Why are dogs more honest than humans?


These three-(3) dogs all live together under the same roof, and are all kind, non-aggressive, however . . .

Male, 11-Years old
Male, 1-Year old
Female, 11-Years old

FOOD: Doesn't care if anyone watches him eat; will pretty much eat anything; and will "cut-in" and move Berry and Bunny out of the way to eat their food.

When on a leash, will immediately stop, and wait for the human to untangle the leash; occasionally likes to bark at other dogs.

TERRITORIAL: If a door is open, then access is his to pursue. No matter where he might be, when its time to eat, Terry's internal alarm clock always goes off. However, Terry is compliant when directed to "respect" the territorial space of Berry or Bunny.

FOOD: Requires someone to watch him eat; will pretty much eat anything, including Terry and Bunny's food if left unattended; likes to have fun at-all-times!

Is evasive to prevent being on a leash; then, when leashed thoroughly enjoys sniffing at everything and nibbling on whatever; gregarious; curious about his surroundings.

TERRITORIAL: If a door is open, then access is his to pursue. However, Berry is compliant when directed to "respect" the territorial space of Terry or Bunny.

FOOD: Doesn't want anyone (human or dog) to watch her eat; very private and will stop eating if being watched; will not eat Terry or Berry's unattended food.

WALKS: No lease is required or desired. Whether leashed or unleashed is skittish about people and other dogs; perfers to be left alone, an introvert and independent; thoroughly enjoys sniffing at everything, curious about her surroundings.

TERRITORIAL: If a door is open, no matter, she'll stay in her "safe zone." Bunny has no interest to invade the territorial space of Terry or Berry.


1. These three-(3) dogs, of different breeds (i.e, racial goups, genders - get it?), have three-(3) very distinct personalities, which cannot be ignored. Accordingly, it's very easy to understand and to anticipate what they like or dislike, what they'll do or won't do.

2. They live together, without being aggressive to each other. They don't bark at each other. They don't snip at each other. There's no drama, because "we," including the humans that care for these dogs all understand our roles, our responsibilities, our limitations, our expectations of each other. Life is simple.

3. These three-(3) "domesticated" dogs all bark in a joyfull welcoming annoucement everytime their human "partner" comes home, or to announce whenever an inappropriate person approaches their residence. Yes, it gets kinda noisey when three dogs start barking at the same time.

4. These three-(3) "domesticated" dogs have never been observed reading the Bible (Christians), Torah (Jews), or Quran (Muslims), or aligned to any organized religion; nor have they ever been affiliated with Republicans, or conservatives, or the "far right," or Democrats, or liberals, or the progressive left, or any socio-political organizations.

5. Yes, some dogs, like other animals, whether carnivorous or not (insects, wolves, tigers, lions, bears, gorillas, hawks, etc.) are naturally inclined to: (1) prey and feed on other animals; (2) protect their territory from competition and outsiders; (3) protect their young, family, etc., or (4) to establish paternal, maternal, or organizational hierarchy. The aforementioned "cycle of life" has always existed. However, "domesticated" dogs like Terry, Berry, and Bunny reek of "pacifism."


Civil - (1) [ attrib. ] of or relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters: civil aviation; (2) courteous and polite: we tried to be civil to him.



Why in this world of today
Must men fight and kill for play?
Why in this time and place,
Must men hate and destroy grace?
Why do Black and White men fight,
Knowing that its just not right?
Man, who is said to be superior
Compared to animals he's inferior!
Animals of different colors get along,
So why can't man - who's said to be strong?
Is this world such a bad place
That men hate their own race?
Why do teenagers rebel and hate,
Take pot and put their lives at stake?
Why is there a thirst for power...
Black, White, equality shower!
What's the use of cursing names,
Nigger, pecker, they're all the same!
When did the world start this turmoil,
Replacing love with lusts of hate?
Why is sex a desire of play
Practiced by the youth of today?
When will the world get back on its feet,
And replace the hate with a righteous beat?
I ask you...why?

©1963 Trip Reynolds



I wrote the above poem as I prepared as one of a handful of Black students to attend a previously all White elementary school. I was ten years of age.

Just like dogs, human beings also have different kinds of personalities, but unlike dogs, acceptance of diversity and independence is perpetually eradicated via colonialism, genocide, racism, sexism, oppression, discrimination, authoritarianism, dictatorships, oligarchies, plutocracies, etc. After thousands, and thousands, and thousands, and thousands of years of human history, and the progressive evolution of what we know to be "civilization," how come "civilized" human beings are less "civil" than Terry, Berry, and Bunny?

I ask you, why? Why are dogs more honest than humans?

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
June, 18, 2022
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First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.