personal affairs of POTUS and other elected figures, I prefer to focus on their actual job performance.

Despite the blatantly false rantings of pseudo-comedian Bill Maher, when you examine Biden's actual job performance, the socio-economic status for the overwhelming majority of Black people, other minorities, and poor White people did not, has not improved. That's a fact. Oh, do you really think things changed during President Obama's reign as POTUS, or during the reign of any previous POTUS? Look at the following graph, and yes, it's the same graph from above.



Again, change does not occur through the mediocrity of the status quo.
Again, change does not occur through the mediocrity of the status quo.
Again, change does not occur through the mediocrity of the status quo.
Conversly, what has Donald Trump consistently said from the 1980s to now!
Facts reveal the real "authoritarian" who rules as a king is sheep's clothing!!!
Again, change does not occur through the mediocrity represented by Joe Biden.

From Johnny Whitaker: "For those of you who are visual learners . . .

1973. Biden enters politics
1980. Wait for it.
1991. Stay with us...
2001. Almost there ...
2020. Now he’s ready to fix America.


Again, change does not occur through the mediocrity represented by Joe Biden.

You may not like or even hate President Trump, but his "persona" has prompted people to finally become "inclusive" in the political process. President Trump challenges people, especially Black and White people, to accept or deviate from the status quo. If you vote for Biden, we'll definitely return to "business as usual," because Biden's entire political career (he has absolutely no business experience), Biden's entire political career reeks of the mediocrity of the status quo.

You should expect more. Why don't you? You should demand more than yet another "status quo" business as usual politician.

Plus, shouldn't your elected representative be able to make a coherent sentence?

46 Minutes Of Joe Biden Talking Nonsense U.S. Senate candidate John James (R) response
to Joe Biden's racist comments about Black people.

One more thing, given Biden's highly erratic mental cognition and his ailing physical health, hopefully, he won't die in office during the first twelve months. Tic toc, tic toc . . .

However, have no fear, because silver-tongued, flip-flopping Vice-President Kamala Harris is ready to step right in there!

Biden's pick for Vice President, Kamala Harris, in addition to being an adulteress, she's consistently been a sneaky, conniving, condescending, overtly manipulative politician with absolutely no backbone; a person who changes positions on any subjective to placate the interests and values of those who confront her blatant hypocrisy.
Looking forward to 2024?
Consider this, again, throughout Joe Biden's entire political career, that's 57 years, Black people have endured the perpetual status of hopelessness, poverty, racism, oppression, and discrimination. What has President Biden been doing???

As intentionally engineered by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, "Urban" school districts, continue to adhere to the "separate but equal" doctrine by maintaining segregated schools, to keep the cesspool of "undesirables" from contaminating White schools.


If you truly believe left-leaning educational agendas and curriculum are making schools better:

(1) Why do non-minorities continue to leave urban school districts;

(2) Why does the educational performance and high school graduation rates of urban schools continue to decline; and

(3) Why do White people make significantly more money from incarcerating Black men than from educating Black men? Well? Well??

Over the past three-(3) years I've repeatedly written in support of Donald Trump's candidacy and his presidency, and to re-cap, please consider the following:

"Trumprosecution" is Malicious Prosecution

Part 2: The Dire Consequences for Black People

Warren Buffet is as racist as Donald Trump?

An Open Letter to Michelle LeVaughn Robinson Obama

Trump should NOT concede because . . .

Trump Lost: Blame Conservative White Males!

Do NOT vote for Joe Biden

Disinformation and Donald Trump

The Squad is Racist, but not President Trump

As usual, when faced with
the truth, Bill Maher pivots.

The "Big Picture" and Donald Trump

Where's the "Trump card" for the anti-Trump movement?

President Trump do the unexpected!

Let's thank President Trump!

Again, Trump is right!

Trump is right!

Trump as POTUS?

Commander in Chief, Really?

The Lesser of Two Evils? Clinton vs. Trump

As usual, when faced with
the truth, Bill Maher pivots.


What exactly did
President Biden say?

Did ya see the debate? Fit to be "commander and chief?"

Mental acuity?

Physical fitness?
  At a press conference a week after the debate, wouldn't if be "helpful" if the President of the United States of America actually knew the name of his Vice President?


Immigration . . .
a total ban . . .
a total initiative . . .
relative to . . .
what strategy?



Immediately after
their debate on
June 27, 2024 here's President Trump
"walking" vs.
President Biden "walking."
Fit to be "commander and chief!"


This is exactly what
"strength" looks like!

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds


'Nuff Said!

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Oh, one more thing . . .


Reynolds' Rap
January 5, 2023
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