Avoid the Perpetual Hypocrisy and
Deceitfulness of the United Methodist Church!

Take note of the "Advisory" above, because you've been warned!

Why am I using language some might find offensive or vulgar? Good question. Sometimes the usual-and-customary words just don't get the "point" across, so you have to use words that provide both clarity and potency. For example, even a simple question like:

"What are you doing?"

is far more potent when expressed as

What the fuck are you doing?

Unfortunately, when dealing with many "religious" people, it's their demonstrated practice to "wordsmith," to dance around subjects without ever getting to the point, to literally use thousands of "interpretations" and "re-interpretations" of the Bible, Quran, Tora, etc., because the concept of right vs. wrong, or the concept of good vs. evil, is too complex, too difficult for laity to understand. You'll never get a concise response if you ask a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Jehovah Witness, a Mormon, and a Quaker the "meaning" of the "Ten Commandments," because the concept of a "commandment" is just too complex for them to explain (yes, the sarcasm is intentional).

Go to Bible.com and you'll find sixty-seven-(67) versions of the Bible! Why? It's because some "theologians" say scripture meant "this," but some say scripture meant "that," and so on and so on. Of course, some religious concepts like "good versus evil" cannot be easily translated and understood between cultures and languages, which is extremely important, especially while White people were colonizing the world and shoving Christianity down the throats of indigenous people, committing genocide, and enslaving people all around the world (yes, again, the sarcasm is intentional). So, European "English" is different than "English" used in the United States, and French is different than German, and German is different than Korean, and Spanish is different than Mandarin, and so on and so on. Some "theologians" interpret the word "servant" as "slave." Which brings me to the United Methodist Church (UMC), and the two-(2) issues why you should avoid the perpetual hypocrisy and deceitfulness of the UMC:

1. The United Methodist Church perpetually plays the race card at the expense of Black people.

2. The United Methodist Church does not adhere to its own policies, beliefs, and scripture.

Oh, by the way, I'm not using "explicit" language because I'm mad or upset, or frustrated, or whatever. I have absolutely no emotional involvement in or contempt of the United Methodist Church or religion. Proudly, it's my practice to make linear, stoic assessments of any subject matter bereft of any emotional involvement. But again, sometimes the usual-and-customary words don't get the "point" across; so sometimes it's best to use words that provide both clarity and potency, words that immediately draw awareness to hypocrisy, stupidity, etc. So, just consider the following narrative a "Come to Jesus moment!" Thank God I'm agnostic.

The United Methodist Church perpetually plays the race card at the expense of Black people.

To begin, watch this:


What the fuck is wrong with those White motherfuckers running the United Methodist Church (UMC). No, I'm not talking about "all" White people; I'm specifically talking about the perpetual "leadership" of the UMC, and yes, as always, this "leadership" is primarily composed of White men.

Again, I'm not playing the race card. Everyone should be ashamed of the lily-Whiteness of a denomination that's 94% White while also "advertising" itself as:

Open hearts.

Open minds.

Open doors.

The UMC has consistently refused to learn from its past. What past?

As published in the 1984 Commemorative Edition Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church (page 15), shortly after John Wesley chartered the first Methodist Church in the United States in 1784, by 1786, there were 1,569 Methodists in the United States of America; but only two-(2) were White!

In 1792, James O’Kelly founded the Republican Methodists Church (RMC) because he believe bishops held to much authority over local pastors. The RMC eventually became the United Church of Christ.

Then, Richard Allen (1760-1831), an emancipated slave and Methodist preacher who was mistreated because of his race, left the church and in 1816 and organized the African Methodist Episcopal Church (A.M.E.). For similar reasons, the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (A.M.E.Z.) was begun in 1821; and in 1870 even more Black people left to escape the blatant racism and hypocrisy of "White-privilege-based-religion" to create the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (C.M.E.). The A.M.E. Church is 94% Black. Lesson learned? For decades the White-owned and controlled UMC has invited the A.M.E and C.M.E. to rejoin their ranks, but they repeatedly refuse to do so, because they learned their lesson.

Frankly, the key "issue" is not race or sex (that editorial will come later), but one of LEADERSHIP. Although the U.S. Declaration of Independence established in 1776 that "All men are created equal . . ." but never ever actually acted on this principle, absolutely nothing prevented the Methodist Church from establishing with its charter in 1784 that all "people" are created equal, which would have immediately enabled not just Black people, but all minorities and women religious sanctuary. Plus, if the LEADERSHIP disagreed with scripture, they could have created their own Bible, which is exactly what King James did; and the Mormons, and the Quakers, and so on and so on. But that didn't happen, because racist really don't want change, which means a loss of control.

So, I'll say it again, I’m not the one playing the race, because consistent with White-engineered race-based colonialism, the deck of cards has always been controlled and dealt by a self-perpetuating exalted group of privileged White people, specifically White men, who ultimately control all aspects of the UMC! The rank-and-file White folk who historically take their marching orders from LEADERSHIP in the UMC should not, must not be blamed for the indifference, denial, narcissism, and fucking stupidity of those incestuous and self-perpetuating exalted group of privileged White people, primarily White men, who literally refuse to learn from their very own past. Please re-read the previous long-winded sentence (smile!)


Yes, some Black people remain in the UMC, but most are inert, unwilling to do a damn thing, or prone to exist as "Uncle Tom's" and forever "slave" to the insidious religious values of Adam Hamilton, pastor of the largest United Methodist Church in the United States, who equates "slavery" with the LGBT+ movement.

So, there are 700 verses in the Bible that mention slavery; which means exactly what?

Let's look at the Bible:

First, there are not 700 verses in the Bible that mention slavery. Again, keep in mind, some Bibles use the term servant, which does not always establish someone as a "slave." If you do not compare "(actual) apples to (actual) apples" then don't make the comparison; doing such is blatantly disingenuous.

A keyword search in the "New International Bible" revealed the word "slavery" is used twenty-nine-(29) times. There is not any scripture that states:

God commands man and woman to enslave each other.

A keyword search in the "New International Bible" revealed the word "slave" is used one-hundred-and-eighty-eight-(188) times. There is not any scripture that states:

God commands man and woman to enslave each other.

Second, use of the word "slave" or "slavery" does not mean the Bible established slavery as "Justified or Approved." Without knowing the proper context, the intended use of the word "slavery" is ambiguous, because it can also be used descriptively or abstractly as a point of reference to "Acknowledge" its historical and biblical existence - period. Accordingly, it's incorrect, if not disingenuous, to conduct translations without first-hand knowledge of the proper context. No one living "today" was alive when any portion of the Bible, Quran, or Tora, was written - so shut the fuck up about having "first-hand" or immediate "insight" of scripture. For example, the word “kill” is found 126 times in 119 sections of the Bible (KJV); yes, killing is also referenced with regard to war, but the "big picture" that is consistently "championed" throughout the old and new testaments of the Bible is that killing is wrong.

In the Old Testament . . .
In the New Testament . . .

Matthew 5:21-22 (ESV)
21 “You have heard that it was said to
those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.

Romans 13:9 (ESV)
9 For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Revelation 21:8 (ESV)
8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”


Conversely, where is scripture that declares homosexuality is right?

Plus, given the presumed existence of LGBT+ individuals since the dawn of humanity, and despite
the paucity of their fringe existence, why haven't, why didn't LGBT+ individuals create,
independent of the First and Second Council of Nicaea, their own Bible thousands of years ago?

Third, most importantly, is pro-slavery "the big picture," the overwhelming "message" that permeates the Bible?

In the Old Testament, if slavery was wholeheartedly condoned, approved by God, why did God free slaves from Egypt?

Deuteronomy 5:6 (NIV)
“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of SLAVERY.

In the New Testament, if slavery was wholeheartedly condoned, approved by God, why does Galatians 5:1 (NIV) state: It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of SLAVERY.


If homosexuality was wholeheartedly condoned, approved by God, why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, and turn Lot's wife into a pillar of salt for disobeying his command not to look back?

Genesis 19:24-26 (NLT2) 24 Then the LORD rained down fire and burning sulfur from the sky on Sodom and Gomorrah. 25 He utterly destroyed them, along with the other cities and villages of the plain, wiping out all the people and every bit of vegetation. 26 But Lot’s wife looked back as she was following behind him, and she turned into a pillar of salt.


In summary, bowing to political and social pressure, Johnny-come-lately Methodist "theologians" have now established the above scriptures to be blatant lies, that God overwhelmingly approves of killing (Exodus 20: 3-17), slavery (Deuteronomy 5:6), and homosexuality (Leviticus 18:22). Therefore, why should anyone give a fuck about the Bible, because it clearly never was, and is NOT the "inspired" word of God, or the actual words of Jesus! It's a sham. Anyone can start their own church, and anyone can write their own bible.

"The mantra of the LGBT+ community is to glorify the sensualities that have become their God."
- - Unknown

Too many "religious people" are like politicians; just wait ten-(10) minutes and they'll change their opinion; or even better, coerce them with the right socio-political-lobbyist and pay them enough money and they'll definitely change their opinion. Perhaps, the best thing about being an agnostic, is that I don't believe in any of this religious bullshit.

For five-(5) consecutive generations, for nearly two-hundred-(200) years, ministers in my family have preached the "Bible." That's preaching through genocide, slavery, and perpetual racism and oppression of Black people that propelled the creation of the AME and CME denominations, and racism that still exists within the UMC. Yes, the "Bible" has content that on the face of it may appear as a contradiction, but to compare the LGBT+ movement to slavery is insulting to the horrors my ancestors endured as slaves on the R.J. Reynolds tobacco plantation and within the Methodist Church. For example, my great-grandfather, Rev. Abraham Lincoln Reynolds, Sr., watched his brother sold into slavery - shortly after the Civil War! - and he NEVER saw his brother again, and he never got over it! Although I never spent any "quality time" with my great-grandfather, nevertheless, I remember him well, he was very tall, well over six-feet and lean, and he had great posture. When he died in 1965, I was twelve, and clearly old enough to remember not only him but to write this. My father told me several of his first-hand experiences about my great-grandfather, and in particular, how my great-grandfather loved the Lord, but hated White people. Here's one.
Picture this. It's Sunday, and church is about to start. The newly appointed and all-powerful White Bishop decided to conduct an on-site assessment of several of his negro pastors. My great-grandfather knew he was coming. In the Black church, even Black Methodist churches, absolutely no one can step onto and/or sit at the pulpit unless first approved by the pastor - period. So, during the Sunday morning services, the White Bishop was announced as a guest. He was sitting on the front pew and decided to get up and walk to the pulpit. That's when my great-grandfather boldly shouted with great intensity:

The White bishop sat back down, and didn't say one word. To equate the LGBT+ movement to biblical references of slavery or the Black experience in the United States is not only insulting to the overwhelming majority of Black people, but only shows how some people will use any excuse to justify their objectives. Perhaps, the best thing about being an agnostic, is that I don't believe in any of this religious bullshit.

As documented throughout U.S. history, "principles" function as lies for the overwhelming majority of White people of affluence, power, and wealth; and it doesn't make any difference whether you're looking as politics, business, or religion.

Let's look at the facts:

LGBT+ considerations are not self-evident, and remain subordinate to race, sex, and age, which has always exempted "them," but not Native Americans, Black people and other minorities, from the horrors of government mandated public genocide, public lynchings, being sold, rape, oppression, and discrimination. But now, it's become the "standard operating procedure" (SOP) for many people "pushing" the LGBT+ movement to equate their "struggle" to the civil rights challenges faced by Native Americans and Black people. That's total bullshit, especially coming from White people who NEVER faced any form of blatant discrimination, oppression, beating, incarceration or other atrocities solely because of the color of their skin. "They" want YOU to ignore the fact that no one knows what the fuck they do with their vagina or penis until AFTER they first determine what appears to be their race or sex.

Again, LGBT+ considerations are not self-evident, and remain subordinate to race, sex, and age; and LGBT+ considerations cannot be used to immediately and uniformly discriminate. No one would know Tim Cook is a gay White man unless he told you! Conversely, the minute a Black person steps foot into Apple's California complex, as validated by its EEO-1, as with every other Fortune 500 company, Apple has, can, and does discriminate.

In his book, "Everything but the Burden," Greg Tate expertly details the Johnny-come-lately practice of how some White people and their organizations, have adopted the deceitful practice of comparing their so-called plight to the perpetual atrocities uniquely experienced by Black people; and such "strategy" is deceitfully employed by LGBT+ movement.

1500s to 1776 - Genocide and slavery of Native Americans and Black people in North America; prohibitions against homosexuality defined in the Bible, (or Quran, or Tora, etc.), was not challenged.

United States Declaration of Independence, July 4th, and uninterrupted genocide and slavery of Native Americans and Black people in the United States of America

1776 to 1784
- Uninterrupted genocide and slavery of Native Americans and Black people in the United States of America; prohibitions against homosexuality defined in the Bible, (or Quran, or Tora, etc.), was not challenged.

John Wesley charters the first Methodist Church in the United States on February 28th; as published in "The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church (1984)," by 1786, there were 1,569 Methodists in the United States of America; only two-(2) were White.

1784 to 1816 - Genocide and slavery
of Native Americans and Black people in the United States of America; prohibitions against homosexuality defined in the Bible, (or Quran, or Tora, etc.), was not challenged.

1816 - To escape blatant racism and hypocrisy of "White-privilege-based-religion," Black people left the Methodist church to create the African Methodist Episcopal Church (A.M.E.)

1816 to 1865 - Genocide and slavery of Native Americans and Black people in the United States of America uninterrupted until end of Civil War on May 9, 1865.


1865. 250+ years of genocide and slavery was promptly transitioned into 90 years of Jim Crow, 60 years of separate but equal, 35 years of state-sanctioned redlining, and perpetual racism and oppression of Black people; and 246 years of perpetual incarceration of Native Americans on over 55,700,000 acres (225,000 km2) of land held in "trust" (stolen) by the U.S. federal government for Indian Tribes.

1870 - To escape blatant racism and hypocrisy of "White-privilege-based-religion," Black people left the Methodist church to create the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (C.M.E.).

1870 to present - Continuation of Jim Crow practices, 60 years of separate but equal, 35 years of state-sanctioned redlining, and perpetual racism and oppression of Black people; and 246 years of perpetual incarceration of Native Americans on over 55,700,000 acres (225,000 km2) of land held in "trust" (stolen) by the U.S. federal government for Indian Tribes.

1968 - The United Methodist Church intentionally segregated ALL White churches from Black churches, and intentionally segregated ALL Black pastors from being appointed to White churches until 1968! Why then? In 1967, the U.S. Supreme court ruled in "Loving v. Virginia," that state bans on interracial marriages were unconstitutional; never being an "icon" for leadership in civil rights, eventually, the United Methodist Church kinda followed suit by eliminating the "Central Jurisdiction that comprises the Negro Annual Conferences," but created the Black Methodist for Church Renewal (BMCR) to kinda keep Black pastors in check.

2015 - Same-sex marriages legalized in the United States

Now, shifty pastors like Rev. Adam Hamilton want you to equate the LGBT+ movement with slavery! People like Rev. Adam Hamilton cherry-pick "whatever" to achieve "whatever" objective they so desire. It doesn't matter what, because it's what they do - repeatedly. Do you agree with that?

If you do, then FUCK YOU!

Clearly, do NOT blame White people for the stupidity of Black people believing in the White-man's "Methodism," which clearly embraces politics and social issues over the Bible and its own principles. Sadly, the overwhelming majority of Black people born in the United States of America (the "old" negroes) have been brainwashed, generation after generation, to believe only White is ultimately right. Conversely, the overwhelming majority of Black Methodists throughout Africa (the "new" negroes) do not support the shift to embrace LBGT+ initiatives, because doing so is contrary to scripture they were taught by White men. Oh, the hypocrisy, the contradiction. Old negroes vs. new negroes. Come on, you just gotta love this fuckin' shit.


Attention Black people, keep in mind, White people (Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc.) literally spent thousands of years colonizing and brainwashing Black people, and other people of color, to believe EVERYTHING about the Bible is TRUE, but now you're supposed to abandon your brainwashing to an entirely new paradigm. "They" want you to embrace a new paradigm that is entirely contrary to the "core principles" you've been taught for centuries. So, who's the real fool in this scenario?

QUESTION 1: Why aren't you annoyed that your so-called White "leaders" intentionally "wordsmith" both facts and language to deceitfully achieve their objective?

QUESTION 2: Isn't it about time you abandon, just walk away from the UMC, and especially opportunists like Adam Hamilton, who pastors in the luxury and extravagance of his 20,000 member congregation located ever so conveniently in affluent metro Kansas City, and he continues to benefit from White-engineered race-based colonialism that continues to define the UMC? Well?

You really can't separate "religion" from "politics," because they exist as different sides on the same coin. Again, the UMC intentionally segregated ALL White churches from Black churches, and intentionally segregated ALL Black pastors from being appointed to White churches until 1968! Do you get it? When Black methodists simply asked to be treated fairly, equality, the White-owned/White-controlled Methodist Church said . . . FUCK YOU! to Black people, which propelled Black people to leave and create the A.M.E. and C.M.E. denominations, and for the few Black people that remained, the Methodist Church segregated those Black people on a reservation called the Central Jurisdiction. Conversely, a "fringe" group of primarily White LGBT+ people are welcomed and financially supported to pursue their . . . agenda.

Again, I'm a 5th generation descendent of Black ministers of the Methodist church and I personally lived through the racist shit perpetually dumped on Black people, including my brother, father, grandfather, grand-uncle, and great-grandfather. As White women were suddenly being groomed into the ministry, "we" watched as Black pastors were constantly overlooked, passed over for appointment at the larger and/or better financed White churches. My father served as pastor at the very same churches, and lived in the very same parsonages where his father and grandfather served. Get it? But now we're supposed to believe the UMC is somehow "woke" and enlightened to "equate" the LGBT+ movement to the horrific treatment of Black people? Do you agree LGBT+ considerations should take priority over the perpetual failure of the UMC to provide egalitarian considerations to Black, Native American, Latino, and Asian people?

If you believe LGBT+ considerations should take priority, then FUCK YOU!

It remains the demonstrated practice of the UMC to appoint young White pastors, women and men, over "seasoned" Black pastors, which is especially true for appointments at larger churches. Likewise, Black female pastors are "valued" more than Black male pastors, especially as District Superintendents. It's become difficult not to find a "token" LGBT+ person "pushed" ostentatiously exploited in nearly every mainstream television program, and likewise, it's become difficult not to find a LGBT+ person "pushed" in every aspect of the UMC. The problem? Black, Native American, Asian, and Latino pastors and churches never received the same character and scope of "push," including financial support supporting LGBT+ considerations. Plus, the focus on LGBT+ considerations does not align with the population of LGBT+ members in the UMC, or the size and distribution of LGBT+ in the general population; and therefore, the LGBT+ focus is extremely skewed.

If "systemic racism and systemic sexism" did not or does not exist in the United States, how could the New York Times find the data, confirm the accuracy of the data, and then on September 9, 2020 publish the data, "Faces of Power: 80% Are White, Even as U.S. Becomes More Diverse," that (yet again) validates the perpetual existence of systemic racism and systemic sexism?

Some people erroneously believe an anti-white sentiment has suddenly piled up over the decades, which is not true. It's less anti-White but more anti-injustice. Unlike White people (http://mappingdecline.lib.uiowa.edu/map/), and despite the genocide of Native Americans and their perpetual incarceration; and despite the enslavement, exploitation, racism, and oppression of Black people; and despite the exploitation, oppression, and racism of Latinos; and despite the oppression, incarceration, and racism of Asians, nevertheless, people of color have consistently proven to be more accepting of White people (http://www.tripoetry.com/Black.htm#14). People, including poor White people, have always resented injustice (http://www.tripoetry.com/Letters/reynoldsrap-wealth.htm). You do see the problem having a government supposedly founded on the principles of a democratic republic, but NEVER actually providing true "access" to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to poor people, women, and minorities, right? And to make things even worse, "now" we're supposed to allow illegal immigrants and LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX to leap-frog over women, minorities, disabled, and senior citizens and cut to the front of the "equal opportunity" line.


The United Methodist Church does not adhere to its own policies, beliefs, and scripture.

Okay, consider the following situations.

(Real life) SCENARIO 1:
You're the Director of Human Resources for ACME Credit Union, with two-hundred-and-twenty-five-(225) employees, and one-hundred-and-twenty-five-thousand (125,000) active members (customers), and with assets totaling $707.06 million. ACME Credit Union has been in business continuously since 1934, and proudly promotes its commitment to delivering the highest standards in quality customer service. ACME Credit Union has the following attendance policy for tellers:

All tellers must sign-in to their designated work station fifteen-(15) minutes prior to the start of their assigned shift. Failure to sign-in as scheduled is subject to immediate disciplinary action, including termination.

The ACME Credit Union drive-through is open 7AM to 7PM, Monday through Friday, and 8AM to 1PM on Saturdays. ACME Credit Union members correctly expect to "have access to their money" during the regularly posted business hours of operation. ACME Credit Union employs thirty-five-(35) people as "Tellers."

THE PROBLEM 1: One-(1) of your 35 tellers "feels" the attendance policy is wrong, that it fails to "recognize and meet" their unique circumstance (whatever that might be), and that "policy" must be changed to permit he/she/it/they/them/whatever to report to work contrary to the established policy.

SOLUTION: As Director of Human Resources for ACME Credit Union, YOU would remind and again inform the employee, via orally and in writing, of: (1) ACME Credit Union's priority to deliver the highest standards in quality customer service to members; and (2) of immediate disciplinary action (suspension without pay, reduction pay and/or grade level) or immediate termination for violating ACME Credit Union's attendance policy. Note: In my role as a VP of Human Resources, at a credit union, I've actually terminated employees for this violation of policy.

Polices exist for a reason. The tail does not wag the dog.
The employee is welcome to pursue employment elsewhere.

(Real life) SCENARIO 2:
You're the VP of Member Services for ACME Credit Union, with two-hundred-and-twenty-five-(225) employees, and one-hundred-and-twenty-five-thousand (125,000) active members (customers), and with assets totaling $707.06 million. ACME Credit Union has been in business continuously since 1934, and proudly promotes its commitment to delivering the highest standards in quality customer service. As VP of Member Services you're immediately aware of the cost-ratio to operate: human capital expenses, including recruitment, compensation, health benefits, pension, attrition; facility operation; materials, supplies, and equipment; bonding and insurance; marketing and public relations; technology; vendor operations; fundraising and community support.

THE PROBLEM: Ten-(10) of the 125,000 active members (customers) "feels" the business hours (7AM to 7PM, Monday through Friday, and 8AM to 1PM on Saturdays), business locations, and services are wrong, that these services fail to "recognize and meet" their unique circumstances (whatever those might be); they demand the hours of operation "policy" must be changed to permit he/she/it/they/them/whatever to "have access to their money" contrary to the established business hours.

SOLUTION: As VP of Member Services for ACME Credit Union, YOU would inform the member, via orally and in writing, of: (1) ACME Credit Union's mission, charter, and its status and limits as a non-profit entity; and (2) of ACME Credit Union's priority to deliver the highest standards in quality customer service to its collective membership, at the lowest possible cost of operation, but not to fringe or splinter groups of unique members, and that to deviate from its established business practices is not compliant with its core business model, and would have a negative cost impact on its core client business model and commitment to deliver the highest standards in quality customer service.

Polices exist for a reason. The tail does not wag the dog. The "fringe" members are welcome to pursue services from another financial institution of their liking, or to create their own financial services entity, credit union, bank, etc.

(Real life) SCENARIO 3:
You're the so-called "leadership" of the UMC. Since 1784, for two-hundred-and-thirty-seven-(237) years, its been your immediate responsibility to act in compliance with:

(1) the inspired word of God and Jesus as documented in the Bible for thousands of years, which states:

Leviticus 18:22 New Living Translation (NLT) 22 “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.

(2) the policies and practices of the UMC as detailed in "The 2016 Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church," which states:

[Page 111] C) Marriage—We affirm the sanctity of the marriage covenant that is expressed in love, mutual support, personal commitment, and shared fidelity between a man and a woman. We believe that God’s blessing rests upon such marriage, whether or not there are children of the union. We reject social norms that assume different standards for women than for men in marriage. We support laws in civil society that define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

[Page 112] G) Human Sexuality—We affirm that sexuality is God’s good gift to all persons. We call everyone to responsible stewardship of this sacred gift. Although all persons are sexual beings whether or not they are married, sexual relations are affirmed only with the covenant of monogamous, heterosexual marriage. We affirm that all persons are individuals of sacred worth, created in the image of God. All persons need the ministry of the Church in their struggles for human fulfillment, as well as the spiritual and emotional care of a fellowship that enables reconciling relationships with God, with others, and with self. The United Methodist Church does not condone the practice of homosexuality and considers this practice incompatible with Christian teaching.

[Page 788] 2016 Book of Discipline - ¶ 2702. 1. A bishop, clergy member of an annual conference (¶ 370), local pastor, [9] clergy on honorable or administrative location, or diaconal minister may be tried when charged (subject to the statute of limitations in ¶ 2702.4) [10] with one or more of the following offenses: (a) immorality including but not limited to, not being celibate in singleness or not faithful in a heterosexual marriage; [11] (b) practices declared by The United Methodist Church to be incompatible with Christian teachings, [12] including but not limited to: being a self-avowed practicing homosexual; or conducting ceremonies which celebrate homosexual unions; or performing same-sex wedding ceremonies; [13] (c) crime; (d) disobedience to the order and discipline of The United Methodist Church; (e) dissemination of doctrines contrary to the established standards of doctrine of The United Methodist Church; (f) relationships and/or behavior that undermines the ministry of another pastor; [14] (g) child abuse; [15] (h) sexual abuse; [16] i) sexual misconduct [15] including the use or possession of pornography, (j) harassment, including, but not limited to racial and/or sexual harassment; (k) racial or gender discrimination; or (l) fiscal malfeasance.

THE PROBLEM: "Fringe" LGBT+ members of the United Methodist Church, who are primarily White, demand the United Methodist Church acquiesce to their demands to accept and promote LBGT+ values over: (1) the inspired word of God and Jesus as documented in the Bible for thousands of years; and (2) the policies and practices of the UMC as detailed in "The 2016 Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church."

SOLUTION: When Black people simply wanted an end to blatant racism and hypocrisy in the Methodist Church their request was denied, and their only option was to leave, without any funding, and create the African Methodist Episcopal Church (A.M.E.) in 1816, which was followed by the creation of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (C.M.E.) in 1870. Conversely, the UMC will likely split (with funding Black people did not receive) into:


We embrace the inspired word of God and Jesus
as documented in the Bible for thousands of years.

  We're "progressive" and we embrace LGBT+
and where ultimately anything goes!



In the UMC, policies essentially serve no purpose, and at best, exist only as discretionary. The tail wags the dog. The "fringe" LGBT+ members of the UMC who are primarily White, have forced the overwhelming majority of members to acquiesce to their demands to accept and promote LBGT+ values over: (1) the inspired word of God and Jesus as documented in the Bible for thousands of years; and (2) the policies and practices of the UMC as detailed in "The 2016 Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church."

Let's also recognize that for several decades all traditional mainline Christian religions, especially the UMC, have been closing churches at a rapid rate for two-(2) very simple reasons:

1. The demographics: Old people (over 60 years of age) are dying off, and younger people are not interested in their "product";


Protestants' Pie Is Shrinking Faster Than Catholics'

While attracting parishioners to weekly services is vital to the maintenance of the Catholic Church and Protestant denominations alike, so too is maintaining a large base of Americans identifying with each faith group.

Although the rate at which Protestants attend church has held firm over the past six decades, the percentage of Americans identifying as Protestant has declined sharply, from 71% in 1955 to 47% in the mid-2010s. Since 1999, Gallup's definition of Protestants has included those using the generic term "Christian" as well as those calling themselves Protestant or naming a specific Protestant faith.

By contrast, while the Catholic Church has suffered declining attendance in the U.S., the overall percentage of Catholics has held fairly steady -- largely because of the growth of the U.S. Hispanic population. Twenty-two percent of U.S. adults today identify as Catholic, compared with 24% in 1955.

A troubling sign for both religions is that younger adults, particularly those aged 21 to 29, are less likely than older adults to identify as either Protestant or Catholic. This is partly because more young people identify as "other" or with other non-Christian religions, but mostly because of the large proportion -- 33% -- identifying with no religion.


The "inspired word of God doesn't mean a damn thing.


Source: https://news.gallup.com/poll/232226/church-attendance-among-catholics-resumes-downward-slide.aspx



Given the increase in the U.S. Latino population, why hasn't the UMC executed local, regional, and national strategic membership development plans targeted at this audience? You know, just like GM, Ford, Chrysler, Walmart, Johnson & Johnson, NBC, ABC, CBS, Purina, Target, Allstate, well . . . you get the idea don't you?

Given the constantly diminishing percent of White Christians in every U.S. state, and the failure to attract "new blood" from the ever burgeoning legal and illegal Latino population, is it possible the LGBT+ community, which is primarily White, is being targeted as a potential "growth market" for the UMC?

Surely, the UMC would never be that . . . deceitful?


Open hearts.

Open minds.

Open doors.




Hypocritical hearts.


Hypocritical minds.


Perpetually closing


The UMC's perpetual decline in growth is much like Sears. Clearly, organizations fail for many reason; these are typically the top two:

1. Negligence, stupidity, or corruption by senior management;

2. Failure to "lead" or adapt to change (technology, customers, supply chain, government, competition, etc.)

Given the perpetual decline in growth, and the likelihood of additional divisions
within the UMC and GMC, stick a fork in it, because Methodism is done!

2. As detailed in, "Football Is Better Than Religion," traditional mainline Christian religions, and especially the UMC, are indifferent to or act as clueless buffoons to a "strategic" use of print (newspapers, magazines, direct mail campaigns, etc.), broadcast (radio, television), cable/satellite, internet/social media to launch and exploit dynamic campaigns to "brand" and market their products and services to grow the "business" of religion. That's right, just like the United Way, the UMC is a non-profit business, but the United Way, as represented by an extremely robust suite of public service announcements AND endorsements from politicians, film and television celebrities, professional sport teams and athletes (NFL, NBA, MLB, etc.), and the ease of automatic payroll deductions in thousands of companies, has consistently been more successful at consistently bringing attention to it's "brand." Likewise, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital has an extremely robust list of public service announcements AND endorsements from politicians, film and television celebrities, and much more.


As detailed in, "Football Is Better Than Religion," religious growth is also severely compromised by:

1. Religions Don’t Know How to Recruit and Retain Talent

Recruitment determines not only what team wins individual games, but what teams will win conference and national championships, at the collegiate level and professional football. The overwhelming majority of UMC churches lack expertise in human resources, recruitment and selection, organizational development, and leadership skills to grow churches due in large part to:

> In the first decade of the 21st century, the median worship attendance at a typical congregation decreased, from 130 to 108.

> In many cases, congregations are seeing not only fewer people in their pews but older ones. At least one-third of members in more than half of mainline Protestant congregations are 65 or older.

2. Recruitment for Religious Fame, Fortune, and Entertainment

Prior to his recruitment into professional football, did any religious organizations attempt to recruit Ndamukong Suh to become a pastor, priest, rabbi or an evangelist, or to be a spokesperson for their religious group? If not, why not? Shouldn't’t a career in the “religious industry” be just as valid as any other industry? True, there’s entertainment, fame and fortune in football, but there’s also entertainment (musicians and pastors Kenneth Copeland, Andrae Crouch, Al Green, Little Richard, Shirley Caesar, Jimmy Swaggart), fame (Pope Francis, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, etc.), and considerable fortune in religion. Bishop T. D Jakes is worth $147 Million.

3. Religious Recruitment Versus the Collapse of the Church

As with any business that depends primarily on constant human interaction, the pipeline to attract and sustain religious professionals must be constant. In the absence of an effective recruitment and development campaign businesses ultimately fail and cease to exist, which is exactly what's happing in the UMC.

4. Religious Recruitment Strategies

Football has a level of expectation, with a “high bar” or “performance standards” that coaches, fans and parents expect in order to win a district, conference, state or national championship. Churches rarely have “performance standards” that define recruitment and selection protocols for its membership, staff, and leadership; and worse, as with the LGBT+ movement, many churches do not hold fast to scripture, their own standards, and principles established by the UMC Book of Discipline. If standards are not enforced, religious organizations degenerate into mediocrity or worse, they reek of the shitty indecisiveness and chaotic LEADERSHIP of the UMC.

5. Recruitment Standards

In order to conduct football recruitment, there are clearly defined standards, and failure to comply will result in harsh penalties. Conversely, "standards" defined in the Bible and "standards" defined in the UMC Book of Discipline are consistently open to interpretation, reversal, non-compliance, etc.

6. Where to Conduct Religious Recruitment?

As with football, religious recruitment involves two primary factors: (1) to identify and recruit pastors (“players”) from institutions with a demonstrated successful history of developing religious talent (seminaries); and (2) to place religious talent (“players”) at religious institutions (“teams”) or churches. Within the UMC, Bishops and District Superintendents have authority over placement, thereby resulting in no direct, cradle to grave, connection between the teams (the local church) and player development (pastors).

7. Religious Recruitment Is Race-Based

The “elephant in the room” that permeates all of organized religion is race, race, race!

You profess to believe “that, of one blood, God made all nations of men to dwell on the face of all the earth,” and hath commanded all men, everywhere to love one another; yet you notoriously hate, (and glory in your hatred), all men whose skins are not colored like your own.

The existence of slavery in this country brands your republicanism as a sham, your humanity as a base pretence, and your Christianity as a lie.

What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?
July 5, 1852

To download the entire speech, click here.
As conveyed by James Baldwin (below), one-hundred and sixteen years (116) later, nothing changed.

James Baldwin
"The Dick Cavett Show"
June 13, 1968

“I don’t know what most White people in this country feel, but I can only conclude what they feel based from the state of their institutions.   I don’t know if White Christians hate Negroes or not, but I know that we have a Christian church that is White, and we have a Christian church that is Black.  I know as Malcolm X once put it, “It’s the most segregated hour in America life is high noon on Sunday!”  It says a great deal to me about a Christian nation.

It means I can’t afford to trust most White Christians, and I certainly can’t afford to trust the Christian church.  I don’t know whether the labor unions and their bosses really hate me, that doesn't’t matter, but I know I’m not in their unions.  I don’t know if the real estate lobbyists have anything against Black people, but I know the real estate lobbyist keep me in the ghetto.  I don’t know if the Board of Education hates Black people, but I know the text books they give my children to read, and the schools we have to go to.  Now, this is the evidence.  You want me to make an act of faith, risking myself, my wife, my woman, my sister, my children on some . . . idealism, which you assure me exists in America which I have never seen.”


8. Religious Recruitment Is Sex-Based

Although fifty-one-(51) percent of the U.S. population is female, historically, and as reported by Pew Research, the overwhelming majority of leaders among all religious faiths are men. As documented in the National Congregations Study by the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) “thearda.com,” many religious denominations in the United States allow women to pastor churches and synagogues, but only 11% of American congregations were led by women in 2012, which hasn't’t changed since 1998. Likewise, many of the nation’s largest denominations, including Roman Catholics, Southern Baptists, Mormons (Later-day Saints), and the Orthodox Church in America do not ordain women or allow them to lead congregations.

9. Religious Recruitment Is Not Publicized

Advertising is a major tenet of recruitment. It’s common sense for an employer to announce their need to fill job openings. Traditionally, employers run advertisements in newspapers and in-house trade journals. You’d think, and you’d be wrong, that the overwhelming majority of churches have embraced evolving technologies, including smart phones, social media, web sites, and even traditional broadcast communications such as radio, television, and cable:

> Just under 45% of all churches do not have a web site to self-promote and engage in recruitment advertising;

> Churches with fewer members are least likely to have a web site to self-promote and engage in recruitment advertising

> Black churches, even in the UMC, are least likely to have a web site to self-promote and engage in recruitment advertising

10. Religious Recruitment – The Ultimate Objective

Recruitment is unequivocally a major factor for any organization to flourish, and an absolute necessity in a religious environment where churches are perpetually closing and attendance continues to shrink. Unfortunately, churches do not place their “blue ribbon” players on the front line to market, promote, administer, and provide leadership to advance religious doctrine and programs. In the UMC, it's a common practice for bishops to unilaterally appoint “blue ribbon” pastors wherever the fuck they want, to good churches or to the boonies, or not to appoint them at all, thereby making them homeless. Again, I'm PK. Been there. Done that.

My father, a fourth-generation minister in the United Methodist Church said to me via email of Tuesday, 18 January 2005:

"Well, let me tell you about my religious position, for as you have said, the church, including the United Methodist, Baptist, Catholic and all others are racist in practice though not in belief.. . . Oh if we could all live by the teaching of scripture and treat each other as brothers and sisters. But as I read history, it has never been, so why believe. Well, I believe that there is a God who made the world and everything that is in it and that God gave humankind the right of free will of choice, thus we choose what we will. Some chose good and some chose evil, while others go back and forth from good to evil depending on the situation and circumstances. I accept the basic teaching of scripture as the best guide for living and try very hard to live it and teach it in both my word, acts and deeds.

Now these folk who are hung up on sexual pleasure with the same sex, radical beliefs and misguided concepts of group relationship called politics, have to answer for themselves; I just treat them all the same, and that is from the position of truth. No favorites, no specials and that is why I speak out clearly and distinctly for and/or against any person or position, based upon my understanding of the WORD." Rev. Dr. Everett S. Reynolds

If you think I'm against LGBT+, you're wrong, and you completely missed the point of this narrative.

I believe Boys Scouts should be for boys only, and that the Girl Scouts should be for "girls" only; and not because one sex is superior to another, but simply because boys and girls naturally evolve and matriculate differently, and boys should be allowed to be boys without interference with girls, and girls should be allowed to be girls without interference with boys. Consider this:

I believe transgender athletes (i.e., "manufactured" human beings) should only compete against other transgender athletes, because a "man" even with fake breasts and heightened levels of estrogen is still genetically stronger and faster than the overwhelming majority of women; and a "woman" even with a cosmetic penis and heightened levels of testosterone is still weaker and slower than the overwhelming majority of men.

I believe speed limits exist for a reason - for your safety and the safety of others, and traveling 90 miles per hour in a school zone because your "fringe group" simply wants to do so is not your right.

I believe people should be compliant with employer and organizational policies and procedures, and people should not be coerced into accepting or forgiving people who intentionally act in blatant defiance to established principles of the organization.



What Does Stupid Look Like? - Sha’Carri Richardson has been left off the U.S. relay team and won’t run in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. Earlier, she lost her spot in the women’s 100 meters after failing a test for marijuana. Richardson rose to fame in 2019 as a freshman at Louisiana State University, running 10.75 seconds to break the 100 meter record at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Championships.

It's a felony to intentionally steal a car, or other possessions of variable monetary value, but when someone intentionally discriminates against an individual due to their age, race, sex, disability, LGBT+, etc., and rob them of their "humanity" and "potential" it's NOT a felony? What kind of fuckin' sense does that make?

I believe in the humane rights of all "people" and that all race-based and sex-based laws, amendments, legislation, and presidential executive orders (Title VII, Title IX, AA/EEO/ADA/ADEA, etc.) should be eliminated; and given that the overwhelming majority of people had/have absolutely no input or control over the assignment of their race or sex, and that "PEOPLE" who are forced to change their sex/gender or who unilaterally change their sex/gender have the legal right to do so; it shall be deemed, by a jury that mirrors the current racial and sexual/gender demographics of the United States of America, a federal capital crime to discriminate against "PEOPLE" for something for which they have no control such as their race, sex, age, ethnicity, creed, national origin, veteran status, pregnancy, disability, LGBT, etc. Most importantly, upon conviction sentencing will mirror all capital felonies such as murder, mass murder, aggravated cases of rape, child rape, child sexual abuse, terrorism, treason, espionage, sedition, offenses against the State, such as attempting to overthrow government, piracy, aircraft hijacking, drug trafficking, drug dealing, etc.

To truly prompt change, start putting people in jail!

That's right, when found guilty of committing discrimination, send those Fortune 500 executives who are ultimately responsible, and their senior management, and other "leaders" in business (private and public sector) and government to jail.


Of course, putting "elite," politically powerful, wealthy people in jail is extremely unlikely.

I believe if you don't like the way people treat you, then you have no one to blame but yourself if you continue to allow them to do so; and you should exercise your (God given?) right to do your on thing.

Again, given the presumed existence of LGBT+ individuals since the dawn of humanity, and despite
the paucity of their fringe existence, why haven't, why didn't LGBT+ individuals create,
independent of the First and Second Council of Nicaea, their own Bible thousands of years ago?

I remember when my father told me, "There are some really good folk in the church, Trip, just good, regular folk." Unfortunately, at best, leadership in the United Methodist Church is primarily configured with buffoons. It's truly a shame people who lead the UMC, especially ministers, don't practice what they preach. The LGBT+ community has taught the UMC to abandon its Biblical values and core principles, and to become wimps. Even worse, when you allow or invite people to break the rules, you also establish the legal and social precedent enabling other "fringe groups" to change other core principles. Expect it.

For example, why can't a pastor have more than one wife? Why can't adult men fuck pre-teenage girls? Ultimately, there's there's no difference between war, suicide, and manslaughter, because they all result in death - so why can't your wife, child, neighbor or a complete stranger kill YOU, or YOU kill them, and be blessed or forgiven for doing so? Haven't you seen any of the five-(5) theatrical films in "The Purge" film franchise, or the television series? Watch the trailer below.


Oh, you think the concept of a "purge" is ridiculous. Did you forget the United States of America literally "purged" nearly all Native Americans "from sea to shining sea," which is why God blessed America, right? Did you forget Hitler "purged" Jews from Germany? Perhaps, you think going from homosexuality to genocide is way too big of a leap? Okay. Maybe. To be fair, the "fringe groups," both inside and outside of organized religions, have not yet launched their overtly progressive, left-leaning media relations campaigns for the legalization of bigamy, polygyny (a man married to more than one wife at a time); or polyandry (a woman married to more than one husband at a time), or pedophilia.

With regard to pedophilia, adultery, homosexuality, etc., instead of dealing with the problem of clergy who violate clearly defined church policy and who exist as sexual perverts, its been the established practice for organized religions to simply move one bad apple to another church or parish. For example:

Notably, the robust predilection of Catholic priests to engage in pedophilia is extremely well-documented.


Likewise, many leadership positions in the Boy Scouts of America, who often share a church affiliation, also have predilection for pedophilia; and with the expansion of the organization to allow girls, the door is wide open for sexual abuse and rape of females. As reported in Wikipedia:

On February 1, 2019, the Boy Scouts of America renamed its flagship program, Boy Scouts, to Scouts BSA to reflect its policy change allowing girls to join separate, gender-specific troops. Shortly thereafter, the largest charter organization supporting BSA, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, decided to part ways substantially contributing to a net loss of nearly a million scouts/leaders. On February 18, 2020, the National BSA filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and is currently restructuring its financial situation. On November 16, 2020, the National BSA disclosed in their bankruptcy filings that over 92,000 former Scouts had reported sexual abuse by members of the organization. In December 2021, the insurer for the Boy Scouts of America agreed to pay $800M into the fund for victims.

There was a time when the Methodist Church was considered the pinnacle of Western Christian denomination; but such is clearly no longer true. Case in point, all District Superintendents and pastors should watch the 1941 film, "One Foot In Heaven." The plot (Wikipedia.com): In Stratford, Ontario, in 1904, William Spence (Fredric March), a medical student on the verge of becoming a doctor, receives "The Call" while passing a Methodist church one Sunday. His bride-to-be, Hope Morris (Martha Scott), accepts his decision to enter the ministry with a whole heart despite the disappointment of her prominent and affluent parents. The video below is the last scene in the film.


Going to church used to be, should be (???) a "call to action" for an entire community, and not just for religious people.

People don't "flock" to church anymore, especially to the Methodist Church, because the "franchise" is all image but has no core substance. Think about it, people are "required" to dress "professionally" on their jobs, but when you go to many if not most Methodist churches, Exodus 20:8 doesn't really matter; as far as Methodists are concerned God really doesn't give a fuck. And so, consistent with taking absolutely no action to actually stop the genocide of Native Americans, slavery, racism, etc., the Methodist Church absolutely approves pastors dressing down, dressing casual in God's house. Likewise, those elite White men and White women immediately responsible for "leading" the Methodist church have always cherrypicked or questioned the accuracy and authenticity of "word of God," because the simplicity of God's word cannot possibly be so . . . simple. God said, "Thou shalt not kill," but Methodists kill. God said, "Thou shalt not commit homosexuality," but Methodist do that too! Conversely, the Catholic Church is clearly not perfect, BUT the Catholic Church has "standards," and women will never become priests and homosexuality will never be approved. Clearly, the Catholic religious "franchise" has an image, but it also has a rock set of core beliefs that permeate its theology.

So, celebrate the LGBT+ community for successfully conquering the United Methodist Church; I do!

People who don't stick-up for their own values are not worth admiration, and that's a key reason why I can objectively assess the entire United Methodist Church as nothing more than a sham. Again, don't blame the rank-and-file for the demise of the UMC, point your middle finger directly at its failed LEADERSHIP. By the way, I'm not alone in my assessment, because during their lifetime, my father's younger brother, and my grand-uncle's oldest son also shared my assessment of the United Methodist Church.

Again, consider this narrative a "Come to Jesus moment!" Thank God I'm agnostic.

When it comes to bullshit, truly major league bullshit, you have to stand back in awe, in awe of the all time heavyweight champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion; organized religion. It’s no contest. Religion easily, easily has the best bullshit story of all time. Think about it.

Religion has convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky, who’s watches everything you do every minute of every day; and the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn’t want you to do, and if you do any of these things he will send you to a special place of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever and suffer and burn and scream until the end of time – but he loves you!

He loves you! He loves you and he needs money! He always needs money!

He’s all powerful, all present, and all knowing and all wise;
just can’t handle money!

George Carlin
George Carlin 40 Years of Comedy


I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
July 26, 2021
© 2021 Tripoetry. All Rights Reserved.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.