The "Evils" of Homosexuality


If you thought this editorial is actually about the "evils" of homosexuality, then your wrong. You just got pranked. Likewise, if you think this editorial is about the "joys" of homosexuality then you're also wrong. Is this editorial about homosexuality? Yes, absolutely, and I'll focus on three very specific areas: LGBT-isms in religion; LGBT-isms in business, entertainment, and politics; and LGBT-isms in science.


I'll make this linearly simple:
There's absolutely nothing wrong with believing in the Abrahamic religions of Judaism (seventh century BCE), Christianity (first centruy CD), and Islam (seventh century CE), which were ALL created from and/or derived from ancient Black civilizations. Re-read the previous sentence.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with believing in religious scripture as documented in the Bible (Christians), Torah (Jews), or Quran (Muslims). Re-read the previous sentence.

There's absolutely nothing wrong believing that religious scripture as documented throughout the Bible (Christians), Torah (Jews), or Quran (Muslims) literally represents the actual "Word of God." Re-read the previous sentence.

How "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people stole from the ancient African nation of Kemet
by Anthony Browder
How Jesus was Invented

Given the aforementioned, there's absolutely nothing wrong believing that God has NEVER made a mistake, that God does NOT make mistakes. Therefore, due to the blatant disobedience of God's word by man (Adam) and woman (Eve), all aspects of humanity are guilty, even the unborn cannot claim innocence, and are intentionally and perpetually hexed and condemned by God. Clearly, every aspect of humanity, including "free will," whether perceived as good, or bad, or ugly is God's intent.





Keep in mind, "2 Samuel 22:31"
Keep in mind, "2 Samuel 22:31"
"She" was born 'Male' but she's not Trans!

Since God is never wrong, why do humans defy God's will and literally re-design, rebuild, or actually destroy God's work (deformities, death, destruction, etc.)? Clearly, prior to and at the moment of conception, an omniscient (all-knowing), omipresent (everywhere), and omnipotent (all-powerful) God planned - at the genetic level within the deepest recesses of DNA - the "deformity" of Godfrey Baguma and the conjoined births of Lexi and Sydney Stark. Re-read the previous sentence. Therefore, since God does NOT make mistakes, we must acknowledge - again, at the genetic level within the deepest recesses of DNA - some males were intentionally born with a mental and/or physical predilection to be sexaully attracted to males; likewise, some females were intentionally born with a mental and/or physical predilection to be sexually attracted to females. Therefore, homosexuality is clearly intentional, predetermined, and authorized by God, and as such, homosexuality is not a "deformity" or a sin, but exists only as a "difference," and such predilection is, in fact, the natural order of things. To disagree with this blatantly linear assessment of religious theology is to contest God's will, which would be a sin, right?


Notably, all religious scripture as documented in the Bible (Christians), Torah (Jews), or Quran (Muslims) define homosexuality as an abomination, destestable, contemptible. For example:

Leviticus 20:13 (KJV) 13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

But here's the thing about religious scripture, it's all contrived as a direct result of negotiations between elite and powerful White men. Accordingly, religious scripture is NOT the word of God, but exists as man's (no women were involved) interpretation or idealistic belief to manipulate how the word of God should be perceived by the masses. History consistently documents and validates how elite and powerful White men literally stole the creation of the Abrahamic religions [Judaism (seventh century BCE), Christianity (first centruy CD), and Islam (seventh century CE)] from ancient Black civilizations. History consistently documents and validates how White religious leaders, politicians, and people of "wealth and privilege," have always disagreed on the authenticity of the so-called "inspired word of God" as a tool to indoctrinate and unilaterally control, manage, and organize followers of the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic religions. How did these elite and powerful White men resolve this dilemma? They met and unilaterally decided what "they" wanted the "word of God" to mean to the masses. Click the following links:

First Council of Nicaea - AD 325 -

Second Council of Nicaea - AD 787 -

Then, nearly 1300 years later, with the separation of the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church, the King James Version (KJV) was begun in 1604 and finally completed in 1611. The King James Bible (KJB), is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England. James gave the translators instructions intended to ensure that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy. The translation was done by 47 scholars, all of whom were members of the Church of England. Plus, the scope of religious disagreement on the "inspired word of God" is not confined to the Old and New Testaments, but also to the original biblical apocrypha that were created before, during, or as an appendix to the New Testament. To review the original books of the Bible, click the following link, then scroll (all the way) down and review the charts.

Conversely, for the Islamic religion, the Quran mentions by name at least three main Islamic scriptures which came before the Quran.

1. Tawrat or Torah
2. Zabur: The Book of Psalms
3. Injil or Gospel or New Testament
4. Here are all of the books (Surahs) of the Quran

Bottom line, "heterosexual" followers and practitioners of the Abrahamic religions have every right to believe whatever they want about religious scripture and God's word. As clearly defined in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So, anyone can start a religion, and anyone can write a Bible. Conversely, many Black people and Native Americans believe the Bible is NOT the word of God, because of the social, economic, political, and religious hypocrisy of the overwhelming majority of White people who preached the word of God while concurrently engaging in genocide, slavery, rape, lynching, oppression, and discrimination of Black people and other people of color. As clearly defined by the Doctrine of Discovery that unilaterally established a paradigm of White privilege and White supremacy, many Black people believe organized religion indoctrinates and enforces White Privilege, and all religions exist as one of the most racist institutions in the U.S. and around the world.


You profess to believe “that, of one blood, God made all nations of men to dwell on the face of all the earth,” and hath commanded all men, everywhere to love one another; yet you notoriously hate, (and glory in your hatred), all men whose skins are not colored like your own.

The existence of slavery in this country brands your republicanism as a sham, your humanity as a base pretence, and your Christianity as a lie.

What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?


July 5, 1852

To download the entire speech, click here.

James Baldwin
on the Dick Cavett Show
June 13, 1968


Keep in mind, not all White people are racist, nevertheless, as independently and objectively validated in yet another research study reported in the June 2014 issue of “The Atlantic” magazine, the overwhelming majority of White people (religious and non-religious, heterosexuals, gays, lesbians, etc.) have continuously ostracized Black people during 250 years of slavery, 90 years of Jim Crow, 60 years of separate but equal, 35 years of state-sanctioned redlining; AND the social and economic status for the overwhelming majority of Black people has NEVER changed. So, it's stupid to demand, coerce, provoke, manipulate, or expect equality from your oppressor who refuses to deviate from a perpetual status quo to retain privilege and supremacy. Likewise, attempts to coerce, provoke, or manipulate heterosexuals through "political correctness" to change their religious dogma by embracing diversity and inclusion is, well, just as pointless. Plus, given the First Amendment, it's a stipud attack on an individual's freedom of religious belief.

More importantly, just like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (, there's absolutely nothing to prevent people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, bigamist, polygamist, pedophiles, questioning, asexual, ally, pansexual, and the "Kitchen Sink" (LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX) etc., from joining forces to write and publish their own religious scriptures, their own Bible.

Even before the dawn of religious scriptures (Tora, Quran, Bible, Book of Mormon, etc.), birth defects of some form or another occurred (and always will), so dealing with people born with both male and female genitalia is nothing new. Yet, for some reason, those "crazy people" who wrote religious scriptures "inspired by the word of God" determined that human relationships would be best served by anchoring societal development to a linear bonding of "males" and "females." But now, since the church and government have opened the door beyond marriage to "relationship equality," it's hypocrisy to give significance to any so-called high-and-righteous religious principles, because unlike the Ten Commandments, the moral compass was never etched in stone:
L Lesbian

A female who experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other females.

G Gay

A Male who experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other males.

B Bisexual

Females or males who experience romantic love or sexual attraction to both females and males.

T Transgender

People who have a gender identity, or gender expression, that differs from their assigned sex. Transgender people are sometimes called transsexual if they desire medical assistance to transition from one sex to another.

Q Queer

People who identify as or are questioning their sexual identity.

I Intersex

An intersex human or other animal is one possessing any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies".[1] Such variations may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female. Intersex people were previously referred to as hermaphrodites, "congenital eunuchs," or even congenitally "frigid." Some intersex infants and children, such as those with ambiguous outer genitalia, are surgically or hormonally altered to create more socially acceptable sex characteristics. However, this is considered controversial, with no firm evidence of good outcomes.

B Bigamist

Bigamy is the act of entering into a marriage with one person while still legally married to another.

P Polygamist

A man married to more than one wife at a time (polygyny); or a woman married to more than one husband at a time (polyandry).

P Pedophiles

Adults or older adolescents sexually attracted to prepubescent children, especially Catholic Priests.


The questioning of one's sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender, or all three is a process of exploration by people who may be unsure, still exploring, or concerned about applying a social label to themselves for various reasons.


Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity.


Adding the term "allies" to this perpetually growing acronymism has sparked controversy, with some seeing the inclusion of "ally" in place of "asexual" as a form of asexual erasure. Gray asexuality or gray-sexuality is the spectrum between asexuality and sexuality. Individuals who identify with gray asexuality are referred to as being gray-A, or a gray ace, and make up what is referred to as the "ace umbrella". Within this spectrum are terms such as demisexual, semisexual, asexual-ish and sexual-ish.


The terms pansexual, omnisexual, fluid and queer-identified are regarded as falling under the umbrella term bisexual (and therefore are considered a part of the bisexual community).

The Kitchen Sink

Gender-binary, Gender and Sexual Diversities (GSD), MSM ("men who have sex with men"), WSW ("women who have sex with women"), Cisgender (the opposite of the word transgender, or people whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth), SGL ("same gender loving"), GSRM (gender, sexual, and romantic minorities), QUILTBAG (queer and questioning, unsure, intersex, lesbian, transgender and two-spirit, bisexual, asexual and aromantic, and gay and genderqueer), Non-binary (of gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine - identities that are outside the gender binary), and whatever sexual and/or non-sexual identities human beings conceive.

Keep in mind, the above acronym, LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX is constantly changing. Case in point, LGBTQIA2S+ is the "handle" used by many for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or gender expansive, queer and/or questioning, intersex, asexual, and two-spirit (LGBTQIA2S+). That's right, "two-spirit." Hum . . . what about people with 20 or 50 or 100+ spirits? What about people with no spirit?
What a minute; what about, Leviticus 18:7 (NLT2)?
“Do not violate your father by having sexual relations with your mother.
She is your mother; you must not have sexual relations with her."

Therefore, if the "idea" is to truly be "inclusive
and recognize and support all kinds of relationships, LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX should also include "incest,"
oh yeah, and 2 or more spirits too, right?

If not, why not (LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+)?

Keep in mind, what goes around, comes back around!

The Queen James Bible is an example, but unfortunately, this document does not go nearly far enough to capture the robust character and scope of religious theology that will benefit the greater global LGBTQIBPP community. Given the tactics used by heterosexuals to define the character and scope of religious dogma, isn't it about time the LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+ community held its own "Council of Nicaea" to create its own Bible, its own church, etc.? Consider the following facts:

Although no longer owned by Black people, nevertheless, Black people created BET Television because White people refused to provide Black people with access to broadcast television enabling Black people to tell their own stories. Lessons learned.

Although no longer owned by Black people, nevertheless, Black people created Motown Records because White people refused to provide Black people with access to and control of their own musical talent and business acumen. Lessons learned.

John Wesley, an English cleric, theologian, and evangelist launched the Methodist Church in the United States of America with a group of slaves as an offshoot of the Church of England. John Wesley was also an abolitionist, and in 1774 he wrote, "Thoughts Upon Slavery," and said, "Liberty is the right of every human creature, as soon as he breathes the vital air; and no human law can deprive him of that right which he derives from the law of nature." Nevertheless, before, during, and after the U.S. Civil War, the Methodist Church openly practiced racism, discrimination, and separatism. Fact, nearly two-hundred-(200) years ago, thousands of Black people left the Methodist Church in 1816 to create the African Methodist Episcopal Church (A.M.E.), and the exodus of Black people continued in 1870 when more Black people left to escape the blatant racism and hypocrisy of "White-privilege-based-religion" to create the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (C.M.E.). Beginning in 1784 to this very day, the Methodist Book of Discipline establishes and defines all church law, policy, and procedures, including the well-documented policy and practice of racism, discrimination and oppression. Lessons learned.

On May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the doctrine of separate but equal. "Segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race . . . deprives the children of a minority group of equal educational opportunities," the justices ruled in Brown v. Board of Education. No matter, the Methodist Church continued its "separate and unequal" practice to intentionally divide congregations by race. In fact, overt racial discrimination, as defined by the Central Jurisdiction of the Methodist Church, continued until 1968, for another fourteen-(14) years after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the doctrine of separate but equal. Lessons learned.

As reported in the Mohave Valley Daily News, the predominately lily-White 22,000-member Church of the Resurrection, UMC’s largest church with four locations in the Kansas City area, is supporting LGBTQIBPP by temporarily withholding half of the $2.5 million that it normally would have paid to the UMC’s head office - money earmarked to fund both domestic and international charitable and philanthropic work. Its lead pastor, Adam Hamilton, said of his church “We’ll ultimately pay it,” Hamilton said, “But we want to show that this is the impact if our churches leave.” Conversely, Hamilton and his congregation have NEVER withheld any porition of the $2.5 million in response to the perpetual and blatant racism, discrimination, oppression and the hypocrisy of their "White-privilege-based-religion against people of color, which fostered the creation of and sustains the independence of the A.M.E and C.M.E. from the United Methodist Church. At best, the United Methodist Church has thrown a bone to minorities through "ethnic programs" such as Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR) and Ethic Minority at the Local Church (EMLC), etc., but as expressed (above) by Frederick Douglass on July 5, 1852 and one-hundred-and-sixteen-(116) years later by James Baldwin on the Dick Cavett Show Dick Cavett Show on June 13, 1968 a "separate but equal" caste system continues to exist within the United Methodist Church. Lessons learned.

It is what it is.


Going, going . . . gone!



Protestants' Pie Is Shrinking Faster Than Catholics'

While attracting parishioners to weekly services is vital to the maintenance of the Catholic Church and Protestant denominations alike, so too is maintaining a large base of Americans identifying with each faith group.

Although the rate at which Protestants attend church has held firm over the past six decades, the percentage of Americans identifying as Protestant has declined sharply, from 71% in 1955 to 47% in the mid-2010s. Since 1999, Gallup's definition of Protestants has included those using the generic term "Christian" as well as those calling themselves Protestant or naming a specific Protestant faith.

By contrast, while the Catholic Church has suffered declining attendance in the U.S., the overall percentage of Catholics has held fairly steady -- largely because of the growth of the U.S. Hispanic population. Twenty-two percent of U.S. adults today identify as Catholic, compared with 24% in 1955.

A troubling sign for both "religious cults" is that younger adults, particularly those aged 21 to 29, are less likely than older adults to identify as either Protestant or Catholic. This is partly because more young people identify as "other" or with other non-Christian religions, but mostly because of the large proportion -- 33% -- identifying with no religion.


Given the increase in the U.S. Latino population, why hasn't the United Methodist, Baptist, etc., executed local, regional, and national strategic membership development plans targeted at this audience? You know, just like GM, Ford, Chrysler, Walmart, Johnson & Johnson, NBC, ABC, CBS, Purina, Target, Allstate, well . . . you get the idea don't you?

Surely, the religious organizations would never be that . . . deceitful?


Given the constantly diminishing percent of White Christians in every U.S. state, and the failure to attract "new blood" from the ever burgeoning legal and illegal Latino population, is it possible the LGBT+ community, which is primarily White, is being targeted as a potential "growth market" for "christian" churches?

Surely, the religious organizations would never be that . . . deceitful?

Open hearts.

Open minds.

Open doors.




FACT: When businesses (and organized religions are "businesses") failure to consistently deliver and/or maintain the quality of products and services they advertise, they eventually go out of business. Clearly, organizations fail for many reason; these are typically the top two:

1. Negligence, stupidity, or corruption (including sexual abuse, rape, theft, etc.) by senior management;

2. Failure to "lead" or adapt to change (technology, customers, supply chain, government, competition, etc.)
For example:


Over 60% of U.S. citizens
are no longer buying the "crap" organized religions are selling!

As clearly posted on the Church of the Resurrection's web site, which is consistent with the stereotypical "do-gooder" mantra of many White folks, Hamilton and his congregation present a pseudo-egalitarian image by posting the church's domestic charitable initiatives in Omaha, Nebraska and Columbus, Ohio and Corpus Christi, Texas and its international charitable initiatives in Costa Rica, Haiti, and Honduras - but there's absolutely no reference or commmitment to end the incarceration of Native Americans at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation - the poorest county in the United States, or to end the active genocide and oppression of the sovereign people of the Republic of Lakotah; plus, as historically and consistently validated by both independent and government research studies, there's absolutely no acknowledgement by Hamilton and his congregation that the typical Black household has NEVER and will NEVER make as much as the typical White household, and there's no commitment from Hamilton and his congregation to address this perpetual inequity. Why is that?

Instead of withholding half of the $2.5 million in pseudo-martyrdom to LGBTQIBPP, why not donate $2.5 million to the poorest people, Native Americans, in the poorest county in the United States? Historically, again, such "indifference" and denial by White Methodists prompted the creation of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (A.M.E.) and the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (C.M.E.). Lessons learned? Nope. Due to the failure or refusal of the United Methodist Church to adhere to its own Book of Discipline and to comply with Biblical scripture that has always existed as the inspired "word of God," nevertheless, sometime between 2020 and 2021, the United Methodist Church is preparing to divide into two or three separate denominations. Will a religious denomination with such a robust history of racism, division, and separation continue to call itself, "united"? Probably.

Recently, the United Methodist Church voted to adhere to the traditional teachings of the Bible and the Book of Discipline of the Methodist Church, which clearly do not support homosexuality. Again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with believing in the Abrahamic religions of Judaism (seventh century BCE), Christianity (first centruy CD), and Islam (seventh century CE), but if you believe, then re-writing history or policy to fit the LGBTQIBPP paradigm is an act of blatant contempt, disobedience, disbelief, even blasphemy.

There's a colloquialism born out of track and field, "Stay in your lane," which essentiallly applies to any organized activity. Athletes are immediately disqualified if a runner steps outside of his or her lane at any Olympic, IAAF, or NCAA Divsion I track and field championship. Why? In the absence of rules, some athletes would likely cross into other lanes to obtain an advantage, or use equipment of varying weight, length, height, timing systems, etc., which would be an advantage to some and a disadvantage to others. Simply put, to eliminate any misunderstanding, including multiple interpretations that create confusion or derision or inequity, and to ensure consistency in assessment and evaluation, the same rules apply to everyone.

Likewise, an attorney will be disbarred and prohibited from practicing law for not adhering to state sanctioning requirements.

Members of sororities and fraternities are expelled for failure to adhere to membership requirements.

Employees are terminated for failure to adhere to employer polices, practices, and procedures.

Citizens and military personnel are arrested, convicted, incarcerated or even worse for violating local, state, federal, or miliatry law.

Simply put, people who own or control organizations make the rules (laws) and all exceptions to the rules, it's their organization or company, they own it, and they can unilaterally "pick and choose" the character and scope of administration and compliance. People who refuse to "play by the rules" are appropriately disciplined, or expelled, or terminated, or defrocked, etc. Again, re-writing history or policy to fit the LGBTQIBPP paradigm is an act of blatant contempt, disobedience, disbelief, even blasphemy.

It's a mistake to confuse the politically-correct-jump-on-the-band-wagon-idealism of "inclusion" with "equality," because these are two completely different non-linear concepts. For example, when discussing American professional football it's correct to "include" the National Football League (NFL), and the Alliance of American Football (AAF), and the XFL, and the Indoor Football League (IFL), and the Champions Indoor Football (CIF), and the Legends Football League (LFL), but these American professional football leagues do NOT share or operate under the same ownership, rules, seasons, venues (indoors or outdoors), schedules, personnel, or even gender. Any effort to coerce or require all American professional football leagues to ignore individual differences and preferences, and collectively embrace "inclusion" to establish a oneness of "equality" would be met with immediate rejection, because as clearly defined by the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and States rights, in the United States of America individuals, organizations, and employers have the right for self-determination. As validated by the graphs below, a consensus on the character and scope of state laws governing LGBTQIBPP-related hate crimes, sexual orientation and gender identity does not exist, and likely never will. a


What does "scripture" say about the those who embrace the "right" versus those who embrace the "left"? Therefore,
according to "scripture" are
those who
embrace the

It's "business as usual" for "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men, to cherry-pick "the inspired words of God" they deem to be of value, relevant, worthy, legitimate, bogus, etc.t


A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.

King James Version


A wise person chooses the
right road; a
fool takes the wrong one.

10:2 (NLT2) 2

. . . and those who embrace the "left"

So, again, given the tactics used by heterosexuals to define the character and scope of "their" religious dogma, isn't it about time the LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+ community held its own "Council of Nicaea" to create its own Bible, its own church, etc.? Again, just like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints ( and the White Man's Bible and many other "groups," there's absolutely nothing to prevent LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX from joining forces to collectively write and publish its own religious scriptures, its own Bible.

So, LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX what are you waiting for?

FACT: The social and economic status for the overwhelming majority of Black people has NOT improved as a result of integration and assimilation into White culture. Integration into White culture has consistently eliminated ownership and control of Black businesses (Negro Baseball, Motown, BET, Soft Sheen, etc.).

The following are actual events that involved the discussion of homosexuality in the workplace with a co-worker (name changed to protect identity):

While employed in the mid-1980s in Dallas, Texas as a human resource program manager by the City of Dallas, a White (mid-20s) female co-worker came over to my work station and said:

Donna (lesbian White female): So, Trip, what do you think about what people are saying about me?

Trip was aware Donna was standing at his work station, but he continued to work.

Donna (lesbian White female): Trip, did you hear me?

Trip (straight Black male): What, Donna?

Donna (lesbian White female): What are people saying about me?

Trip (straight Black male): I don't know. I don't go around listening to people. No one has said anything about you to me.

Donna (lesbian White female): Really? You're serious?

Trip (straight Black male): Yes, I'm serious. Why? What happened? Did you do something?

Donna (lesbian White female): No one said anything to you about me being gay?

Trip (straight Black male): What? You're gay? Really?

Donna (lesbian White female): Come on, Trip. You mean you didn't know?

Trip (straight Black male): (Laughing) How am I supposed to know? Is it something I should be looking for? Plus, why would it make any difference to me personally or professionally?

Donna (lesbian White female): You can't be that naive, Trip. Surely, you knew. Come on.

Trip (straight Black male): No, Donna, I didn't know, and I don't care. Hum, when I was in college this Black guy, a student, thought I was gay because I didn't "hang out" with anyone. I later discovered he was gay; I guess he was trying to make his move on me. As always, I'm just minding my own business; again, I don't care what other people are saying.

Donna (lesbian White female): Trip, you're unbelieveable.

Donna shakes her head, turns away from Trip, and leaves his work station.

Eventually, months pass and Trip and Donna become good friends, and Donna invited Trip to her home to have dinner with two of her friends, lesbians, Kay and Kay's partner.

Dinner is over, and Donna bluntly asks Kay . . .

Donna (lesbian White female): So, Kay, what do you think about Trip?

Kay (lesbian White female): I think he's like most Black guys, just waiting for an opportunity to screw a White girl, and he doesn't give a crap about you being a lesbian.

Donna (lesbian White female): Well, that's not gonna happen. Nope, not with me.

Trip (straight Black male): (Laughing, he looks directly at Donna and says . . .) I didn't know screwing you was on the agenda!

Donna (lesbian White female): It's not, Trip, and it never was, and never will be.

Kay (lesbian White female): I disagree, he's gonna make his move, because that's what men do. The world would be a much better place if there were fewer men, or if men didn't own and control everything. You're lying to yourself, Donna, if you think Trip is any different.

Donna (lesbian White female): (smiling) Well, Trip, you got something to say to that?

Trip (straight Black male): (Looking directly at Kay) Kay, again, screwing Donna has never been on my agenda. (Trip looks back at Donna and then turns to look directly at Kay) But, you clearly have an agenda, and I've known people with agendas just like you! For example, some people believe the world would be a much better place if everyone had a gun - just ask the NRA. Some people believe the world would be a much better place if all Black people were dead, just ask the KKK. Some people believe the world would be a much better place if all White people were dead, ask Elijah Muhammad of the Nation of Islam, because White men AND White women have clearly demonstrated their contempt for people of color through genocide of Native Americans, enslavement of Black people for 400 years, and White people drag other White people into their shit thereby killing everyone and everything in sight as validated through two World Wars and the ethnic cleansing or Holocaust or genocide of White people called Jews. Kay, extremists like you are the real problem. It's not my practice to lean too far to the left, or too far to the right, because everyone wants to have some sense of freedom and independence to live their life. Instead of being extremists, humans should spend more time and energy finding ways to accept each other, to work together, positively. Of course, you can believe whatever you want to believe, but you don't appear to be very accepting or egalitarian.

Donna (lesbian White female): (smiling) Well, Trip, I guess that about says it.

Kay frowned at Trip, and said nothing in response. Dinner was over.

By the way, Trip and Donna NEVER shared a kiss or had sex.

While employed in the mid-1990s in Denver, Colorado as vice president of human resources at a credit union, a White (late-20s) male Teller Supervisor came over to my work station and said:

Dave (gay White male): Trip, we gays guys have it just as bad as Black people. I mean, when people find out someone is gay they treat us so differently, badly or worse.

Trip (straight Black male): Dave, what you just said is racist, sexist, and insulting. You're wrong to use the perpetual misfortune of others to achieve some skewed advantage for your agenda. Let me make this clear: everytime, again, everytime you walk into any room filled with one person or a crowd of people, the only image people see is a White man. Every time. As a White man you automatically get to walk in, to look around, to sit down, to do whatever you want. As a White man, you can even walk into a women's restroom with some sense of authority because, again, you're a White man, and perhaps you're the plumber or facility manager or owner of the building, because all of the aforementioned are typically White men - and White men have always held privilege over everything in this country.

Conversely, the very second I walk into any room filled with one White person or a crowd of White people I'm immediately subject to blatantly overt or subliminal discrimination, which sadly, I've had to deal with my entire life. White people, like you, have told me to my face, "We don't want Black people working here." Or, "We don't want Black people living in this apartment complex." Or, "We don't have Black people in our graduate program at Northen Illinois University and we're not going to start with you!" Likewise, the minute women walk into a room filled with one man or a group of men, they're often perceived as nothing more than tits and ass, and if you're a woman of color your value is even less.

Dave (gay White male): Trip, I know things have never been fair but . . .

Trip (straight Black male): I had absolutely no say-so in the selection of my race, color, or gender. None. Nevertheless, many White men, like you, and many White women, have absolutely no problem discriminating against me for factors I never held any control over. You have absolutely no idea what it means to know that the overwhelming majority of White men and White women will NEVER provide me with an opportunity to present my intellect, creativity, or business acumen because they refuse to see me as anything but a Black man.

No one knows if you're gay, or what you do with your penis unless you open your mouth and tell them, which you frequently do here at the credit union. Why do you continue to do that, Dave? So, again, let me be clear, I'm not telling you to hide your "sexuality," but you're the one who keeps bringing this subject up. As with many people, I would not know you are gay unless you had told me. More importantly, absolutely no aspect of your job involves the use of your penis. As clearly defined by your essential job functions and your job standards, your job performance is not measured by how well or how poorly you use your penis. So, please, get back to work.

Dave turned red in the face, apologized to Trip, and went back to work.

Again, except for the adult film industry, when a candidate shows-up for a job interview the first thing recognized by the employer is the perception of the candidate's race (color or ethnicity) or sex (gender). If a male candidate arrives in full "homosexual" regalia wearing a dress, extreme facial make-up, wig, etc., then the candidate is intentionally forfeiting their candidacy, because employers have every right to adopt, communicate and enforce a "dress code" that ensures employees comply with standards established for customer relationship management.

Employers do NOT want to alienate potential or existing customers (revenue streams) by hiring candidates and retaining staff who are pushing their own personal agenda (homosexuality, politics, racism, global warming, "Save the Whales," etc.) instead of selling company products and/or services. The single most important "thing" for an employer or company is to sell "stuff," its products, services, etc., and "politics" do not sale soap!

Again, except for the adult film industry, where women and men actively engage in a wide variety of heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, beastiality and other kinds of sexual encounters, or when routine background check reveal candidates or employees are convicted sexual offenders, employers have absolutely no need to know what the candidate did or does with his/her penis or vagina. Again, as clearly defined by the essential job functions and job standards for the overwhelming majority of positions, job performance is not measured by how well or how poorly employees use their penis or vagina! Plus, given the #METOO movement, it's clearly in the employer's best interest not to focus on a candidate's or employee's penis or vagina or any aspect of their sexuality, but to focus (reward and discipline) on employee job performance - period. There's a wealth of employment laws that address all forms of discrimination in the workplace, but unfortunately, with extremely few exceptions, White men (heterosexual and homosexual) make the rules (laws) and all exceptions to the rules; it's their country, they own it, they control it, and they have, can, and do unilaterally "pick and choose" if and when they'll adhere to whatever rules, laws, and contracts they establish. Yeah, it is what it is. Remember the previous sentence the next time you vote!

To sum things up, there's absolutely nothing evil about homosexuality. Re-read the previous sentence. More importantly, it's absolutely wrong for the LGBTQIBBP community to limit its religious outlook based on the tactics used by heterosexuals to define the character and scope of their religious dogma. Likewise, it's absolutely wrong for sexuality (heterosexual, homosexual, etc.) to be an issue in the workplace, because the focus for both the employee and the employer should be the work, it must be job performance. Homosexuality is not the problem, but the failure of employers to hire, promote, discipline, and reward based on the actual, validated proficiency of job performance is the problem.

People are routinely, often immediately assailed and discriminated against for the obvious - for being Black or another minority, for being a woman, for being disabled, for being too old, because these "images" are blatantly obvious, and not hidden behind or beneath the zipper, skirt, or panty-line of a LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+. For example, Apple’s President/CEO Tim Cook is a gay White male, but such was unknown to the masses until his self-proclaimed catharsis to "come out of the closet" and reveal himself. Nevertheless, as with the overwhelming majority of White male heterosexuals and homosexuals, as usual, the clear majority of Apple’s employees and management team are White (see graph below). White men and White women already have "White privilege," and the LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+ movement does NOT correct the everlasting racial inequity between White people and racial minorities. And as clearly validated throughout U.S. history, it’s perfectly okay for White people to do whatever the hell they want! Yeah, again, it is what it is.

SOURCE: Ebony Magazine /

According to Apple, "In the past year we hired over 11,000 women globally, which is 65 percent more than in the previous year. In the United States, we hired more than 2,200 Black employees — a 50 percent increase over last year — and 2,700 Hispanic employees, a 66 percent increase. In total, this represents the largest group of employees we’ve ever hired from underrepresented groups in a single year." In summary, it wasn't until last year that Apple finally decided to actually, seriously commit to hire Black people. What the hell has Apple been waiting for?

Unfortunately, some employers are actually tracking what candidates and employees do with their vagina and penis!

As conveyed in a previous editorial regarding Whoopi Goldberg's ignorance, when applying for nearly every job in the United States of America, candidates are presented with the following:


As far as the U.S. government is concerned, Black people (born U.S. citizens as decendants of slaves originating from Africa) and Africans ("free" people of "color" from various African nations) are dumped together as a "racial construct," just like White Irish (Northern Irish nationalists and republicans, who are mostly Irish Catholics) and White English (Ulster Protestants, who wanted Northern Ireland to remain within the United Kingdom) viciously fought each other for decades, but are dumped together as a "racial construct."

Jews are not a "racial construct," unless, of course, you're a Jewish person in the media controlling the narrative. The big mistake made by Caryn Elaine Johnson, a.k.a. "Whoopie," who uses a Jewish surname "Goldberg," is that she stupidly ignored the "facts" of who ultimately runs all entertainment media in the United States, and ultimately worldwide distribution of U.S. print, broadcast, and filmed content:

In "Hollywood" ultimate control has been and continues to be primarily dictated by White Jewish men. As published in the LA Times article, How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? C'mon - "When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the (Jewish) Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah." Source: Los Angeles Times, December 19, 2008, by JOEL STEIN

Keep in mind:

Some employers have decided all aspects of LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+ are equal, in particular, equal to race and biological sex. For example, Kaiser Permanente Healthcare is capturing significantly more sexual information than Lincoln Financial Group (above).

Keep in mind, "supposedly" this data will not be used against the candidate, but candidates are NOT included in the decision-making process for selection and hiring; and therefore, unable validate Kaiser's claim of neutrality.

The EEOC does not require the collection and retention of such data, so: (1) why is Kaiser collecting it; (2) how will it be used; (3) how long will it be retained on Kaiser's servers; and (4) will the data be sold to third-parties?


Keep in mind:


Gay people are minorities . . . until they need to be White again!



Current data collection for EEO-1 and EEO-4

Why are employers required to submit EEO Reporting?

As validated by EEO-1 (private sector) and EEO-4 (public sector) reports submitted to the federal government, and independent “glass ceiling” reporting, it remains the perpetual practice for many employers to easily and intentionally discriminate against minorities and women because women and minorities are “physically identifiable.”

As validated by Nebraska's EEO-4 for 2019 (at right), absolutely no "people of color" were hired into any senior level "officials and administrator" positions. During 2019, this well-qualified candidate, who also happens to be a minority, personally applied for over 200 positions, but in Nebraska, as validated by EEO-1s and EEO-4s, high rates of unemployment, and high rates of incarceration, minority candidates are consistently not worthy of employment except as a rare "token" in management, or non-managerial service-level positions.

Again, it's easy to intentionally discriminate against minorities and women because women and minorities are “physically identifiable,” but such is not true of LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+.

In order to similarly validate the LGBT+ status of candidates and employees, it would be necessary for employers to actually look “under the hood,” because LGBT+ considerations are not visually self-evident and cannot be used to immediately and uniformly discriminate.

Since employers are unable to accurately determine if a candidate is "Gender fluid, or intersex, or pansexual, etc.," why is Kaiser tracking this and other sexual data, which is beyond the scope of immediate visual and physical detection?

Are large multi-state and national employers like Kaiser, attempting to use the "Bully pulpit" of their national recruitment platform to manipulate state legislatures, U.S. Congress, and employers to expand "sexual tracking" to include all aspects of sexuality as represented below? Must government be even more involved?

"The Big Picture"
If Kaiser's data collection protocols become the "standard,"
then all EEO-1 and EEO-4 reporting will look like this!
Does the above "scorecard" reveal the
"evolution" of the human race?

Keep in mind:

Freedom of speech goes both ways!




On a personal note, I've managed human resources in the public/private sector, profit/non-profit, union/non-union, multi-site/multi-state, and international environments, which includes broadcasting, aerospace, public education, financial services, health care, gaming, IT, retail, manufacturing, municipal government, and property/casualty insurance - rarely, again, rarely have I found employers who actually conduct recruitment and selection in compliance with the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection or even common sense. Instead, the going practice is to pseudo-examine a candidate's experience at previous employers and/or to embrace consultant-driven behavioral based assessments that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual essential job functions to be performed. Even worse, given the perpetual existence of the "glass ceiling," and the racist and sexist dogma of all organized religions, and the constantly increasing wage gap between people of color and White people, there's no hope in sight for a truly egalitarian future. Of course, you're welcome to disagree with my fact-based linear assessment, but I'm not interested in your opinion, only respond to this editorial with facts.
Arsenio Hall's immediate "live" response to hecklers from Queer Nation

Unfortunately, as Arsenio Hall experienced on his "live" television program (at right), we're living in a time now where the LGBTQIBPP must be championed, coddled, uplifted and advanced often beyond the point of equity with Black people, Latinos, Native Americans, women, the disabled, and veterans. Much like illegal immigrants, many LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+ people are intentionally interrupting and infringing upon your life, your financial and social resources, your commitments, etc. It's suddenly "our" obligation to address all perceived concerns of inequity conveyed by LLGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+ individuals, to continue to ignore the centuries of inequities that continue to exist for Black people and Native Americans, but to advance the perceived inequities of LGBTQIBPP individuals to the front of the line and make them our #1 priority!

From finisher3x:
as DL Hughley said in one of his stand up routines ...
"They can take a d*ck, but they can't take a joke."



Nowadays, there must be a token LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+person in many films and television programs even when doing so does not advance the story in any way, and has absolutely no value to the script / story. There's a big difference between equality and tokenism, especially when the greatest beneficiaries of the LGBTQIBPP movement are White men and White women, and they already possess something greater than equality - they have White privilege. And now, many White LGBTQIBPP people feel they're owed even more. As accurately conveyed by DoubleEdged7, "The point is ....... No one is owed anything. Not even gay people."

Joe Rogan reflects on the controversy of how trasnsgender (male-to-female) MMA fighter Fallon Fox successfully beat biological women who did not know they were fighting a man

Jason Whittaker: “Is it discrimination to talk about reality?”....great quote.


Joe Rogan & Ben Shapiro on the Transgender Movement, Men vs. Women in Sports

Danny Rouco: The irony of Jenner winning woman of the year has no bounds. Basically saying that men are better at being women than women. What a joke!


The "Devolution" of the Human Race?


So, the current "idea" is to ignore evolution
and biology, and to even to ignore common sense?
How the "woke" culture is creating a climate where
doctors are afraid of being cancelled for stating scientific facts!
Neil deGrasse Tyson and Ben Shapiro on Transgenderism
Has the LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+ movement launched "The End of Women's Sports" ?
When Riley Gaines (a biological woman) lost to Lia Thomas (a biological man)

  Miss Universe 2023 Welcomes Two Transgender Women,
a Plus-size Model and Mothers for the First Time

Miss Portugal Marina Machete and Miss Netherlands Rikkie Kollé (above)
made history as the first trans women representing their countries
in the competition (which used to be restricted to
single, non-obese "real" (biological) women.

Gender equality, really?   There Are Only 2 Genders. Change My Mind!
"I Can Identify As A Black Lesbian!"
Piers Morgan On Gender Identity
  'Is There A Difference Between Women And Men?':
Ted Cruz Grills Human Rights Campaign President
Elite women and elite men are NOT physically equal,
and neither are average men and average women!
  Rep. Hunt Is Not Messing Around
With That Restroom Stuff
WNBA Champions vs High School Boys!
Nothing can save women's basketball
  Jordan Peterson HUMBLES Woman
who says men & women aren't equal yet

Democratic Hawaii Rep. and former 2020 Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard (see photo at left) introduced a bill into the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday, December 10, 2020 that would dictate Title IX protections for female athletes be based on biological sex—a term often used to refer to gender assigned to a person at birth—thats advocate have decried as inherently transphobic.

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program or activity that receives federal funding, and is well known for its requirement that women’s sports programming receive equal support to men’s programming.

Gabbard, who declined to run for re-election in 2020 and is in the final days of her Congressional term, introduced the bill, titled the “Protect Women’s Sports Act,” with Republican Oklahoma Rep. Markwayne Mullin. Republican Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler introduced a similar bill, titled “the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act,” into the Senate in September. (Loeffler’s bill has not been taken up for a vote.)


Again, except for the adult film industry, where women and men actively engage in a wide variety of heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, beastiality and other kinds of sexual encounters, or when a routine background check reveals candidates or employees are convicted sexual offenders, employers have absolutely no need to know what the candidate did or does with his/her penis or vagina; therefore, LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+ is not an issue in the work place. You got that?
Parents have a legal right and responsibility to protect their children.
Elected officials have a fiduciary responsibility to comply and enforce laws.
  Penalize biological girls for refusing to compete against boys, really?

Keep in mind:

"The parents are taking the wheel. I have an eight year old daughter whose absolutely dynamic, who can do anything; athletically, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally! She is a dynamo; and I don't want a man swimming against her in the pool.

The fact is, I don't want her playing against boys in soccer.

I don't even let my sons rough her up; do YOU think I'm gonna let your sons rough her up?

This is what we're talking about. Policy going back to the parents. Because if you think people who love America aren't willing to fight for it . . . you haven't met parents yet."

The media and public relations campaigns engineered to make LGBT+ an "issue" in all aspect of business, government, sports, entertainment, and education must not be ignored. Did you know, as reported by Bill Maher of HBO's "Real Time," that based on current projections by 2054 everyone in the United States will be LGBT+?
Sexual and/or gender "equality," really?

What does "scripture" say about the those who embrace the "right" versus those who embrace the "left"?

A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.

Ecclesiastes 10:2
King James Version


A wise person chooses the right road; a fool takes the wrong one.

Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NLT2) 2

according to "scripture" are those who embrace the "right"


. . . and those who embrace the "left"

In the absence of being struck down by God for engaging in an abomination, or being terminated for cause for using your genitalia in non-compliance with an employer's business objectives, whatever "consenting adults" do with their genitalia is their own "personal business," and it's not evil.
"Sex is not assigned at Birth. Sex is established at conception, and it's recognized at Birth if not earlier." Dr. Miriam Grossman, MD
The "anchor" components (Lesbian Women and Gay Men)
cannot self-procreate by copulation, therefore, is genocide the future?
However, to unilaterally and systematically impose your beliefs and values on someone else (genocide of Native Americans, slavery of Black people, incarceration of Asians, forced deportation of Latino U.S. citizens, etc.), to unilaterally and systematically impose your principles and dogma on someone else, to unilaterally and systematically require others to subdue, or to succumb, or to violate their values and freedoms solely to accommodate the oppressor, well, that's evil.
So, when it comes to sexuality, just like colonialism and the creation of a pseudo-democratic republic, "evil" is a two-sided coin.
You either have principles or you don't. You got that?
You either have principles or you don't. You got that?

Again, there's absolutely nothing evil about homosexuality. Re-read the previous sentence. However, the "tail" does not wag the "dog." TRANSLATION: Much like illegal immigrants, many LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+ people are intentionally interrupting and infringing upon the priorities, financial and social resources, pre-existing commitments of individuals, companies, and all levels of government. It's suddenly "our" obligation to address all perceived concerns of inequity conveyed by LLGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+ individuals, to continue to ignore the centuries of inequities that continue to exist for Black people and Native Americans, but to advance the perceived inequities of LGBTQIBPP individuals to the front of the line and make them our #1 priority!

Equally problematic, as detailed throughout this editorial, the overwhelming majority of "religious people" do NOT practice the religious principles they preach. Here's more proof:

The Bottom Line: Again, there's absolutely nothing evil about homosexuality. Re-read the previous sentence. However, it's evil to: (1) advance the perceived inequities of LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX+I+2S+ individuals to the front of the line; (2) to coerce and manipulate children and adults to accept LGBT-isms as the dominant sexual paradigm; and (3) to make LGBT-ism the #1 social priority in the United States of America!


I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
March 23, 2019
© 2017-2024 Tripoetry. All Rights Reserved.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.