In February 1997, Hofstra University issued a "CALL FOR PAPERS" to historians, academicians, entertainers and all persons interested in commenting on the cultural impact of Frank Sinatra's career. My paper was one of a select few chosen for presentation at the conference on Friday, November 13, 1998.

"The Odyssey" of my painting of Frank Sinatra chronicles how I became interested in the music of Mr. Sinatra (watch the video below) and presents the history of my original painting in celebration of his career. For me, Frank Sinatra is truly the quintessential musician - the standard by which all popular vocalists are measured! At the conference I had the pleasure of meeting accomplished artists such as LeRoy Neiman, Robert Berks, and Steve Kaufman (see program below). I was greatly honored by Hofstra University and The Sinatra Estate for this opportunity. Again, thank you very much!

In 2002, I wrote an original screenplay based on "The Odyssey" and I am pursuing production. Consequently, proprietary considerations involving the screenplay prohibit its availability on this web site.

Hofstra University will be publishing the conference volumes (papers) sometime in 2003 or 2004. Please contact and support Hofstra University by inquiring about the availability and purchase of the conference publication.