A sincere thank you to all of the amazing contributors who helped us raise the money to convert from 35mm to digital.

The conversion process was completed on June 14, 2013 with the showing of Man of Steel in both 2D and 3D. The theatre was closed for two weeks prior to allow for the removal of the old equipment, modify the projection booth, upgrade electrical, install a new stage and screen, and remove, rewire and install new speakers.

We were truely blessed with contributions and amazingly were able to have a 7,1 sound system, making the Isis a premier theatre for sound in the state. It is our understanding that only the IMAX in Omaha has the same quality of sound.

How did this happen? Several years ago the Isis needed a new piece of equipment for the sound rack in the projection booth. Not being able to afford a new piece, a dedicated and focused search was started to the used vendors in the country and world. Amazingly enough, a small family firm had a piece that would replace and upgrade at an affordable price, and they had it as an extra piece in their truck as they were driving across I-80 in Nebraska! They took a one hour detour and stopped in Crete, and the Isis was able to get a remarkable piece of equipment (almost brand new) for a fraction of the cost. The firm said as he was loading the truck with the equipment for a theatre in Iowa he saw the component and something told him to bring it. Something he never does and was completely unusual.

Initially the film studios had said that they would always make 35mm film, but in about 2010 the industry announced they would phase out 35mm film completely, the Isis started holding their breath. Exploring financing, the Isis hit an unmoveable wall. Both the down payment and monthly loan payment wasn't possible. As much as the Isis wanted and needed the equipment, there was no way to pay for it.

Not alone, the Isis was among thousands of theatres across the United States that were facing the same dilemma. The Associated Press did a story on the plight of movie theatres, and the Isis was choosen as the "poster child" theatre. Photos were taken, and the story and pictures went nationwide from Boston to San Diego and Miami to Seattle, all major newspapers picked up the story. Then the phone calls started coming in. "How do I help?" "Where can we donate?" and the support continued. Crete Economic Development awarded a grant to upgrade, and a GALA "red carpet" Night of Stars fund raising event was held in February of 2013 to raise the remaining funds.

Anyone who believes in the power of prayer and that the Grace is real, will understand that the efforts in saving the Isis Theatre came from a higher power. The response was overwhelming and unselfish and Crete is truely blessed with caring and amazing people. Although the words are simple, the meaning is huge - THANK YOU. Thank you for saving the Isis Theatre.

OUR HOPE IS TO RESTORE THE ISIS - We've got a new roof to pay for, and want to install a new marquee, new bathrooms, lobby and concession stand, new ceiling in the auditorium, but we have a long way to go!

Thom Reeves
Isis Theatre

Crete, Nebraska

Psst! I really enjoy my popcorn
at the Isis Theatre !™

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