Genius is easy to recognize when . . .

"Genius" is easy to recognize when . . . you see it!
"Genius" of talent is easy to recognize when . . . you hear it!
"Genius" of talent is easy to recognize when . . . you listen!
"Genius" is easy to recognize when . . . you discover it!
"Genius" is easy to recognize when . . . you're thrilled by it!
"Genius" is easy to recognize when . . . you're amazed by it!
"Genius" is easy to recognize when . . . even differences don't matter!
"Genius" is easy to recognize when . . . experiencing unbridled talent!
"Genius" is easy to recognize when . . . watching the sober Foster Brooks!
"Genius" is easy to recognize when . . . it's "beastly" candid and unfiltered!
"Genius" is easy to recognize when . . . you experience the brilliance of wit.
"Genius" is easy to recognize when . . . the truth is unbridled!
Listen to the "musical genius" of Sarah Vaughn!
Listen to the "genius" of John Wayne on "human nature!"

"You see, you learn something when you listen to old people. They ain’t fools, see. You don’t get to be old by being no fool, see. A lot of young wise men are deader than a motherf**ker, ain’t they?" (Mudbone, Intro) -

The Genius of Richard Pryor

Bottom line, "genius" comes in all people, all living things, and in all kinds of shapes, sizes, colors, and even for persons many perceive as mentally and/or physically disadvantaged. Some people want you to believe that absolutely nothing about you is "genius material," and no aspect of your life is worthy of recognition, brilliance, or even the simple courtesy of respect. If you're not using your "genius" to improve your life and the life of others . . . then clearly, you're not that smart, and you're definitely not a genius!

So, please, do yourself and others a favor and tap into your genius!


I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
September 25, 2024
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