go to hell!

Black people have more than enough negative crap to deal with such as the perpetual existence of systemic racism as strategically engineered by White people through 250 years of slavery, 90 years of Jim Crow, 60 years of separate but equal, 35 years of state-sanctioned redlining, and racism, oppression, incarceration, and the perpetual "open season" to shoot and kill unarmed Black people . . . than to deal with a pseudo-Black civil rights organization that's intentionally pro-marxist, decidedly LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX-ish, and anti-family, and anti-men.

Yes, "Black Lives Matter," but its blatantly deceitful to use my "Blackness" as a political tool to achieve an agenda that:

1. Does not represent the values, character, scope, and richness of my "Blackness" and my humanity for all people;

2. Uses my "Blackness" to falsely condemn and exploit all White people for the atrocities of their ancestors;

3. Yet again, elevates the Johnny-come-lately civil rights of the LGBTQIBPP+QAAPX over the civil rights of Native Americans, Black people, disabled, legal immigration, etc.

4. Establishes a racial hierarchy placing Black lives "first," while blatantly ignoring the genocide, racism, and oppression of Native Americans, and the systemic racism and systemic sexism against Asians, Latinos, and poor White people;

5. Falsely condemns, devalues, castrates, and oppresses all men for the atrocities of their ancestors;

6. Fails to deliver a detailed, realistic, measurable, and achievable solution to immediately mitigate and strategically eliminate the existence of systemic racism and systemic sexism; and

7. Fails to hold Black people accountable for not collectively pursuing and achieving success without integration and without the assistance of White people.

"How long are you gonna sit around begging White people to do for us when we have the power to do for ourselves?"
Minister Louis Farrakhan

How long?

At best, the BLM organization only whines, nags, and complains about "social injustice" to Black people while pointing fingers at the "evils" of capitalism, the "evils" of White people, and the "evils" of men - all while offering absolutely no realistic solution that empowers Black people and other people of color, and women, without falsely condemning and exploiting White people who had/have no immediate involvement in systemic racism and systemic sexism.

Conversely, the Black Panther Party did not whine, it had a clearly defined Ten-Point Program it was actively (boots on the ground) pursuing, until COINTELPRO and other initiatives were created by the FBI and other entities to "neutralize" organizations it unilaterally deemed as ". . . Black nationalist hate groups" or dissident groups, such as Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC); and the Nation of Islam, which has consistently pursued its own Black agenda, "What the Muslims Want" and "What Muslims Believe."

Instead of taking action to work cooperatively and build a truly powerful coalition with the combined resources of all existing pro-Black and pro-civil rights organizations (NAACP, SCLC, Urban League, ACLU, etc.) that collectively hold more knowledge, more experience, and more financial and networking resources, the BLM organization is pursuing a left-leaning political agenda that does NOT strategically create political power for Black people, a left-leaning political agenda that does NOT strategically generate economic wealth for Black people, and a left-leaning political agenda that does NOT strategically improve access to education for Black people. BLM offers absolutely no plan, but only political rhetoric. Yada, yada, yada.

"We are trained marxists!"
Patrisse Cullors

Despite the perpetual existence of systemic racism and systemic sexism, there's absolutely nothing wrong with people, without regard to sex or gender, pursuing their dreams to make as much money as possible, which is both the challenge and beauty of capitalism. Unfortunately, as reported by, nearly 80% of U.S. workers live paycheck-to-paycheck. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of U.S. workers will continue to live paycheck-to-paycheck if capitalism is not "elevated" to improve the socio-economic status of all people. BLM does not empower the socio-economic improvement of Black people, instead, it only gives more fire to create even greater adversity with White people, while continuing to paint Black people as perpetual victims.
"I Don't Support Black Lives Matter,
It's Not Our Movement!"

Lord Jamar

Marxism is not the answer, because the right of the individual to "freely" pursue ideas and achieve objectives is lost. Plus, due to police brutality, racism, and oppression, many Black people already live in a "police state," a state of "fear," and marxism, socialism, authoritarianism, etc., offer nothing new. Many billionaires have committed to giving away much of their wealth, but philanthropy is not the answer, because it functions as yet another extension of the control of private power and special interests over Black people. Instead, it's infinitely better to empower "all" people by providing access to open markets and access to financial and governmental resources than to just "give" people money. Sadly, it's the practice for the overwhelming majority of non-minorities to successfully use money, discrimination, oppression, redlining, zoning laws, income level, education, poverty, segregation, religion, and sexism to prevent access.

The socialist agenda proposed by is NOT the answer to capitalism; and more importantly, capitalism should NOT function as a pseudo-slavery form of business and/or government. Capitalism can and should become more "inclusive" by:

1. eliminating all race-based and sex-based legislation;

2. providing all people with access to open markets and access to financial and governmental resources; and

3. Establish it is a federal capital crime to discriminate against "PEOPLE" for something for which they have no control such as their race, sex, age, ethnicity, creed, national origin, veteran status, pregnancy, disability, etc., and most importantly, upon conviction sentencing will mirror all capital felonies such as murder, mass murder, aggravated cases of rape, child rape, child sexual abuse, terrorism, treason, espionage, sedition, offences against the State, such as attempting to overthrow government, piracy, aircraft hijacking, drug trafficking, drug dealing, etc. Bottom line: To deny someone of their "potential" because of their race, sex, age, ethnicity, creed, national origin, veteran status, pregnancy, disability, etc., is a heinous crime, equivalent to murder and rape.






The loss of Black lives is tragic, but we represent more than just the loss of life by the hands of police, and sadly but equally important, the loss of life by the hands of other Black people.

"We" matter as the oldest people on the planet, as the most physically diverse people on the planet, as the most ethnically and culturally diverse, and so much, much more, which doesn't make us better than other races, but proud and humble to be the starting point for humanity. That's our claim and heritage, which is why BLACK PEOPLE MATTER.



The humanity, intelligence, worth, values, character, scope, and richness of "Blackness" is entirely lost in the narrowmindedness, and skewed narcissistic political agenda of the Black Lives Matter organization.

I have absolutely no desire to monetize the "idealism" represented by "Black People Matter" T-shirts. Nevertheless, someone most definitely will, which is exactly what Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi have done with their "Black Lives Matter" organization. You do see the contradiction, the hypocrisy of devout marxists using capitalism to sway the public to their paradigm don't you?

I welcome your feedback.

Trip Reynolds

Reynolds' Rap
August 26, 2020
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