An Open Letter to
Michelle LeVaughn Robinson Obama

It is what it is . . . really?  

Dear Ms. Ex-First Lady Michelle Obama:  

For the record, Ms. Obama, I’m not a Republican and I’m not a Democrat, but I am an independent conservative who knows better than to trust either political party, because both parties have constantly lied to my demographic.  More on my demographic later.  

I grudgingly sat through your speech this past Monday, and sadly, I find you to be yet another Uncle Tom, you know, a Black person who’s excessively obedient or servile to White people.  My, my, my . . . you Democrats have no problem kissing ass and subjugating yourself – you know, like when your husband did absolutely nothing when he was boldly called a “liar” during a “live broadcast” of the State of the Union address.  You married a weakling.  

I made the mistake of voting for your husband the first time; not because he was half-Black, but because he campaigned on “Change,” and I bought it.  I hoped, I really hoped President Obama would have actually “changed something” during his two terms in office, but the only “change” he accomplished of any real significance was to “Deep Throat” Obamacare down everyone’s throat, and Obamacare remains a dismal failure, because (1) Obamacare did absolutely nothing to reduce the cost of health care; and (2) Obamacare did absolutely nothing to improve the health of U.S. citizens. I’m not an  armchair quarterback, on the contrary, I’m a subject matter expert in health benefits, and before Obamacare was implemented, I wrote your husband about a much better plan.  My health care delivery system would:  

reduce the cost of health care for all users by no less than 25% with 12 most of implementation; and reduce cost by another 25% within the next 12 months; and most importantly

dramatically improve the health and fitness level of all users, employees, dependents, etc.  

I informed your husband I could prove the aforementioned, but he responded with a form letter that had absolutely nothing to do with my proposal.  I quickly learned your husband’s campaign for “change” was blatantly disingenuous. You married a charlatan, a fraud.  

As you should know, 4 of 5 U.S. citizens are morbidly overweight or obese; as you should know 82.1% of all Black women are morbidly overweight or obese; you do realize, don’t you, that 61% of all Black women over sixty-(60) years of age are obese, just like your perpetually obese pal sixty-six-(66) year old Oprah Winfrey.  Oprah’s got all that money, but she lacks the self-esteem, intellect, and discipline to control her own weight.  Oprah is as pathetic as your husband’s Obamacare.  By the way, I also wrote President Trump, and appropriately, his response was specific to my health care proposal.  Unfortunately, my proposal remains in abeyance because as far as health care is concerned, Democrats focus on taxing citizens, but never or rarely on improving operational efficiency.  

I was proud to vote for Donald Trump, and yes, I’m proudly going to vote for President Trump again.  Why?  

1. As you should know, 80% of people in this country live paycheck-to-paycheck, but despite the enormous negative impact of the “Great Recession” on the “people,” your husband and sleepy Joe Biden used the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to bail-out Wall Street and GM, but provided no immediate “cash in your pocket” financial relief to “people.”  Conversely, to mitigate the financial impact of the coronavirus, President Trump propelled “cash in your pocket” financial relief to working “people.”  “We the people” were expecting your husband and his “good friend” Joe Biden to deliver “change,” but he routinely supported the business-as-usual political cronies and lobbyists exactly like his mentor and career politician Joe Biden.  

2. If Joe Biden is such a “good friend,” to you and your husband, then how come both you and your husband waited until AFTER Biden became the presumptive nominee to publicly support his candidacy?  You are clearly a walking and talking hypocrite, and an opportunist; because you were going to support anyone who became the nominee.  You are so lame.  

3. LOOK AT YOUR IMAGE - You, just like your obese pal Oprah Winfrey, openly flaunt yourself as a role model for Black girls and Black young women, but you constantly show contempt for your Blackness by wearing your hair as a White woman, and constantly doing the White-girl-hair-flip thing. 

Even in the face of so much racial unrest in this country, just like Coretta Scott King, you’re locked into your “White-ness,” you’re too scared, too damn ashamed to wear your hair naturally, without the chemical processing or hot comb to press your hair straight.  You’re not a role model for “being Black,” you are a hypocrite, a walking-and-talking female version of an Uncle Tom, an ass-kissing Negro brainwashed to be excessively obedient or servile to White people, an insult to being Black and Proud.


Even pre-teen Black girls are "brainwashed" to believe their natural hair isn't "lovely" and they can't be "lovely" until they get their hair relaxed . . . and straight like White girls.

LOOK AT YOUR IMAGE - Black hair has many beautiful textures and is not something to hide, disguise or be ashamed of.  Black men and women share the same genetic code.  Of course, there are always exceptions, but for the most part Black women have hair just like Black men.  It ain’t straight.  It ain’t blonde.  And no matter how many times you see Oprah do her white-girl-hair-flip, realize, it ain’t natural, it came out of a box. When Kareem Abdul-Jabbar started to lose his hair, he didn’t do the comb-over-the-bald-spot, which is a common to many White men; he proudly embraced his “Blackness” and his manhood and shaved his head.  Even the great LeBron James embraces his baldness rather than straighten his hair to comb over his bald spot.  Black men are far more proud of being Black than highfalutin’ lily-White-wannabe Black women like you!           

There’s nothing wrong with finding White people attractive.  There’s nothing wrong with valuing White standards of beauty.  On the contrary, as important as it is to value and, to some extent, mirror the “standards of beauty” of the “ruling class,” lets not lose sight that all people, all ethnic groups have perceptions of beauty.  Unfortunately, self-esteem is severely compromised when ethnic expression or self-determination is subjugated - which is the history of the Black experience in the United States of America.  Sadly, ever since Madam C.J. Walker became the first Black millionaire by making hair products to straighten Black hair to make Black people look more “White-like,” Black people became the single greatest perpetrators of showing self-contempt for their our “Blackness.”  You really have no idea what it means to be “Black and Proud,” do you?  Since you love “White-ness” so much, when are you going bleach your skin and get a nose job like Michael Jackson?

Having been brainwashed by White people to have contempt for their own race,
the need to be and look White is ingrained into the Black psyche!

The Evolution of Michael "White Boy" Jackson

LOOK AT YOUR IMAGE – There’s nothing wrong with women and men changing their “look” from time to time, but as much as you openly flaunt yourself as a role model for Black girls and Black young women, wake up, you’re also a role model to Black boys and Black men. Think for a moment of all the millions of Black boys who decade after decade see their sisters, mothers, grandmothers, and girlfriends having their hair straightened every day or chemically processed every three-or-four weeks.  Exactly what message are you sending to them?  It’s not “Black is beautiful.”  So, thank you for constantly showing Black men that, except for when you intentionally dress to strategically accentuate your phat ass, “we” clearly must find White standards of beauty and White women more attractive, more desirable.           

It’s a sad, sad statement when the majority of women from one culture, by default, systematically and blindly change their image - their hair, their
skin color - in preference and
subjugation to another culture.
Black Ain’t Beautiful.

In her book, “Women, Race & Class” Professor Angela Y. Davis wrote, “Sexual coercion was, rather, an essential dimension of the social relations between slave-master and slave.  In other words, the right claimed by slave-owners and their agents over the bodies of female slaves was a direct expression of their presumed property rights over Black people as a whole.”  As with the legendary Willie Lynch letter, this manipulation is vile.  No, it’s contemptible.  No, it’s despicable.  No, it was and remains blatantly evil.  It’s also been very effective as you continue to value White standards of beauty over being Black and proud.  Like the overwhelming majority of Black women, you don’t dare get your hair wet, and you don’t dare go swimming, right?  Oh yeah, you know I’m telling the truth.  

LOOK AT YOUR IMAGE - It’s damn time you spurned your Willie Lynch brainwashing and received lessons on “being Black” from political activist, philosopher, academic, author, and professor emerita at the University of California, Santa Cruz Professor Angela Davis, PhD.  You and your husband, and especially your “good friend” Joe Biden did absolutely nothing to curtail the perpetual incarceration of Black men, the destruction of the traditional Black family, and the perpetually increasing wage gap between White people and Black people. Despite her occasional leanings to Marxist idealism, nevertheless, both you and your “good friend” Joe Biden would benefit greatly from Professor Davis’ subject matter expertise on class, feminism, and the U.S. prison system.  So tell us, Ms. Obama for how long have you detested being Black; and did you marry a half-White man just so your children would have “good” hair?  

4. LOOK AT YOUR IMAGE - By the way, when making a speech, body language is extremely important, especially when your on-camera image is confined to a headshot.  You constantly, constantly make statements to suggest the affirmative or yes, but while constantly shaking your head to the left and right, which means “no.”  There’s a Dale Carnegie public speaking course just waiting for you!  Please go to or call them to schedule an appointment at: 631-415-9300.   

Of course, we should expect hypocrisy from you because while campaigning for your husband’s first term you said, “ . . . for the first time in my adult lifetime I’m really proud of my country . . .”  However, in your speech this past Monday you shook your head to the left and right telling us “no,” as you said, “I love this country with all my heart.”   Dearest Ms. Obama, you’re a lawyer, don’t you know the importance of clarity?  Please, become a better communicator!  

5. It’s damn insulting for you to talk about the “story of America . . . and all those folks who sacrificed and overcame . . . “ while blatantly ignoring the atrocities and genocide this country intentionally executed upon and continues to sustain against Native Americans.  Instead of propelling Democratic rhetoric, why don’t you pick-up a book and learn something about the people who truly sacrificed everything?  Immediately go to  


6. You talked about the immense power of the Office of the President of the United States from your “first-hand experience,” but you failed to detail why your husband (and his mentor Joe Biden) failed to use the so-called presidential power to reduce or eliminate the wage gap between Black people and White people; or your husband’s failure to recognize the Republic of Lakotah as a sovereign independent nation; or your husband’s failure to secure the border from illegal immigration; or your husband’s failure to address the increased population of not only poor Black people, but the larger population of poor White people, which prompted journalist Tavis Smiley and Professor Emeritus at Princeton University Cornel West to openly condemn President Obama’s failure in leadership.  You do remember, don’t you, when Professor West said, “Obama is "a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black muppet of corporate plutocrats. And now he has become head of the American killing machine and is proud of it."  

7. As perpetually compiled and validated by the EEOC, the constant reporting of EEO-1s and EEO-4s, and research compiled by PEW Research, CDC, U.S. Census, Brandeis University, Federal Reserve, Economic Policy Institute, and literally thousands of independent public sector and private sectors organizations, without a doubt, the impact of systemic racism and systemic sexism endures, but what did you and your husband and your “good friend” Joe Biden do to eliminate or mitigate this disparity – NOT A DAMN THING. For example, although the population of White people in Nebraska continues to decrease, nevertheless, the population of White people in executive and management level positions continues to increase. Why did your husband, and your “good friend” Joe Biden perpetuate and expand the existence of the "Glass Ceiling"?


Why did your husband, and your “good friend” Joe Biden perpetuate and expand the income gap between White people and people of color? Again, your husband and your “good friend” Joe Biden didn't do a damn thing.

Note the "updated" below!


Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America

Pew Research, Racial Wealth Gap Occupational Segregation Report

The Asset Value of Whiteness

8. Your husband had the so-called power of the presidency, but while Black people had to endure the perpetual presence of all kinds of tributes, awards, statues, monuments, and other celebrations of the slave-owning Confederacy, your husband, and your “good friend” Joe Biden did absolutely nothing, and neither did you . . . except to watch, and listen . . . and wait for an opportunity to increase taxes.  

9. Unlike President Obama, President Trump is a change agent, because unlike your politically placid husband, President Trump’s business and political "persona" causes people to take a stand on civil rights and other issues, one way or another.  President Trump does not represent the indecisiveness and ambiguousness of his predecessors, who have always embraced the mediocrity of the status quo.  Given the aforementioned, arguably, this makes President Trump the single greatest catalyst to political and social change since the 1960s civil rights movement.  President Trump correctly brought attention to the hypocrisy of defending the existence of statues and other commemorative symbols of the eight-(8) U.S. Presidents who actively owned slaves [George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, John Tyler, James K. Polk, and Zachary Taylor], while condemning statues of confederate leaders who actively engaged in the exact same practice.  Your husband and your “good friend” Joe Biden NEVER addressed this issue.  

Dear Ex-First Lady:

Do you really think the slaves who were
bought and sold and had their families divided, raped, castrated, and murdered would know the difference between slave-holding presidents versus slave-holding confederate leaders?

Clearly, unlike President Trump, your husband and your “good friend” Joe Biden were not change agents. Why would any sane person vote for Joe Biden?  

10. As reported in the New York Times, when your “good friend” Joe Biden previously ran for president, back in February 1987 Biden said, “When I marched in the civil rights movement, I did not march with a 12-point program, I marched with tens of thousands of others to change attitudes. And we changed attitudes.”  More than once, Biden’s advisers had reminded Mr. Biden of the problem with his statement: He had not actually marched during the civil rights movement. And more than once, Mr. Biden assured them he understood — and kept telling the story anyway.  And your husband picked this lowlife opportunist to be his vice president of the United States!  And you picked this lowlife to be “your good friend.”  Biden’s your “good friend,” but you and your husband spurned your “good friend” Rev. Jeremiah Wright because his statements “conflicted with your own views.” Oh, the blatant hypocrisy!  

11. Unlike you, your husband, and your “good friend” Joe Biden, I have personally managed and directed jobs in the public/private sector, profit/non-profit, union/non-union, multi-site/multi-state, and international environments, which includes aerospace, public education, financial services, health care, gaming, IT, retail, manufacturing, municipal government, property/casualty insurance, broadcasting, and HR Consulting; and unlike you, your husband, and your “good friend” Joe Biden, I’ve created over 50,000 jobs and I’ve personally reviewed and approved nearly 500,000 performance reviews; and I’ve managed AA/EEO/ADA/Diversity and Inclusion.  Unlike President Trump, your “good friend” and career politician Joe Biden has absolutely no hands-on experience actually managing a diverse workforce, hiring a large and diverse staff, making payroll, running a business.  Conversely, during his short-term as POTUS, President Trump propelled more economic growth than any previous President in U.S. history.  At best, your husband and your “good friend” career politician Joe Biden only continued the economic policies of President Bush while also contributing to the ever-increasing income gap between White and Black people, and increasing the high rates of incarceration of Black men.  Why would any sane person vote for Joe Biden?  

12. From your skewed perspective, it’s okay for minorities to be proud of their race and ethnicity, but you slam President Trump for being proud of his race and ethnicity.  Oh, the blatant hypocrisy of your ilk.  If you really want to know what a racist looks like, go look in a mirror.  

13. In your video, like most of your ilk, you constantly whine and complain, nag, and whine and complain, and nag, and whine and complain, and oh, yeah, did I mention you whined and complained . . . incessantly . . . for 18 minutes and 26 seconds?   

You assail President Trump for allegedly acting like a dictator;  

You assail President Trump for eliminating unnecessary federal rules and red tape, which spurred economic growth;  

You assail President Trump for creating better trade deals with China, Mexico, Canada, and the European Union;  

You assail President Trump for requiring NATO members to pay their fair share of expenses to protect the “free” world;  

You assail President Trump for prohibiting unlawful entry into the United States of America;   Ms. Obama, if you’re so “gun ho” about allowing illegal immigrants into the United States why don’t YOU personally unlock all of the doors to your home, and declare your home as a “sanctuary residence” that’s open 24/7/365 to all illegal aliens; and leave the keys to your cars on the kitchen table for use by anyone; and allow anyone and everyone to eat all of your food, and sleep anywhere they deem appropriate in and about your home, and guess what, YOU GET TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING and without any reimbursement.  Oh, and if an illegal alien accidently or intentionally kills one or both of your daughters, well, that’s just too damn bad, which is exactly what happened to Sarah Root.  

Sarah Root, 21, from Omaha, Nebraska was killed on January 31, 2016. Her SUV was rear-ended by Eswin Mejia, an illegal alien from Honduras, who was street racing. Sarah had just graduated from Bellevue University with a 4.0 GPA the day before she was killed. Omaha is in Douglas County, Nebraska, which has sanctuary policies that impede local law enforcement’s ability to cooperate with ICE officers. Mejia was charged with motor vehicular homicide but posted bond to get out of jail and was released. As of today’s date, August 19, 2020 Mejia is still on the run; he’s 5’5’ tall and weighs 190 pounds. Where’s your “empathy” to walking in the shoes of Sarah Root’s family?



That’s what it means to live in an open door “sanctuary” city.  Please send me your address, and I’ll publicly post it on my web site, and FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., so illegal immigrants can live off of you, Barack, Malia, and Sasha . . . indefinitely!    

You assail President Trump for not being “authoritative” enough or for not being “presidential” to commandeer unilateral control over management of COVID-19, but then you also assail President Trump for allegedly violating the rights of individual State governments.  Make up your damn mind.  

Well, golly gee whiz, Ms. Obama, given your faith and commitment to religious principles, and Biblical scripture, please note the following:    

Proverbs 21:9
It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.

Proverbs 21:19
It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.

Proverbs 27:15
A continual dripping on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are alike;  

Proverbs 25:24
It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.  

Conversely, unlike you and your “good friend” Joe Biden, President Trump consistently conveys a positive outlook, a “can do” attitude of high expectations – for every one!  So, stop whining and shut the hell up!     

Finally, about my demographic: It shouldn’t matter, but it does to your “good friend,” you know, the career politician who lied about walking in civil rights marches back in the 1960s, Joe Biden.  For eight years I watched as the White male late night TV hosts NEVER ever said a negative thing about your husband.  Clearly, his “Blackness” made him off-limits to fair criticism about his failed policies, increasing incarceration rates of Black men, the failure of Obamacare, increasing rates of poverty for all people, an ever growing trade imbalance, and so much more.  Conversely, President Trump has been verbally attacked every night of his presidency.  It’s not fair, it’s not balanced, it’s racist, and it’s not right.  In a true spirit of fairness, why haven’t you and your husband, and your “good friend” Joe Biden publicly denounced these late night talk show hosts and others for constantly assailing the President of the United States?  Where’s your “empathy” to walking in the shoes of President Trump?  You’ve haven’t done so, because you’re a hypocrite to the principles of fairness and equality.  

You assail President Trump for being a billionaire, but you NEVER assail Oprah Winfrey for her racist and sexist conduct, such as her “preference” to increase the wealth of White men like Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz, while never giving similar attention to Black men.  Oh, the hypocrisy!  You and Oprah are perfect for each other.  Again, you’re a hypocrite.  Despite the perpetual existence of systemic racism and sexism, there's absolutely nothing wrong with men and women making as much money as possible, which is the beauty of capitalism.  Unfortunately, as reported by, nearly 80% of U.S. workers live paycheck-to-paycheck, and due to the coronavirus, 6.6 million US workers filed for their first week of unemployment benefits in the week ending March 28, according to the Department of Labor — a new historic high!  

Clearly, if employers truly valued the emotional well-being of employees, the overwhelming majority of U.S. workers would not live paycheck-to-paycheck, and 6.6 million US workers (over 16+ million unemployment claims as of April 10, 2020) would not have filed for unemployment insurance, because the income gap between workers and senior management would be much, much less.  

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of U.S. workers will continue to live paycheck-to-paycheck. Although many billionaires have committed to giving away much of their wealth, philanthropy is not the answer, because it functions as yet another extension of private power and special interests.  More importantly, empowering people by providing access to open markets and access to financial and governmental resources is infinitely better than just "giving" people money. The “democratic socialism” your party is selling is NOT the answer to capitalism; but capitalism should NOT function as a pseudo-slavery form of business and/or government.  Unfortunately, in the absence of capitalism becoming more "inclusive," the income gap between the haves and have-nots is NOT going to change; and your party lacks the business acumen clearly represented by President Trump.  

I’ll tell you this, my demographic as a citizen of the United State is much greater than the knowledge you’ve acquired since your birth on January 17, 1964; and the support you convey for your “good friend,” again, the career politician who lied about walking in civil rights marches back in the 1960s, Joe Biden, does not represent your insightfulness or intelligence, but only your naiveté or your blatant support of cronyism.  You are a major, major disappointment.  It is what it is . . . and it’s not Joe Biden.    


This has not been a paid political advertisement, but as enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, this editorial has been an exercise of Free Speech.  

© 2020 Trip Reynolds

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
August 21, 2020
© 2017-2020 Tripoetry. All Rights Reserved.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.