Sick and tired of immigration?
Illegal immigrants intentionally interrupt and infringe!

So, you're like the overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens, many living from paycheck to paycheck, with limited financial resources, if an illegal immigrant suddenly appeared at your doorstep, are YOU PERSONALLY OBLIGATED to take that person in, provide food, clothing, medical care, transportation, and room(s) for them to live indefinitely? What if you don't have the money, space, time, or other necessary resources to be altruistic?

The Atlantic Daily reported on Monday, June 18, 2018:

Immigration Policy: The Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the U.S–Mexico border continued to provoke outrage over the weekend. Evangelical leaders, members of Congress, and former First Lady Laura Bush added their voices to what Krishnadev Calamur calls a “national moral reckoning.” The children are being detained in chain-link pens that the Associated Press recently described as “cages,” provoking a semantic controversy. Yet that debate, David Graham writes, distracts from pressing moral questions about the policy. A disturbing recording captures the sobs of children detained at the border.

Yada, yada, yada. So what. FACT: If illegal immigrants don't want to be separated from their children - they should not violate U.S. law. Yeah, I said it. As you must know, the actual interpretation and enforcement of all laws has always been and will forever remain under the immediate control of law enforcement officials (police, prosecutors, judges, etc.) authorized to investigate, arrest, and convict. Those bleeding-heart liberals, those sardonic television personalities like Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert, and those stick-up-their-butt right-wingers will have you to believe this is a moral issue or a political issue, or whatever, but it's NOT. Let me make "immigration" simple for you. Immediately do the following things:

1. Email me your home address. Yes, I'm serious. Send it to:

2. Permanently unlock both the front and back doors of your house or apartment, and throw away the keys. Oh, I'll need your car keys too, so leave your keys out on the kitchen table or counter!

3. Now, as with the Federal Government, many State governments, and many Sanctuary Cities, laws don't matter, not even trespassing.

So, when you least expect it, I'm going to come over to your residence, your home and use or take whatever the hell I want, and with no expectation or commitment to ever pay you back. Plus, I'm going to stay in your home for as long as I want, drive your car, etc. You get it? You still don't get it? Really, let me clarify:

No matter what you call it, Squatters' Rights, or adverse possession, or Sanctuary Home, or whatever - get this through your head - I'm movin' in - and YOU MUST TAKE ME IN! So, whatever you've worked hard for I can use, abuse, misuse, take; it's now mine!

Plus, since you've "agreed" to take care of me and my family at-no-cost or reciprocity, you're going to use your taxes, rent, mortgage, utilities, food, clothing, education, transportation systems, infrastructure, and criminal justice system (courts, prisons, jails, etc.) to sustain me and my family for perpetuity (forever) - or until such time as I move to Canada (smile)!

If you previously planned and committed for your family or friends to visit you, well, that's too bad, because I'm taking their place. I'm intentionally interrupting and infringing upon your life, your financial and social resources, your commitments, etc. It's your obligation to take care of me!!! Yep, I cut to the front of the line. I am now your #1 priority, thank you!

So, are you still planning to send me your address? I double-dog dare you! However, if you send me your address, I'm NOT going to give it to any of those do-gooder organizations seeking to help illegals seeking a "good life" in America or to those so-called freedom seeking refugees from Mexico and various South American countries or anywhere else in the world. Nope, I'm going to give your address to homeless U.S. citizens, mostly White women and children, who continue to wait in line behind those illegal immigrants who cut to the front of the line. You get it?

That's right, I'm going to give your address to Black U.S. citizens, because the overwhelming majority are poverty-stricken, jobless, incarcerated and continue to wait in line behind those illegal immigrants who cut to the front of the line.

That's right, I'm going to give your address to Native Americans, because the overwhelming majority are poverty-stricken and continue to wait in line behind those illegal immigrants who cut to the front of the line. Here, watch this:

Immigration is not about a “national moral reckoning” or politics, or any such crap. Ultimately, the subject of immigration must be confined to law, both criminal and civil. With regard to morals:

If the United States actually cared about "morals" it would return stolen lands back to the soverign Republic of Lakotah.

If the United States actually cared about "morals," then Black people would not have been forced to endure 250 years of slavery, 90 years of Jim Crow, 60 years of separate but equal, and 35 years of state-sanctioned redlining, and on-going acts of discrimination, forced incarceration, and genocide.

If the United States actually cared about "morals," after the Mexican-American War (1846–1848), the U.S. would not have annexed much of the current Southwestern region from Mexico, and Mexicans who remained would not have been subject to discrimination.

After actively separating Black children from their parents during 250 years of slavery, if the United States actually cared about "morals," then the United States would not continue to actively separate Black children from their parents by:

1. Fabricating a "War On Drugs" to intentionally target the destruction of the Black family: The traditional Black family no longer exists, and was destroyed in part by a so-called "War on Drugs" that remains skewed to target, arrest, convict, and incarcerate more Black men per 100,000 residents than any other ethnic or racial group. "Marriage rates have fallen for all groups since the 1960s, but more sharply for Blacks than for whites. In 1960, 74% of white adults were married, as were 61% of black adults. By 2011, the Black marriage rate had fallen to 56% that of the white rate: 55% of whites were married, compared with 31% of blacks." Source: Pew Research.

2. Intentionally destroying the Black family: As documented in a survey of nearly 11,000 women from July 24, 2002 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and reported by Laura Meckler of The Associated Press: Black women are least likely to marry and most likely to divorce, with more than half splitting within 15 years. Black women are significantly less likely to marry than White women. By age 30, 81 percent of White women have been married, whereas only 52 percent of Black women. The report notes one explanation, that there are fewer Black men considered marriage material, given their high rates of unemployment, incarceration, and highest death rate in the United States. When it comes to marriage, Black relationships have been the exception, not the norm.

If the United States actually cared about "morals," during the Great Depression (1929 and 1939) the United States would not have deported over 1,000,000 Mexicans, which included Mexicans who were U.S. citizens!

If the United States actually cared about "morals," it would not have authorizedOperation Wetbackwhich deported 1,490,776 illegal immigrants back to Mexico between 1954 and 1962.

If the United States actually cared about "morals," at least 597 Mexicans would not have been lynched between 1848 and 1928 (conservative estimate due to lack of records for many reported lynchings). Mexicans were lynched at a rate of 27.4 per 100,000 of population between 1880 and 1930, second only to the lynchings of Black people during that period of 37.1 per 100,000 population. Between 1848 to 1879, Mexicans were lynched at an unprecedented rate of 473 per 100,000 of population. Source:

Unfortunately, it remains the established practice of the United States to "pick and chose" whatever social "morals" it aligns with or laws it will enforce. What, you still need proof? Here, watch this:

Sarah Root, 21, from Omaha, Nebraska was killed on January 31, 2016. Her SUV was rear-ended by Eswin Mejia, an illegal alien from Honduras, who was street racing. Sarah had just graduated from Bellevue University with a 4.0 GPA the day before she passed away. Omaha is in Douglas County, Nebraska which has sanctuary policies that impede local law enforcement’s ability to cooperate with ICE officers. Mejia was charged with motor vehicular homicide but posted bond to get out of jail and was released. He is still on the run.

And watch this . . .

On May 6th 2017 on the way back from DisneyLand, Ingrid Lake's car was struck by a drunk driver. The accident severely injured her 6 year old son Lennox. The driver of the vehicle Constantino Banda Acosta, was previously deported over 15 times before the accident. This accident has forever altered the Lake family.

FACT: U.S. citizens could not be killed or injured by illegal immigrants it they were not here in the first place. Duh.

QUESTIONS: If Mexico was serious about controlling illegal immigration, why doesn't Mexico stop people from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, etc. from illegally entering Mexico? Duh. If Mexico was serious about controlling illegal immigration into the United States, why aren't Mexican troops stationed on the Mexican side of the border to prevent the illegal exodous of Mexicans and others into the United States. Duh.

ANSWER: Because Mexico is as corrupt as many South American nations. Watch this . . .

PROBLEM: Foreigners are constantly coming to the United States seeking prosperity and a "good life," or as freedom seeking refugees to escape organized crime or political unrest.

QUESTION 1: What can be done to provide economic opportunities in struggling countries, and prevent people from fleeing their native countries to escape organized crime or political unrest?

QUESTION 2: If the United States is immediately responsible for enabling foreigners to achieve prosperity and a "good life" in their native countries, how exactly might this be done?




SOLUTION OPTION #1: Under the direction of Mexico, and in concert with all members of the United Nations Security Council, an international military coalition of combined army, navy, and air force will be formed to conduct a global "War Against Drugs," which will aggressively locate, occupy, and eliminate all organized crime in Mexico and other South American nations involved in organized crime and drug trafficking. If you don't "play to win" you don't win. War strategy is very simple. History shows, in the absence of genocide, many if not most people will continue to fight, even using guerrilla warfare tactics (Vietnamese) to ultimately win. You must "clean house" to win a war.


1. Establish an overwhelming international military force of 500,000 or more to simultaneously encircle the entire nation of Mexico. Then, by constantly moving inward from the north, south, east, and west each quadrant will be painstakingly searched and cleansed of all elements of organized crime. This military campaign is exceptionally pervasive in scope and execution.


Why? Because "they"
want the United States
to clean-up their mess;
so, okay, we will!

2. The mission is "to destroy all aspects of organized crime, and kill or capture, if possible, all persons involved in such.” Most importantly, Mexican citizens identified and validated as non-combatants don’t have to leave their homes, and will be provided with transportation to safe areas that will accept refugees on a temporary basis. However, war means destruction and killing, and people will be killed or possibly captured if they are aligned with organized crime and drug trafficking. You must "clean house" to win a war.

3. If people aligned with organized crime or drug trafficking would like to avoid their complete and utter destruction, they should immediately surrender all weapons and drug paraphernalia to the military authorities.

Just think for a minute. If "we" significantly reduce or eliminate organized crime and drug trafficking in Mexico and other countries, the result would be a positive domino impact on the nation state economies of Mexico, the United States, and many other countries. You significantly reduce or eliminate the need or desire for people to move when their financial and social needs (family, culture, etc.) are being met where they live. What's wrong with that?

SOLUTION OPTION #2: As approved by Congress, the U.S. will:

1. As with Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, negotiate with Mexico for its annexation to become a U.S. Commonwealth, and subsequently enforce U.S. federal law upon the Commonwealth of Mexico including the use of U.S. military to target and eliminate organized crime; and to promote commonwealth-based and local economic prosperity aggressively work with Fortune 500 companies and lobbyists to establish enterprise zones throughout Mexico; or

2. Negotiate with Mexico to become the 52nd U.S. State and with Puerto Rico to become the 51st U.S. State; and subsequently enforce U.S. federal law upon the State of Mexico including the use of U.S. military to target and eliminate organized crime; then, to promote state-based and local economic prosperity aggressively work with Fortune 500 companies and lobbyists to establish enterprise zones throughout Mexico and Puerto Rico;

As reported by, the United States has the world's largest trade deficit. It's been that way since 1975. The deficit in goods and services was $566 billion in 2017. Imports were $2.895 trillion and exports were only $2.329 trillion. Mexico is the United States third largest trading partner:

1. China - $636 billion traded with a $375 billion deficit.

2. Canada - $582 billion traded with an $18 billion deficit.

3. Mexico - $557 billion traded with a $71 billion deficit.

4. Japan - $204 billion traded with a $69 billion deficit.

5. Germany - $171 billion traded with a $65 billion deficit.

By annexing Mexico as a commonwealth of the U.S. or establishing Mexico as a state:

(a) the trade deficit with Mexico would no longer exist;

(b) given Mexico's closer proximity to the U.S., products can be produced more cheaply in Mexico than in China;

(c) the U.S. could create more businesses and jobs in the State of Mexico, which would reduce or eliminate the need or desire for people to leave Mexico to secure their financial success;

(d) with Mexico as a U.S. commonwealth or State, the U.S. could reduce the trade deficit with China, because more products would be produced within the "new" United States.

(e) the southern border of the United States would no longer be shared with the current nation of Mexico - a largely uncontrollable 1,960 mile expanse of the Rio Grande river and related terrain; but reduced to the much smaller and controllable 276 km (171 miles) border of Belize and the 958 km (595 miles) border of Guatemala.

SOLUTION OPTION #3: As with the spread of the Vietnam War into Cambodia and Laos, and due to Mexico's failure to stop the spread of organized crime and illegal immigration into the United States, the U.S. Congress declares war against Mexico; unilaterally invades Mexico; and strategically targets all persons and places aligned with organized crime or drug trafficking. You must "clean house" to win a war.

Given the aforementioned, you might not like the tactics, but it's clearly possible to "fix" the immigration problem. But it takes leadership and commitment to create change, and such characteristic are not evident in the current U.S. Congress. As a candidate for President, Donald Trump clearly established his plan to reduce or eliminate illegal immigration, and he has not deviated from core elements of his plan. His reputation in this regard continues to intimidate or scare or anger many, especially those who want to maintain the "immigration status quo." Sadly, anyone who advocates "we" confine management of immigration to the rule of law is labled a cold-blooded racist. For the kind of deceitful "leadership" President Obama provided, watch the video at right.

Just like candidate Trump, as Governor of California, Ronald Reagan established a no-nonsense record of dealing with civil unrest and crime. Accordingly, immediately prior to being elected POTUS, a no-nonsense candidate Reagan repeatedly said he would bomb Iran and send troops to free American hostages in Iran. Acting President Carter repeatedly failed to free the American hostages. However, within hours of being elected POTUS, Iran voluntarily freed all American hostages - because they knew President Reagan was serious about bombing them off the face of the planet and sending in U.S. troops to conduct clean-up operations. NEWS FLASH: President Trump was serious too! Conversely, President Biden is not.

How did
President Obama "handle"
illegal immigration?
How ignorant is U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on immigration? Is this the future of
"law enforcement"
throughout the U.S.?



As with President Bill Clinton's "message" in the video at right, TALK IS CHEAP, as validated by actually doing nothing.

So, in the absence of enforcement of immigration law, if a million illegal immigrants storm the U.S. border this year, which dramatically spirals to five million immigrants next year, is the U.S. OBLIGATED to take these people in, provide food, clothing, medical care, transportation, and housing indefinitely, and then RAISE YOUR LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL TAXES to pay for this . . . unscheduled, unplanned . . . altruism?


By the way, did you know the rate of unemployment for illegal immigrants is less the rate of unemployment for actual citizens of the United States of America, especially for Black people? Yeah, oh, yeah, here's the data:

Yeah, oh, yeah, here's the data:

To recap, if you believe it's okay to have sanctuary cities, open borders, and laws that give preferential treatment to illegal immigrants:

1. Email me your home address. Yes, I'm serious. Send it to:

2. Permanently unlock both the front and back doors of your house or apartment, and throw away the keys. Oh, I'll need your car keys too, so leave your keys out on the kitchen table or counter! Expect some uninvited house guests.

I double, double-dog dare you!

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds


P.S. #1 - With the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States of American, we finally have crystal clear clarity on how to effectively manage immigration. Most importantly, we now have leadership at the executive branch of government on how to manage the crisis at the southern border with Mexico. The following graphic truly explains it all.

P. S. #2 - Conversely, this is how Nebraska's judicary correctly handle illegal immigation.

Source: America’s toughest road to asylum runs through the Omaha immigration court

Source: America’s toughest road to asylum runs through the Omaha immigration court

Reynolds' Rap
June 10, 2018
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First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.