The Joy of Being Black

Watch this, Part 1.
Watch this, Part 2.
Paul Mooney: Jesus Is Black, So Was Cleopatra
- Know Your History

A white woman was making a chocolate cake.
She turned her back, her little boy took the chocolate and rubbed it all over his face and said,
"Look mommy, I'm black!" She slapped the shit out of him and said, "Go tell your father what you did."

He goes to his father and said, "Look daddy I'm black!"
He took his belt and beat his ass." Now, go tell your grandfather."

"Look grandpa I'm black!"
He took a switch out and beat his ass. "Go back to your mama."

His mother said, "What did you learn today?"
"I learned that I've been black for five minutes and already hate you white motherfuckers!

Paul Mooney

Mexicans volunteered to come here to work for quarters;
we were forced to come here to work for free,
underline the "free" for five hundred years, free!

Paul Mooney


In the wake of your laughter,
please be very serious about this:

"We have the power of numbers, the power of organization, and the power of spirit. Let me explain what I mean. Sixteen million people are a force to be reckoned with, and indeed there are many nations in the U.N. whose numbers are less."
Paul Robeson
Source: "Here I Stand" © 1958 by Paul Robeson
(Legendary Black American athlete, bass baritone concert artist,
stage and film actor, and political activist), page 92, fifth paragraph


"How long are you gonna sit around begging White people to do for us when we have the power to do for ourselves?"
Minister Louis Farrakhan

Integration doesn't mean a
damn thing unless you OWN it!™

Trip Reynolds

Integration into White society has NOT and will NOT end the perpetual racism and oppression used by "elite," politically powerful and affluent White people against Black people.


Muhammad Ali intervied by David Frost in 1974



I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
November 19, 2023
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