It's about time!
The Nation of Islam is finally fighting back!

Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam seek to find Defendants jointly and severally liable in the amount of $4.8 billion,
and also seek declaratory relief, attorneys’ fees and costs, and any other relief warranted as a result of Defendants’ actions.


First things first, let me be "perfectly" clear, as conveyed throughout my editorials I do NOT hate White people, including White people who "align" themselves to the Jewish faith.

Second, the problem with many but not all Jewish people, in particular, is that they frequently whine and complain about their perceived state of social oppression, as if the "Holocaust" was the worst atrocity in the history of the world; and it's not, just ask Native Americans about the perpetual genocide of their culture engineered and sustained by White people, including Jews.

Many Jewish people constantly play the "Jew card," just like so many Black people play the "race card," instead of taking responsibility for their own challenges and success. Throughout his ministry, typically at the consternation and anger of Black people (Uncle Tom's) who constantly push integration, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan said this:


"How long are you gonna sit around begging White people to do for us when we have the power to do for ourselves?"
Minister Louis Farrakhan


Many Jewish people who are "elite," politically powerful and affluent intentionally use their "omnipotence" with malevolence, that's right they or any such group or individuals are "evil," as they assail anyone who disagrees with them; which is easy to do when you (Jewish people) own and/or control the print, photo and video images of Black people, and therefore, unilaterally define the character, scope, the entire "narrative" of what people are "allowed" to say about Jewish people. Note the following the following article from the Los Angles Times: How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? C'mon -

"When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the (Jewish) Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah." Source: Los Angeles Times, December 19, 2008, by JOEL STEIN

AL JOLSON was one of the United States' most famous and highest-paid stars of the 1920s, and was self-billed as "The World's Greatest Entertainer". Jolson was known for his "shamelessly sentimental, melodramatic approach" towards performing, as well as for popularizing many of the songs he sang. Jolson has been referred to by modern critics as "the king of blackface performers." Guess who actively promoted and sustained the constant racial denigration of Black people throughout the "blackface" era? That's right, the four-(4) Jewish brothers who founded Warner Bros. in 1911, filmmaker Sam Warner and his business partners and brothers, Hirsz Mojzesz (1881–1958), and later known as "Harry"), Abraham (1884–1967), later known as "Albert" or "Abe"), and Jacob (1892–1978), later known as "Jack."


The film depicts the fictional story of Jakie Rabinowitz, a young man who defies the traditions of his devout Jewish family. After singing popular tunes in a beer garden, he is punished by his father, a hazzan (cantor), prompting Jakie to run away from home. Years later, he's become a talented jazz singer, performing in blackface. His professional ambitions ultimately come into conflict with the demands of his home and heritage.
Keep in mind, Jewish-controlled Hollywood studios supported and sustained overt discrimination against Black people, the placement of Black people in stereotypical roles as slaves, housekeepers, cooks, singers and dancers, laborers, criminals, uneducated and stupid (i.e., Stepin Fetchit), etc., and supported and sustained White actors, including Jewish actors like Al Jolson dressing-up in "Black Face" and Whitewashing in film and White-man as savior in film.

"Whitewashing" in film
supported and sustained
by Jewish-owned/controlled
Hollywood studios

Click photo to enlarge

Click photo to enlarge

The "real" Geronimo was not White, he did not have blue-eyes, he was not 6'5" tall.


In the 1962 film, "Geronimo," was portrayed by a White, blue-eyed, 6'5" tall, actor, Chuck Connors
How deeply Jewish is . . . social media? C'mon    

In May 2019, Jewish tech mogul Mark Elliot Zuckerberg banned Minister Farrakhan from its FaceBook social media platform.

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York to psychiatrist Karen (née Kempner) and dentist Edward Zuckerberg. He and his three sisters (Arielle, Randi, and Donna) were raised in a Reform Jewish household in Dobbs Ferry, New York. His great-grandparents were emigrants from Austria, Germany, and Poland.

Conversely, when you do a search for "nigger" on . . . literally thousands of results appear!

Obviously, to "appear" anti-Black is okay, but to "appear" anti-semitic is not. Oh, the privilege and unilateral hypocrisy of being an "elite," politically powerful and affluent White man, who's also Jewish.

For proof of systemic and perpetual discrimination supported and sustained by Jewish-controlled Hollywood against Black people and other people of color all you have to do is look at Disney/Pixar.


And you really think there's a difference?

NOTHING CHANGES - As with Disney's 2020 film, "Soul," it's the demonstrated practice of Disney, throughout its history, to animate Black characters with extremely big noses, big lips, protruding "bug-like" eyes, distorted ears, and protruding jaws. Plus, except for Denzel Washington's appearance in "Remember the Titians," and the animated 2009 film "Princess and the Frog" it's rare or impossible for an "attractive" Black man or an attractive Black woman to be cast in leading role in a Disney film; and images of a loving Black family structure are rarely or never in the script.

Soul (2020)



From the "Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia"


Black Panther

Keep in mind, the "Black Panther" is a White man's idea of what it would be like for a Black man to lead the world's most highly evolved and scientifically advanced society, which again is a major problem for this film.

Yes, the film was directed by a Black man, Ryan Coogler, and written by two Black men, Joe Robert Cole and Ryan Coogler. But the "Black Panther" was created in 1966 by two White (Jewish) men, the legendary Marvel Comics writer Stan Lee and equally legendary Marvel Comics artist Jack Kirby. The problem is not with Lee and Kirby, because Marvel Comics has always been a White owned and operated company, and accordingly, as White people, they make the rules, they make all exceptions to the rules, and given their control of all aspects of media, business and society White people have always defined the "images" of Black people they want all people throughout the world to see and digest.

Arguably, Lee and Kirby created the Black Panther comic book to intentional exploit and profit from the civil rights movement, or whatever, but the creation of "The Black Panther" in 1966 intentionally omitted the social and political context of "being Black" during the 1960s, such as:


a bomb planted by the Ku Klux Klan killed four-(4) pre-teenage Black girls and injured twenty-two others at the 16th Street Baptist Church on September 15, 1963;

the assassination of Malcolm X on February 21, 1965;

when armed police used billy clubs, tear gas, and dogs and attacked unarmed Black people who for marched on "Bloody Sunday" for their Civil Rights on the Edmund Pettus Bridge to the Alabama state capital in Montgomery;

the U.S. Supreme Court's "Loving Decision" (Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1) that finally made it legal for people of different races to marry in ALL 50 states; the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968;

former Governor of Alabama George Wallace, nationally known as a racist and pro-segregationalist, ran a 1968 presidential campaign supporting law and order and states' rights on racial segregation;

Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their gloved fists to protest U.S. racial policies at the 1968 Olympics;

Wyoming football had become a relative powerhouse, finishing 10-1 with a win in the Sun Bowl in 1966 and topping that with a No. 6 finish in the final AP Poll in 1967. Wyoming football head coach Lloyd Eaton kicked 14 Black players off the team because they wanted to wear armbands when they faced BYU, a school operated by the LDS Church, which prohibited African-Americans from most ecclesiastical positions at the time. The move was popular with conservative Wyoming fans, but would cripple Wyoming’s ability to recruit African-Americans for years after; and

Fred Hampton was assassinated on December 4, 1969. Born August 30, 1948, Hampton was a Black activist and revolutionary, chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and deputy chairman of the national BPP.


But the Marvel comic book and Disney's newly created Marvel Cinematic Universe blatantly ignored all of the aforementioned and so much more. Why is the aforementioned important? Simply put, it makes as much sense for the original 1966 "Black Panther" comic book and this 2018 film to ignore the reality of "Being Black" as it would have been for "Born on the Fourth of July (1989)" to ignore the plight of wounded Vietnam war veterans, or for "Schindler's List (1993)" to ignore the Holocaust. It matters. The Black life experience matters. "The Black Panther" intentionally skipped over the inherent social and political context that defines and confines Blackness throughout the world. Again, it matters, and the Black Panther is not relevant to Black people because he failed to address his "Blackness."

In the film, Erik Killmonger's father left Wakanda to fight for oppressed Black people in the United States, but T'Challa's father killed him. In summary, the "Black Panther" is an Uncle Tom. An "Uncle Tom" is a Black person who is knowingly and intentionally subservient to, gives preference to, worships, or acknowledges White people as his (or her) superior. Disney controlled the "narrative." Get it?

Where's the movie about a hidden and technologically superior race of Jewish people living in Jewkanda who had the power to conquer the entire world; and easily free Jewish people from the stench of Hitler's genocide of Jewish people - but they did nothing to prevent the Holocaust?

But, if a Black person dares to say anything that even remotely might tarnish "Jew-ism" here's what happens:

Whoopi Goldberg
disciplined by White Owned media for her comments about Jewish people

Ye (Kanye West)
disciplined by White Owned media for his comments about Jewish people

Kyrie Irving
disciplined by White Owned media for his comments about Jewish people

Goldberg, Ye, and Irving did NOT, do NOT control the "narrative" of the media engines they use to convey their message. In "Hollywood" and for all mainstream media, ultimate control has been and continues to be primarily dictated by White men, and most likely, White Jewish men

Honorable Louis Farrakhan said this:

Minister Louis Farrakhan
asks a very simple question!


Nobody talks about Black suffering. We don’t own CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX broadcasting. You can tell YOUR STORY, and when you tell it nobody accuses Jews of teaching hatred against Germans. You just teaching, “Remembrance!” Remembrance so that it will never happen again; but when I remind my people of what we have suffered at the hands of White people, and still suffer, that’s a hate monger, he’s livid with hate! How is it “remembering” for you, but “hatred” for me?

Minister Louis Farrakhan


If you still don't "get it," then get this (taken directly from FBI's Counterintelligence memorandum):

The goal of the leadership of F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover is best articulated in the following two F.B.I. memorandums: (1) on August 25, 1967, Director Hoover wrote: “[t]he purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavor is to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of Black nationalist, hate-type organizations and groupings, their leadership, spokesmen, membership, and supporters....”, (Exhibit A) and; (2) on March 4, 1968, he wrote, the F.B.I. should do all it could to “[p]revent the rise of a ‘messiah’ who could unify and electrify, the militant Black nationalist movement.”

If you still don't "get it," then get this (taken directly from the NOI's First Amended Complaint for Violation of Constitutionally Protected Rights, Defamation, and Declaratory Relief):

60. On February 25, 1984, Minister Farrakhan held a rally in support of Reverend Jackson where he made an appeal to the group called “JEWS AGAINST JACKSON” to stop the violence and threats against Reverend Jackson’s life and asked for dialogue.

61. During that rally, Minister Farrakhan said, in pertinent part:

I’m saying to the Jewish people who may not like our brother, it is not Jesse Jackson that you are attacking... When you attack him, you attack the millions that are lining up with him. You’re attacking all of us...We cannot define our self interest in terms of your self-interest.

And because our self-interests differ because we’ve come of age, why dislike us? Why attack our champion? Why hurl stones at him?... I say to you as intelligent people, sit down and talk with Reverend Jackson. Sit down Jewish leaders and talk with us. We are ready to talk with you. Sit down and talk like intelligent people who have a future at stake....(Exhibit E)

62. Two days later, on or about February 27, 1984, after Minister Farrakhan’s sincere request for dialogue with Jewish leaders, the temperature of the torrents ratcheted up against him when Nathan Perlmutter, the then-National Director of Defendant ADL, called Minister Farrakhan a “Black Hitler,” irrespective of the fact that Minister Farrakhan has never harmed a hair on the head of any Jewish person or even advocated for such.

63. Also, on that same day, Nat Hentoff, a Jewish columnist for The Village Voice, repeating Defendant ADL’s sentiment, called Minister Farrakhan a “Black Hitler.”

64. From that moment forward, the battle of Biblical proportions was on and raging between the antagonist, Defendant ADL, and the protagonist, Minister Farrakhan.

65. It is because of Minister Farrakhan’s unwavering defense of himself and Reverend Jackson that Defendant ADL began plastering him with the false and injurious label of “anti-Semite.”

66. On or about June 25, 1984, Minister Farrakhan delivered a message from The Final Call Administration Building, in Chicago, Illinois, addressing, in part, the creation of the State of Israel, and its existing turmoil in the Middle East, wherein he said:

“Now, that nation called Israel never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can be no peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying, and deceit, and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.”

“America, and England, and the nations, because of their backing of Israel are being drawn into the heat of the Third World War, which is called “Armageddon.” Oh America, you have blundered so, and instead of recognizing the mistake you have made and make a turn for the better, you persist in your evil. And so, the consequences of evil must come.”

67. The reference to “dirty religion” had absolutely nothing to do with the religion of Judaism, which Minister Farrakhan has stated on countless occasions, but had everything to do with sacrilegious people who use the good name of either Islam, Christianity, or Judaism as a shield for their dirty practices that do not comport with the Divine laws found in the sacred scriptures of the Holy Qur’an, the New Testament, or the Torah.

68. At no point during that lecture did Minister Farrakhan ever say, “Judaism is a gutter religion” or “Judaism is a dirty religion.”

69. Thereafter, however, Defendant ADL, and their cohorts, added the word “Judaism” and “gutter” in front of the word “religion” to foster their false and deplorable narrative that Minister Farrakhan made such a statement.

The ADL would have everyone to believe that "all" Jewish people are good, and to ignore that while some Jews were marching into the gas chambers during WWII, the Rothschild's were financing both sides of the war.

Jewish solidarity in the family was not homogeneous. Many Rothschilds were supporters of Zionism, while other members of the family opposed the creation of the Jewish state. In 1917 Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild was the addressee of the Balfour Declaration to the Zionist Federation, which committed the British government to the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. His nephew, Victor, Lord Rothschild was against granting asylum or helping Jewish refugees in 1938. Source:

The Honorable Louis Farrakhan has consistently said, just like there are good and very bad Christians, and good and very bad Muslims, and most definitely, there are good and very bad Jews. Keep in mind, if a Black person dares to say anything, especially "facts," that even remotely might tarnish "Jew-ism," expect those "elite," politically powerful and affluent Jews to intentionally use their "economic and political omnipotence," with malevolence, to assail anyone who disagrees with them. For example (click the image below for more information):

So, finally, after decades of constantly being assailed by "elite," politically powerful and affluent Jews, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam are fighting back.

Fighting back?

If you didn't know, the Nation of Islam was created because Master Fard Muhammad, the NOI founder and the teacher of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, left the "traditional" Muslim religion to escape overt racism.

Likewise, if you didn't know, Richard Allen (1760-1831), an emancipated slave and Methodist preacher who was mistreated because of his race, left the church and in 1816 and organized the African Methodist Episcopal Church (A.M.E.). For similar reasons, the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (A.M.E.Z.) was begun in 1821; and in 1870 even more Black people left to escape the blatant racism and hypocrisy of "White-privilege-based-religion" to create the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (C.M.E.). The A.M.E. Church is 94% Black. Lesson learned? For decades the White-owned and controlled United Methodist Church has invited the A.M.E and C.M.E. to rejoin their ranks, but they repeatedly refuse to do so, because they learned their lesson.



The church, including the United Methodist, Baptist, Catholic and all others are racist in practice though not in belief.
Oh if we could all live by the teaching of scripture and treat each other as brothers and sisters.
But as I read history, it has never been . . .

Rev. Dr. Everett S. Reynolds
Fortunately, many Black men and women take exception to the perpetual hypocrisy and evil intent of "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men, many of whom are Jewish. Equally important, many Black men and women take exception to the Willie Lynch brainwashing that continues to indoctrinate the masses of Black people to assimilate, to integrate into a false-republic where only "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people, primarily White men, many of whom are Jewish, ultimately make all the laws and rules, and unilaterally approve all exceptions to "their" laws and rules.

Integration into White society has NOT and will NOT end the perpetual racism and oppression used by White people against Black people.


Muhammad Ali interviewed by David Frost in 1974


Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam seek to find Defendants jointly and severally liable in the amount of $4.8 billion, and also seek declaratory relief, attorneys’ fees and costs, and any other relief warranted as a result of Defendants’ actions.

I sincerely wish the Honorable Louis Farrakhan and NOI success in their litigation.


UPDATE: In October 2023, Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam sued the Anti-Defamation League and the Simon Wiesenthal Center for defamation damages in the amount of USD $4.8 billion, contending that the defendants have falsely characterized Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam as anti-Semites. As reported by the Los Angeles Times, the case was dismissed in April 2024.

Therefore, it's back to "business as usual," with it being perfectly okay for Jewish-owned and Jewish controlled media to perpetually promote an "anti-Black agenda" and an "effeminate the Black man" agenda throughout U.S. history, in films, television, stage, music . . .

. . . and to perpetually promote an anti-Black agenda in education and politics . . .
. . . and to perpetually pander to Black people who function as Uncle Tom's and
"wannabe Jews," all while ignoring the perpetual suffering endured by Black people
at the hands of White people, including Jews and Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, etc.

I sincerely hope the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and NOI update and pursue their litigation. In reference to the vitriol Democrats have against President Trump, who knows, there's probably a Palestinian or Muslim judge waiting, lurking around the corner (smile)!

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
November 12, 2023
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First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.